3 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Incoming at 2:55 pm | Permanent Link

Not sure what this is, or whence it hails; but this is one site loaded with information and links re the jewish drive for global control.

Read the rest of this entry »

2 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Bush, jewed culture, New World Order, Socrates at 9:25 pm | Permanent Link

Saluting the people who have nearly wrecked Western culture. And, uh, “Jewish Americans?” What on earth is a “Jewish American?” As the famous rabbi Stephen S. Wise once admitted, wherever Jews reside in the world, they are Jews first and foremost. In other words, if a Jew lives in France, he isn’t a Frenchman. Instead, he’s a Jew who currently lives in France. Big difference there. Frenchmen are White Europeans. Jews aren’t White. They’re a tribe of part-Arab shekel collectors who pose as White people when it suits them:



2 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, education, Semitical Correctness, Socrates at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

Just kidding. Actually, it’s the Jew World Order, since God’s Pets virtually invented the political Left in the Western countries. Here’s a new, pro-homosexual video for your little Timmy:


More about the “gay”-rights movement here: http://www.nukeisrael.com/fsggot%20jews.htm

2 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewish hate & hypocrisy, jews in America, Socrates at 1:52 pm | Permanent Link

The U.S. military doesn’t allow “supremacist” ideas within its ranks? Then why, we ask, does it allow Judaism, a religion which is based on the bigoted concept that the Jews are “God’s chosen people” and are therefore superior to all other humans? [1]. Put a different way: anti-Jewish ideas are prohibited but anti-gentile ideas are allowed – and this in a country built by gentiles. (Of course, that Jewish/gentile double-standard isn’t restricted to the U.S. military. Indeed, it can be found in almost every White country at the federal, state or local level):



[1] the first Jewish rabbi in the U.S. Army, Jacob Frankel, was commissioned in 1862

2 May, 2007

Posted by alex in letters to dumb cunts, N.B. Forrest at 7:19 am | Permanent Link

“Aw, Mommy – poking the Lyons with a stick is FUN!”


Greetings! It’s your ol’ pal Mr. Asshole – you remember, the jew-hating nut from Virginia? How’s it hangin’, my man? I read your column about the mass-murdering gook kook Cho, and I thought I’d give you the benefit of my critique. I strongly agree that the “authorities” – Va Tech & goobermental alike – criminally fumbled the ball: It should’ve been obvious to anyone with even El Presidente Boosh’s I.Q. that the creepy-but-still-comical little bastard should’ve been securely locked away, happily finger-painting in the Seoul Paper Slipper Brigade, rather than allowed to gambol free-range with smokepoles here.

But then, of course, you blew the inch-thick dust off the “Wild West” analogy you anti-gunners smirkily employ with yawning predictibility whenever one of these DNA WMDs go off. FYI: 5 years ago, there was another kill-krazy imported loon who went apeshit at school, also right here in Virginia – an African-African ludicrously named Peter Odighizuwa. Snuffed 3, then – in a critical aspect of the of the drama that was discreetly buried by the “progressive” judenpresse – the rabid beast was stopped cold before he could butcher, oh, let’s say 28 more. No, not by a candle-wielding Womyn’s Studies bulldyke screaming “Not at MY school!”, but by 2 White male gun nutz sporting a 9 mil and a .357 Mag.

So Dodge City. So gauche…

Libs loathe the idea of citizens packing heat because it’s not 100% guaranteed safe: “B-but…if you shoot the homicidal maniac, someone might get knicked by a stray bullet!” You prefer to call 911 ‘n’ cringe; to thrust the ugly, dangerous responsibility of defending yourselves into the hands of others, crying “Save me!”

When the heaps of self-righteous verbal compost are shoveled away from the root, there’s not at thing there but cowardice.

Hidey Ho!

N.B. Forrest

2 May, 2007

Posted by alex in black crime, Curt Maynard at 7:15 am | Permanent Link

[Curt Maynard] No surprise here, mugged by blacks, saved by whites. Same story over and over and over and over and over. How many blacks did you see volunteering to save their fellow blacks after Katrina?

Former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (center, inset) was rescued by University of Chicago students Rachel McFadden, 19, (left) and Zachery Trayes-Gibson, 21.


2 May, 2007

Posted by alex in France, Michael O'Meara at 5:54 am | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara

Le Pen’s trouncing in the first round of the
presidential voting was a great disappointment to
racial nationalists — not because they identified
with his campaign or thought a National Front victory
possible, but because a large Le Pen vote would have
constituted a popular assault on the System’s
legitimacy and thus another consciousness-raising step
in the development of their movement.

That this did not occur simply added to their
countless defeats since 1945.

To the System’s media commentators, the election
represented a reconquest of the ground loss after
2002, when Le Pen, against all expectation, advanced
to the second round of the presidential election. His
place in this earlier run-off had had a powerful
effect on subsequent French and European politics,
even though he was soundly defeated, for his mere
presence as a finalist brought the dreaded “extreme
right” (i.e., the nationalist right) into a position
of prominence, making not only Third World immigration
an unavoidable topic of political debate, but helping
prepare the stunning defeat of the globalist forces in
the April 2005 referendum on the EU Constitution.

Read the rest of this entry »

1 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Congress, Socrates at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

Women used to be sex objects who swapped chicken recipes. Now they occupy the highest levels of our government. How far America has progressed! Say, how long will Mom be absent from Congress on maternity leave?


30 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 9:10 pm | Permanent Link

…with caveat. The forum is restored through 4/4. The rest of the data, cross fingers, will be restored within the next 24 hours.

Thanks to Theseus, On the Path to Truth, and others who worked extremely hard to get it back online!


30 April, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Jewish Tyranny, New World Order, Socrates at 3:24 pm | Permanent Link

The United Nations was founded by – among other people – Jewish communists such as Solomon Adler, Victor Perlo and Harry Dexter White (in fact, the “father” of the UN was a Jew named Dr. Leo Pasvolsky). The UN also allowed China – a mass-murdering, communist state – to join the UN Security Council. Why? Good question. Now, it looks like the UN will investigate America’s treatment of illegal immigrants:
