21 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Christians who fight the jew, jewish hate & hypocrisy, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, jews jewing jewily, loxism, radio at 6:43 am | Permanent Link

The global mafia that is Judaism is described in the latest Roman Catholic Report. E. Michael Jones and crew discuss the way the hate rabbis, to be redundant, phone up his hosts to smear him and get them to drop his lectures. The general mentality and M.O. of the SPLC and similar terrorists is described – their shadowy operations involving informants and reputation terrorism.

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21 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Christianity, Nazi era, Nazis at 6:36 am | Permanent Link

Himmler’s quest for the Holy Grail failed to find ‘Aryan origins’ of Jesus

By Graham Keeley

BARCELONA – Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Nazi SS, made a secret war-time mission to an abbey in Spain in search of what he believed was the “Aryan” Holy Grail, a new book claims.

Himmler visited the Monserrat Abbey near Barcelona where he thought he would find the Grail which Jesus Christ was said to have used to consecrate the Last Supper.

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21 February, 2007

Posted by alex in book reviews, books, Donald Day, VNN Staff, World War II at 6:22 am | Permanent Link

By VNN Staff

February 2007

Onward Christian Soldiers: 1920-1942: Propaganda, Censorship and One Man’s Struggle to Herald the Truth (Torrance, CA.; The Noontide Press, 1982, 203 pages, softcover)

The American journalist Donald Day (1896-1966) is an interesting and important figure for White nationalists to study. He was a “mainstream” news reporter who had years of personal and professional experience when it came to such topics as Jews and World War II. Indeed, as Day himself observes in his book, a journalist comes into contact with far more – and far more varied – people in his business than probably any other type of citizen. In other words, Day had a unique window through which to observe people and events that most of the public didn’t have. He often got his facts first-hand from well-connected people.

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21 February, 2007

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa, Semitical Correctness at 6:14 am | Permanent Link

The origin of everything the average White hates traces back to the jew and his insistence that everyone believe and act exactly as he dictates.

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21 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Russia at 5:20 am | Permanent Link

White Revolt in Southern Russia

By Venedus the Russian

Russian alternative media sources have been awash this past week with reports of a genuine uprising by ethnic Russians in the immigrant-saturated Stavropol region of Southern Russia.

Tensions began to mount when a Cossack citizen militia leader was assaulted with a firearm in a parking lot of the town of Novoalexandrovsk on Tuesday, February 13. The 36-year old Andrey Hanin received two or, according to some reports, three bullet wounds to his head and was hospitalized in critical condition. He remained in coma for a number of days until succumbing to his injuries on Saturday.

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20 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Canada, free-speech martyrs, Zundel at 6:43 pm | Permanent Link

This Canadian column is a classic in the annals of modern journalism. Glib repetition of the party line is all that is necessary for a column these days. No insight, no cleverness, no knowledge is needed to be a modern journalist. Just the Party Line, and willingness to enforce it. Women make the best modern journalists. They open their cluckers and the rest comes natural. It never occurs to a woman that questions are settled by fact rather than fashion.

The woman-journalist of 2007, who cares more about the figure she cuts than anything she writes, laughs at a man who is stuck in prison for holding the wrong opinion. You might think that the journalist would side with the right of a man to speak his mind, but if you did, you’d merely betray your failure to understand the conditions under which modern journalists are employed. They are told that they enjoy free speech, but must use it responsibly. Being women, even the men, the contradiction doesn’t bother them. Free speech means everybody agrees on what can’t be said. This makes sense to women and women-men. So Ernst Zundel eats bread and water while Cockburn cackles.

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20 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 12:36 am | Permanent Link

Archive of last Monday’s Free Talk Live with Bill White is now available for download.


19 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 1:05 am | Permanent Link

Show concluded.
New start time this week only: 8 PM CST / 9 PM EST.

James Hawthorne hosts this Monday’s edition of FTL.

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19 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville at 12:01 am | Permanent Link

[From Kirksville Today…]

February 19, 2007 @ 2:41 pm · Filed under Uncategorized · Edit

Scene: Wal-mart

Time: noon on a Monday

Your reporter is in line, waiting to check out a small purchase. Ahead of him is a middle-aged woman. No ring on her finger. Trying to use her WIC checks to buy some food. Food for her 150-pound nine-year-old mulatto, an ugly, pudgy larval DMV jemima. The kid is whining and screaming. Drops to the floor mewling for some kind of sugar dope. Hawks up a loogie and spits at her white mother. “You’re grounded from Wal-mart for a month.” In about three years, this baby black beast will be big enough to beat up the mother who made the eternal mistake of hooking up with a nigger.


16 February, 2007

Posted by Stan in Free Talk Live at 6:48 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

The Friday Night Edition of FreeTalkLive with Dietrich.

Broadcast begins at 7PM EST with music and some interesting clips from the week in news. Live broadcast begins at 9PM EST.

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