30 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in chimeras, chimp-outs, science at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link


“This was the rationale for the development of monkey–human embryos reported in April. The international team of scientists that developed these chimaeras argued that if successful chimerism is more likely with more closely related host and donor species, then human cells should survive better in monkey embryos than in pig embryos.

“The researchers introduced human stem cells into macaque monkey embryos, and maintained these embryos in culture. They said that some embryos lived for up to 19 days, and that, in a small minority, human cells persisted throughout. This allowed them to check the gene-expression profiles of the human cells, to see how the genes responded to the monkey host environment.”

Paging Doctor Moreau! And to think, Moreau was doing his thing back in 1896!

Actually, we already have human-monkey hybrids. They’re called negroes. Heh-heh. Just drive to Detroit to see them.

But seriously, this is a very bad idea. Who knows what could happen? A bunch of chimeras could escape from a laboratory and run amok (you know, just like in Atlanta today, but much worse).


30 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, India, jewed medicine at 10:04 am | Permanent Link

Several virus experts have said that, if a vaccine is of good quality, then it will protect against Covid-19 “variants” as well as Covid-19.

So why would the Jewish CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, say that life probably won’t return to normal without yearly “re-vaccinations”? [1]. Why would people need yearly repeats? (And how did India wipe out Covid by using only Ivermectin? Why does America need “3 jabs plus double-face-masks” when India can do it all with some inexpensive pills? [2][3]).



[1] “Bourla was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece. His parents, who were Sephardi Jews, were among the 2,000 of 50,000 Jews in Thessaloniki…” — Wikipedia, Sept. 2021

[2] about Covid in India: “Uttar Pradesh beats all other states (except Bihar) with the lowest COVID deaths and infections because of early and preventative Ivermectin use IN ALL FAMILY CONTACTS. This is despite Uttar Pradesh having only a 4.9% vaccination rate, one of the five lowest of all states in India.” [Here].

[3] Apparently, massive, global Judeo-pressure has been put on India since it has, apparently, just dropped the use of Ivermectin for Covid treatment.

29 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 6:30 pm | Permanent Link

This powerful Frenchman, who was and is a big political insider, says Covid-19 was planned 7 years ago. If this is true, wow! What a game-changer. This guy is poised to spill all the beans and may have done so already. He apparently has in his possession 4 databases full of names and details. Let’s hope so. (Billings has already talked to this guy).

[Video, 1 hour, begin it at the 28 minute mark].

29 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Erich Fromm, Frankfurt School, Freud, Freudianism, Jewed academia, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 3:52 pm | Permanent Link

Today, normal is abnormal, and vice-versa. Day is now night. Up is now down. Men who think they’re women? Perfectly normal! No worries!

“In fact, “the Freudo-Marxian world revolution has been more enduring and encompassing than Bolshevism, while ‘conservatives’ were worried about a ‘Moscow plot.’” In Bolton’s view, the clique responsible for bringing Freudo-Marxian thought to America is the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research.”

“Freudo-Marxian” means Cultural Marxism (which Wikipedia says doesn’t exist!), which is a mixture of Marxism and Freudianism. Marx and Freud were, of course, both Jews. Such a mixture was aided greatly by the Jewish, Frankfurt School teacher, Erich Fromm [1][2][3].



[1] the Jewish Frankfurt School teacher Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was the major player in creating Cultural Marxism. A web quote: “Fromm was one of the first to synthesize Marx and Freud in order to develop a Marxian social psychology…” Fromm was an unorthodox Marxist and an unorthodox Freudian, which alienated him within the Frankfurt School and also within intellectual circles in America.

[2] “All the ideologies constructed by secular Jewish intellectuals, from the Haskalah to Reform Judaism, from Marxism to Freudianism, from assimilationism to Zionism, form a continuing tradition which I call ‘Jewish Intellectual Culture.’” — from the book “The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity” (New York; Basic Books, 1974) by John Murray Cuddihy, page 8.

[3] “Through Fromm, Freudian psychoanalysis became a significant component of the overall agenda of Critical Theory.” —
— German sociologist Peter-Erwin Jansen, in his article “The Frankfurt School’s Interest in Freud and the Impact of Eros and Civilization on the Student Protest Movement in Germany: A Brief History” (2009).

29 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 12:24 pm | Permanent Link

Oh!! How could there be anybody more evil than the U.S. cavalry?? How dare they massacre those poor, sweet, innocent, thoughtful, Shakespeare-quoting, poetry-loving, democratic Indians!! How dare they!!

[Movie, 2 hours].

29 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'White privilege', clown world, college, Cultural Marxism, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, political correctness, universities at 11:51 am | Permanent Link

All of the “Other” people today demand respect. By default. Automatically. (The “Other” means: anyone who isn’t White and male). Dumb negroes demand respect just for showing up on time in college classrooms. Sorry, jungle-bunnies, but it doesn’t work that way in real life (college isn’t real life, it’s clown world).

There’s a very old saying: “to get respect, you must earn respect. It isn’t just handed to you.”

How can you earn respect if you’re a tranny, a queer, a dumb negro or a worthless leftist? You can’t. Don’t even bother trying.

News quote: “The ‘Expect Respect’ course is described by the university as outlining ‘the behaviour we expect of you while you’re with us’. It covers ‘issues of racism, bias, sexual harassment and consent’.”


29 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 8:09 am | Permanent Link


My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.

