5 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Nightmare, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Obama, Obama Hussein Barack, Obamacare, taxes, taxing Whitey at 12:05 pm | Permanent Link

You can call Obamacare “ScrewWhiteyCare” because well-to-do Whites were taxed heavily so that Blacks could enjoy free (or nearly-free) healthcare. As usual, Whites must pay for Blacks. Indeed, Blacks are “expensive people.” In fact, if you were to tally up how much money White people spend per year due to Black people, the amount would shock you. Billions or even trillions of dollars (e.g., arresting, prosecuting and jailing Black “career criminals” costs billions of dollars all by itself).

“Hauling Obama in to tout Joe’s Obamacare “fix” is ridiculous stuff, particularly since, as Axios notes, the “fix” won’t fix the monster Obamacare premium hikes scheduled to roll in by the end of the year…Obama is the Democrat party’s big gun, the guy who has successfully used Obamacare to help Democrats in the polls. He’s the guy being called in to help bail Joe Biden out.” (Wait, wait, I thought that America was a racist country?? How/why did that happen??)


5 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Africa, colonialism in Africa, IQ, IQ tests, White identity, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 10:24 am | Permanent Link

Just kidding. No, you shouldn’t be ashamed of that. It’s not your fault that White people created the world [1]. It’s not your fault that Africa is a continent full of retards. It’s not your fault that the Black IQ is at least 15 points lower than the White IQ (and it’s even lower in Africa) [2]. How is that your fault?

One more thing: if America is such an evil, racist place, why does every Black and Brown person on earth want to live here? The entire world wants to come to America! Why? I guess they want to sample the delicious, White evil. Mmmm! Yummy!

“Kamau Kenyatta, professor of African American Studies, has released the definitive guide to racism, allyship, and the emotional labor of educating the public in his latest work, The White People Show: How To Understand Racism and Still Be Wrong About It. This inimitable book digs deep to disrupt a social landscape that leaves white people a convenient back door by which to escape true accountability.” (Confusingly, there are 2 people named Kamau Kenyatta. The other one is a jazz musician and record producer in California).

[Book Notice/Review].


[1] White people gave the world to mankind. Everything of importance came from Whites. Such as? Democracy (a bad idea these days!), the concept of free speech, the telephone, the automobile, the bicycle, electricity, logic, the computer, the airplane, the TV set, the air conditioner/furnace, the radio/stereo, the lightbulb, the steam engine, the gasoline engine, the camera, the movie camera, the university (a bad idea these days!), the telescope, the clock, the wristwatch, the refrigerator, concrete, proportion in art/architecture, dynamite, surveying equipment, the printing press, marine/sea navigation tools, the microscope, and space travel. And that’s the short list. The long list fills 300 pages.

[2] many Black Africans are “borderline retarded”; the average IQ of a negro in Africa is 75 to 80 (scores between 70 and 79 are in the “borderline mentally retarded” range). The average IQ of a White American is 100. IQ means “intelligence quotient.” IQ tests measure “general intellectual ability” or “the ability to recognize and solve problems.” Whites used to control Africa. South Africa was built by the British and the Dutch. Under White colonialism, Britain controlled Zambia, Uganda, Sudan, Botswana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Kenya. France controlled Chad, Cameroon, Mozambique, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal. Belgium controlled the Congo and Ruanda-Urundi. (Africa has actually regressed since White colonialism ended circa 1980. It’s even more dysfunctional now). The late, Black writer, Walter E. Williams, wrote this in his January 2002 article “South Africa After Apartheid”: “The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism.” So, Whites actually improved the lives of Blacks in Africa! By accident! Oops!

4 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jews and Affect Intensity, Jews and comics, Jews as childlike at 1:22 pm | Permanent Link

Interesting. Jews are childlike in many ways, so they identify with children [1]. In fact, since Jews “grow up quickly” (because they are very often intellectuals), they may feel a special longing or desire for childhood things (the whole comic-book industry is very Jewish. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. were all created by Jews) [2].

“Good thing children are small and weak because the childish mind lacks empathy, is often demanding & impetuous, and feels the world should revolve around his or her wishes.” (Jews also lack empathy, are demanding, and feel the world revolves around them).



[1] Jews are high in Affect Intensity (AI). A “high AI” person feels more emotion, while a “low AI” person feels less emotion.

[2] article “Supermensches: Comic Books’ Secret Jewish History” in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, 2016.

4 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, equality, equalocracy, Jewish genetic diseases, Jewish genetics, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Question, Marx, Marx and endless conflict, Marx and England, Marxism, New Left, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:07 am | Permanent Link

I disagree with this guy about Marxism in one way: it wasn’t about economics or property per se.

All of the “liberation” movements that were pioneered by ethnic Jews (e.g., communism, socialism, feminism, homosexual rights, labor unionism, etc.) were not liberation movements. They only seemed like liberation movements. They were actually adversarial movements designed to destabilize the White countries by making White people fight endlessly with each other [1].

