23 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Christianity, jews, religion, Socrates at 7:00 pm | Permanent Link

Some people call Judaism a religion. We call it hate-posing-as-a-faith:


23 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, Iran, Iraq, jewed foreign policy, Socrates at 4:42 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “Okay, you neutralized Saddam Hussein for Israel. That’s a good start. Now, you must 1) stay in Iraq for as long as possible; 2) start moving against Iran. Understand?”

America: “Yes, master.”


22 May, 2007

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 5:34 pm | Permanent Link

The countdown to Knoxville continues. Join OnThePathToTruth & The Punk Mob tonight for Free Talk Live Coast to Coast Tuesday. Music starts at 7pm EST – Live Talk at 9pm EST.

Click HERE to listen – Show thread on VNN Forum HERE

22 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed law, Socrates at 3:01 pm | Permanent Link

It happens all the time in AmeriKwa: some city or state creates a law, and then some federal court blocks the law. Indeed, it seems that “everything is federal” these days. In other words, state and local governments now have little power to regulate activity in their own jurisdictions. (Of course, historically speaking, Jews played a major role in making the federal government nearly all-powerful, e.g., Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter’s successful effort in 1942 to redefine what “interstate commerce” means in order to involve the federal government in private business matters. As a result of Frankfurter’s “point man” actions, the federal government can now heavily regulate most private businesses in America).[1]:


[1] see the Supreme Court ruling A. B. Kirschbaum v. Walling, 1942

21 May, 2007

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 4:19 pm | Permanent Link


It was an excellent show! Over 130 listeners on VNN’s server – 90 even up into the weeee hours! Thanks to Hal Turner for simulcasting on his network as well, allowing us to reach even more ears.

Special thanks as well to Alex Linder for joining us and updating us all about the Knoxville Rally.

Archive coming soon. Watch this space.

21 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, mestizos, Socrates at 1:46 pm | Permanent Link

This guy is White? This guy is also White?

Here’s a guy who was born in Mexico, but he’s listed as White by the federal government.

Who benefits when Mexicans are called “White”? All non-Whites benefit, since that alters crime statistics which mention the ethnicity of criminals.

21 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in black crime, immigration, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 12:00 pm | Permanent Link

How many people were killed by immigration “extremists” last year? Any? How many people were killed by negroes and Mexicans? Thousands, we guess. So why focus attention on anti-immigration activists?

Besides that, anyone who has studied the matter knows that America’s founders created a White republic [1].

Also, note the mention of Pauly:


[1] the 1790 citizenship law: [Article]

20 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, immigration, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 1:57 pm | Permanent Link

Those of you who are still registered voters: if you don’t want 20 million Mexicans to become U.S. citizens/legal residents in the next 13 years, please call your Congressmen about this bill.

The bill is called the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007,” also known as bill S.1348.

Contact information for the Senate: [Here]

Contact information for the House of Representatives: [Here]

Ask your Congressmen to vote against this amnesty bill (or any similar amnesty bill).

More about the amnesty bill [Here]

19 May, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', AmeriKwa, Israel, Israel - the facts, jews, Muslims, Socrates at 5:29 pm | Permanent Link

The Muslim world knows that America is a vehicle which is used by World Jewry to advance Israel’s interests, even if many Americans don’t know. Of course, the special relationship between America and Israel really began with Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger’s MOU – also called Sinai II – in 1975 [1]:


[1] more about the MOU/Sinai II: [Article]

19 May, 2007

Posted by alex in James Hawthorne at 3:14 pm | Permanent Link

Listen to James Hawthorne and Lee Gardener discuss current events as seen from a White Nationalist perspective.

Direct mp3 download: here. (60 Minutes)

Visit Aryan Matters and Aryan Awakening