13 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in authoritarian vs. totalitarian, California, Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, fascism vs. communism, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Marxism, Medical Marxism, medicine, Soviet America (USSA), Soviet Union, Soviet-style laws in America at 1:13 pm | Permanent Link

First, there was regular (economic) Marxism. Then there was Cultural Marxism. Now there’s Medical Marxism (applying Marxist totalitarianism to anything medical. It isn’t Medical Fascism because fascism isn’t totalitarian, it’s merely authoritarian, i.e., it’s not as severe as totalitarianism) [1].

Canada: get the toxic jab or you lose your job (and she did lose it). Medical Marxism has arrived in the free world. Why? Why such a fuss over a virus that is usually not fatal? Listen to all the leftists concerning abortion: they say “my body, my choice” (actually, that’s not correct, because the choice involves two bodies, not just one. But whatever). So they invoke “my body, my choice” when they want to get an abortion, but they demand that normal people get an experimental vaccine that has caused lots of deaths and illness! It’s madness. Liberals are cruel, intolerant children. They’re 40-year-old kids with a sadistic streak. Who but a sadist would demand that you put a strange, untested chemical into your body or else lose your job? Only a twisted person would demand that. And they call us “haters”! Well, nobody hates like a leftist. They’re unhappy people who get off on power and control. Just look at California, a state entirely controlled by leftists: anything not banned by law is mandated by law. There’s no middle ground in California. It’s “our way or no way.”

[video, 5 minutes].


[1] “An illustration of the power of propaganda provided by Carroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University, is the widely held misconception that National Socialist Germany was a totalitarian state. In Tragedy and Hope I he writes “…the economic system was not ruled by the state but was subject to ‘self rule’ (free enterprise)…Newspapermen and journalistic writers applied the term ‘totalitarian’ to the Nazi system, and the name has stuck without any real analysis of the facts as they existed. In fact, the Nazi system was not totalitarian either in theory or in practice.” — article “Some Revisionist Viewpoints On World War II” by Ben Kriegh, December 1989.

12 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics at 4:36 pm | Permanent Link

Some good points are made in this video below, re: Critical Race Theory (CRT), which is a form of Cultural Marxism. Why is leftism made up almost entirely of Jewish-invented “theories”? Ponder that.

Also, re: this video, do Blacks understand what “Western Culture” is? I must wonder if they do. It’s White European culture, for any darkies reading this. America was founded on…any darkie want to answer it? British common law and British customs, and, it was founded by White Protestants. In other words, American culture is White European culture only. Period. It’s not Black or Brown culture! Blacks shouldn’t even be here! We actually made a big mistake bringing slaves into America as farm equipment. You can see the sad results of that.

Also, please help: I need to find out once and for all if the godfather of CRT, the late Alan David Freeman (1943-1995), was ethnically Jewish. I believe that he was, but so far, I cannot prove it 100%. He was apparently not religiously Jewish. A photo of Freeman is Here. Hopefully, readers can help with that matter. I find it odd that very little info is floating around re: Freeman. Usually, academics like him leave a long trail of bread crumbs, but not Mr. Freeman. Why not?


[Video, 18 minutes].

12 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America the White nation, Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Hart-Celler Act of 1965, immigration, immigration bills/laws, immigrations laws (federal), War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 3:02 pm | Permanent Link

Make no mistake: the Historic White American Nation was ended on purpose. It didn’t just simply “evolve” into being “something else.” It was murdered, beginning largely with the 1965 Immigration Act, which allowed millions of non-White immigrants to flood into America. (Trivia: Americans were told in 1965: “don’t worry, folks, this immigration law won’t change anything.” Many people actually believed that!) [1].

“But the Globalist American Empire of 2021 is, at best, a continent-wide shopping mall that peddles filth. At worst, it’s the base of operations for a fanatically anti-white elite that wants to spread its filthy creed to the entire world. Either way, my country is gone. And European-Americans are a stateless people.”



[1] “The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society.” — So lied Sen. Ted “Gimme More Liquor!” Kennedy about the 1965 Immigration Act, aka the Hart-Celler Act, on Feb. 10, 1965. The law was largely the work of Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler. Indeed, President Johnson mentioned Celler twice while signing it into law on Oct. 3, 1965 but he didn’t even mention Hart once! Celler was a demon who almost single-handedly wrecked America.

12 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', Hungary, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed politics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish victimhood, Pope, Rakosi, Soros at 12:39 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Jewish communist leader Matyas Rakosi [real name: Rosenfeld] of Hungary, circa 1950. The vicious little runt terrorized Hungary from 1947 to 1956).

Hungary has been sacked twice by communist Jews: once in 1919 by Bela Kun, and once in 1947 by Matyas Rakosi [1]. But nonetheless, the Pope is warning Hungary about…wait for it…”anti-Semitism”! Really! You can’t make this stuff up! You’d think the Pope would be warning Hungary about Jews, given their track record there! But no, no, the Jews are always portrayed as the innocent victims, never as the perpetrators. Which powerful Jew was whispering into the Pope’s ear before he traveled to Hungary? Was it you, George?

