18 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', 'conspiracy theorists', Fred Reed at 2:11 pm | Permanent Link

This is Reed’s third “conspiracy theorists/Jews” essay in a month. He just can’t let go of the “Jews/conspiracies” thing,” can he?? (By the way, yes, Roosevelt did allow the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor — in fact, he was counting on it! Quoting the Marxist lesbian, Mrs. Roosevelt: “I have never seen Franklin so calm and serene as he was on that day” [when Pearl was bombed]. Yeah, I’ll just bet he was serene, the crippled pinko! He got what he wanted from the Pearl attack: war with the Axis powers, especially Germany. But FDR also had a hard-on for Japan as well).


“The Jews killed RFK. Obama wasn’t a US citizen. Covid doesn’t exist. While not existing, it contains microchips to track us. Also nanoparticles that do something probably not good. Also mRNA to reprogram our DNA. The Jews blew up the Twin Towers. The military blew up the Pentagon with a missile. The Jews killed Forrestal.”


18 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, climate change, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, global warming, green Marxism, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies at 12:55 pm | Permanent Link

It’s becoming clear: the ideology of the Covidian Cult and why some people believe that Covid is part of a twisted leftist/globalist agenda. Indeed, some leftists want a virus to ravage the world in order to thin the population — they have actually said that! It’s documented. And yet they dare to call us “extremists”! Nobody hates like a leftist (except a Jew). Leftists are dangerous and vicious haters of humanity. I once heard a leftist say that people are “cattle who must be controlled” (sometimes that’s true, but he was using the statement to refer to daily human life in general). Why are leftists such haters? Because of their “affect intensity.” They are more emotional than normal people. Also, leftists were born without the “logic gene.” They don’t think logically. What you know is a bad idea a leftist thinks is a good idea.


18 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Australia, Big Brother, Big Government, feminism, feminization of the West, Marx, Marxism, Soviet Union, totalitarianism, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 12:00 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: a Covid-19 “concentration camp” in Australia. Wonder if they are using Zyclon B?).

What in Hell is going on in Oz?? Have they been reading Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin?? First, the draconian Covid lockdowns and “Covid concentration camps,” and then insane gun bans (some bans have already happened and more bans are still pending) and warrantless searches by police (pending). [Article]. This is not a good time to live in Australia.

“The legislation that was introduced into the Victorian State Parliament by the state’s Police Minister, Lisa Neville (pictured above), is called the Firearms and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2021.”

Ahhhh, okay. She’s a “Police Minister”! How did that happen?? Liberal women running the show, instead of normal (i.e., conservative) White men running it. Now it’s all clear! Western (White) civilization used to be run by normal White men. Now it’s not. This is a very, very serious problem. In fact, in many ways, Western civilization is no longer Western. It’s non-White and female. That’s not Western, because White men built the Western world. Period. Full stop. End of discussion. Indeed, let’s get even more detailed here: I have asked in the past, “are White women ‘White Western’ in the normal sense of the term?” I still ask that. It’s a legit question. When women run a White country, is it being run by “White Western” people? The answer: usually not. Some women can think “White Western” but most of them succumb to the usual leftist/Marxist crap: gun control, multiculturalism, big government mandates, “gay rights,” etc., etc. When women run things, there is usually no “Western Civ” happening. Marxism is happening instead.

17 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 3:33 pm | Permanent Link

There’s an old saying: “Don’t listen to what they say, because talk is cheap. Instead, watch what they do.” Yes, indeed. That will reveal the truth almost every time: what did they do?

Question: Why would a drug company perform a drug-safety/drug-effectiveness study, but then — after the study was finished — sabotage the study by “polluting” the “control group” (i.e., the “placebo-dosed group”) by vaccinating that group with the studied drug? [1]. Does that make any sense? No. Not at all. That study cost big money. The company would not think of wasting all of that time and effort…unless…the company had something to hide.

“Did the drug companies vaccinate the people in the placebo group after the clinical trials in order to conceal the difference in the long-term health outcomes between the two groups?

That is the conclusion a rational person would make.”



[1] Whenever a company tests a new drug, it uses two groups of people. Group A (the experimental group) takes the real drug. Group B (the control group) takes a placebo (a fake drug, e.g., a sugar pill). Neither group knows whether it is getting the real drug or a placebo. After the testing is completed, the two groups are compared.

17 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', philosophy, Voltaire, White philosophy at 2:42 pm | Permanent Link

“We find in the Jews only an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.” — the French philosopher and writer Voltaire, from his 1764 Philosophical Dictionary. He had an estimated IQ score of 190. Most great White men were “anti-Semites.”

A related quote from Voltaire: “Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.” (After all, the Jews invented Christianity with their Old Testament bible, which is full of murder and genocide).

17 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:34 pm | Permanent Link

Q: “So is there a pandemic, was there ever a pandemic, but as well as that, should the unvaccinated be afraid of the current “variants” that are out there, and the coming “variants”?”

A: (French virus expert): “Exactly the reverse! Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants. In transmission, it’s been proven now in several countries that vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. That’s been proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians. They’re having big problems in Israel now: severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination programme and there are problems [there] also.”


17 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in law, laws, lawyers and judges, leftism, natural law vs. positive law, natural law/natural justice, natural rights of Whites, White philosophy, White thought at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

This is about natural law. It is no longer followed in America.

