23 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as Jewed by Bolsheviks, Chinese communism, communism, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Georg Lukacs, Gramsci, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism, Max Horkheimer, Moses Hess, socialism at 9:27 am | Permanent Link

Re: Cultural Marxism: the Italian gentile Antonio Gramsci is a red herring. He was a late-comer. He only wrote about Cultural Marxism while in prison under Mussolini’s rule circa 1929. Contrast that to the Jew, Georg Lukacs, who was actually using Cultural Marxism much earlier: in schools in 1919 Hungary (he was the Hungarian Minister of Culture). Importantly, I don’t see the word “Jew” anywhere in this essay below, even though Marxism and Cultural Marxism are both Jewish constructs. (In fact, everything on the Left since circa 1850 is ultimately a Jewish construct, beginning with Moses Hess and Karl Marx. The Jews even spread Marxism into China, for God’s sake, e.g., the Jews Grigori Voitinsky, Adolph Joffe, Manfred Stern, aka, Emilio Kléber, Sidney Rittenberg, Israel Epstein) [1]. If you’re not “naming the Jew” as the problem, then you’re playing patty-cake in the sandbox with the kiddies.

“Antonio Gramsci, and also members of what is known as the Frankfurt School, would develop the idea that communism could infiltrate the West only if the dominant culture that bound the workers and the owners was torn down – replaced by a culture built from the bottom.”



[1] Re: China, see also the 2012 article “A Jew in Mao’s China” by Laura Goldman.

22 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in AIDS, Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, HIV at 8:57 am | Permanent Link

A quote from a horror movie: “Do I believe it? Twenty years ago, I would have said “not a chance.” But today? Anything’s possible.”

“Destroying natural immunity will give them control over humanity” someone wrote, about Covid-19 vaccines.

So this is the reason they want to vaccinate the entire West with “the jab”! White people will no longer have healthy immune systems after getting vaxxed, and they will then be totally dependent on Big Pharma and Big Government to keep the White population healthy. Clever! And the theory fits like a glove. Indeed, observe the behavior of Big Pharma and Big Government during the past year: they have been denying the old idea of “natural immunity” and instead they insist that everyone, everyone “get the jab.” They also don’t want anyone to take effective, cheaper drugs to treat Covid, such as Ivermectin. The theory fits. Perfectly. That’s the reason they want to vaxx the entire West, even little kids.

Note about this video: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is not AIDS. Instead, many experts believe that HIV causes AIDS after maybe 3 or 4 years inside your body.

[Video, 5 minutes].

22 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in race, race and body odor, race and cautiousness, race and health, race baloney, Race Denial, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, racial science at 7:41 am | Permanent Link

A List of Human Race Differences (first posted in May, 2021; updated/edited mid-October 2021)

1. Human hair density (i.e., head hairs per square inch) differs by race: Whites have the highest, followed by Asians, and lastly by Blacks, who have the lowest hair density; Black hair is woolly (unless treated); also, both Blacks and Whites have thinner hair diameters than Asians. Whites have round or oval hairs (in cross-section), while Blacks have flattened hairs and Asians have round hairs (in cross-section).

2. Blacks have smaller red blood cells than Whites.

3. Blacks have less hemoglobin than Whites.

4. Blacks have a longer tibia (shin bone) than Whites.

5. Blacks have narrower hips and longer legs than Whites.

6. Blacks scar differently. Their scars are keloids (raised, thick scars). Whites? Not so much, ditto Asians.

7. Black have bigger teeth, with thicker tooth enamel, than Whites.

8. Blacks have roughly 12% less lung capacity if they are the same age/height as Whites.

9. Blacks have greater bone density than Whites — which could be why Blacks frequently drown, since denser bones make them heavier and give them a disadvantage in water.

10. East Asians have dry earwax, whereas wet earwax is found in the other races.

11. Blacks have more apocrine glands (sweat glands) than Whites. But Asians have less of them than Whites.

12. Blacks’ apocrine glands are the largest and most active, leading some people to label the pungent post-exercise smell of Blacks “nig funk.”

13. American soldiers in the Vietnam War have said that they could often smell North Vietnamese soldiers in the dense jungle before they saw them. This is likely due to both Asian genetics and diet.

14. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is more common in Asians.

