2 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish warmongering, Neocon agenda, neocon ideology, Neocons, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 12:32 pm | Permanent Link

Please recall what I have said many times: “anything that happens in the Middle East is ultimately about Israel.” This interview provides a good example of that.

Here is Lawrence Wilkerson (a former U.S. Army colonel and chief of staff to U. S. Secretary of State Colin Powell) in a video interview with Mnar Adley. Wilkerson says that U.S. neoconservatives, “from 2001 to 2005,” planned the Afghanistan War in order to de-stabilize Iran. And he names names as well (Jewish names, big surprise, since the neocon movement is 99.5% a Jewish movement). That war idea was thought by the neocons to be able to protect Israel by “de-stabilizing the whole region” with infighting, i.e., the region’s Muslim countries would wage war against each other rather than against Israel.

[Video; see beginning at the 24 minute mark].

1 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Black physiology at 9:11 pm | Permanent Link

One medical study from North Carolina in 2012 revealed that Blacks are 3 times more likely to have pes planus (flat feet) than Whites. But frankly, I think the percentage is actually much higher than that: flat feet in Blacks is more common than that, i.e. closer to 10 times more likely than in Whites. Indeed, I’ve seen lots of Black feet (in photos, check for yourself) and all were flat (i.e., fallen arches, which means uneven weight distribution on the feet). Just saying.

1 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, military at 10:50 am | Permanent Link

It’s curious how the Covid-19 “experts” treat “the jab” as a very urgent priority for the U.S. military. Military men are young and are the healthiest of people. Hardly any of them get hit hard by Covid-19. So why the rush to “vaccinate” them?


1 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 7:18 am | Permanent Link

It appears that there are two main “disease experts” driving the whole Covid-19 hysteria (one is located in the UK, the other one is in America), and both of their surnames begin with the letter “F”:


1 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Australia, Big Brother, Big Government, Orwell, totalitarianism at 6:03 am | Permanent Link

“We are only one generation away from totalitarianism.” — Ronald Reagan. In Australia, it has arrived already.

The Australian government can now read, and even alter, your emails. So much for “freedom” and “democracy” and so forth. This is third-world-dictator stuff.

“It is alarming that, instead of accepting the committee’s recommendations and allowing time for scrutiny of subsequent amendments, the Morrison government rushed these laws through parliament in less than 24 hours.”


1 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Eduard Bernstein, Fred Reed, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish power, Jewish Question, Marx, Marxism, Moses Hess, socialism at 5:15 am | Permanent Link

This is Reed’s second essay about the Jews being not-bad-people. Maybe he should get out more often. Name a bad thing, in the entire world, and the odds are good that the Jews were/are behind it, e.g., communism and socialism [1].

“The perennial insistence that Jews are out to destroy white Christian civilization runs into the awkward facts that Jews are usually white and that Christianity is their invention. Uberpatriots make invidious comparisons between Christian virtues and the dark morals and failings of other races and tribes, but…wait…didn’t Jews write the Bible?” (“Jews are usually White”? No, Fred. Having “white” skin doesn’t make you genetically White. If it did, Michael Jackson would have been a European. But he wasn’t. He was Black. As for the Bible, yes, Jews wrote the Old Testament, unfortunately for White people).



[1] a Jew (Karl Marx) founded communism. Three Jews (Moses Hess, Eduard Bernstein and Ferdinand Lassalle) founded socialism. When I say “Jews,” I mean genetically, not religiously. Jews are an ethnic group and also a religion.

31 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in White identity, White inventions, White philosophy, White technology, White thought, White-culture-as-superior, Whites as the Chosen People at 8:30 pm | Permanent Link

I am actually surprised that the article is still online. I thought it would have vanished years ago. Watson is the author of 13 books, including “The Caravaggio Conspiracy” (1984).

Western man stands head and shoulders above everyone else. Just a coincidence? Nope!

“Whatever list you care to make of 20th-century innovations, be it plastic, antibiotics and the atom, or stream-of-consciousness novels, it is overwhelmingly western.”


