7 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Andrei Kievsky, jew, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewish hate & hypocrisy at 9:23 am | Permanent Link

You got to see this Alex — Philip Weiss on jews

He spilled the beans like no Jew since Benjamin Freedman!


6 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, economy, jewed culture, jews in America, New World Order, Socrates, White thought at 2:56 pm | Permanent Link

Here’s an idea for an economic rebound: get rid of America’s inflationary debt-money system and replace it with one that serves White interests. After all, how is inflation and debt-money good for White people? Thanks to inflation, today’s “dollar” has lost almost all of its purchasing power. In fact, inflation isn’t normal – unless you have a money system that was built by Jews [1] [2]:


[1] more about inflation, money and the definition of a “dollar”: [Here]

[2] the Jewish banker Paul M. Warburg was the key man behind the creation of the Federal Reserve system

6 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 8:16 am | Permanent Link

Back in Kirksville in one piece. Tuesday was quite an interesting day, ending with distribution of about 400 newspapers wrapped in flyers in the Halls area north of Knoxville. As soon as I break the world indoor record for consecutive hours of sleep I’ll be writing a trip report. A tease: went to Channon’s grave, talked to her friends, went to KPD to get my speech notes back, went to Newsom’s cemetery, went to crime scene on Chipman, talked to new residents at 2316, distributed a few hundred papers, drove 700 miles back home.

My report will include copious notes on getting the best out of Knoxville, which is a cool town, loaded with beautiful women. I truly believe the best looking women in the U.S. are in Kentucky and Tennessee. These notes will be aimed to help make your trip to the June 16 rally as easy as possible. If there’s any way you can make it, please go. I’d like to appeal to the speakers at that rally, please, do not get drawn into the jew’s rigged game of talking about hate crimes. That is utterly beside the point. The only thing that can be done for Channon and Chris now is to get those niggers the death penalty. The point aint whether or not there’s hate involved in a 3-way double rape, it’s that COERCED INTEGRATION IS EVIL. The fruit of coerced integration is the corpses of thousands and thousands and thousands of innocent Whites. What’s buried in this crime is enough to bring down our entire government. That is no exaggeration. Every possible pressure is being levied to explain away or cover up or mislead the people as to the reality. But the System, including the media and government which are one and the same thing, and boy how I know that first hand after two visits to Knoxville in ten days, is directly responsible for this nigger savagery. The System set up the rules that give these niggers free range, and the System’s media fail to report the crimes once they happen. And they turn in fury on those of us who raise a lampshade on the whole sordid scene. Let me just say, there is no epithet dirty enough to convey just how foul, pestilential and vile the so-called mainstream media are. They are accessories before and after the fact. They and their agenda are owned and set by Big Jew. BJ says that integration is holy and opposition to it is evil. Well, you bitches, step up and eat your rotten fruit and tell us how sweet it is- as you munch on the raped, strangled, charred corpses of two perfectly innocent White kids. INTEGRATION IS EVIL. That is the gun to the gunfight. Tepid retrograde quibbling over some stupid kike-concocted crime classification is nothing more than reactionary loserism. It is our duty as Whites to express and legitimize the rage felt by ordinary whites, inside Knoxville and out, over this and other horrendous crimes. To legitimize the rage, and to direct it onto the appropriate targets. The people primarily responsible for mixing these Lemaricuses and Letalvises in among us are jews. They did it with malice aforethought. They did it knowing that Channon Christians and Chris Newsoms would be murdered as a result. There is only one way to play this crime, and that is to lay it directly at the feet of the jew. All else is futile remonstrating. Slim and Rome are the symptom, JEW IS THE DISEASE.

5 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Free Talk Live, Socrates at 7:12 pm | Permanent Link

More about tonight’s show on the VNN forum: [Here]

5 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 3:12 pm | Permanent Link

Just when Holocaust-mania was showing signs of deceleratione.g., in British schools – presto, another Holocaust diary appears to indoctrinate a new generation of goyim:


5 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, jewed foreign policy, New World Order, Russia at 2:19 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew’s plan to “bookend” the West – with Jewed America on one side and Jewed Russia on the other – is slowly becoming a reality. But, oy, there’s a roadblock: Putin won’t buy the idea that equalocracy – i.e., Jews, negroes, Pakistanis, women and homosexuals ruling over White men – is good for Russia (and isn’t it strange pushing democracy onto Russia when America’s founders rejected it? [1]):


[1] a republic vs. a democracy: [Here]

4 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in activism, Alex Linder, hush crimes, Socrates at 4:45 pm | Permanent Link

News about Alex’s court appearance: [Here]

4 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in AmeriKwa, education, immigration, Socrates at 3:27 pm | Permanent Link

According to this news article, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala has been accepted into Harvard’s education school. Given the fact that Harvard is the most prestigious university in America, this might be a good matter to investigate further. For example, doesn’t Harvard screen applicants for citizenship status? If it doesn’t now, does it plan to screen applicants in the future? What happens if Harvard discovers that a student is an illegal immigrant? Does the student remain at Harvard? If you would like answers to those questions, you might want to contact the university (Harvard’s Interim President: [email protected] ; Harvard’s Vice President for Policy: [email protected] ):


4 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in faggotry, New World Order, Socrates, women, Women Politicians at 1:35 pm | Permanent Link

It’s easy to hook women up with fag friends, because women accept outsiders more readily than men do, which is why female leaders aren’t good for the West:


3 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in England, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, jewed law, Socrates at 5:59 pm | Permanent Link

Boycotting Israel is “reminiscent of totalitarianism”? That’s an interesting comment, since Jews invented and spread the world’s first totalitarian ideology, i.e., communism. In fact, Israel is a police state built on stolen land. It has 20 different laws which favor Jews over non-Jews, yet it calls itself a “democracy” [1]. By the way, it’s illegal for Americans to boycott Israel, thanks to a 1976 law created by the Jewish Senator Abe Ribicoff [2]:


[1] Israel’s laws: [Here]

[2] the Ribicoff law is known as the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act