4 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", apartheid, jewed culture, jewed politics, jewhad, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish World Revolution, Slovo, South Africa at 9:54 am | Permanent Link

by Tobias Langdon.


“It wasn’t Blacks on their own who did all that. It was much more intelligent and Machiavellian Jews. In fact, Jews have been allying with Blacks since early in the last century and were instrumental in the Civil Rights movement (CofC, 255–56). The same applies to non-Black Muslims in countries like Britain and France. They too are of low average intelligence and accomplishment, but they too benefit from minority worship and commit horrific crimes against Whites with the complicity—and even the collaboration—of the authorities. Muslims didn’t achieve this cultural elevation and criminal privilege on their own. Once again Jews have been their allies. Indeed, you can find many examples of Jews explicitly proclaiming that “Jews and Muslims are natural allies.”

“Natural allies” against whom? Against Whites, of course. Jews also see themselves as the natural allies of Blacks against Whites. That is what too many Whites presently fail to see.”


3 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in rock music at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

“Stained Class” (1978) by Judas Priest. [Album, 50 minutes].

3 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, conservatives as losers and wimps, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy at 2:00 pm | Permanent Link

Race is the key ingredient in our White Western civilization. But most conservatives ignore race. They’d rather talk about lowering taxes. That ain’t gonna help ya, sonny! (note: the second article is not written from a White nationalist perspective).

“Conservatives cannot win because the enemy to which they are opposed is a revolutionary enemy — an enemy with revolutionary goals and guided by a revolutionary way of life. The advantage has always lain — and will always lie — on the side of the contender who is prepared to take the offensive, rather than maintaining a defensive position only. And the evolutionary natures of the conservative and the revolutionary determine that the one shall always play an essentially defensive role and the other an offensive role.” [Article by Dr. William Pierce].

“Conservatives have lost on every battlefront: free speech, the military, the universities, marriage, nuclear family, child education, the media, the government, Boy Scouts, business, law and justice, Christianity, patriarchy, immigration, the welfare state, and capitalism. The right to bear arms is the only battle they’re not losing in a rout, but I’m confident they will lose that too within a decade’s time. Conservative institutions are being infiltrated and subverted, or have disappeared off the face of the earth, and there is no sign of them ever coming back.”

3 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Britain, Cultural Marxism, England, homeschooling, political correctness, trannies at 12:08 pm | Permanent Link

Uh-oh! Little Johnnie isn’t being taught about “the joys of being a tranny” at home. Better fix that problem!


3 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", election fraud, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, vote fraud, voting at 11:13 am | Permanent Link

On November 3, 2020, the crime of the century occurred. It involved probably 500 criminals or more, in several different countries, including the USA, China and Germany. Our American federal election was stolen on that day.

On November 3, thousands of felonies were committed at once. Many of those felonies were RICO Act violations (conspiracy). Some were espionage-law violations and wire-fraud violations. The crime was an actual coup against the executive branch of the U.S. government (the president of the United States). Dozens of people should be in jail awaiting trial right now. So why aren’t they? Ask yourself that. A crime the likes of which we have never seen before is going totally unpunished!

This crime was so big and so brazen that it must be punished. It can’t not be punished. Do you realize that every law and every mandate made by the Joe Biden regime is illegal by default, since the people in charge should not be in charge? The crime of the century had, and has, so many serious legal and constitutional consequences that even some of the liberals who helped steal the election are probably having second thoughts about what they did (just kidding). (Consider it: many millions of civil-rights violations were committed in just one day! An all-time record! The 1965 Voting Rights Act, for example, was violated approximately 80 million times on November 3rd! Where is the Left on that giant crime? Hmmmm? Silence, huh?? Now they don’t care about civil rights, huh?? Aren’t liberals the champions of civil rights?? [1]).

Lastly, several questions just beg to be answered:

1. Whose idea was it to steal the 2020 election?
2. Who was in charge of the election theft? Who directed the theft?
3. How many of the election thieves were Jews? (I’m guessing a lot of them)
4. How far up the ladder of authority did the election theft go? To the U.S. Senate? To the CIA? The State Department? All of them? None of them?
5. Why didn’t Donald Trump declare martial law when he realized that the election was stolen? Apparently, Trump was urged to do so.


[1] “80 million times” reflects 80 million votes for Trump being invalidated

2 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Mexico at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

How dare the Mexicans reject the idea of giving children The Toxic Jab! There’s a New World Order going around, and the Mexicans gotta get with the program! If they don’t, Big Jew is gonna cancel bank accounts, refuse loans, reject trade agreements, and other scary things. One World, One People, No Borders, and Everyone Gets The Jab Or Else!


