10 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Big Picture, Knoxville rally at 4:44 pm | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

We must keep the heat on, keep the flame burning and add more and more fuel to it. We must use the Channon Christian/Chris Newsom slaying as the news peg, with COERCED RACE-MIXING AS GENOCIDAL TYRANNY as the theme.

We MUST and WILL demand and get the death penalty for this crime. But that is small potatoes. The big potatoes is that we must and will end the tyrannical evil that is racial integration, and that means defeating the jews who imposed it on us.

We must focus the blame where it truly belongs: on the JEWS, first, and the white sellouts and equality terrorists, second, who helped them. These people are responsible for getting tens of thousands of our own people raped and murdered each year – Whites who would otherwise be alive and happy. The vile, evil System media will not report these crimes, and Whites speaking to their representatives should do everything they can to make it clear to these scum that they are facilitators, enablers and all-around guilty agents of the jews running our government. And as such they will be treated when we take power.

In short, we must bring as sharp focus as we can to the COSTS of coerced integration which, in the falseface of ‘civil rights,’ is presented to our people as the holiest good. Well, you know a tree by its fruits. We Whites hold the rotten fruit up to the camera, that all our nationals might see. We are still missing some stats, though – see thread in Knoxville subforum. While Channon and Chris’s suffering and need for justice is our specific rallying point, it is essential to make it clear that what we object to is not any particular crime but the SYSTEM that facilitated the crime, since it is still in place, and as long as it is in place, our innocent White brothers and sisters like Channon and Chris will continue to suffer and die.

What we Whites do is the farthest thing from whining about double standards and bias. In fact, it is the reverse. Double standards and bias are worth complaining about if there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the System. If it is merely a matter of shedding light on a heretofore unknown problem which, once uncovered, can be corrected and smoothed out. If the Authority is legitimate.

That is not the case. The American government is not legitimate. From affirmative action, to hush crimes, to criminal foreign wars, to open borders, the government does not defend or represent the interests of the People, rather it defends and protects the interets of the JEWS WHO CREATED IT. Yes, that’s correct: The problem here is the ENTIRE SYSTEM, not simply this or that particular manifestation of its evil. The System doesn’t cover up these hush crimes because it is biased but because they threaten the ideology it is based on. The System produces these crimes by design, and it covers them up by necessity. All must be done to harangue and intimidate Whites so that minorities can keep on raping, murdering, and feeding on them, and a steady flow of our blood and treasure be pipelined to Israel.


No one who doesn’t grasp this essential point is fit to lead. He will easily be bought off if, say, Randy Nichols and the governmedia have a change of heart and agree to give the niggers the death penalty. If it’s just about Channon and Christ, then there’s an end to it. The extinction of the guilty niggers is all we can wish or do for them, since they are dead. But it ISN’T just about these two wonderful kids, it’s about US – ALL OF US – and WHAT THE JEWS RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT/MEDIA are doing to us, which no word but GENOCIDE will suffice to describe.


Whites must eschew cowardly conservative myopia and lift their heads. See the big picture: the System was set up, quite deliberately, by jews, to produce the sort of domestic terrorism that destroyed Christian and Newsom and that, rather than any bias, is why the media blankly refuse to cover it.

The media and the government are JEWS and THE JEWS ARE GUILTY.


10 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Iran, jewed foreign policy, New World Order, Socrates at 3:50 pm | Permanent Link

Will Israel’s proxy army – i.e., the American military – attack yet another Middle Eastern country? Will the American public be fooled once more into believing that the assault was necessary? How ironic that America has already “attacked” Iran twice before, in a manner of speaking: once when it engineered a coup in Iran in 1953 which installed the Shah, and again when it aided Iraq’s war against Iran in the 1980s [1] [2]:


[1] the 1953 coup: [Here]

[2] the Iraq/Iran war: [Here]

9 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Knoxville rally at 10:21 pm | Permanent Link