31 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in genocide, genocide of White culture, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, liberals-as-destroyers, White identity, White inventions, White philosophy, White rule is better, White thought, White-culture-as-superior, Whites as the Chosen People at 3:46 pm | Permanent Link

“White Racists Are Evil and Deserve Payback for Past Treatment of Non-Whites”

That’s not true at all. White people have given the world much more than they have taken away. Indeed, Whites invented the world [1]. We even gave the Brown people democracy and the concept of free speech (and look what they did with those things! Most Brown countries today don’t have either of them in any significant quantities).

Anyway, only White people would see their upcoming group extinction circa 2050 (in 30 years) as a good thing. What fools White liberals are. They really are mentally ill. That’s a fact.



[1] see the vital, 2001 article “Lost in the Swamp of Modernity” by Peter Watson. A key quote from it:

“What shocked me were my interviews with scholars of non-western cultures. Here, I am referring not only to western specialists in the great non-western traditions, but scholars who were themselves born into those traditions – Arab archaeologists or writers, economists and historians from India and China, poets and dramatists from Japan and Africa. All of them – there were no exceptions – said the same thing. In the 20th century, in the modern world, there were no non-western ideas of note.” — writer Peter Watson, “Lost in the Swamp of Modernity,” in the British magazine “The New Statesman,” 29 October 2001.

31 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, hippie movement as Jewish, hippies, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed language, jewed politics, Sixties, Sontag, Vietnam, Vietnam War at 12:20 pm | Permanent Link

“But they were only peaceful hippies who wanted peace!”

Sure. If you say so.

Heard again: the 1960s peace song “San Francisco” by Scott McKenzie (1967).

Did you know that most of the 1960s “hippie”/”peace” movement was a Jewish construct? For example, the term “flower power” was coined by a Jew. So was “make love, not war!” So was the Vietnam War itself! [1][2][3][4][5]. A handful of Jews brought us flowers, hippies, peace/love/dope, etc. Groovy, man!

Jews led the big anti-Vietnam-War movements in the 1960s, e.g., the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam (nicknamed “The Mobe”), which was led by a Jew, mathematics professor Robert Greenblatt. He was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1969, apparently as punishment for traveling to Vietnam with another Jew, Susan “I Hate White People!” Sontag in 1968.

Anti-Vietnam-War protestors often engaged in violence in the late 1960s, e.g., setting fires at military installations, vandalizing offices, etc.

Did the peaceful hippies care about White, American soldiers dying in the Vietnam War? Is that why they opposed the war? Nope. Not at all. In fact, the opposite is true. What they really cared about was American soldiers possibly succeeding and winning the Vietnam war. They didn’t want communism stopped in Vietnam! Indeed, Vietnam is right next door to China. Any anti-communist movement there could spread into China, which could have stopped or hindered communism there as well. The last thing that the hippies wanted was U.S. soldiers succeeding in Vietnam. (But they needn’t have worried. The U.S. military failed badly in Vietnam. Indeed, Vietnam was doomed from the beginning because America fought it in a half-assed way. You can’t win a war by fighting it half-way. Had America carpet-bombed the holy hell out of Hanoi [the capital and nerve center of Vietnam] early on, circa 1966, the U.S. could have won the war without much jungle fighting. Granted, it wasn’t our war to fight).


[1] a Jew, Gershon Legman, an early counterculture figure, coined the slogan “make love, not war!” in a book in 1949; it became popular in the 1960s.

[2] The word “hippie” came from the Jew, Harry “The Hipster” Gibson’s word “hipster.” His real name was Raab and he was a jazz pianist in the 1940s.

[3] “flower power” was coined by Jewish homosexual poet Allen Ginsberg.

[4] the Vietnam War was created virtually by one man, president Kennedy’s advisor and friend Walt Rostow.

[5] the hippie movement was almost single-handedly started by a Jew, Paul Krassner, with his counterculture magazine “The Realist” in New York City in 1958.

30 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in rock music at 5:00 pm | Permanent Link

“Rocks” (1976) by Aerosmith. It does. [Video].

“Bundles” (1975) by British jazz/rock group Soft Machine. [Video].