2 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', 'sex-change', 'transgender', Canada, Cultural Marxism, Gertrude Stein, human blights, human equality, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed law, René Cassin, UN, UN founders at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Rene Cassin [1887-1976]: Jew, judge and tampon-wearer).

Any time you see/hear the term “human rights,” run away. Fast. “Human rights” is Culturally Marxist baloney designed to favor human blights (i.e., Blacks, Browns, Jews, queers, trannies, vegetarians, midgets and people who practice yoga).

“Human rights” is leftist crap. The term was coined by the Jew, Rene Cassin, circa 1948 for the UN [1][2]. “Human rights” is a weapon designed to take away the rights and freedoms of White people in order to “equalize” a society. White people are being oppressed by “human rights” nonsense.



[1] The United Nations’ 1948 “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Nope. Sorry. A Marxist Jew saying that doesn’t make it true. In fact, Jews are famous for just making things up to suit their agenda. Other examples are “civil rights” and “gay” (which used to mean “happy” until Gertrude Stein corrupted it)

[2] Here are web quotes about Cassin and human rights: “He was the brains and the driving force behind the UN commission that drew up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.” Furthermore, “…it was Cassin who actually put pen to paper and inked the first draft…” (of the declaration); “The workhorse of the Commission, he (Cassin) was the one most responsible for the draft of the Declaration of Human Rights approved by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948.”

2 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, drug testing at 10:37 am | Permanent Link

Many people have asked this question: “if the Covid-19 vaccines suck, then why does the government and Big Pharma want to vaccinate everybody in America with Covid vaccines?” That’s why: because the vaccines suck.

In fact, they knew the Covid vaccines sucked from the beginning, but many billions of dollars were at stake, and many promises were made, so they put on a “dog-and-pony show.” They faked everything.

Whenever a company tests a new drug, it uses two groups of people. Group A (the experimental group) takes the real drug. Group B (the control group) takes a placebo (a fake drug, e.g., a sugar pill). Neither group knows whether it is getting the real drug or a placebo. After the testing is completed, the two groups are compared.

Right now in America, the unvaccinated people are the control group. We’re the normal people. But the government and the Big Pharmas don’t want a control group. They don’t want two groups of people comparing notes about the Covid vaccines, both now and five years from now. If everyone is vaccinated, then there is no control group.

Apparently, the original idea for the vaccines was to get all of the sheeple in America quickly vaccinated by June or July 2021. But it didn’t happen, because there are far fewer sheeple than they realized. Oops! Too many smart people doubted the rushed, experimental vaccines. Now there are billions of dollars worth of crappy vaccines gathering dust. Also at stake are billions of dollars worth of future government contracts, which some of the Big Pharmas may not get now.

(A typical article about the “need” for mandatory Covid vaccinations. Notice the hyperbolic language: the vaccines are “miraculously effective.” Oh, really?? “Miraculously”?? If the vaccines are “miraculously effective” then how come they don’t work?? Indeed, the vaccinated must now wear masks again!)

1 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in genocide, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, jewed culture, jewed language, jewed law, jewed media, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish cruelty, Jewish deceit, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish nation-wrecking, War On White Males, War On White People, Zionism, Zionist lobby, ZOG at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link

(For newbies, mainly)

No, the biggest problem in the world isn’t global warming. Or Islam. Or fried food.

If you don’t know what the biggest problem in the world is, it’s good that you’re reading this, because I’ll tell you what it is.

There’s a place called the West. It’s a region in the world. What and where is the West? It’s all of the White countries, collectively: the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland.

For centuries, the West was controlled by White people and only White people. In fact, White people controlled almost the entire world. (To be more precise: White men controlled almost the entire world. Just thought I’d clarify things).

Then, in France in 1806, a White leader named Napoleon Bonaparte did something that the West would deeply regret later. He “freed” a certain people from “legal and social bondage.” The people Napoleon freed were Jews. What Napoleon did was this: he granted rights to the Jews that they didn’t have before. For example, they couldn’t previously become doctors or lawyers. Why couldn’t they? Because Jews are a people who are not White and who “don’t play well with other people.” Historically, the Jews were viewed as pests, dishonest trouble-makers, “human mosquitos” if you will. (A funny saying about Jews, heard recently: “Jews don’t run with scissors. Jews convince other people to run with scissors.” Another saying: “How can you tell when a Jew is lying? His lips are moving!”).