In place of natural law is something called “positive law.” It’s liberal law. Under positive law, laws exist/are made based solely on whether Congress, or a state legislature, or a court, thinks the laws are legitimate laws. Whether they are moral or reasonable, or not, makes no difference. For example, the USA Patriot Act of 2001 is blatantly unconstitutional, yet it still exists because Congress thinks it’s a legitimate law. Apparently the courts do, too.

This is a description of natural law:

“It is to this adherence to natural law under the aegis of due process that we are indebted for the protection by our courts of one after the other of our cherished rights: the inviolability of conscience, the right to express one’s convictions, to acquire knowledge, to work at one’s chosen calling, to educate one’s children, and to those other conditions of freedom and self-realization which, as the Court says, are implicit in natural justice.” (This was written in 1948).

“The right to express one’s convictions”?? Well! That doesn’t exist in America anymore. Ever hear of “hate-crime” laws, which punish you for, as an example, saying “X” just before you punch “protected person Y”? (That actually happened: a White guy called an Asian guy an “X” slur just before the two got into a fist-fight. The White guy was charged with a “hate-crime” and sentenced to 5 years in a federal prison far from his home). We also no longer have the right to “acquire knowledge” since we are not allowed to find out the truth about Covid-19, or, about drugs used to treat Covid.

This is a description of positive law:

“In comparison, therefore, with the principles and precepts of natural law, which are necessary propositions and bind reason in their grasp, the rules of positive law are relative, contingent and changeable.” Relative, contingent and changeable! So, it all depends! It all depends on some Jewish judge’s Marxist, anti-White opinion as to whether or not it’s a legitimate law, or a legitimate arrest! Nice! Not!

America needs to return to natural law, ASAP.

[a .PDF file].

16 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish DNA/racial make-up at 3:06 pm | Permanent Link

“Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance.” — Wikipedia, Sept. 2021. As if Jews — a non-White race of swindlers — would ever repent or atone!

Glom: (verb) to steal. Gyp: (verb) to swindle.

16 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Anti-Comintern Pact, anti-communism, Cohencidences, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, globalization, Iraq, Iraq War, Leo Pasvolsky, New World Order, One World, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, Soviet states, Soviet Union, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:53 pm | Permanent Link

Globalism: one world. One government. One people. One currency. No borders. Free tacos. Sounds kinda cool, huh? If only it was! If only! Sadly, it’s not like it sounds. It sounds neat (Brotherhood! Roasting marshmallows around campfires while the sexy sounds of Joan Baez waft gently through the night air and owls hoot in the distance!), but instead, it’s a nightmare and it’s coming to the West just as sure as Michael Jackson was a White girl (…what?? He wasn’t a White girl???? Oh. Okay, then).

Global government is nothing new. (In fact, the globalists never even tried to hide their desire for it). Consider the old League of Nations, for example. Or, consider the Marxist’s version of it, the Soviet Union’s Comintern (i.e. Communist International), which was run by the Jew, Grigory Zinoviev. The Comintern existed to give marching orders to all of the communist parties in the world. There were Comintern agents all over the globe carrying messages from the Soviets to various parties. The Axis nations (Germany, Italy and Japan) wisely signed the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1936/1937. America was invited to sign it but didn’t. Surprise! That’s because the Roosevelt Administration was full of Jews who were sympathetic to communism — if they weren’t actual communists themselves. No doubt, Roosevelt told Canada, Britain and Australia to not sign it under any circumstances. That’s why WWII happened. Had all of the White countries signed it, it would have been the Soviet Union which got creamed, not Germany! The wrong country was attacked. As planned.

Another, current example of global government: the Jewish-founded UN and UNESCO [1]. And also the EU. How many stupid countries signed onto the UN’s “Paris climate change agreement”? Over 100, I think. Trump pulled America out of the agreement but Joe “Where’s My Brain?” Biden put America back in it. Fool.

Regardless, the efforts to install global government are increasing. The globalists are getting impatient in their efforts to enslave mankind (or, I should say, “White mankind.” I really don’t think the globalists give a crap about Peru, or Pakistan). Just look at how they are pushing the Cohen-19 (Covid-19) scamdemic: they’re pushing it very hard! It’s almost like there’s a time limit on it: “we must have everyone triple-vaccinated by November 1st!”

“In the 1980’s, Agenda 21 emerged on the scene, and began to circulate among American thinkers, and cause a stir. Agenda 21 was a United Nation’s-founded “communist” scheme to globalize world governments by the year 2021, under the guise of “saving the environment.” The marketing campaign that our earth needed saving was the means with which the founders hoped to revamp the world’s governments under one stringent global umbrella.”



[1] The UN is an illegitimate “global parliament” founded in 1945 by Marxist Jews, such as Leo Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White, Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler, David Weintraub and Abraham G. Silverman. Global government violates the natural sovereignty of all nations, e.g., Iraq. Even creeps like Saddam enjoy natural sovereignty. There were actually two versions of UNESCO. The current version was founded in 1945 by the Jew, Rene Cassin. The earlier version of it was founded in Geneva in 1922 under the League of Nations banner, called “The International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation” and it was headed by a Jew, Henri Bergson. There certainly are a lot of Jews in globalism. Must be just a Cohencidence!

15 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Bob Marley at 9:20 pm | Permanent Link

Funny, sort of. Whitey be de problem, always! Always Whitey! Bad Whitey! [Video of Bob Marley concert 1979]. Bob Marley had talent, but he was careless, like most Blacks. He had cancer but ignored it. Not smart. Duh.