Why would Jews want to destabilize the White countries? Because the White countries are a “threat” to Jews (“anti-Semitism”; Jews have been expelled from 109 countries — a world record!). In other words, Jews naturally oppose the White countries and so they try to weaken them with “liberation” movements. It’s logical.

Communism, for example, had nothing to do with economics per se. The “economics” part was merely window dressing. Karl Marx knew that economics was important in everyday life so he merely used it as a “vehicle” to deliver communism. Marx actually admitted that communism was designed to destroy England (which was then the most powerful White nation). He admitted that communism was about destruction [2][3]. Likewise, feminism isn’t about women per se. It’s about making men and women constantly fight. (Feminism has nearly destroyed the West, by the way). Sadly for Marx, communism didn’t wreck England. It turned east and wrecked Russia instead.

Further complicating this Jewish matter, “White liberalism” was, in a sense, “hijacked” by the Jews circa 1964. The New Left was heavily-Jewish, and also university-based. So the Jewish “liberation” movements picked up a lot of steam then, and increased in size and scope. Those movements were even incorporated into federal laws: into the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968. The first one (1964) gave America “Affirmative Action” mandates which impacted most workplaces in America. The second one created “Affirmation Action in housing” and another one in 1972 opened the floodgates for women in every type of employment — even in law enforcement and firefighting [4]. Lucky us.

Regardless, this video makes a good overall point: all of the types of leftism that we see today are variations of Marxism: gender Marxism, race Marxism, language Marxism, labor Marxism, green Marxism, etc. What seems like “six movements” are really just one movement.

[Video; 50 minutes].


[1] “Jews” here means genetically Jewish (not religiously Jewish). Jews are not genetically White, they are half-Arab mongrels with their own unique genetic code — indeed, Jews are very unique in the world.

[2] Marx said that any revolution that didn’t spread to England was a waste of time (“is a storm in a teacup” — Marx, January 1849).

[3] Marx told his fiancee the following: “Jenny, if we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then shall I stride through the wreckage a creator!” (Communism was about destruction. Indeed, Cultural Marxism was invented precisely because regular Marxism failed to destroy the White West. Furthermore, if Marxism was only about economics, why the heavy Jewish component of it in every country? And furthermore, Jews, being money-and-profit-oriented people, should normally oppose communism, not spread it. The fact that they spread it would seem to be good proof that it wasn’t about money/property per se, that it was instead about using Marxism as a racial weapon. Lastly, Marx was a notorious hater of humanity. “Destroying the West with communism” fit his personality like a tight glove).

[4] the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972.

4 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in economics, Ezra Pound, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, money at 9:08 am | Permanent Link

“Pound recognized two very important threats to the international banking community that arose out of the Third Reich. First, Hitler abandoned the gold standard, meaning that Nazi Germany suddenly had the power to prevent defaulting on its future debt simply by printing money — a power that the U.S. copied from Germany just as it copied the autobahns. Second, and much more important, the Reich took back the power of central banks by financing infrastructure projects directly, issuing notes in payment to the laborers, contractors, and suppliers rather than first borrowing the money from a central bank at interest. (See here and here.) If this practice had spread, bankers would be no more powerful than plumbers.”

[Article] and [Article].

3 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", 'social construct', 'social construction', Britain, Cultural Marxism, Derrida, England, political correctness, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, War On Normal, War On White People at 1:09 pm | Permanent Link

Pregnant men!

Welcome to the new, insane West.

Thanks to Jewish postmodernism, people now believe that men can get pregnant, since there’s “no such thing as reality or truth anymore” [1].

News quote: “Hospitals across England are embracing the woke new age and are now being encouraged to ask everyone – man or woman – if they are pregnant or not before they can get certain medical procedures.”


[1] the central part of postmodernist philosophy is social constructionism (i.e., the social construction of reality) which was a Jewish movement: it was created by Jews such as: Edmund Husserl, Alfred Schutz, Max Scheler and later Peter L. Berger (who, like Scheler, was a convert from Judaism to Christianity). Other Jews who contributed to social constructionism were Emile Durkheim and Claude Levi-Strauss. Postmodernists believe that society is an artificial, “White male construct” designed solely to hold back and oppress Blacks, Browns and women. Postmodernists also believe that nothing is absolute or true: everyone has his own reality and no single reality is better, or worse, than another. This is bullshit. If it rains on 100 people, all of them will later report that “it rained”; i.e., it’s the same reality for all 100 of them; listening to Jews and Marxists will ruin your country, White man. The first thing that must be done: Western governments must defund all of the universities from Sweden to California until they stop pushing Cultural Marxism.

