25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, economy, England, Europe, White philosophy at 11:10 pm | Permanent Link

New Labour’s Busted flush

If anyone’s in any doubt about the craven capitulation and betrayal by the multicultural elite…

“Since coming to office nearly seven years ago, Mr. Livingstone has become a symbol of the marriage of the European left and the Islamist right. It’s a marriage of mutual convenience and, at least on one side, actual belief. In the Netherlands, a recent study by the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies found that 80% of immigrants–the overwhelming majority of whom are Muslims–voted for the Labor party in recent elections, while the two main center-right parties received a combined 4% of the immigrant vote. In neighboring Belgium, the left-wing sociologist Jan Hertogen credits immigrants for “[saving] democracy” by voting as a bloc against the secessionist and anti-immigrant Vlaams Belang party.”
Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal 18.03.07

Here’s a more robust response, following the fatal shooting of a Dutchman by a trigger-happy police officer (apparently from an ethnic minority) in Utrecht a week ago:

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25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Local Whiteblogging at 7:35 pm | Permanent Link

Theory und Praxis von Local Whiteblogging: idea here is to build an Aryan Alternative Media network based on wacky concepts such as correct spelling and grammar, factual crime reporting, contextual ‘why’-ing, and complete and utter refusal to obey the taboos of Semitical Correctness. You know? The ones followed to the letter in the Captive Media? making their reports so insipid and predictable? Well everything they are we’re against, and everything they are we aren’t. Read us, love us, join us!

Find the local blog covering your town from the VNN perspective on our list atop VNNFORUM.com, the global gathering place for awakening Whites. One doesn’t exist? Well, why not start one yourself? . . . Introducing the brand-new Florida-based Lee County Today . . .

Legislators Seek to Ban Hurtful Words

In countries like Canada and Germany, it is illegal to utter politically incorrect words. Truth is no longer a defense in such places, where a person can be incarcerated for saying absolutely accurate things that hurt the feelings of protected minorities, homosexuals, transsexuals, Holocaust survivors, etc. Think it can’t happen here, where the First Amendment supposedly gives one the right to say anything, no matter how offensive others may find it? Well, think again. Recently, the City Council of New York City voted to ban the word “nigger” (see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6406625.stm). Not to be outdone by New York, our very own State Senator Frederica Wilson, Democrat of Miami, has introduced a bill that would forbid Florida state officials from using the term “illegal alien” in their documents (see http://www.news-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070227/NEWS01/70227062/1075). Senator Wilson apparently feels that this term is offensive and does not adequately depict the millions of criminals who have broken into our country and are now parasitically feeding on our resources. Perhaps Senator Wilson is right. A person with a little bit of imagination could probably come up with a better term to describe these nation wreckers. Be careful about the words you choose though, or you may soon find yourself looking out from behind the bars of the Lee County Jail. Remember, if you don’t have anything nice to say, just keep your mouth shut, smile, bend over, and enjoy your daily dose of diversity.


[Lee County Today]

25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Alex Linder, black crime, diversity is hate, Finland, hush crimes, Local Whiteblogging at 7:30 pm | Permanent Link

It never ends. Niggers are nothing but land sharks. Governments that allows niggers among their populace are, by that very fact, illegitimate.

[Video through: Detroit Is Crap]

25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Europe, France, Michael O'Meara at 4:20 pm | Permanent Link

By Michael O’Meara

In less than a month, on April 22, the French will
elect their next president.

This election will weigh heavily on France — not just
on the corrupt Judeo-liberal state that bears the
appellation “la République français” — but on French
France — the Gaulish, medieval Christian, racially
white France — that constitutes the core of Europe’s

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25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, David Irving, German nationalists, real history, World War II at 4:12 pm | Permanent Link

British Historian Denies WWII Gassings
By Associated Press

March 23, 2007, 10:57 PM EDT

ROME — British historian David Irving, who was jailed in Austria for questioning the Holocaust, visited the Auschwitz death camp and renewed his claim that there was no proof it had gas chambers during an Italian TV program aired Friday.

In the Sky TG24 documentary program “Controcorrente” (Countercurrent), Irving is filmed walking down the remains of railroad tracks in the former death camp in southern Poland as he insists that engineering techniques back his claims that mass gassings by the Nazis during World War II didn’t occur there.

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25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Australia, free-speech martyrs, Mark Farrell at 11:14 am | Permanent Link

Free Speech Versus Jewish Propaganda in Australia

By Mark Farrell

It is a very strange world today.

A long time ago, if you didn’t believe the earth was flat, you’d suffer for such beliefs, as Galileo Galilei discovered when he proclaimed the earth was indeed round. At the time, the government insisted that you believe the earth was flat, and punished Galileo for his differing beliefs.

Also, if your religious beliefs differed from the main church at one time in much of Europe, you could also be jailed.

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24 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, German nationalists, Michael O'Meara, white nationalism, White philosophy, White plans, White solutions, White thought, Whiteness Studies at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara

Note: The following is an excerpt from a longer,
heavily footnoted article titled “Freedom’s Racial
Imperative: A Heideggerian Argument for the Self
Assertion of Peoples of European Descent,” which
appeared in the fall 2006 issue of The Occidental
. Minor changes have been made for the sake of
this format. Thanks to Dave Cooper for the idea.

Since the Cold War’s end, Heidegger has been the
target of an on-going campaign of stigmatization and
quarantine, for it’s now clear that he was not only an
ardent supporter of the National Revolution of 1933,
but a convinced (though idiosyncratic) National
Socialist. That the greatest philosophical mind of
the 20th century was a Nazi is a scandal, of course.
But, surprisingly, the inquisitors deconstructing the
suspect forces animating Heidegger’s thought stress
that there is “no spoor of biological racism” (George
Steiner) in his published works.

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23 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Free Talk Live at 5:44 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join Dietrich this Friday night.

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23 March, 2007

Posted by alex in economy, Financial Column, George Lenz at 5:43 pm | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

With the recent introduction of the new dollar coin, and reported shortages of pennies, some administration officials and members of Congress have publicly called for elimination of the penny. Thus I decided to look into economic consequences of removing the penny from circulation.

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23 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Paul Craig Roberts at 5:40 pm | Permanent Link

The Strange Fruit of Torture

The first confession released by the Bush regime’s Military
Tribunals–that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed–has discredited the entire process. Writing in Jurist, Northwestern University law professor Anthony D’Amato likens Mohammed’s confession to those that emerged in Stalin’s show trials of Bolshevik leaders in the 1930s.
