18 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Iran, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, Socrates at 1:58 pm | Permanent Link

Why was Pace replaced?:


More information about Levin, who is Jewish, [Here]

Still more information about Levin: [Here]

18 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Britain, Jew World Order, liberalism, media control, New World Order, Western culture at 12:13 pm | Permanent Link

BBC chief Michael Grade and BBC Creative Director Alan Yentob are both Jewish:


17 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Iran, Israel, jewed foreign policy, Socrates at 9:13 pm | Permanent Link

To bomb, or not to bomb, a sovereign nation half-way around the world for Israel’s benefit – that’s the question. (By the way, “hawk” evolved from the older term “war hawk.” However, maybe an alternate word is needed, now that America is under neoconservative rule. Any suggestions?):


17 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, New World Order, Socrates at 3:44 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “Dismantle the White, Christian republic of Srpska. Because it’s your duty to go out into the world and remake it. It’s your duty to weaken or topple states that are too White, or too Christian, or just not to Jewish liking for whatever reason. You, and your allies, have already erased Nazi Germany and Rhodesia, and you crushed apartheid in South Africa. That’s a good start. But your work isn’t done yet. You must create a New World Order where all Jews can live in safety and happiness. Understand?”

America: “Yes, master.”


Dr. William Pierce on Serbia and Bosnia: [Here]

16 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in hush crimes, rallies, Socrates, White solutions at 5:47 pm | Permanent Link

Comments about the rally, at the VNN Forum, as they arrive: [Here]

A news article about today’s rally: [Here]

16 June, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in Alex Linder, radio, rallies, Theseus, Tony at 9:21 am | Permanent Link


5:45:Tony is on the road, driving while completely exhausted. He pulled over to nap, says he will offer a full report when he, “. . . is not so loopy.” He has been awake for over 36 hours (spending most of this time driving).

Thank-you, Tony. Great speech, Alex. Video and stills coming soon. These two photos were text-messaged to me from Tony.  Arktos has reposted a [VIDEO] of MSM coverage.

5:24:Talked to Tony. He, Alex, and others are having something to eat. Tony will call back in fifteen minutes, and we will then either do a re-cap, or set a time for one.


3:05: Rally over, taking a break. We will have re-cap shortly with Tony and Alex. Enjoy the music.

1:35: Alex Linder just wrapped up a fiery surprise speech.

1:00: The speeches are being held now.


11:20: Tony is on-site. His broadcast will begin momentarily.


10:15: Sgruber from the forum with some useful info:

The courthouse rally is at 1pm.

Meanwhile, since Tony’s about in Knoxville now, he could go to the rally at the Knoxville News Sentinel.

That rally is supposed to be starting NOW ( @ 10:00 AM, or possibly @ 10:30 AM).


Directions to Knoxville News-Sentinel, event starts @ 10:00 AM:

Tony’s about at the I-75, I-40 split. He must take I-40 EAST into Knoxville.

After that, here’s how to get to the KNS:

Take exit 386A toward University Ave/Middlebrook Pike
0.6 mi

Turn right at Partners Pl
463 ft

Slight right at Middlebrook Pike/TN-169 W
0.2 mi

Turn right at Proctor St
410 ft

Turn right at News Sentinel Dr
0.2 mi

From there, you literally can’t miss it.


16 June, 2007

Posted by Dietrich in Alex Linder, radio, rallies, Theseus, Tony at 12:12 am | Permanent Link

VNN Broadcasting is live all day today, covering Alex and Tony’s exploits at the rally in Knoxville from 9 A.M. EST until 3 P.M. EST. The two will be interviewing attendees and documenting events live. In addition, I will be “live-blogging” the event as videos and stills arrive.

Winamp IconLISTEN LIVE (Shoutcast)

Windows Media Player IconListen Live (Windows Media)

15 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in jews, judaism, judeo-communism, Marxism, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates at 10:35 pm | Permanent Link

“To the first group must now be added Marxism – a creed, like the others, of violence, a religion derived ultimately from Judaism.”

— from the book “East and West” (New York; Mentor Books, 1965) by historian C. Northcote Parkinson, p. 241.

15 June, 2007

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iran, Israel, satire, Socrates at 2:59 pm | Permanent Link

Solomon Goldsilverfeldwitz, Middle East security expert and dual-citizenship holder, writes:

“Dear Mr. Bush: just as I suspected, Iran is even delivering weapons to the moon, in order to arm the IslamoLunarFascists there. For proof of my claims, just watch the enclosed video that I made with the help of the special Israeli military unit known as C.R.A.P. The video shows Iranian soldiers, clad in spacesuits, unloading crates of weapons on the moon. Notice that the crates are labeled ‘To: Lunar fascists, terrorists and thugs. From: The Iranian government.’ What better proof of Ahmadinejad’s evilness is there? — Sol”


15 June, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Knoxville rally at 3:46 am | Permanent Link

By Alex Linder

Take my hand, I want to show you something…

Read the rest of this entry »