5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Israel, Israeli war crimes, jew mentality, jews, jews jewing jewily at 3:03 am | Permanent Link

Here’s a little something you won’t hear from the Christians – you know, the “compassionate” folks who want to bring peace and love to the world by funding then covering up jewish atrocities.

From a jew cited in a jewish source (Forward):

In some cases, the reservists were told to hit too hard, said Vadim Kelebeyev, a 29-year-old artillery reservist. He and his fellow soldiers were surprised one day when they got an order to shoot cluster bombs into Lebanon.

“We were shocked,” said Kelebeyev, a Bible teacher from Jerusalem. “We had never used them before — even in training. But that was the order. So we shot them, a lot of them.”

“After the war, Halutz said he didn’t give the order,” he said. “That’s an order that caused me a lot of frustration and anger. I read that it killed a lot of innocent Lebanese. It’s on my conscience. We shot tons of ammunition, and for nothing.”

English summary of report (full report Hebrew only!)
Van Creveld on Olmert’s responsibility (van Creveld)

5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Alex Linder, hush crimes at 3:02 am | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

Jew Auster has published a piece at jew Horowitz’s FrontPageMag (reader reaction here) in which he reveals the latest Dept. of Justice figures, which show what the title says – namely, that there are 40,000 nig-on-White rapes a year in this country, but zero, literally zero, White-on-black rapes!

What jew Auster withholds is that jews like him were the driving force behind civil rights, and civil rights is what gave the niggers physical access to White women. When America was run by Whites — when it was truly a free country — niggers lived in their own communities. And if they ventured out of them to insult, steal and rape, they were promptly put in their place by any means necessary. Again, and this is the crucial point the jews will never tell you,

Niggers raping White women is the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

Jewish evil is the gift that keeps on giving. After the jew looses the nigger, with predictable results, phase two kicks in. That would be the cover-up. Have you ever seen a single report in the media that speaks the plain truth about one of those 38,000 annual rapes? Ever seen a newspaper article in which the reporter writes: “…a black man raped a white woman…”? I can answer for you: no, you have not.

But it gets even worse. We have the rapes, we have the cover-up, but that’s not enough. There’s a third stage. That is counter-depiction: flipping reality on its head – pretending that white men are raping black women!

The Duke gang-rape hoax was the perfect example of this reality-flipping. A retarded blind midget could tell the doped up nigger stripper-whore was lying from day one. Yet the case lingered in the media for nearly a year. Accusation after accusation flew against the rich evil White men, though there was not a single substantial fact to back the whore’s allegation. Every power of the state, including the prosecutor’s office and the Duke faculty, flew to accuse, to lambaste, the innocent White men, and to back up the lying nigger. When a year later the truth finally emerged so blazingly that even the dimmest Duke prof had to accept it, there were no apologies from the jewspaper reporters, the Duke faculty, or the black ‘community.’ These evil parties cursed under their breaths, muttered, and moved on to prepare the next hoax.

What’s astonishing are not the figures from ‘Justice,’ but the fact that anybody in America is stupid enough to believe we have a free press. It is clear that somebody controls it. When everything points the same way, there’s obviously something at work making it that way. Anyone with an open mind and access to the Internet can verify that jews are the driving power in our media. They own its principal organs; they supply its main editors; they are most of the “experts” interviewed on tv.

So we have the crime, the coverup, the counter-depiction. Part of that third stage, the proactive reversal of reality, involves not just fictionalizing reality, but molding overt fiction in the desired shape. Thus, one of the biggest selling books of the biggest selling author of the nineties featured a White-on-black gang rape – something that we know from our own corrupt government’s statistics never happens. Happens so seldom that the number zero is the most accurate one the government, which discriminates against Whites across the board, can come up with!

John Grisham’s A Time to Kill not only sold X million copies, it was made into a major motion picture. It features the oldest stereotype in Hebrewood’s book, the “evil white racist(s),” raping a black girl. Just read its first sentence: Billy Ray Cobb was the younger and smaller of the two rednecks. Grisham, a lawyer who used to work in court, took his theme from a real-world case. I cannot ascertain the specific case, although I have tried. But I will bet anything that the rape that inspired his story was not in fact White on black. But you can bet your last dollar that if Grisham had kept his interracial rape story to the statistical facts, the jews in New York would have made sure that “A Time to Kill” never saw the light of day.

Your nation is controlled by jews, White man.

Until you remove the jews from control, your women are going to continue to be raped, and your men are going to continue to be murdered. And the jews are going to continue to cover all this up. And continue to use their media to portray you as the bad guys.


-c2007 CounterGresham Publishers, Inc. No rights reserved. Plagiarists and reprinters for commercial profit welcome. “Let the good drive out the bad.”

5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Iraq at 1:58 am | Permanent Link

Five US Soldiers Killed in Iraq Friday

The US announced the deaths of five American soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter Friday. Roadside bombs were responsible for three of the American deaths announced today. Such weapons have long been the No. 1 killer of US and Iraqi forces in Iraq, but now use of the Iranian explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, is rising.