3 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in America, America's future, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals fooling the citizens, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

This article gives a good overview of what the Left has in mind for America:


“The key thing to remember about it is that every tiny issue is important. It is all interrelated and nothing is ‘standalone.’ Because of the left’s misuse of language, most of these items are not what they seem to be. Remember they must collapse America’s structures if they are to replace America with their nirvana. And everything they do drives toward that end.”

“The key takeaway from this brief article is to be fully aware of the total picture, not just the single component being presented out of context. When presented with a new request, especially one that includes compassion for any group identity, step back and take a 30,000-foot overview of where it all fits together.”


3 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in free speech, free-speech martyrs, freedom, Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White thought at 11:09 am | Permanent Link

(This is original philosophy, i.e., not copied from a book)

1. Steve Smith, Joe Brown, Larry Jones and Frank Taylor are all different people, i.e., they are, of course, not the same person.

2. Since they are not the same person, they will naturally have different views and opinions on certain issues (politically speaking).

3. The idea that all of the men would have the same opinions and views would, of course, be ridiculous.

4. Therefore, some of the men will have opinions and views leaning towards the Left (politically speaking) and some of them will have opinions and views leaning towards the Right (politically).

5. Given the fact that three Western countries established, long ago, that free men have the right to free speech (those countries were England in 1689, France in 1789 and America in 1791; you can see the quotes below in the footnote [1]), none of the opinions and views of the 4 men above would be more, or less, legitimate. All of their opinions and views would be held in equal esteem. That’s what free speech is about: allowing free men to express their ideas without punishment, censorship or judgement. That’s how we, as a people, learn. Ideas help us grow intellectually. (Had we censored Plato or Aristotle or Kant, where would we be today? Socrates died for free speech, in fact. Plato urged censorship of certain stories for youths, which makes sense, since youths are not yet adults).

6. Therefore, there is no such thing as “racist speech” or “hate speech” or “sexist speech.” All speech in the Western world is legitimate and valuable (and protected). Those who would try to censor free speech are tyrants and traitors who are running against a centuries-long Western tradition.


[1] England’s Bill of Rights in 1689 legally established the constitutional right of freedom of speech in Parliament, so-called parliamentary privilege. See also: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, France, 1789, and, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, 1791. Furthermore, Article 19 of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

3 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, spintros at 10:08 am | Permanent Link

“Libs have no respect for anything save their direct personal interests. Their mouth is all crappy kitsch garden signs; their behavior is rabid pit bull tied to those stakes. Libs hate difference and its verbal/rhetorical expression – disagreement. Their instinct fear of orders they haven’t ordained, rhetorically represented as resistance to equality, produces in them a blindness born of hatred of actual difference, tolerance of which would lead to hierarchies in which they ain’t on top. Their ‘jewish breakthrough’ is that reality won’t interfere with your plans if you don’t let it. This means bombing the fuck and life out of people, rhetorically and physically, as at least if reality won’t play along, gobs can be stopped. Fear of racial differences is liberal, not racist. Jews and leftists can only win by being the only game in town. Ordinary people are conservative – stupid cowards. That is why jews and liberals win, and everybody else tries to stay out of their way, and finds so many things confusing. Racialists see and accept and draw inferences from racial differences. Liberals simply deny these differences exist, all scientific knowledge and human experience be damned. Liberals are religious fundamentalists more dangerous than the christian fundamentalists they deride, at least until the advent of Israel, as their insanity is earth-based rather than heavenly. You can see this hatred-born-of-fear-of-lib-unrecognizable-reality not just with regard to blacks, whom liberals refuse to respect as non-whites entities with their own specific and unique makeups, judging them, as they do all others, by how far they deviate from white liberal standards, but for racialists too, whom they never, not seldom, never respect enough even to record their names accurately. Aryan Nations becomes Aryan Nation. Top libs are smug haters, as dreamy and vicious as Manson’s girls. Unlike those girls, most liberals don’t even recognize the leader of their cult. Respect for the collection of differences known as reality is conservative, as is the recognition that only some of those differences are tolerable, and others need be understood and controlled, and some controlled to the point of extinguished.” — Alex Linder, from the spintro “Curious Carveouts for Non-Caucasians” (VNN, version 1, 2006).

2 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

“Talk about that regime today and you’re talking about Communism. Actually, it’s even worse than that. The Soviets, once the more radical Jews there were out of power, didn’t do everything they could to stop their own citizens from reproducing. They didn’t tell their citizens that men can be women and women can be men and that 10-year-olds cutting their genitals off and chemically suppressing puberty was “normal” or “heroic.” That’s the kind of thing the Communists promoted or did to other nations, to weaken and destroy them. The Soviets didn’t import millions of Africans or Mestizos into Eastern Europe, though they did encourage that sort of thing in the hated West, to weaken and destroy it.”

“White America has truly become the Nation Which Dares Not Speak Its Name.”
