15 April, 2007

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Arboreal Americans at 6:36 am | Permanent Link

The coontastic lovingly depicted is a “school administrator.” See, folks, you can call ’em what you like, press degrees into their hands, slip pants onto their lower arms, and shush recalcitrant sniggers, but at the end of the day, ma’am, they aint nuthin but

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14 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, baseball, judeo-communism, sports at 9:58 pm | Permanent Link

Sports is politics by other means.

By Alex Linder

The past few years have seen Major League Baseball (MLB) attempt to turn the first black MLB player into a saint, nay, god. It’s another example of judeo-communism, American style.

Jackie Robinson Day (April 15) is baseball’s MLK day – the day on which baseball does its part to celebrate federally forced race-mixing. After Ken Griffey, black, petitioned jew Bud Selig to wear Robinson’s number, many other players followed suit, including the rosters of at least six full teams. All players will sign their jerseys after Sunday’s games, and turn them over to the Robinson foundation to be auctioned, whether they want to or not.

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14 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville at 12:37 pm | Permanent Link

Includes link to article mentioned on Friday’s FTL, about Long Island Liberianess with 11 children and side business dispensing African animal parts…

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14 April, 2007

Posted by alex in N.B. Forrest at 4:33 am | Permanent Link

Letter sent to that cunt Eleanor Clift:

“Imus’s comment about the women basketball players offered a peek into how at least some of white America thinks, and it’s not pretty.”

Well hey – neither are those basketballers. Imus’ remarks were a visceral reaction to the hideous sight of tattooed she-men. Imus should’ve been praised for his restraint.

“But white men of a certain age are getting to be a minority, and if you’re an advertiser looking at brand identity and bottom line, white men are not a growth industry. That’s the American Way–the power of the marketplace.”

Nahhhh – that’s the power of der judenpresse. Of which you are a particularly revolting functionary.

“He offended women and people of color, and that’s a whole lot of Americans.”

Funny, I know plenty of women, and most agree with him……oh – I see: by “women”, you must mean shriveled-womb feminist heffas like yourself. Got it now.

“A white male friend of mine laughed when I told him my thesis that the stock of white men is in decline.”

Mebbe that was his nervous response to the shuddering orgasm you had when you said it.

“It’s a new world, and Imus didn’t get it.”

Itz a jewed world, and Imus did get it, but he didn’t have the balls to help destroy it.

And destroyed it will be, that I can assure you – in fact, the “new media” you laud for bringing down Imus will be the decisive weapon in itz destruction. The internet is a media kike bypass, and it’s being put to the best use 24 hours a day to awaken the right people – close-mouthed people with brains and the will to apply them. Whites who previously had no alternative to your semitic shit are learning the truth and making connections with their fellow dispossessed; quiet rage is beginning to boil in the hearts of those who know just what to do with it. And when at long last the lid blows, they shall be heard from.

Mark it down, pookie.

N.B. Forrest


14 April, 2007

Posted by alex in German nationalists, Germany at 3:35 am | Permanent Link

Why I am a Member of the NPD

by Constantin von Hoffmeister

The NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany) is the only progressive party in Germany. It is anti-capitalist and socialist. It rejects Marxist mumbo-jumbo but positively accepts the good aspects of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). The former manager of the NPD in Saxony, Juergen Schoen, even exclaimed (in 1998) that “the GDR was the better Germany!” (as opposed to the degenerate Federal Republic of Germany)

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13 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 7:16 pm | Permanent Link

Join Dietrich this Friday night.

7:00 PM EDT: Music and Sound Bites

9:00 PM EDT: Talk

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive
Phone: 660 675 4388

For those with plain old telephones we have a conventional phone number: 660 675 4388, though we prefer skype calls. Regardless, please attempt to send a chat message with skype before calling.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

13 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 5:30 pm | Permanent Link


New Book by Dr. Sunic Examines

America’s National Character

This important new book, Homo Americanus, provides a well-informed and brilliant examination of the American national character. The author, a former US professor and former Croatian diplomat, reviews the country’s founding myths and its legacy of Calvinist Puritanism, boundless economic progress, and self- choseness, and their role in shaping the messianic impulse in US domestic and foreign policy. In modern America, contends Dr. Tomislav Sunic, notions of “democracy,” “multiculturalism, “ “political correctness” and hyper-individualistic “freedom” now threaten the country’s European heritage, and the cultural-ethnic heritage of all peoples. With a foreword by Prof. Kevin MacDonald.