[I don’t know what headline, if any, Pitts gave this column. In any case, it was printed in papers nationwide. This column represents perhaps the fourth national coverage of the Christian-Newsom slayings: 1) AP (picked up in papers nationwide) the Monday before the Saturday (May 26, 2007) rally; 2) AP reporting our rally/my arrest; 3) CNN segment after the rally; 4) this column; 5) Chicago Tribune article (June 9). There have been other AP stories but they were small and not picked up. Papers tend to pick up only those stories that push the liberal agenda. The AP story reporting the slayings was picked up by very few papers. But the AP story putting the liberal spin on the slayings, appearing days before the rally, was picked up nationwide because it served The Agenda – “Nothing racial to see here, folks, just move along.” That is the rule. It was, as I have said, the same with the murder of Judgess Lefkow. The AP reports were picked up nationwide when there was speculation that WN might have killed her. When it became apparent, in subsequent AP reports, that WN were not involved, the stories were picked up by very few papers. There’s an Agenda. It is jewish. It is anti-White. It is unswerving. The heart of the matter is that our nation and its media are controlled by jewish moneymen and editors, and we Whites must change this or our people will be ridiculed and raped out of existence. The hiring of pet monkeys to write syndicated columns is just one way the jews laugh at us and ride herd on us, but the Internet, another White man invention, like everything else, lets us fight back with a real chance of winning. So enjoy this nigger’s upbraiding in this BTL . . . .

It always amazes me when white people put on the victim hat. As in victim of racial oppression. By any measure — health, education, economics, employment — white Americans enjoy a superior standard of living. If that’s racial oppression, sign me up.

Whites earned that standard of living. Because of their genius and hard work, blacks in America enjoy a standard of living they couldn’t earn on their own – far higher than their bros in Afreaka, who still eat each other and live in mud huts. The only reason you have a syndicated column, Pitts, is because you’re black. The only reason you have a Pulitzer for commentary is because you’re black. I doubt you even realize this. There are literally dozens of White men at the forum that brought the crime you sneer at to light who can write more incisive and profound political analysis than you can.

But still, one occasionally hears mewling noises from that subset of my white countrymen who feel put upon by big, bad racial minorities. This is one of those times. And Knoxville, Tenn., has become the capital city of that lunatic fringe.

Niggers like Pitts rape 100 White women a day, and murder thousands of Whites each year. And only mewling lunatics make an issue of it. Why is Pitts still employed? A White writer who does so little as to praise niggers in the wrong way is fired before the day is out, but this nigger keeps his job after insulting a race whose people are being raped and slaughtered around the clock by jew-loosed muds.

This ridiculous nigger wouldn’t even have a job if he were White. He lacks the talent. But in a government controlled by jews, hacks in the right category prosper, and today that means blacks. Pitts is able to live a nice upper-middle class lifestyle because he is one of a handful of niggers nationwide who can write string together two or three intelligible sentences. Pitts, you’re nothing but a house nigger for the jews who set up the System, and the sad part is you don’t even realize it. You actually believe you hold your position by merit.

It seems that in January, a young white couple, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, were victims of a brutal crime. They were carjacked, kidnapped and raped. Cleaning fluid was sprayed into Christian’s mouth. She was stuffed in a trash can and apparently suffocated. Newsom was shot and set afire. His body was dumped. Five blacks, one a woman, have been arrested.

The story made headlines around Knoxville. It was unnoticed nationally.

Unnoticed? Rather, it went unreported, unpicked up. As is always the case when the perps are muds and the victims human, managing editors nationwide leave the story on the wires and out of their pages. The jews producing the national cable shows avert their eyes and whistle show tunes while sending their pert ‘n’ inert blondes out to interview kike experts about the disposition of Larry Birkhead’s legal bill (I kid you not – was a subject on Greta Van Sustern). The crime did not go unnoticed, it went unreported by junk media. It was covered in depth in the new media, the blogosphere, the video sites. All you have to do to see the difference between the old ways and the new is search “Channon Christian” under google/news vs google/blogs. It is crystal clear that the people who run the System media do not think the same way as the People. They think the reverse. That is why the most horrific crime in the history of Tennessee went uncovered, and it is also why our borders remain open, our troops in Iraq, and affirmative action on the books. The People are at war with the System and its Media.

That has changed. A constellation of white supremacists and conservative bloggers has pushed the story into the national limelight as an illustration of their argument that news media, constrained by political correctness, refuse to report black-on-white crime while pulling out all the stops when crime is white-on-black, as in the Duke lacrosse debacle. Me, I would see their Duke case and raise them a Central Park jogger, but what do I know?