News headline: “Pope warns of anti-Semitism as he visits Hungary”



[1] other powerful, communist Jews who helped rape Hungary were: Tibor Szamuely, Jeno Landler, Erno Gero, Mihály Farkas, Joseph Révai, Gabor Peter and Zoltán Vas

11 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 9/11, false flags, false-flag operations, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israel and 9-11-2001 at 1:20 pm | Permanent Link

by Alan Sabrosky.

“The real difficulty with much, but not all, of the effort to critique and question the official US position on 9/11 is that the “9/11 Truth” proponents have been unable to communicate their concerns – much less any conclusions – to the general public in any significant way. So much of the discussion is only partially comprehensible to some within the movement, largely unknown to the general US public, and so complicated in all its dimensions to those who do become aware of it that they fail to follow up on the arguments. It is as if critics of the official position on 9/11 have been attempting to try the case in court before they have even gotten an indictment – the analytical equivalent of putting the argumentative cart before the public horse of the need to rethink the issue, thereby creating an evidentiary Gordian Knot of sorts.”


11 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Australia, Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Cultural Marxism, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Medical Marxism, Soros at 11:47 am | Permanent Link

Do you own guns? Then you’re a citizen. Don’t own any guns? Then you’re a slave.

Medical Marxism has arrived in Australia. That’s right. There are people being held against their will in “Covid-19 medical camps” right now. It’s true. Internment camps for, ahem, “at risk” people. It’s too bad that Australians gave up their guns several years ago [1].

[A web podcast about Australia/Covid-19].


[1] one mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996 was all it took to convince frightened Aussies (most of them women) to support a major gun ban, which included gun “buy-backs,” universal gun registration, gun licensing, and proof of a good reason for wanting a gun permit/license. Self-defense is not considered a good reason! Rebecca Peters, a lesbian who works for the Open Society Institute, a private foundation funded by Jewish billionaire George Soros (surprise!), is the major anti-gun leader in Australia, and she is the founder of an international anti-gun organization. Here’s a quote about Peters:

“‘We do not want the American disease imported into Australia. Guns have become a blight on American society’….Public feeling—voiced through state-based coalitions for gun control—brought together hundreds of groups to support stronger, nationally uniform firearm legislation. From across the political spectrum, police unions, public health and suicide prevention practitioners, medical and law societies, women’s groups, senior citizens’ associations, rural counsellors, churches, the Country Women’s Association, the War Widows’ Guild—a total of 350 groups led by activist law student Rebecca Peters” [Here].

10 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in abortion, abortion movement at 8:37 pm | Permanent Link

I really don’t have a dog in the abortion fight, because Blacks also get abortions, which is a good thing (although I usually defer to the Right out of habit and common sense), but, I’ll note several things about abortion:

1. Abortion is not a private act. You don’t have it in your home, or in your car, and, a doctor and nurse are present, and there are insurance forms, so abortion doesn’t fall under a “privacy” umbrella as the 1973 liberal Supreme Court claimed.

2. This: [Here].

3. How many White geniuses have been aborted since 1973? Hundreds. Maybe thousands.

10 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, election fraud, vote fraud at 1:20 pm | Permanent Link

With Covid-19, the narrative keeps changing. Always changing! Why? (Think about this: if the 2020 election was stolen, and indeed it was, Joe Biden has no legal authority to order anyone to do anything. Shouldn’t they check into the election fraud first, before millions of people submit to the now-mandatory “jab”?).

News quote: “In December, Biden said at a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware when asked about a federal vaccine mandate: ‘I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it to be mandatory…”


10 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, White art/architecture at 11:50 am | Permanent Link

“The basic problem, as I see it, is that we are living in a time utterly devoid of real art. By that I mean art of beauty, subtlety and elevation. Sure, it still exists in museums, but almost nobody alive is now creating it. If they are, nobody cares. What is more, it didn’t just die out naturally. It has been killed with malice aforethought…”

Yes. Since the 1960s, there has been a war on real (i.e., White western) art. It began slowly and now it’s at full intensity. Ugly art is “pushed” everywhere. Just watch any Hollywood movie: the main character will be sitting in a chair, for example. Behind him, hanging on a wall, very visible to the viewer, will be an “art work” that looks like a retarded 5-year-old spilled paint on a canvas. You’ve seen it many times. It’s standard for most movies since 1965 or so. (Read Tom Wolfe’s 1975 book “The Painted Word”; more about crappy art and who brought it: see Chapter 26 in this .PDF file).

[a .PDF file].

10 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, America's founders, American culture, American history, political correctness, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:04 am | Permanent Link

Well, the documents of America’s founding fathers (Jefferson, Washington, Franklin) have now been slapped with left-wing “warning labels.” Really! It’s true:

“The National Archives Records Administration placed a “harmful content” warning on the Constitution, labeling the governing document of the United States as “harmful or difficult to view.” The warning applies to all documents across the Archives’ cataloged website, including the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.”

We should actually thank them for putting “warning labels” on America’s founding documents. Why? Because by them doing so, even the dumbest American will finally realize that there is a WAR BEING WAGED AGAINST WHITE AMERICA. It’s actually happening. They’re attacking America’s White founders simply because they were White! (Isn’t that called racism?).
