9 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Bobby Fischer, Bolsheviks, communism, communism origins of, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism at 1:46 pm | Permanent Link

“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.”

— World chess champion Bobby Fischer (1943-2008), who was technically Jewish himself (because he had a Jewish mother, who was apparently a Marxist sympathizer).

“To the first group must now be added Marxism – a creed, like the others, of violence, a religion derived ultimately from Judaism.”

— from the book “East and West” (New York; Mentor Books, 1965) by British historian C. Northcote Parkinson, p. 241.

9 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in halakhic laws in Judaism, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish genetic diseases, Jewish genetics, Jewish Halakhic law, judaism, Judaism As a Group Evolutionary Strategy, judaism-as-hate, Shahak at 1:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William L. Pierce.

(Judaism is racism. Period. If you practice Judaism, then you practice racism. So why are the Jews never called “racists”? Why do the Jews work feverishly to “fight racism” in America when they themselves are racists?)[1].

“Each morning, every Orthodox Jew in the world thanks his god “who has not made me a goy, a slave, or a woman,” in the words of the prayer. (Goy is a particularly slighting Jewish name for non-Jews.) According to the Jewish conception, Yahweh, who saw fit to elevate the Jews above all the other nations, is not merely the tribal god of the “chosen” race, but the Lord of all creation. As they see it, their god is the God of the Gentiles, the God for the Jews.

It must be stressed that this theological notion, for the Jews, does not derive its importance from a heightened consciousness of an obligation to the Divinity. The meat of the doctrine, for Jews, is Israel’s sanctity, not God’s. Passages in the Old Testament referring to Israel’s divine election are customarily interpreted in an allegorical sense by Christians, who take them as presentiments of a beatitude and salvation accessible to all men. For believing Jews, however, lines such as, “For the nation and kingdom that refuses to serve you [Israel] shall perish, such nations shall be utterly ruined” (Isaiah 60:12). are justifications for a frenzied chauvinism.”



[1] Jews are both a race by historic inbreeding and a religion. Occasionally a non-Jew converts to Judaism but Orthodox Jews don’t recognize them as Jews. Jewish religious law (Halakhah law) defines a Jew as “a person born of a Jewish mother.”

8 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Africa, IQ, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish deceit, race, race baloney, Race Denial, racial differences, racial hierarchy at 2:36 pm | Permanent Link

Oh, this is rich, coming from a Jewish activist (Dennis Prager). As if White Western culture was founded by Blacks, or Browns, or Asians. No! It was founded only by Whites! If race doesn’t matter, then explain Africa, which is an entire continent full of semi-retarded losers; a large percentage of the people in Africa are borderline-idiots (i.e., with IQs in the 70s; think about that) [1].

The point here? Race very much matters. Race is everything. Whites built the world. Race is so much more than “skin color.”

[Video; see starting at the 4:00 mark].


[1] IQ means “intelligence quotient.” IQ tests measure “general intellectual ability” or “the ability to recognize and solve problems.” Black/Brown people have lower IQs than White people. The average IQ of a White person is 100. The average IQ of a Black/Brown person is 85. The average IQ of a negro in Africa is 75 to 80 (scores between 70 and 79 are in the “borderline mentally retarded” range).

8 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, China, China as a threat to the West, jewish spies, Jewish spying accusations, Roosevelt, Roosevelt as a Baruch puppet, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Soviet Union, spies, Stalin, Truman, Truman and spying at 12:11 pm | Permanent Link

No one is safe when leftists control the government, since they have no standards and no morals.

Not only was the U.S. government full of Soviet spies during the WWII years and afterwards, but, when told about the spies, the next leftist government (the Truman administration, which began in April 1945) did nothing about the spying, and in fact accused anti-spying patriots of exaggerating the evils of Soviet spying.

Yes, bad things happen when conservatives rule, too, but not nearly as bad as when leftists rule. They are traitors and fools par excellence. Which is why no one in America is safe right now. In fact, China probably has a key to the back door of the White House, so that the commies can come and go at their leisure.


8 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 10:48 am | Permanent Link

From February:

“I want to talk to you for a minute about ‘vaccine-refusers’. Where did this concept even come from? How is it possible for there to be ‘vaccine-refusers’? The law speaks explicitly of the right to autonomy on one’s body. It speaks about the fact that every person is allowed to choose which medical test or treatment he wants to receive. What’s the meaning of ‘vaccine-refusers’?