Even for a nigger this is stupid. See, nig Pitts, the Duke boys were innocent. The mudpack that raped the human woman was guilty. You see the difference? No, you don’t. No reasonable person could believe the Duke students were guilty within 24 hours of the allegation, since the whore’s fellow stripper said she was lying. But you and the rest of the media ran with story purely out of your hatred of Whites, and White men specifically. You ran with it for the better part of a year, and when you were proved so wrong the D.A. actually proclaimed the positive innocence of the three, you hadn’t the decency to apologize. You were angry. Yet you’re the ones lecturing us mewling lunatics about hate.

Anyway, bloggers like Michael Oliver have chastised the “liberal, biased, Mainstream Media” for missing the Knoxville story. He asked, “Had the roles been reversed, would the media ignore such a horrific crime?”

That’s a question so easy even a nigger can answer it.

Truth is, media ignore horrific crimes all the time.

I stand corrected.

Space is limited and growing more so. Which means the story that catches fire usually has some element beyond gruesomeness to sell it. In the Duke case, it was class, privilege, sex AND race that did it.

All that was missing was actual CRIME. And, no, in fact there are few to no crimes committed by Whites against blacks that are not made national affairs. Whereas the 90% of interracial crime that is black-on-White is covered up. The crimes are never reported nationally, let alone trumpeted or dramatized or even merely set in context. So that most readers and viewers have no idea that ALL interracial rape is black on White. Yes, niggers rape 40,000 White women a year. Are White girls warned about this? Not by the government that set up the System that facilitates that rape! The government, of which the mass media are simply the propaganda arm, does everything it can to sell young White females on the idea that niggers are their natural friends and benefactors, whereas White males are freaks, weirdos, serial killers and child molesters – or at best goofy, doofy and terminally uncool. “Liberal, biased mainstream media” is nothing but the tip of the iceberg. The bulk of the iceberg, meant to rip the White Titanic apart and send it to the bottom of the ocean, is the coerced integration called ‘civil rights.’

We’re onto you guys, Pitts. Well, we’re onto your bosses. You, your commentary Pulitzer notwithstanding, how shall I put this?, lack the intelligence to grasp the System or your role within it. The fact is that bias has nothing to do with anything. The System covers up the Knoxville atrocity because it has to. The crime, while unusually awful, is nevertheless typical. The communist jews who refounded America in the sixties knew that crimes just like the Knoxville atrocity would be commonplace occurrences in the new nation we call AmeriKwa. They intended these crimes. They scare the White population, and prevent it from fighting back. Civil rights is nothing but domestic terrorism. It is jews siccing feral jungle savages on human populations. Well, Mr. Nigger, and Mr. Nigger’s Jew Boss, on May 26th, the White man began to fight back. This fight will continue until you and your kind are destroyed and we have our own free and independent nation. A nation without jewish commissars and nigger hacks.


Not that I expect Oliver or any other “oppressed” white person to pay attention to something so trivial as fact. They’re too busy demanding that this case be tried as a hate crime — even though police say there’s no evidence the couple was targeted for any other reason than that they were there. And May 26, white supremacists held — I kid you not — a “rally against genocide” in Knoxville.

Nigger Pitts, there are 5,000 hate crimes a year. There are 2 million interracial violent crimes a year, 90 percent of which are black on White. We didn’t hold the rally to call it a hate crime. Of course, anytime you gang rape someone for hours, then torture and strangle her/him, there’s hate involved. And of course these niggers have heads full of jewish memes such as “all White girls really want nigger dick” and “the White man is responsible for all blacky’s problems.” But we did not rally to demand this jew-sponsored, black-executed act of routine domestic terrorism be fitted to a judeo-communist political construct; we rallied to discuss the Systemic nature of this crime. To explain to ordinary Whites what I’ve just said above: that America today is run by jews. Those jews intend to bring about White genocide. They do this by what they call civil rights, or, accurately, coerced racial integration. What are the fruits of this evil tyranny? The horrors visisted on the bodies of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom… Their charred, strangled, raped, mutilated, chemically burned corpses are the everyday, routine, predictable INTENDED CONSEQUENCE of the hell that is ‘civil rights’ (race-mixing at gunpoint). The bottom line has nothing to do with the conservative fool’s liberal-bias bugaboo and everything to do with the communist jew’s plan for White genocide by diversity. In other words, diversity = death, and that was what I carried on my sign when I was beat down by System bullies.

