13 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, jews in America, Socrates at 11:29 pm | Permanent Link

Converting: what exactly does it mean? Jews have been converting to other religions for centuries. Just consider St. Paul, who was previously a Jew named Saul. Anyway, whether Jews convert or not is, we say, not the issue that White people should focus on. Race, on the other hand, is the issue that we should always consider. Race is the most important matter on earth, because culture flows from race. So, with that in mind, consider this: was a Jew born a Jew? Does he/she have Jewish DNA? That’s the issue to ponder:


12 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in democracy, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, NWO, Socrates, White philosophy at 3:43 pm | Permanent Link

This time, it was Jewish congressman Barney Frank who introduced the bill.

But whether it’s Frank or someone else, it’s usually a Jewish politician who writes, introduces or sponsors “equality” legislation. (In fact, the first modern equality law appeared in 1957, called the “Civil Rights Act of 1957,” which was created by Jewish congressman Celler of New York). Trivia: federal civil-rights laws are unconstitutional, since such laws are based almost entirely on the 14th Amendment, and that amendment wasn’t ratified properly by the states, and besides that, the U.S. Supreme Court already stated, in the Civil Rights Cases of 1883 ruling, that the federal government is not authorized under the 14th Amendment to mandate racial-equality rules for private entities within the states [1]. The matter has already been settled by an earlier, right-thinking, originalist court [2] [3]:


[1] the Civil Rights Cases of 1883 ruling: [Article]

[2] before our Constitution became a “living” – and therefore flexible – document, it actually meant what it said, and meant nothing more than that. Documents aren’t “living.” They don’t flex. They mean just what the words on the document say they do – unless the person reading the document is a Jew, a leftist, a chick or a queer

[3] more about the 14th Amendment ratification issue here: [Article]

12 May, 2007

Posted by alex in book reviews, books, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewish criminality, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, jews jewing jewily at 12:23 pm | Permanent Link

Pictured here: 1992 Russian language imprint, adapting Eliphas Levi’s portrayal of Baphomet image

By Patrick Grimm

So you believe the Jewish media pap that goes something like this: “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are a forgery and a fraud. Anyone who believes in their validity is an irrational, hateful and insane anti-Semite.” Well, think again. Whether a group of Jews or some Gentile sat down and composed the Protocols, they are dead-on accurate and they provide the exact narrative that you see playing itself out today, right in front of your disbelieving eyes. Everything in this century-old playbook is coming to pass even as we speak and converse about it. The Jewish Zionist template is the same as it’s always been, and guess what, faithful reader? They aren’t going to stop. We are going to have to stop them, first by exposing them and shredding their pseudo-piety and phony shibboleth “Chosen” arguments.

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12 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Bush, Curt Maynard, France at 11:43 am | Permanent Link

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11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, lines, WTC demolition at 6:56 pm | Permanent Link

ZOG’s claim that the WTC buildings were burned down by Arabs with planes is every bit as credible as Stan Gable’s claim that the jock dorm burned down due to faulty wiring.


11 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in feminism, New World Order, Socrates, White philosophy, women at 4:22 pm | Permanent Link

It looks like the UK has the same problem that America has: uncontrolled feminism.

Here’s an interesting fact: a few years ago, an Arizona fire department abolished a requirement that all firefighter recruits be able to chop a hole in a section of roof, with an axe, in “x” seconds. Why did the department abolish that requirement? Because female recruits couldn’t do it. They weren’t strong enough or fast enough.

Let’s face it: Western women didn’t become firefighters and cops because they’re capable. They got into those vocations due to the watering-down of hiring standards – which was done to satisfy “civil rights” mandates cooked up by Big Jew (that probably doesn’t happen in any Eastern countries, and it sure as hell doesn’t happen in Muslim countries). In fact, the idea that women are equal to men is just as dangerous to the West as the idea that Jews are White people.

Women now make up the majority of voters and university students in America. That’s a serious problem. The West has a Jewish problem and a negro problem, sure. But it also has a feminized-women problem. Granted, Jews accelerated the feminized-women problem with their egalitarian TV shows and movies, and beaver-whupped White men aided it as well, but nonetheless the problem exists. Yet it’s rarely addressed, even by White nationalists:


11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Knoxville rally at 2:05 pm | Permanent Link

Location revealed next week. All White men of good character and stout heart encouraged to attend.

