9 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in climate change, climax change, free speech, green Marxism, Jewed science at 3:00 pm | Permanent Link

The principles of free speech (by the way, the concept of “free speech” came from White men in 1789 France; we invent it, they remove it) are well-established: as long as you don’t falsely yell “fire” in a crowded theater (it could cause a stampede), or yell “let’s go burn the city down!” (that’s inciting a riot), then it’s free speech and it’s acceptable. No violence, or threat of violence, equals “acceptable” according to the law.

But wait! Now, merely questioning Jewish science is cause for censorship [1]. “Misinformation” is the new buzzword today. If you “peddle misinformation” about Subject X, Y or Z, then you’re evil and you must be banned from all good society.



[1] as I have noted elsewhere, “climate science” is a “Jewish thing” and has been since at least circa 1970, e.g., Dr. Barry Commoner and blonde-girl-killer Ira Einhorn

9 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Black Privilege, Black repatriation, black violence at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

Like Jewish privilege, Black privilege is real. If you’re Black, you nearly have a get-out-of-jail-free card, even if you shoot a teacher and 3 others at a public school in Texas (which used to be a very law-and-order state)! (Do you realize that, if America were a sane country, Blacks wouldn’t even be here today? They would have been shipped back to Africa circa 1900).

“An 18-year-old who eyewitnesses say opened fire in a high school in Texas this week was released from jail on bail on Thursday.” (The Black suspect was released after spending just 1 day in jail, and his bond was very low considering the crime and the fact that the gun was “possessed illegally”: $75,000). I can imagine a White guy doing that: he’d never make bail).


9 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, Christianity and communism, Christians, Christians abetting jews, communism, communism and Christianity being similar, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought at 12:40 pm | Permanent Link

(Some years ago in America, there was a man whose wife was raped for days and then murdered by a criminal. The criminal ended up on death row. The man went to the prison which was holding the criminal, and he forgave the criminal for his crimes! Such forgiveness by Christians is not uncommon, either. Christians often suffer enormous abuse at the hands of bad people, only to forgive them afterwards. It’s ridiculous and in fact it’s completely abnormal behavior).

Is Christianity a good thing? A few parts of it are good (such as the Commandment that “thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”). But most of Christianity isn’t good, and in fact, it’s dangerous to White societies.

Christianity is an egalitarian, non-White, Jewish religion that somehow ended up in White Europe circa 500 AD [1][2]. Some parts of Christian ideology can be described as “communist” in attitude (e.g., the idea of human equality).

As long as Christianity is a force in the West, White people cannot effectively fight our greatest enemy, the Jews, because the Jews are vicious opponents (and they never forgive) [3]. Put simply, Christianity turns White people into wimps. (Also, the idea that Whites can use a Jewish egalitarian religion to fight the Jews is laughable).

Fact: without Christianity, the West would have permanently purged all of its Jews long ago. Yes, long ago! Only the soft, wimpy, “turn the other cheek, Jesus was a Jew” Christian mentality prevented that purge from happening. So the West can thank Christianity for its ultimate ruin at the hands of the Jews.

If the West has any hope of surviving (and that’s a big “if”), it must get rid of Christianity.


[1] Christianity has Jewish roots, i.e., Jews wrote the Old Testament.

[2] Christianity arrived in England and France circa 500 AD.

[3] Jews are genetically non-White. They have been “at war” with White people since at least Ancient Rome. In fact, Jews have led the anti-White movements in the modern Western world, e.g., encouraging multiculturalism and non-White immigration.

8 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Brown Man, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish power, Jewish Privilege, Jewish racism, Jewish Tyranny, New World Order, One World, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, René Cassin, UN, UN founders, UNESCO at 12:21 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: UNESCO’s faceless/featureless Brown Man, from page 70 of the book “The United Nations Blueprint for Peace” by Stephen S. Fenichell and Phillip Andrews, 1951; UNESCO is part of the UN; the Brown Man is described as follows: “This symbolic figure represents all of us, everyone on earth, whoever we are, without distinction of any kind such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other status.” In other words, Communist Man, and he’s brown in color. Heck, he may not even be a man! He may be a woman, or a tranny! One World. One People. One Government. One Currency. No Borders. No Races. No Genders. One-Size-Fits-All. Mandatory Monthly Vaccines. Sounds great, huh???? A better image of Brown Man is [Here]).

Consider: White people are already a small minority in the world. In the future, UNESCO’s Brown Man will actually become a reality: the world will be made up of millions of sub-standard, low-IQ Brown people: worker bees. Drones. Human cattle. White people won’t exist anymore because we are vanishing for several different reasons (e.g., low birth rates, feminism/anti-family attitudes, multiculturalism, etc.). That is all planned, of course. It’s not an accident. Whites have been targeted for destruction because The Elites (most of them Jews) fear White people — more specifically, they fear White men because they know what we can do when we really put our minds to a task.