Well, nigger and Boss Jew and appeaser-apparatchiks I’m back up and louder than ever.

Part of me thinks I should consider the source and let this slide. But the argument being advanced here is so utterly, abysmally, stupidly, self-servingly wrong that I cannot help but respond.

Consider the source? Ok. We’re intelligent White men who know the facts, and fight the powerful forces of Semitical Correctness to convey them to genocidally threatened Whites. You’re a neo-Soviet Realist hack who has a job only because of his race – and is too dumb to realize it.

Let’s make it personal, Pitts. You have my job. I am roughly ten times more qualified to write a paid column than you are. But because I am the wrong color and because I don’t advance The Agenda, you have the job and the standard of living that comes with it. The truth is that you could never obtain your position on your own merit, and you only have it because it serves jewish political interests. No one’s ever hipped you to that fact, Lennie cat, but that’s the way it is.

Know, Leonard, that I can outtalk, outwrite and outanalyze you any day of the week – and so can any one of a hundred of my guys at VNNForum.com.

You have no idea. You’re an uneducated hack who happened to be born the right race in the right time and place. Pulitzer material? Your writing’s on the level of a high school student.

Black crime against whites is underreported? On what planet? Study after study and expert after expert tell a completely different story.

You’re likelier to read a story about White on black crime forty years ago than black on White yesterday. If that weren’t true, the alternative media would mirror the junk media. That it differs so radically shows at the least that the People’s interests differ from the mass media, supposedly driven by profit!, or at the most that something very, very strange is going on: some kind of overt suppression of stories that matter most. The alternative media are talking about Channon Christian. The junk media are talking about Paris Hilton.

The only story my local paper, representative of Flyover papers nationwide, picked up re Channon Christian story was the AP story the Monday before the Saturday rally in which the Big Kike attempting to puts its liberal spin in the mouths of the parents of the victims and thereby defuse White rage. The first reports of the double-murder went un-picked in most of Tennessee, let alone in other states. You guys are not only junk media, you’re bad-faith media. Your jew bosses tell people what jews want them to think, not the truth. Not even the facts. You’re liars with a genocidal agenda, and we’re on to you, thanks to the Internet.

For instance, there’s “Off Balance: Youth, Race and Crime in the News,” a 2001 report which concluded that: Blacks and Latinos are underrepresented in news media as victims of crime and significantly overrepresented as perpetrators, based on crime statistics; newspaper articles about white homicide victims are longer and more frequent than those about black ones; and interracial violent crime is more likely to be reported even though it is just about the rarest kind of violent crime.

Every story about “crime,” if it is about real crime, rather than the jewish construct hate crime, focuses on blacks as victims. These reports NEVER report the simplest and most significant fact: black males are 6% of the country, and they are responsible for over 50% of the violent crime. That’s the only fact that matters. Blacks commit most of the violent crime, and blacks commit ALL interracial rape, and 90% of interracial violent crime.

You niggers are AT WAR WITH Whites. You’re deliberately victimizing us in record numbers, and the jews who sicced you on us with ‘civil rights’ are covering up your foul deeds.

No more.

On May 26, the White man began to fight back.

We’ll tell the truth about you on the ‘Net, and we’ll fight you in the streets.

And here I’m obligated, because I’m black, to say that if the defendants in this case did what they are accused of doing, I’d be happy to see them rot under the jailhouse. Sadly, that needs saying because there are people who will not take it as a given.

Yeah. We saw how you niggers reacted to the O.J. verdict.

The simple truth is, you niggers do hate Whites. That’s why the jews forced you in among us, and that is why we will liberate ourselves from you – and the jews who set up the Civil Rights Tyranny.

But with that obligation fulfilled, let me add that I am likewise unkindly disposed toward the crackpots, incendiaries and flat-out racists who have chosen this tragedy upon which to take an obscene and ludicrous stand. I have four words for them and any other white Americans who feel themselves similarly victimized:
Cry me a river.