If not us, who?

If not now, when?

[email protected]

I’m not trying to persuade anyone to attend this rally. If you aren’t angry enough to do that, based on what happened to the above couple as a microcosm of the deliberate murder of our race BY JEWS, then I sure won’t try. But, I just want to assure you that I will be around all Memorial Day weekend, and talk to any of you who care to, at lung’s length.

11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, press releases at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Civil Rights Commission Targets Online Job Ad
Company Sought ‘Racially Conscious White Male’
Jim Otte, Reporter

[False, idiot. The objection was to the ad-placer because he mentioned that he was a White male. It was a man (so the party claimed – we did not know him) seeking employment. There was no company involved. These government bureaucrats called journalists can’t get the simplest facts right about anything. They know that the facts don’t matter, as long as they report in line with The Agenda.]

POSTED: 4:33 pm EDT May 10, 2007
UPDATED: 5:13 pm EDT May 10, 2007

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Civil Rights Commission Thursday issued a cease-and-desist order to a job employment Web site [?] that advertised a job opening for a “racially conscious… white male.” [Again, a complete falsification. A man placed the ad with us. Ohio decided to use the fact that he mentioned his race as a way to harass us.] The order was issued to Alex Linder, owner of the Vanguard News Network. According to the commission, Vanguard bills itself as “the premier source for pro-white news and original opinion.”The company’s Web site is at: www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com.

In a written statement, commission Executive Director G. Michael Payton said “The World Wide Web is the newspaper of today.” Payton said the ad should be treated no differently than other traditional forms of media.The order is the first time the commission has taken action against an internet Web site for discriminatory practices, according to commission Public Affairs Director Toni Delgado. In an interview with WHIOTV.COM, Delgado said the company that operates the web site is located in Missouri but must abide by Ohio laws when advertising for a job here. The ad listed the job as located in the Cleveland area. Delgado said, “For us to enforce state laws, you don’t have to be a resident of Ohio, but the act of discrimination would have to take place in the state of Ohio.”Most cases before the commission are based on consumer complaints, but some are originated by commission investigators. Delgado said in this case, commission investigators searched internet advertising for employment in Ohio.Delgado said the cease-and-desist order sends a message to Payton [sic – means Linder] and other web advertising companies that mentioning race and sex in job ads is [email protected]



May 11, 2007


Years ago a commission of milksops, reverends and hate-filled queers/jews/minorities opened a “complaint” against VNN. Today, literally years later, it bears fruit in a meaningless cease-and-desist order.

The public should understand two things about this type of complaint:

1) it is a form of harassment directed by jews and anti-Whites against those who use the Constitutional free association guaranteed to White males;

2) the state of Ohio, like every other, itself discriminates against White males, and openly boasts of it. [Google Ohio state commissions and see how many exist solely to further the group interests of black males, homosexuals, etc.]

“The era in which White males pick up the slack for crooked jews, lazy negroes, and malevolent lesbians is rapidly drawing to a close,” said Alex Linder, in an interview with VNN. “This scares the omni-incompetent hacks who make up these state commissions, who falsely believe White men dare not fight back.”

Putting his thumb to his nose and waggling his fingers in a manner some might take to be derisive, Linder declared: “I reject the authority of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission to determine whom employers can hire and fire, and I trumpet the fact that the commission itself is guilty of discrimination, given that it includes not a single White male on its board,* even though White males make up roughly a third of the population of Ohio.”

Given officially sanctioned discrimination against White males on the part of the State of Ohio and its commissions, the Aryan Defense League advises Whites to fight back with every means at their disposal.

“They have their ruling, now let them enforce it,” Linder concluded, adding, “We are currently investigating whether or not Senoras Delgado and Ramos have valid green cards.”


Alex Linder
660 665 8210
[email protected]


The Aryan Defense League is AmeriKwa’s oldest civil rights organization, dedicated to protecting the right of American Whites to live in an environment free of Jewish hate and hostility, also known as loxism.

*Commission Members

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission has five commissioners appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Commissioners are appointed for five-year, staggered terms. By law, no more than three Commissioners can be of the same political party. The Governor designates one of the Commissioners to serve as Chairperson. The five-member Commission meets every three weeks to discuss civil rights policy and rule on the on recommendations from the OCRC’s six regional offices regarding charges of discrimination.