“Indeed, the desire to rub out all distinctions between and among people is a common theme with the ruling class—with some obvious exceptions—and 2030 has become almost this mythical endpoint for all of the various globalist projects such as the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the World Economic Forum’s 2030Vision.”


7 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in homosexual themes, homosexuals, Jerry Abbott at 8:15 pm | Permanent Link

by Jerry Abbott.

“I oppose changing the name of the James Webb Space Telescope to anything else. This is a “woke” political move, and if it is successful it will only feed a Marxist beast that is best left to starve. It’s an out-growth of cancel culture. Giving this beast what it wanted is what ruined the Star Wars movie series. It can’t do anything positive for the JWST, either.

How often are we led to assume that our best thinkers of yesteryear, contemplating the same social controversies that we do, somehow got it all wrong, and that the present views are more correct? Maybe they were right and we are wrong.

With regard to the consensus of thinking on homosexuality, a sea-change began in 1973. Homosexuals, together with Marxist activists, had infiltrated the American Psychiatric Association and took it over from within. They changed a long-standing conclusion that homosexuality itself was a behavioral disorder and substituted their preferred belief that homosexuality was merely an alternative lifestyle. The harm done to society through lower birthrates, higher rates of infection for certain diseases, the lowering of moral standards, the diversion of human energy from productive purposes to self-indulgent ones having (at best) zero payoff in terms of future capital… none of this was considered when homosexuality was removed from the APA’s diagnostic manual.

All the other cultural dominoes that have fallen to homosexual normalization since 1973 fell from that initial woke push. We have seen the playing out of a moral and cultural slippery slope, as well as an exemplification of the principle of mass psychology described in metaphor as “Heat the frogs slowly enough, and they won’t realize that they are being cooked.”

Sex itself came about as a means of promoting genetic diversity in species without depending on mutations to provide variant alleles. The pleasure that people get from sex is an evolved inducement for men and women to have sex and thereby engender children. Homosexuality is a perversion of sexuality. Biologically, homosexuality is a waste of time. Additionally, homosexual acts spread diseases more efficiently than normal (heterosexual) sex does, and anal sexual penetration leads to the loss of the body’s ability to hold fecal waste, which requires the use of adult diapers.

Homosexuality is, frankly, nasty. You’d realize it if the people who have twisted our thinking did it all in a year, instead of over half a century.”


7 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in climate change, climax change, green Marxism, tikkun olam at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

In February 2019, it snowed in Los Angeles for the first time in 60 years; it also snowed in February 2019 in Las Vegas (a rarity) and twice in Tucson, AZ. (twice per year is nearly unheard of there). Also, three feet of snow fell in Montana in late September 2019. But winter doesn’t begin until December 21. That doesn’t sound like global warming.

Where’s this “global warming due to human CO2 use” that all the leftists keep yelling about? I’m not seeing it.

And now comes this information via the media:

“Antarctica (the South Pole) has posted its coldest winter since records began in 1957 with average temperatures of -61.1° C (which is -78° F.). The previous record was -60.6°C in 1976.” (C = celsius, or centigrade as it was previously called).

Again, I ask: where is this “global warming due to mankind’s CO2 use”?? Not seeing it. (Trivia: the “climate change scientists” are almost exclusively Jewish — in fact, the two godfathers of the ecology-pest movement are likely Dr. Barry Commoner and Dr. Stephen Schneider. Both were Jews. Another, more-infamous eco-pest was also a Jew: Ira Einhorn, the founder of Earth Day in 1970 and a convicted killer. Jews seem to be attracted to the eco-pest movement (tikkun olam??).

7 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, Chinese communism, communism, communism as a fraud, communism-as-Jewish, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, leftism, leftism and children, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftism is really communism, leftist/liberal cruelty, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-destroyers at 11:28 am | Permanent Link

Just when you think that communism might be dead, you realize that it won’t ever be dead, because this world is full of idiots who believe in it, even though communism has never worked as claimed (i.e., never in history has “the state withered away to produce a utopia for the citizens”).

In this case, we are not talking about the usual economic Marxism, we are instead talking about Cultural Marxism, which is actually more dangerous than regular Marxism because it requires no armies or tanks or guns to install it into a country. It only requires some stupid teachers and some ridiculous books. Regardless, like regular Marxism, C.M. is a disease: you catch it from Jews [1].

Anyway, it looks like someone’s been reading Chairman Mao! Mr. Mao, of course, was the biggest mass-murderer in history, and he used a Jewish ideology (Marxism) to slaughter millions of his own people. And to think, some people actually take Mao seriously! (e.g., in the 1960s, his book, known as “Mao’s Little Red Book” was popular).

This “forced repenting of political/social crimes” is right out of 1960s China. During that time, Chinese citizens were forced to publicly confess to political and social “crimes” (e.g., forced to say, “I’m sorry for not supporting the Communist Party vigorously enough!”) [2]. That this type of thing would happen in America is both comical and scary. (One reason why it’s happening: school children aren’t warned about the dangers of Marxism/radical leftism. They are only warned about “Nazism” and “racism”; that must change and soon).