And they call us haters. We’re obscene, ludicrous, mewling crackpots because we discuss the fact that 40,000 White girls a year are raped by niggers, and 1.5 to 2 million Whites fall victim to violent crimes committed by Blacks. We’re anti-semites because we discuss the motives of the jews who set up the System that facilitates the Knoxville horror.

Well, boy, I have some unhappy news for you. We’re not only not going away, we’re getting stronger every day.

We will vanquish you along with the jews who created you.

Leonard J. Pitts Jr.
Leonard Pitts Jr. is a columnist for The Miami Herald. Write to him at [email protected].

Write him and tell him that Alex Linder of VNNForum.com publicly challenges him to a debate on race and crime in any forum he chooses.

Pitt, I could have kicked your ass when I was eight. You got any balls, Pulitzer Prize winning nigger, or are you just hot air, Lennie?

The offer is serious: anytime, anywhere. I speak for Whites. Put my name out in any forum, and I will appear on radio, tv, Internet – wherever. If any White coming across this wants a spokesman a la Jesse and Al, I’m your White man.

9 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in black crime, hush crimes, media, Socrates at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

In the Chicago Tribune (Sunday, June 10th edition). Read about it: [Here]

8 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in feminism, jewed culture, New World Order, Socrates, women at 6:38 pm | Permanent Link

Arab men reject feminism, but the smartest White men accept it. Only in the Western countries can intelligent people be fooled by obvious Jewish propaganda [1]:


[1] more about feminism: [Here]

8 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, jew mentality, Socrates at 12:53 pm | Permanent Link

What kind of “allies” assault an American ship and then lie about it for 40 years? The Jews have no loyalty to anyone who isn’t Jewish, so attacking the Liberty was business-as-usual for Israel. In fact, the Hate State is almost always the aggressor in any violent action in the Middle East [1]:


[1] wars which were started by Israel: [Here]

7 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

Read the rest of this entry »

7 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in immigration, jewed Congress, jewed culture, Socrates at 3:18 pm | Permanent Link

“Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population.” Gee, Annie, that’s dangerously close to a White nationalist statement. Is the cultural wind finally changing directions? Are mild-mannered Whites waking up to the fact that, if they don’t take actions to preserve themselves, they will be genocided-by-default due to both non-White immigration and high minority birth-rates? (By the way, Kennedy didn’t create the 1965 immigration act, although he did play a part in it. It was Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler – and other Jews – who played the key role in its passage [1] ):


[1] about the 1965 immigration act: [Here]

7 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Bush, Iran, Paul Craig Roberts at 10:16 am | Permanent Link

Typical Girl touch in the last paragraph. The nazis are the most reviled regime in history? Maybe by the jews – the neocons – the communists – they fought a hell of a lot more successfully than the Pauli Girl paleocons have managed. Let me say that again: the truth is that the Nazis fought the neocons of their time, then called communists. Today, in America, those communists are called  neocons. Both times they were jews. That’s what matters.

If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran

By Paul Craig Roberts

The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the attempted occupation. Winning is no longer an option. Our best hope, Gen. Sanchez says, is “to stave off defeat,” and that requires more intelligence and leadership than Gen. Sanchez sees in the entirety of our national political leadership: “I am absolutely convinced that America has a crisis in leadership at this time.


7 June, 2007

Posted by alex in jews jewing jewily, N.B. Forrest, Ukraine at 10:00 am | Permanent Link

Clearly the tapirs are nervous about the diminishing shekel flow generated by Hollowco$t Inc. 62 years down the track. Oy – troubling! Perhaps attributing the development to the shocking plunge in the frequency of jewsmedia/classroom mentions of History’s Greatest Crime to once every other nanosecond, they’re administering an emergency Nevah Forget! mindschtup, using their hideous proboscises to snuffle up some rancid Kosher truffles in the Ukraine:


“Ukraine was an enormous killing field – hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered!!”, screamed yidpimp Efraim Zuroff, director of the Israel office of the Simon Weaselgnaw Center (while deftly kicking the bones of 9 million Cheka zhid-snuffed Ukrainian goyim under a rather large carpet).

Dig the accompanying snigger-pic of the crumbly kike in KZ drag: Oh, the proud puss of a Noble Suhvivah! Worthy of an Ehrenboig “Rape the Blonde German Hag!” poster, itz!

N.B. Forrest