5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 12:56 am | Permanent Link


Give us your list.

This will help us form up a White “head.”

4 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Internet, jews in America, New World Order, Socrates at 7:03 pm | Permanent Link

Care to guess where this idea is going? And a question: why is a Jewish senator on a Homeland Security committee in a gentile country? And what does Lieberman mean by “our” enemies? In fact, America didn’t have many enemies until the Jewish state of Israel was created in 1948:


4 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville at 6:08 am | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

KIRKSVILLE – Truman State University has been designated by The Princeton Review as the nation’s No. 2 best value in the public sector.

The reason Truman keeps coming out near the top of this type of ranking is its low cost. TSU’s professors are no better than those elsewhere, and the ideology they serve no different. Cost is the main advantage to picking Truman over 1,000 other schools. That’s the cold fact of the matter.

The revelant question is not whether TSU is cheaper than other institutions, but whether the ‘education’ it offers is genuine – real learning as opposed to indoctrination. Only after we answer that first question can we begin to estimate whether the education can be acquired elsewhere for less; i.e., whether it truly is a value. Something rotten is too expensive at a dollar; something real might be underpriced at a million.


3 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Britain, jew appeasers, Socrates at 9:45 pm | Permanent Link

AmeriKwa is a race-denying country, sure, but England is even worse. Just as the Jews are pre-programmed to worship money, (most) modern Brits are pre-programmed to be race sell-outs. England was once a White empire which ruled half of the world, but now it’s a country which allows Jews and negroes into its government. From global leader to multicultural Jew-tool – that’s England. In fact, in some ways you could say that Britain failed the White race. Or to put it another way: England had the racial football but fumbled it for Big Jew. Germany fought for race. England could have followed Germany’s lead but instead it fought for assholes with names like Ira Silvergoldbergwitz:


3 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Kirksville at 6:57 pm | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

News arrives that Kirksville middle-school students perform well by comparison to their peers elsewhere in the state. The KDE article below credits teachers and improved curricumlum, but the fact is that Kirksville will always do well on state tests as long as the vast majority of its students are White.

A handful of facts are all you, the average citizen, need to understand the perpetual debate about “education.”


3 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Britain, LTEs, Luke O'Farrell at 4:58 pm | Permanent Link

By Luke O’Farrell

A night-time curfew on ordinary whites enforced by thousands of newly-recruited, heavily-armed ethnic police. A 50% tax on the earnings of ordinary whites to pay for the installation of 24/7 CCTV in their homes. And all ordinary whites to lie flat on their faces and grovel whenever approached by a non-white. Those just and reasonable measures would probably be in place right now if the recent series of murders in London had been white-on-black rather than black-on-black. Losing so much human potential is bad enough – one of the dead youths was a “talented rap musician” – but at least we know that black killers, and indeed black criminals of any kind, are never responsible for their actions. White racism, the poverty caused by white racism, and the legacy of white-invented slavery drive blacks to crime by corrupting their innate goodness, gentleness and decency.

But if a white even looks sideways at a black – let alone lifts a finger to do that precious black harm – there is no possible excuse and we must take the severest measures in response. Yes, liberal policies on race are based on a scrupulously fair division of vice and virtue. It’s a 50/50 split: Whites have all the vice and non-whites all the virtue. What could be fairer than that? I mean, c’mon, you’d have to be some kinda knuckle-dragging, snaggle-toothed, trailer-dwelling racist to think even for a moment that the following story says anything at all about the nature of blacks:


3 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Britain, Luke O'Farrell at 3:20 pm | Permanent Link

Look there, up in the sky!

Is it a blimp?

Is it a whale?

No! It’s… Super-Jew!

And look out – he’s coming down in the ocean! Run for cover, goyim, or you’ll be soaked to the skin! Oy veh, ain’t that a shame? The warning came too late. Still, at least nobody important suffered. No Jews, that is. And they’d known what their hero was up to for decades. So who was Super-Jew? Here are some more clues: he was a close friend of Henry Kissinger, was once the guest of honor at the annual dinner of the Anglo-Israeli Association and was the recipient of a state funeral on Israel’s most sacred ground after being fished from the Atlantic in 1991. Yes, he was none other than Robert Maxwell, a.k.a. Jan Ludvik, né Abraham Hoch. And me, I owe him a heck of a lot.

That’s because he helped me begin my journey from darkness to light – from the darkness of ignorance about the Chosen Ones to the light of the truth about their innate greed, selfishness and dishonesty. Maxwell was one of the world’s greatest crooks and fraudsters. And Maxwell was a Jew. At one time, I wouldn’t have seen the intimate relationship between those two facts. Maxwell was a crook. Maxwell was Jewish. “So what?” I would once have thought. “You can find crooks in every race” – “There’s good and bad in everyone” – “We’re all the same under the skin” – blah blah blah. All the liberal double-think and evasion the media had pumped into me since birth. But Maxwell’s death in 1991 helped me to begin shaking off the conditioning.