“In materials prepared for its more than 1.5 million members, The Salvation Army uses terms that echo both radical “anti-racism” jargon and the divisive teachings of critical race theory, which divides people into two camps: the oppressors and the oppressed.”

“The biggest attack on Salvationists, however, is an admonition that they “repent” and offer “a sincere apology” for racism. In Section Four—called “Describe and Plan: How Then Shall We Live?”—the authors tell members that “the need to receive a sincere apology is necessary.”

Fact: most White people have never committed any type of racism against non-Whites. So what are White people apologizing for? Simply for being White? I think that’s it: White people must apologize for the “crime” of being White, of being successful, of creating the Western world — indeed, of giving the world to mankind (including giving it democracy and the concept of free speech! And look what they did with those things!!).



[1] Cultural Marxism came from the Jewish, Frankfurt School teachers and their associates. Critical Race Theory is a modern off-shoot of Critical Theory, which emerged in the 1930s.

[2] these public confessions by Chinese citizens were also called “struggle sessions.” The citizens were forced to admit to various political “crimes” before a crowd of people. The confessions often occurred at the workplaces of the accused “criminals” or at sports stadiums.

6 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cohen-19 jew flu hoax, Cohencidences, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 5:41 pm | Permanent Link

In October 2019 in Washington, D.C., “a dazzling group of movers and shakers from the worlds of government, research, philanthropy and business” was brought together “to discuss issues ranging from the hunt for a universal flu vaccine to the new science of aging.”

Re: the universal flu vaccine, the apparent date it was discussed was Oct. 29, 2019, at the Ritz-Carlton West End in Washington D.C. (I say “apparent” because I wasn’t actually there. I try to avoid D.C.).

Among other events, Anthony Fauci apparently talked about the need to create new rules for a new vaccine, just in case a Chinese flu arrived, because the current vaccine-acceptance rules are too slow [1].

This group discussion occurred roughly 4 months before Covid-19 arrived in America. Covid-19 hit America around Jan./Feb. 2020 in Seattle. Either that’s the biggest coincidence in American history, or…

“In this video, they conceptualized having a new outbreak of novel avian flu virus from China so they can bypass the method of FDA approval and enforce mRNA vaccine to the masses.”




[1] “There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.” — Fauci, Oct. 2019.

6 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Calvinists, Catholicism, Christianity, Christians, Christians who abet jews, climate change, climax change, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, green Marxism, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, vaccines, Vatican II at 11:38 am | Permanent Link

Vaccines are mankind’s silly attempts to “play God” according to many Christian people (e.g., Calvinists). So why would the Catholics embrace Covid-19 vaccines?

But then again, why not? The “new” Catholic Church has already embraced massive non-White immigration into the West, and it embraced “climate change” baloney, too, so the church might as well go full rogue and embrace the Cohen-19 Fake Science as well [1][2][3].



[1] the Catholic Church hasn’t been the same since Vatican II. The Second Vatican Council, aka Vatican II (1962-1965) produced the infamous Nostra Aetate declaration, in which the Catholic church absolved the Jews of responsibility for the death of Jesus Christ. Importantly, the Nostra Aetate declaration was Jewish-instigated.

[2] the Catholic Church basically embraces a “let them all in” approach to third-world immigration into America/the West [Here]

[3] “The pope criticised Trump’s withdrawal of the United States from the 2015 Paris Accord to limit global warming. The Vatican welcomed Biden’s return to the Accord.” — from news article “Blinken visit to pope will reset U.S-Vatican ties after Trump years” by Philip Pullella, Reuters.com, June 28, 2021.

5 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a weapon against the West, communism in America, communism-as-Jewish, Jewish genetics, Marx, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

Ultimately, Marxism isn’t about economics. It’s about destroying White Western culture; the “economics” part is just the necessary window dressing, the “delivery system” if you will [1]. Marx hated the White race with a passion and wanted to destroy it [2]. But how? Start a world revolution, that’s how! Make White People A and White People B fight. Marx wanted his communism to wreck the West, most especially England. But sadly for Marx, it didn’t happen. Communism turned East and wrecked Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia. (At one point circa 1945, America could have been communized: the Soviet agent and Stalin-pal Harry “The Hop” Hopkins was “co-president” – he actually lived at the White House — and the U.S. State Department was full of communists. It could have happened. Thankfully, it didn’t).

“(Mark) Levin wants to save “our institutions” but misses that those institutions are already on the other side (witness their overwhelming support for nation-breaking immigration). Patriots must start challenging America’s managerial elite, not defending them.”

[Book Review].


[1] re: “delivery system”: consider, for example, street heroin: it’s mostly “delivery system” and very little drug (about 20% is the actual drug; the remaining 80% is starch, talcum powder, etc.).

[2] Jews are not genetically White, although they have “white” skin.