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13 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, double standards, media cases, media control, media criticism, media notes at 6:22 am | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

Yesterday Imus was fired by CBS and MSNBC. Perhaps uncoincidentally, the same day the ADL praised the reintroduction of an “anti-hate” bill to the Senate.

Les Moonves, the jew running CBS, denounced Imus, while ignoring that while he was co-head of the parent company of MTV, he had not the slightest problem with nigger rappers ho-ing it up 24/7/365.

Meanwhile, not a single person has observed that you can hear “white trash” on pretty much any channel every day of the year. How many episodes of sitcoms and dramas, how many feature movies, have been built around mocking Southern Whites? Ten thousand? But a single gibe at hair, the texture and length of which negroes themselves disdain, and a White man must lose his career?

Hate is what coloreds and jews hate: others laughing at them; others telling the truth about them. Free speech is what coloreds and jews like: mocking white boys, crackers, rednecks, Euro- and white trash.

Don’t like it?

Remove the jews and take your country back.

BTW, here’s the educational level of one of the insulted niggeresses, proud Shvartze Knight that she be, Rutgers’ finest, firs’ name Essence:

Not only has Mr. Imus stolen a moment of pure grace from us, but he has brought us to the harsh reality that behind the faces of the networks. They have worked so hard to convey a message and empowerment to young adults that somehow, some way the door has been left open to attack your leaders of tomorrow. [Quote taken from Ilana Mercer column here.]

Do you see that overlooking this edumacated slop of a statement is of a piece with ignoring the burnt, sodomized, quartered corpse of Channon Christian?

Are we to continue the charade until every last one of us is in the ground?

13 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, country music, country music today, Cuntry, media criticism at 3:32 am | Permanent Link

In 2002, People magazine named Keith Suburban the “sexiest he-sheila on the planet.”

By Alex Linder

It would be hard to come up with a more Semitically Correct song sung by a more Semitically Insipid singer than “Stupid Boy” by Keith Urban. Before we look at the song, though, let’s examine the artist. Pardon me, chartist.

Keith Urban is an Australian whose every song is pitched to Today’s Woman, as long as she’s middle class and into romance books in aural form. Urban might as well be Suburban. His songs aren’t so much bad as blah. They are unvaryingly uninteresting. They all seem to involve car trips, too. Some are upbeat, some maudlin, all are lukewarm. As you can see from the pictures, he’s working the girl-with-a-dick angle, and working it hard. And successfully. This guy has sold more records than Jesus and Yanni combined. Look at the hair. The tats. The cut of his under blouse. The wrist wraps. The – ugh, that’s enough. Women just luv the smooth-hewn bad boy, if record sales are to be believed. Just so we get our context right, let’s record that Keith yodels for Capitol Records, which is the Nashville storefront for New York’s EMI, which is one the “big four” companies controlling the music industry. The chance unfiltered emotion would make it through EMI’s filter is precisely the same as the chance of unfiltered political thought making it onto Fox.

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13 April, 2007

Posted by alex in ADL, Alex Linder, comedians, Comedy Central, Daily Show, double standards, press releases, Viacom at 1:07 am | Permanent Link



ADL Expresses Outrage at Racism on Daily Show

ADL National Director Alex Linder today called on Sumner Redstone of Viacom, Comedy Central’s parent company, to fire Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, aka “Jon Stewart,” host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, after he referred to Larry Birkhead, the recently confirmed father of Dannielynn Smith, as “white trash” on his April 11, 2007, broadcast.

[Video – may be temporary]

The Aryan Defense League (ADL) objects in the strongest possible terms to the disparaging of those of European origin, and notes that the practice of referring to those of European descent as ‘white trash,’ ‘Eurotrash,’ and ‘rednecks’ is longstanding at the comedy channel.

“It is long past time Jon Stewart were called to account for his insensitive and stereotypical remarks about Whites,” said Linder. “I urge Redstone to show that the anti-White bigotry called loxism will not be tolerated from a Jewish host on his network any more than he would tolerate a White host making fun of ‘kikes’ or ‘niggers.'”

Linder added: “Ordinary whites make up the bulk of Daily Show viewers and cable subscribers, not to mention the users of products advertised on Viacom. They do not deserve to be ridculed for their heritage, which includes the invention of the very vehicle Sumner Redstone and Jon Stuart Leibowitz use to mock and to profit from them.”


Alex Linder
660 665 8210
[email protected]


The Aryan Defense League is AmeriKwa’s oldest civil rights organization, dedicated to protecting the right of White Americans to live in an environment free of Jewish hate and hostility, also known as loxism.