6 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Canada, VNN controlled media appearances at 11:33 pm | Permanent Link

I spoke to this guy in late 2006 on the phone. He claims to be named Ron Friedman (jew), a journalism student in Vancouver. I don’t know if he’s illiterate, but I’m not, so I guess he was too busy to type accurately or else doesn’t understand ordinary English.

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6 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Max Hadden, videos at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

By Max Hadden

Documentary on Nazi Weapon Technology

This brief clip from an excellent documentary on German technology in WW2 and the surprisingly fair (for a change) commentary by a British announcer about the many firsts achieved by the German Luftwaffe (air weapons/air force) is quite remarkable. The announcer also lays to rest unwarranted criticisms of Hitler.

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6 March, 2007

Posted by alex in jew mentality, nukes at 5:22 pm | Permanent Link


Should Paranoid, Supremacist People Possess Nukes?

Some years ago, there was a psychological study which showed that Jewish babies react very fearfully when a stranger approaches them. Of course, the results of that study don’t surprise us. The Jews, as an ethnic group, are so paranoid that they invent grand fables, and attempt to remake the cultures of entire countries, in order to keep themselves “safe” from the “anti-Semitism” created by their own negative behaviors.

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6 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 4:39 pm | Permanent Link


A woman in her 30s was attacked early Monday morning by a man wielding a knife as she headed for her car in a parking garage in Oslo’s Sagene district.

The woman was attacked in this garage in Oslo’s Sagene district early Monday morning.

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4 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 10:32 am | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join Geoff Beck Monday night at

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3 March, 2007

Posted by alex in jewing Asia at 2:40 pm | Permanent Link


WMR’s report yesterday on the U.S. naval buildup in Southeast Asia, particularly in Cambodia, coincides with a major Israeli intelligence and weapons smuggling operation in the region.

Israel has been a major, albeit covert, player in Southeast Asia since Israeli multi-billionaire tycoon Shaul Eisenberg began supplying weapons to Cambodia’s genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s.

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2 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join Dietrich tonight.

7:00 PM EST: Music and Sound Bites
9:00 PM EST: Talk

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1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 9:20 am | Permanent Link

Download: GoyFire_49.mp3
Shownotes: vnnforum.com
Archive & Podcast: here
1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Republic, jewed culture at 7:04 am | Permanent Link

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1 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Britain at 7:01 am | Permanent Link

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