28 April, 2007

Posted by alex in academia, Socrates, SPLC at 4:55 am | Permanent Link

Never mind the fact that Dr. MacDonald’s observations about Jews are entirely accurate. The authoring of books about Jews isn’t “allowed” in America these days – unless the books bend to Semitical Correctness. Worse, MacDonald can put a “legitimate” face on Jew-truthing-by-gentiles. Can’t have that, says Rabbi Ira Silvergoldbergwitz. America really is the Land of the Jewed. [By the way, a Jew named Joseph Levin, Jr. co-founded the SPLC, and another Jew named J. Richard Cohen is its president and CEO]:


More on MacDonald here: http://www.splcenter.org/intel/news/item.jsp?aid=252&site_area=1

28 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Big Fag, Europe, Poland, Socrates at 4:51 am | Permanent Link

“Homophobia” is an interesting word. It means that a non-homosexual is afraid of homosexuals – which usually isn’t true, no matter how repulsive a straight person might find an ass-burglar. And guess who coined the word “homophobia?” [1]


[1] the word “homophobia”: http://www.pflagdetroit.org/george_weinberg.htm

28 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Congress, guns & goy controllers, Senators, Socrates at 4:48 am | Permanent Link


It’s bad enough that Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg’s 1996 gun law prohibits people who are convicted of misdemeanor crimes from owning firearms [1].

Now, it looks like Lautenberg is at it again, this time by using the “war” on “terror” as a reason for gun prohibition. [A handy word, “terror.” It can be used to justify almost any governmental action. In fact, there is no end in sight to what could be banned or curbed under that catch-all umbrella].

Our question: how long will it be before members of neo-Nazi, Klan or militia groups are described by the government as “domestic terrorists” and prohibited from buying guns? Not long, we guess. Think it can’t happen? Many people believed that the prior Lautenberg legislation wouldn’t become law, either, but it did:


[1] the Lautenberg domestic-violence gun law: http://wsi.matriots.com/gun_legislation.html [scroll down to “September, 1996”]

28 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Russia, Socrates at 4:45 am | Permanent Link


Powerful U.S. Jew #1: “Russia may cause trouble for Jews sometime in the near future. In fact, Russia just sold powerful missiles to Syria, a country which poses a possible threat to Israel. In other words, Russia didn’t play ‘The Jewish Game.’ That’s a no-no.”

Powerful U.S. Jew #2: Yeah, everyone has to play ‘The Jewish Game,’ see? America, England, Germany – they all have to dance to the tune called by The Chosen Ones. These American missiles in Eastern Europe will ensure that, if Russia decides to do something which might threaten Israel or other Jewish interests [like give an Arab country a nuclear warhead or two], we can, uh, ‘persuade’ Russia to abandon that idea.”

Powerful U.S. Jew #1: “Yep. Global politics comes in only two forms: either 1) Jew-approved, or 2)…”

Both: “…Jew-approved!”


27 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 6:47 pm | Permanent Link

Watch here for link…



27 April, 2007

Posted by alex in false flags, false-flag operations, jew mentality, jews jewing jewily, Max Hadden at 8:30 am | Permanent Link


I believe I might have mentioned to you some time ago that while others were speculating that another “terrorist” attack against NYC or D.C. could be a false flag Israeli operation, or perhaps an oil port such as Houston would be hit by a dirty bomb in order to deepen our hatred of the Arabs and to enlarge the war in the Middle East into Iran, I said that in my opinion, and from my thesis laid out in THE PLANET OF THE KIKES, the jew Nostradamus had suggested that the war with Persia (Iran) would result from a bomb being set off in the seat of Christian power in Rome — that would be the Vatican, which during Nostradamus time hadn’t officially been named yet.

A few days ago, I came across an interesting and directly-related article. Michael Rivero (of whatreallyhappened.com fame) whom I disagree with because he still believes in mass democracy and that Hitler was a bad guy, had the following comment about this article, “If Israel wants to kick off the ‘clash of civilizations’ (i.e. trick the Muslims and Christians into killing each other off and leaving the world for Israel), nuking the Vatican and framing Iran for it is a good way to go about it.”

Here’s the link to the article in question titled “Al-Qaeda Reportedly Planning Attack ‘on Par with Hiroshima'”.


Although my article on JACK THE RIPPER AND THE JEWS was correct, I certainly don’t want my prediction of the Vatican being bombed to come true, but as we try to spread the truth to our people and as our great teacher Dr William Pierce helped us to understand: we who know the Jew and his machinations must sound the alarm. The only ones who knew the kikes better were the heroic figures of the Third Reich.

Peace and 88,

27 April, 2007

Posted by alex in 'anti-Semitism', dejewing, Neocons, Theseus at 1:13 am | Permanent Link

[Update: VNNF has a new server. Hope to have the forum back up sometime this weekend.]

A great one from Theseus.

Read the rest of this entry »

26 April, 2007

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 5:07 pm | Permanent Link

Vanguard News Network Radio
Back On The Air
26 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Eric Thomson at 7:59 am | Permanent Link

8 APR 07. Dear [ ]!

Re religious emblems: A group of WSP zoggies told one P.O.W. that his Swastika was an “American Indian” symbol. It is also a holy Hindu symbol. If a White man can wear a cross or jew death-star, why can’t he wear a Hindu or Indian symbol? As far as Thor’s Hammers are concerned, would the zoggies accept the excuse that the wearer is awaiting a miracle in which the inverted T becomes an inverted cross? Abra-cadabra & hocus-pocus.


Read the rest of this entry »

24 April, 2007

Posted by alex in 9/11, Alex Linder at 6:23 pm | Permanent Link

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