18 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in immigration, jewed immigration policy, Socrates at 5:26 pm | Permanent Link

What a coincidence: we just mentioned Zangwill in the last post. Is “melting pot” usage part of the curriculum at Jewish schools?


18 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Congressmen, conservatives, immigration, jewed culture, Socrates at 2:56 pm | Permanent Link

Why are “conservative” Congressmen supporting the amnesty bill for illegal aliens? Because they aren’t “conservative” – in fact, that word is now nearly meaningless as a political term. All it means is that a Congressman supports Israel, only half of Big Jew’s agenda, and big business interests. How is that “conservative?” This new amnesty law – if passed – will further de-Whiten America, while it also erodes our privacy by supplying the government with more information about anyone who applies for a job. (By the way, a historical note: this amnesty bill would be facing even more opposition from the White public if two Jews – Emma Lazarus and Israel Zangwill – hadn’t advanced the now-popular idea that America was intended to be an ethnic “melting pot” which welcomes immigrants): [1] [2]


[1] Lazarus’ famous poem at the Statue of Liberty, which suggests that America was designed to accept immigrants: [Article]

[2] Zangwill and his “melting pot”: [Article]

16 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed culture, Socrates, White identity at 7:08 pm | Permanent Link

Why does the “diversity movement” exist? Because White males no longer control the West. They allowed Jews, Blacks, Browns and women into leadership positions in the White countries. Bad idea. White males built the West and only they can manage it properly. Jews, Blacks and Browns aren’t Western. Wearing White clothes, driving White cars and speaking a White language doesn’t make you Western. (Are White women Western? That’s a good question for debate. It probably depends on what your definition of “Western” is: cultural? Intellectual? Spiritual?):


16 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Iraq, Neocons, Socrates at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link


More about Wolfowitz here: [Article]

and here: [Article]

15 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in democracy, jewed culture, New World Order, Socrates at 6:12 pm | Permanent Link

An international “Conference for Democracy and Security,” huh? Interesting. Say, what’s “democracy” anyway? Usually, it’s this: non-Whites, queers, women and semi-retards can vote. At the same time, banking, film production, the media, book publishing and TV shows are controlled by Jews and, to a lesser extent, leftists. Also, White men are prevented from realizing their fullest potential due to special “equality” laws that favor minorities, women, immigrants and midgets. That’s “democracy” in White countries. Why would any White man want it? What White men really want is what America’s founders gave us: White republican government [1]:


[1] a republic vs. a democracy: [Article]

15 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 3:45 pm | Permanent Link




Read the rest of this entry »

15 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Luke O'Farrell at 3:11 pm | Permanent Link


14 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Christians, jewed culture, Socrates at 10:40 pm | Permanent Link

We think this matter has a somewhat humorous side to it: for decades, Christians said nothing publicly about Jewish involvement in various political and social causes. Now, it looks like that silence may come back to haunt Christians by turning them into “speech” and “thought” criminals. Perhaps Jewish groups would have less power today if Christians had mentioned Jews back in the 1960s. (By the way, in almost every White country which has hate-crime laws, it has been Jews who have led the movements to install those laws, e.g., the first anti-racism law in England came from a Jew, Frank Soskice, in 1965 [1]):


[1] about England’s 1965 race law: [Article]

14 May, 2007

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 4:47 pm | Permanent Link

Music begins at 7PM EST
Live Talk begins at 9PM EST
Click HERE to listen.

Join Yankee Jim and Stan Sikorski as they disscuss the article that Charlie Daniels wrote about the Christian/Newsom murders, satanic jews, KIKES, and many other issues of importance to those of us who truly appreciate FREE SPEECH!

Speaking of KIKES…it looks like we’ve got one PROMOTING THE SHOW!

Also, I’m hoping to have a VERY SPECIAL GUEST will join us! (No, not Charlie Daniels!)

And, as always…there’ll be plenty of TNB, TJB, TSB, TQB, OGB and lots more!

Special thanks to Hal Turner over at Turner Radio Network who will be simulcasting the show in cooperation with Vanguard News Network! 

If you’re a Skype user, and have something you feel will make the show interesting…feel free to call in and join us on the air by first messaging SSKIIT. (remember…we’ll be on various FM stations around the country!)

So tell a friend or two…pull up your favorite lawn chair, AND JOIN US!

14 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed foreign policy, Russia, Socrates at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew doesn’t like or trust Russia, so America doesn’t either. Putin won’t climb aboard the Zionist bandwagon. In fact, instead of getting on the bandwagon, Russia did the opposite and sold missiles to Syria – a violation of America’s rule that all White countries will put Israel’s interests first. So Russia – with its history of “anti-Semitism” – is seen by America as a possible, future threat to Israel. (In fact, some Jews lie awake at night worrying about a hard-line “anti-Semite” coming to power in Russia – someone who remembers what the Jews did there and someone who would have all of those long-range nuclear weapons in his possession. Further, Russia also poses a threat to the Jews by being a White country whose citizens are more racially-aware than in other White countries. The Jews, with their “racial radar,” are keenly aware of that fact. It will be hard for Big Jew to turn Russia into an Eastern copy of AmeriKwa full of Zionists and egalitarians). Maybe America should call its planned missile defense system in Europe “the Jewish defense system?”
