15 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

In the 1980s mathematical finance began to be widely used at the Wall Street for the first time. The fallout is still being felt today. Prudential Securities, which for years boasted that “the most important thing we earn is your trust,” apologized for having systematically defrauded hundreds of thousands of investors who bought its limited partnership deals. Banks and insurance companies bankrolled so many new buildings that the excess in commercial property has been worked out only by the year 2000. As we beginning to enter one of the worst era in modern U.S. financial history, it is a good time for a look back. It is not widely recognized, but humanistic profs with mathematical background played an important role in the 1980s debacle, providing theories full of advanced mathematics and statistics to justify some of the worst excesses. One such concept, efficient market theory (EMT), contributed to the damage then and, in its various mutations, continues to do so today.

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14 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 5:34 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join host Whiteman4Whiteland for tonight’s Free Talk Live.

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13 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Curt Maynard, health, medicine at 4:30 pm | Permanent Link

American Health Care is a Happy Meal [Part I]

By Curt Maynard

Have you ever wondered why is it that American children love the McDonald’s Happy Meal so much? After all the food inside is no different than what can be ordered right off the menu, hamburger, chicken nuggets, drink and fries. Is it the toy perhaps? The aesthetically pleasing, brightly colored bag?

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11 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 11:07 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join host Geoff Beck for tonight’s Free Talk Live.

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11 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Canada, Mark Farrell at 2:14 pm | Permanent Link

No “hate” is allowed in Canada–except by Jews!

Preachers go to jail for condemning homosexuality during church services in Canada. Anyone condemning Jews–or doubting the Holocaust (that is so propaganda-laden that it can only be maintained with draconian laws and totalitarian measures)–is similarly arrested for so-called hate crimes there.

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11 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Andrei Kievsky, movie reviews, movies at 1:39 pm | Permanent Link

By Andrei Kievsky

Gay Porn at Wal-Mart; Borat the Movie promoted as “family entertainment”

I rented “Borat” last Friday and got through about 20 minutes of it before turning it off in disgust. The funniest part was the preview where you hit “enter” on the DVD control to start the movie. It had a parody of Soviet music, with a pair of bear heads tilting left and right to the beat. That was kind of funny, but it went downhill from there.

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9 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Rockwell at 5:53 pm | Permanent Link

Join VNN this weekend for the George Lincoln Rockwell memorial broadcast. On 9 March 1918 Commander Rockwell was born. William Pierce has written a fine biography of Rockwell and his role in serving our cause.

Click here to listen:

Visit vnnforum.com thread.

9 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 4:43 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join Dietrich tonight.

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7 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join host Whiteman4Whiteland for tonight’s Free Talk Live.

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7 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Incoming at 4:10 am | Permanent Link

Causing a jew-girl to think. Is that a hate crime?

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