Anyway, Napoleon freed the Jews, and it had a domino effect: soon they enjoyed new rights not only in France but in other Western countries, too. But Napoleon did not understand that, by freeing the Jews, he was basically unleashing Hell on the West. The West would soon discover that Jews were unlike anybody else on the planet and I don’t mean that in a good way.

It wasn’t long before Jews, with their unique mental features (high IQs, high verbal skills, cunning, greed, and clannishness) controlled the banks of the West, and soon after the media of the West as well. They also created and/or took over the political Left wing of the West (e.g., Marxism, socialism, and racial organizations like the NAACP in America. In fact, you could say that “leftism/liberalism is a Jewish construct”).

Today, if the president of any White country wants to do something political of any significance, he must ask the Jews for permission first. If they deny him permission, he won’t do it. That’s the power of the Jews in the West today. Indeed, The Iraq War was launched by America in 2003 simply because the Jews wanted it done, for Israel’s benefit as usual [1].

Currently, Jews are skillfully using Black and Brown people as “weapons” against White people in the West. The Jews are actively trying to destroy Western culture with Marxism, multiculturalism, leftism, feminism, social media censorship, etc.

But, you may ask, “why would the Jews do that? Why would the Jews want to destroy Western civilization — the greatest civilization in world history?” That’s a good question. To understand the Jews, you must know what Jews are, and how Jews think and behave.

Jews are both a religion and a race by historic inbreeding. Most Jews in the world are known as Ashkenazim Jews, or “Eastern European Jews.” The remaining 10% are known as Sephardim Jews or “Mediterranean Jews.” Jews are not racially White, even though most of them appear to be White.

Jews have an unusual worldview and a toxic mental process (i.e., toxic to non-Jews). Because of that, they have been expelled from 109 different countries in the world (a record!). As I said, they don’t play well with other people. Firstly, they believe that they are superior to all other people in the world, i.e., that they are “God’s Chosen People” (God likes them best!). In other words, they are very racist. Secondly, the Jews believe that it’s okay for them to genocide anyone who isn’t a Jew. Yes, they actually believe that: in fact, the Christian Bible, aka the Old Testament, was written by Jews and it’s full of passages where Jews brag about genociding various “lesser” peoples (not only the peoples but their livestock, too!). And also, according to the Jews, God sanctioned the genociding of those “lesser” people. He “okayed” it. This is the Jewish mindset: bold arrogance and stunning cruelty. You can see it in Palestine/Gaza even today, where the Jews shoot children, massacre zoo animals and bomb hospitals, and then lie about it.

Indeed, the Jews are racist against all humanity and are “at war” with everyone else on the planet. But they especially hate Whites, because they fear Whites more than any other people, especially since WWII.

You might ask: “why would the Jews want to genocide the West, since half of all Jews today live in the West?” The plain answer is: because they can’t not genocide the West. Genocide and hyper-hate are so natural to the Jews, so inborn, that they’re actually coded in their genes. Like an alcoholic who is drinking himself to death and knows it and yet still keeps drinking, Jews can’t help their natural inclination towards genociding the people that they fear the most, even if such genociding will eventually kill them along with the White people. Put another way: “Come what may, fish gotta swim, frogs gotta hop and Jews gotta genocide their greatest enemy”; such genocidal feelings among Jews are mostly subconscious (i.e., the Jews don’t realize that they’re wanting/committing genocide; they’re in deep denial, although realistically, some Jews probably do realize it).

Bottom line: since the West is the most powerful and most productive region on Earth, the genociding of Western civilization by the Jews is the foremost problem in the world, eclipsing every other problem by far. The West must survive, at any cost.


[1] “Secondly, those who favour this attack (i.e., the Iraq War) now will tell you candidly, and privately, that it is probably true that Saddam Hussein is no threat to the United States. But they are afraid at some point he might decide if he had a nuclear weapon to use it against Israel.” — U.S. General Wesley Clark, former NATO supreme allied commander, quoted in The Guardian newspaper, UK, 20 August 2002, in an article titled “US assumes UK help in Iraq, says General”

31 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:35 pm | Permanent Link

Flu cases during the flu seasons (i.e., October 1 to April 1).

Source: CDC


2014-2015_______30,000,000 cases







It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that most “Covid-19” cases were actually flu cases. That’s because the, ahem, “gold-standard” PCR test could not distinguish between Covid and flu. Even if you factor in “social distancing to avoid Covid” the 2020-2021 flu case number is shockingly tiny.