Jeanine P. DonaldsonChairperson Jeanine P. Donaldson (Lorain) holds the distinction of being the first female chairperson in the history of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. She is the Executive Director of the YWCA in Elyria. She is also the vice president of the Lorain Board of Education and a trustee of the Lorain Community Health Partners. She has served on various boards and commissions such as the Lorain County Urban League, Elyria Memorial Hospital, Lorain County Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Board, and the City of Lorain Fair Housing Board.

Governor Bob Taft appointed Ms. Donaldson as a commissioner in July 2003. In March 2007 she was appointed as the Chairperson by Governor Ted Strickland. Her current term ends July 28, 2007.

Aaron Wheeler, Sr.Commissioner Aaron Wheeler, Sr. (Columbus). He is a native of Cleveland and is the pastor of the Mountaintop Missionary Baptist Church in Columbus. He was appointed to the Commission by Governor Bob Taft in September 2000, and served as chair from 2001 to 2007. His current term ends July 28, 2010.

Commissioner Wheeler has led a diverse career with serving as a city council member of the Warrensville Heights, OH City Council in the 1970s, chairing the NAACP Legal Redress Committee in Virginia Beach, VA in 1985 through 1987, and serving as the equal employment opportunity officer for the Columbus Department of Public Safety and subsequently as the executive assistant to the Columbus Public Safety Director. He also served as chaplain to the Columbus Fire and Police departments.

Grace RamosCommissioner Grace Ramos (Beaver Creek) is originally from Fort Madison, Iowa. She has resided in the Dayton area since 1966. Ramos was one of 17 selected for the President’s Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans in 2002. Her other civil rights work include advocating for and co-founding the Ohio Commission on Spanish Speaking Affairs, presently known as the Ohio Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs, and co-founding the Hispano Brotherhood Center.

Ramos chairs the Ohio State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and the Hispanic Youth Foundation, a national scholarship organization, as well as a host of other organizations committed to the progress of Latinos and people of color.

Rashmi YajnikCommissioner Rashmi Yajnik (Columbus) was appointed by Governor Bob Taft in August 2006. Commissioner Yajnik is very active in the local Asian community, is an Executive Board Member of the Asian Indian American Business Group and has served on the Ohio Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission at the appointment of Governor Taft. Mr. Yajnik holds an Engineering degree from Birla Engineering College in India and is the Founder and President of California Hydrocarbons Corporation. His current term ends July 28, 2008.
Leonard HubertCommissioner Leonard Hubert (Granville) was appointed by Governor Bob Taft in July 2006. Previously, he served as the Director of External Affairs and Economic Opportunity for Governor Taft. Mr. Hubert was previously the Acting State EEO Coordinator and Deputy Director of the Department of Administrative Services and Chief of the Division of Weights and Measures for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Mr. Hubert is the Chairman of the Governor’s Minority Business Council and Chairman of the Ohio Commission on African American Males. He also serves as a Trustee on the Ohio 4-H Foundation and is a Commissioner on Ohio’s Dr. Martin Luther King Commission. He serves as the President of the Granville Kiwanis Club and as a Member of the Granville Township Zoning Appeals Board. Mr. Hubert earned both his Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Science degree from Alabama A & M. His current terms ends July 28, 2011.

[Ohio State Civil Rights Commission]

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11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Luke O'Farrell at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link

By Luke O’Farrell

Here’s an important question for you. Do you spend much time making models? If you say “No”, well, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Not only do you spend every waking moment of your life making models, your life has depended countless times on your ability to do so. That’s what your brain is for: making models using the information supplied to it by your sense organs.

I mean models of the world, of course. Our eyes and ears and nose and mouth and skin supply our brain with information about the world, and our brain creates a model of the world using that information. We have a virtual reality inside our heads, but there’s a very big and very important difference between reality and virtual reality. Reality can’t be false. Virtual reality – a model of reality – can be. Our sense organs can mislead us or we can misinterpret the data we receive.

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11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Edgar Steele at 12:33 pm | Permanent Link

I thought my son never would stop laughing.  Here I just had given him a serious tip, designed to enhance his experience of life as he leaves home for college this fall, but he thought I was joking.