We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.

Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight.

We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.

We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment.

What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core.

First, we will summarize our findings, and then, we will explain them in detail. References will be placed at the end.


COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.

Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.

Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.

The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.

Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.”


28 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marcuse, New Left, New New Left, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, Western Civ courses, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 12:06 pm | Permanent Link

This is about the political Left in America.

First, there was the Old Left (circa 1930). It concerned itself mostly with labor and social class (rich vs. poor) issues.

Then, there was the New Left (circa 1964-onward). It was less focused on labor, and more focused on race, sex/gender, youth, big capitalism, and the Vietnam War.

Now, we’ve got the New, New Left (NNL, circa 1987-onward). It’s different from the New Left in some ways, e.g., it is more extreme and severe. For example, it demands that the majority of the U.S. population “bend to the will of very tiny minority groups” (e.g., transsexuals, who must make up only .2% of the U.S. population. That’s far less than one percent! Very tiny!). Also, the NNL is entirely based on Jewish-founded “critical theory” [1][2]. That means that everything about White Western culture must be harshly criticized, to the point of often banning White Western culture entirely. For example, beginning in circa 1987, the universities began ending “Western Civilization” courses, which were previously mandatory and for good reason. Today, no universities mandate Western Civ courses, and in fact, such courses likely cannot be found anywhere. Whitey has not only been severely critiqued and slammed, but he’s been banned from important areas of public life (in a country that Whitey founded!).


[1] “critical theory” (aka “radical theory”) means just that: “criticize everything White. Tear it down, pick it apart and find fault anywhere and everywhere.” Critical theory is a Jewish construct, coming first from Karl Marx and later from the Frankfurt School and CLS/CRT. Examples of “criticizing” would be:

“There is severe racial inequality in America!”
“America is an oppressive, hetero-patriarchal society!”
“American society must be dismantled in order to end systemic racism!”
“America was founded on racism and sexism!” (but strangely, every Black and Brown person on earth wants to permanently move to America! Must not be so bad after all!)

28 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Medical, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, hospitals, jewed law, jewed medicine at 9:12 am | Permanent Link

More Covid-19 baloney is revealed here.

It seems that the vaccinated people are more dangerous to society than the unvaccinated, because they carry higher viral loads (more virus molecules). This, of course, is the exact opposite of what Joe “Where’s My Brain?” Biden said a few weeks ago. Biden said that the unvaccinated were evil people who, by remaining unvaxxed, threaten the safety of every man, woman, child, puppy and hamster on the planet. Nope! If a vaccine works, then why would vaccinated people carry more virus than unvaccinated people?? Ponder that.

By the way, did you know that there are two kinds of hospitals in America? Yes. Non-profit and for-profit. Many of them today are for-profit, and in fact, there are entire networks of for-profit hospitals in America. That explains a lot, re: Covid-19![1]. That explains the sneaky, “every-patient-has-Covid!” baloney that we have seen at so many hospitals. Roughly 23% of American hospitals today are for-profit. (In the old days, all hospitals were non-profit, i.e., charity or community hospitals). Let me guess: today’s for-profit hospitals are managed by people named Weinberg, Feinberg and Goldberg. Just a guess. Medicine is the second-highest-ranking specialty of the Jews, right below law.



[1] The 2020 CARES Act established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. It’s a giant federal government bank account that pays out money to hospitals, clinics, etc. to cover their Covid care expenses. They get paid from that fund for each Covid-19 patient they receive. The amount is something like $17,000 per Covid patient, but twice that amount if the patient has to be put on a ventilator. You can see why, at a for-profit hospital, nearly every patient would be declared a “Covid patient!” Even state hospitals get money from that fund.

27 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Brown v. Board of Education, jewed culture, jewed law, law, laws, Marx, Marxism, sociology, soft sciences, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 7:22 am | Permanent Link

This quote is from a British law handbook (“The Critical Lawyers’ Handbook”
from 1992):

“From the mid-1960s onwards, there was a noticeable growth of sociolegal material into most but by no means all law degrees. The general form of these developments was to add, usually as options, subjects variously labelled as Sociology of Law, Law and Society etc. The aim was to focus on law in action and to criticise the expository approach for ignoring both the constituting influences on the form and content of law, and the impact or consequences of law. Such courses usually espoused an input-output model. The input of social, political and economic causation was manifested in the popularity of emergence studies of statute law. The output focused upon an action model of law conceived as a process with a number of key decision stages. The other feature of the trend was its introduction of theories normally excluded from the official corpus of jurisprudence. Max Weber and Karl Marx began appearing in reading lists for the first time.” [Here].

My comments:

1. The bogus field of Sociology is Jewish. It came from the Jew, Emile Durkheim.

2. The fact that the communist Jew, Karl Marx, would appear in reading lists in law schools is just plain wrong.

3. The famous Jewish judge, Louis Brandeis, invented the “Brandeis Brief” (in 1908) which is now common in law. A “Brandeis Brief” inserts non-legal, emotional, touchy-feely crap into legal arguments in an effort to sway the courts emotionally (that’s how Brown v. Board of Education triumphed at the U.S. Supreme Court in 1954. Interestingly, two Jews — Esther Swirk Brown and Jack Greenberg — were key players in the creation of, and triumph of, Brown v. Board of Education).

4. This is why law in the West today is almost totally fraudulent. It is no longer White law, but Judaized law.