“I want for a moment to coin a new concept: ‘Vaccine-coercers’. This you’re hearing from a person who never had a problem with vaccines, I have a proper vaccine booklet, I never worried, I never suspected, I never had any second thoughts that there’s any problem with vaccines. But when I see a collective brain-washing in all the media outlets, city heads who want to deny rights, prime ministers who want to establish a green passport – insanity! Things that cannot happen in a democratic country – I oppose.”



8 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Big Government, Big Lie, Big Medical, Big Pharma, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 10:34 am | Permanent Link

This is shaping up to be a genuine conspiracy. Really.

Add these two things together and what do you get?: 1) Big Pharma wiped out the control group in the Covid-19 vaccines study (thereby voiding the study results; why on earth would anybody do that?); 2) and now, Big Medical is threatening to cancel the medical licenses of doctors who spread “misinformation” about Covid. Yes. Here in America! Land of the free! This adds up to a real conspiracy designed to fool the public about the true nature of Covid [1].

[Article] and [Image of article].


[1] “Whenever a company tests a new drug, it uses two groups of people. Group A (the experimental group) takes the real drug. Group B (the control group) takes a placebo (a fake drug, e.g., a sugar pill). Neither group knows whether it is getting the real drug or a placebo. After the testing is completed, the two groups are compared. Right now in America, the unvaccinated people are the control group. We’re the normal people. But the government and the Big Pharmas don’t want a control group. They don’t want two groups of people comparing notes about the Covid vaccines, both now and five years from now. If everyone is vaccinated, then there is no control group.” — VNN, Aug. 2, 2021

7 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 12:47 pm | Permanent Link

(Hat tip: Aryan Christian)

By far, the people hardest hit by the Covid-19 chaos are conservative Whites. Take, for example, White property owners and the eviction moratorium. Most of the people who own rental houses/apartments in America are Whites “of a conservative bent.” Renters in America are disproportionately Black/Brown. They have been getting free rent for many months. The property owners will go bankrupt. Ditto small-business owners in general, re: the Covid lockdowns/mandates. Ditto all conservatives in the entire West, in fact.

While liberals love change and chaos, conservatives hate change and chaos. It affects them in a much more negative way. They need “steady” and “routine.”

Covid-19: what a great way to knock the entire White conservative “world” off-balance and even destroy much of it! It’s almost as if somebody planned it.

7 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 12:08 pm | Permanent Link

“Eric Beeth, a medical doctor in Brussels, Belgium, is appalled by the way so many of his fellow doctors have failed to think critically about COVID-19, question orders from big pharma and the for-profit medical mafia, and remain true to Hippocrates’ commandment: “First, do no harm.”

Good point. Doctors are violating the Hippocratic oath left and right, re: Covid-19. Why?

[Article/audio interview].

7 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 11:46 am | Permanent Link

So, the Covid-19 vaccines don’t stop transmission, eh? Then how are they “vaccines”?

One virus expert said that, if a “Covid-19 variant” is at least 80% similar to the original virus, the Covid vaccines would stop transmission. So obviously, the Covid vaccines suck and they’re not vaccines. Obviously, “the Delta variant” is caused by the vaccines via “shedding” (see yesterday’s post).


7 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in California, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children at 10:56 am | Permanent Link

A news headline: “Infrastructure bill floats national mileage fee despite Biden’s $400,000 tax hike ‘red line'” (Aug. 3).

Liberals are human mosquitoes: always making life miserable for normal people.

Liberals are unhappy jerks who hate themselves (often for being born White). The only way they can make themselves happy is by oppressing other people. Look at California: everything in that state is either banned or mandated. It’s Orwellian. It’s Soviet. You need a special permit to trim your own trees (it’s true)[1]. Lenin would be pleased with California’s style of governing.

Liberals love two things: taxing everything and waging war on gasoline-powered engines (because, the liberals claim, they cause “global warming”).

Lucky for us normal people, a per-mile driving tax would be almost impossible to implement: putting special devices on millions of cars? Won’t work. People would tamper with the devices. Putting video cameras on every road? Impossible, plus, they’d have to hire thousands of people to monitor all the cameras. So, at this time, the per-mile driving tax fantasy remains just that: a leftist fantasy.



[1] In California (in this example, in Los Gatos), a special permit is required to trim a “protected tree,” which means: “All trees which have a 12 inch or greater diameter on developed residential property.” So, if the tree in your backyard is 12 inches or bigger, you need a special permit to trim it. The government may, or may not, grant you a permit. It’s as if you don’t own your tree (if you’re a homeowner). The current fee in this example is $250 per tree/$125 for each additional tree in the same application. Los Gatos is a city in the San Francisco Bay area, but the fee may be higher or lower elsewhere. Most places in California have such tree-trimming regulations