7 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Goyfire, White radio at 9:00 am | Permanent Link


Discussed in Forum


TNB: Burned on Grill
S. Korean Shoot Out
Imus Uproar
Duke Rape Hoax
TSB Drunk Driver
Winkler Murder
EU Ratifies Hate Speech
French Election
Jews Want Violent Overthrow of Russian Government
Mossad Calls for the Assassination of Iranian President

6 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, AmeriKwa, jewed Congress, jewed culture, Socrates at 4:33 pm | Permanent Link

Why not hire people based solely on their qualifications? You can’t do that anymore. Why not? Because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits it. You instead must hire a certain number of racial minorities and women – in other words, you must consider other factors, like race and sex, when you hire, rather than hiring based solely on the qualifications of applicants. And why is that? We don’t know. You’d have to ask the Jewish congressman who created the law, Emanuel Celler:


More about Jews and civil-rights laws Here
and also Here

6 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, open threads, White solutions at 10:30 am | Permanent Link

This is an idea I got from the excellent Housing Panic blog.

In this thread you can post anything relevant – what you like/don’t like about VNN. What we should be covering. Essay topics for me or others. Or just plain stories we’ve missed related to the White Nationalist cause. We know where we need to get – to a position in which Whites control territory and their own future. How do we get there?

[This thread will be bumped until we get a bunch of good responses.]

6 May, 2007

Posted by alex in business, globalization, gold & silver, inflation at 9:05 am | Permanent Link

[Following is a repost of a column by the proprietor of ColoradoGold.com. VNN readers should heed his warning to protect yourself.]

By Don Stott

We’ve seen how the prices have gone up over the years, which merely means that the dollar has been inflated, or its quantity increased. Why? To pay the bills the politicians have run up to make themselves popular and get re-elected. Not our fault. As the dollar lost value, the citizens had wage increases to attempt to equal the price increases… to literally keep on living. The wage increases never kept up with the cost of living, so the standard of living gradually went down. It has been said by various economists, that we have a standard of living which we had close to fifty years ago. No progress towards a ‘new world,’ in other words, but rather a retrenchment. Not our fault.

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6 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Caste Football, football, sports at 9:04 am | Permanent Link

By J.B. Cash

(5/2/07) There are two events each year that highlight the anti-white bias of the football establishment in America: college signing day and the NFL Draft. The NFL Draft was held last weekend and white players were treated the same way they have been treated for decades – poorly.

In honor of those good young men that were treated unfairly solely because of their skin color, Caste Football offers the following awards.

We announce the first annual Tom Brady Award, given to the white quarterback who clearly has the best tools of any prospect coming out of college and yet manages to be drafted behind the latest “great black hope.” All of which is part of the NFL’s never ending search for dominant black quarterbacks in their effort to remake every position in the game dominated by black players.

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6 May, 2007

Posted by alex in 'hate' laws, Britain, Europe, Finland, Martin Webster at 6:15 am | Permanent Link

[following is from email from Martin Webster]

Dear Bob,

Thanks for this story……

> Finland Cracks Down
> by Baron Bodissey
> [snip]

……..which I run out in full below.

The thrust of the story would seem to be that Finland has just enacted laws against “incitement to race hatred” in order to protect its Muslim population. The line taken is very simplistic and I suggest the following background be taken into account:

The extract quoted from Finland’s law against “race-hate” quoted in the story bears very close similarity to Britain’s “Public Order Act (As Amended by the Race Relations Act)”. The Act has probably been amended (yet again!) since I last had to study it, but the relevant part was Section 19 in which it was a criminal offence to: “……. publish any matter intended or likely in all the circumstances to incite racial hatred……”

I was convicted at Kingston Crown Court in 1978 for publishing in two issues of ‘National Front News’ (the NF’s broadsheet which I edited) material held to be in contravention of that law. I received two 6 month jail terms (suspended for two years); an £800 fine, plus court costs.

The articles in NF News were equally against the permanent settlement in Britain of ALL aliens and against alien influence over British affairs. More coverage was given to the Coloured aliens, as they were the more visible intruders. NF News was tabloid-style was aimed at the man-in-the-street.

Britain’s race laws have been replicated in White nations the world over, except in the USA where the First Amendment protects free speech except in cases of direct incitement to criminal violence.

You and your Finnish bloggers should be aware that Britain’s law against “race hate” was first drafted and promoted by the Board of Deputies of British Jews during the later 1940s/early 1950s. Their name for this law at that time was “The Group Libel Bill”. It was substantially adopted and put into law (amending the Public Order Act) in 1967 by the then Labour Government, but with the support of most Conservative Party MPs.

Since then the “race hate” component of the Public Order Act has been revised several times. On every occasion the
revision has been floated by…..guess who?…….the Board of Deputies of British Jews.

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5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in history, jew, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny, jews jewing jewily, judeo-communism, Socrates, World War II at 3:07 am | Permanent Link

The correct name for the war that virtually doomed White culture by unleashing Big Jew. Sure, B.J. was powerful before 1945. But afterwards, Big Jew saw that the road to Domination Of The West – which was kinda bumpy before – was freshly paved and completely clear. Nazi Germany (and Nazi ideas in other White nations) was the only real obstacle facing Hymie. With Hitler and company removed by the Jewish-built Soviet Union and the Jewish-steered Roosevelt administration, Hymie was free to schtup any White country with weapons such as multiculturalism, egalitarianism, feminism, “gay” rights, etc. And Hymie is still thrusting his pelvis – look at him go! What’s next on Hymie’s ethnic agenda? A global “hate crime” law via some special treaty drawn up in Sol Silvergoldsteinwitz’s office in Washington, D.C.?


5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, hush crimes, South Africa at 3:06 am | Permanent Link

Read a first-hand account of a nigger gang-rape; or, one woman’s awakening to the reality of the New South Africa – Arsezania, as the master of the “Why South Africa Sucks” blog calls it.

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5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in 'Freakans in action, Africa, Zimbabwe at 3:05 am | Permanent Link

The following is from Cathy Buckle’s site (link at bottom). She’s a liberal White woman who lives in Zimbabwe. She has experienced, and documented in archived letters, the decline of the black-run state first-hand, although she continues to deny reality and insist that race has nothing to do with atrocities and daily indignities she and her fellow humans suffer in the Land of Mudman Mugabe. Rather like a Christian Scientist who refuses to acknowledge the onset of a lethal disease, wethinks.

Don’t be a Buckle! It’s ALL about race. Niggers can’t make or sustain human civilizations. They can wreck them! All it takes is for you to play along with the jew and pretend they’re your equals. Not sure what more they have to do to prove they ain’t, but if such a thing is possible, Cathy Buckle is well positioned to witness it!

Saturday 28th April 2007

Dear Family and Friends,
Having spent three weeks in a civilized country south of Zimbabwe, I must admit that there were many things that made me not want to come home. Food was one thing – its existence, huge variety and consistent pricing. Money was another thing – coins that are actually worth something, bank notes that don’t have expiry dates printed on them and money that keeps its value from one week to the next.Then there was the freedom of the media with abundant newspaper and radio stations with criticism and debate encouraged. There was the joy of petrol stations that always had fuel and of being able to travel freely without incessant road blocks and police checks. Even little things like public toilets that were fit for use by human beings, water that was safe to drink from a tap, street signs that haven’t been stolen and dustbins being emptied – all were cause for stares of amazement.

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5 May, 2007

Posted by alex in 'hate', 'hate' laws, Christians who fight the jew, Ted Pike at 3:04 am | Permanent Link

Passed the House, but resistance has made a difference…

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