1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Fred Reed at 3:01 am | Permanent Link

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1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, conservatism, conservatives, Neocons at 2:32 am | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

Let’s run down Kirk’s list and see how Curbyshire stacks up.

1) belief in natural law

This includes self-defense. Jim Crow, which can stand for racialism as integral to conservatism, Curbyshire specifically rejects. Whites must face nigger depredation as individuals. As they are picked off, see Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, among millions of others, real conservatives will avert their gaze and cap their pens. The jews don’t want the cost of integration known. Yes, sir, right away, sir, says Butler Curbyshire. “You’ll hear no talk of Christian and Newsom from me, Sir.” As the man says, he is a coward. But he is not a conservative, according to me and Kirk and common sense. Whites enjoy the natural right to defend themselves as a group. From Indians in the 1600s, to niggers and jews in the 21st century. He who would deny that right while arrogating the right to speak as conservative is to be scored and scourged.

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1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Britain, conservatives, media criticism at 12:45 am | Permanent Link

Classic article, absolute classic, in which Brit ex-pat John Derbyshire admits he’s basically a cur content with table scraps. What good is the truth if telling it lowers your social status? Reasoning doesn’t get any more British than that.

He rationalizes to himself that avoiding the truth about the evil kikes running our nation somehow allows National Review to keep alive the conservative flame. To anyone who’s read NR in the last twenty years – i.e., since the neocons took it over for good – that statement must be as bizarre as his open admission of cowardice is contemptible.

There ain’t one thing on the jews’ agenda — aggressive  war on Muslims abroad and on Whites at home — that is conservative.

What a coward. What a cur. What a Briton.

And the funny part is, he’s on the wrong side of history. The jews are going down. And when they’re on the ash heap, their appeasers like Curbyshire will be looked at by re-normalized Whites as exactly what they are: cowards and collaborators.

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1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Arboreal Americans, Curt Maynard, video at 12:02 am | Permanent Link

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28 February, 2007

Posted by alex in economy, Edgar Steele, Financial Column, stock markets at 11:14 pm | Permanent Link

by Edgar J. Steele

My name is Edgar J. Steele.

Aren’t you glad you hold physical silver? Sure it went down today – what’s more, it is getting really pasted in the overseas markets this evening. I hope it really dumps and gets down below $10 an ounce. Doubt that will happen, though. Probably $12 and change is the most we could possibly hope for, but bouncing off $14 seems more likely.

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28 February, 2007

Posted by alex in blogs, websites of interest, White thought, WN primer at 10:45 pm | Permanent Link

28 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Israel at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

Israel’s Surge of Despair
Gregory Levey — Salon
http://www.salon.com/n ews/feature/2007/02/15/israel_despair/index_np.html

… And this sense of depression is not only permeating the Israeli public. A series of recent interviews with current and former Israeli government officials revealed a level of pessimism across the Israeli government that is unprecedented in recent decades. Several senior officials acknowledged unequivocally that Israel lost the war against Hezbollah, and confirmed that this is a widely held view inside the Israeli government — despite many public pronouncements to the contrary by Israeli leaders … The level of gloom inside the Israeli government is accompanied by a creeping sense of paralysis — one that could be dangerous not just for Israel, but for U.S. interests in the region, and for the Middle East as a whole.



28 February, 2007

Posted by alex in Asians, nig-truthin' at 3:21 am | Permanent Link

Those Asians can be intelligent. This particular Yellow Power advocate comes up with a couple neat twists on anti-niggerism, in which belief, it is unnecessary to say, he is completely justified. Everyone hates niggers. That’s the fault of the niggers. Not the everyone. Works with jews, too.

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27 February, 2007

Posted by alex in James Hawthorne at 6:00 pm | Permanent Link

Direct mp3 download: am021807.mp3

Shownotes: here

Podcast: here

Visit James Hawthorne’s blog.

27 February, 2007

Posted by alex in graphics/toons at 4:52 pm | Permanent Link

Some of you may recall this old one, retooled…

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