15. Blacks have higher blood pressure (hypertension) than Whites, even when adjusting for diet and stress.

16. Blacks have more testosterone than Whites, making them more aggressive and giving Black men a higher rate of prostate cancer than Whites.

17. Blacks are less cautious and more impulsive than Whites.

18. Black marriages are less stable than White marriages.

19. Asians have shorter legs than Whites.

20. Blacks have AIDS much more often than Whites, and they die from it faster. Blacks don’t respond well to drugs used for AIDS treatment.

21. Only Blacks have U negative blood.

22. Organ donors: kidneys and other organs are classified by race because Blacks frequently cannot tolerate organs from other races. Their bodies reject the new organs.

23. Blacks have governed Haiti for over 200 years. There are no Whites in Haiti to “oppress” the Blacks, yet, Haiti is a total failure, just like Africa. This is good proof that Blacks are incapable of succeeding in the world on their own. The U.S. has given tons of money to Haiti yet it’s still a toilet (“Haiti has received billions in foreign assistance, yet persists as one of the poorest countries.” — Wikipedia, May 2021).

24. Skull features: Blacks have square nasal openings. Whites have triangular nasal openings.

25. Blacks have wider shoulders than Whites, and a longer arm span than Whites.

26. The brains of Whites are on average five cubic inches larger than the brains of Blacks.

27. “Black/African Americans have the highest mortality rate of any racial and ethnic group for all cancers combined and for most major cancers.” — says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. An observation: Blacks should pay more for health insurance than Whites since they have more health problems than Whites, even when they eat the same diet as Whites and they live in the same neighborhoods as Whites. But you can imagine the media outcry if an insurance company tried to charge Blacks more for health insurance!

28. Laboratory tests for the following in humans:

albumin, ALT, bicarbonate, calcium, CPK, creatinine, GGT, hematocrit, hemoglobin, iron, mean cell volume, monocyte percent, platelet count, RBC, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, total protein, triglycerides, and uric acid

reveal that those chemicals vary significantly by race. For example, Asians have lower levels of creatinine, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin concentration, and mean platelet volume. See the study “Racial/Ethnic-Specific Reference Intervals for Common Laboratory Tests: A Comparison among Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites” in Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Sept. 2015.

29. White athletes have more physical endurance, but less “quick and explosive” sports ability than Blacks. A negro can jump and sprint much faster “out of the gate” than a White man, due to having a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscles. If you’ve ever seen a negro suddenly run from the police while being questioned, you can understand this: the negro bolts and disappears in 2 seconds flat. Like he was launched out of a cannon. (Fast-twitch muscles are anaerobic and fatigue quickly. Slow-twitch muscles are aerobic and are fatigue-resistant. West African Blacks have 70 percent fast-twitch muscles/30 percent slow-twitch muscles, making them very fast sprinters. East African Blacks, however, are built for endurance and have high percentages of slow-twitch muscles).

30. Many Blacks are lactose-intolerant (i.e., they can’t digest milk). Ditto most Asians, and many Jews and Arabs.

31. Asians are more flexible than Whites or Blacks, making them great gymnasts and martial artists.

32. The sport of weight lifting is dominated by Eurasian Whites (e.g., Russians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Georgians).

33. The Japanese have a low tolerance for alcohol. Contrast that to the Czechs, who are heavy drinkers. (Native Americans [American Indians] seem to become alcoholics faster than other races — one drinking binge and they’re hooked for life. Of course, the PC “health experts” will insist otherwise. But all studies about Indians and excessive alcohol drinking have been of the “self-reporting” type: Q: “How much alcohol do you drink per day?” A: “Uhhhhh, only three per day!” Yeah, sure, three quarts of whiskey per day).

21 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Christ-tards, Christianity, Christians, Christians who abet jews, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Israel Shamir, Palestine, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 8:57 pm | Permanent Link

“Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for the world state headquarters; necessary, for otherwise the people of Europe wouldn’t be magnetised like a rabbit in the headlights of a car. If a Jewish state would be established in say, Argentina as per Baron Hirsh, in Uganda as per Theodor Herzl, or in Madagascar as per Hitler, it would not be able to activate deep levels of Christian consciousness. Now, appearing as a part of prophecy, it has captivated their mind.”

— Jewish author/writer Israel Shamir, in his 2005 book “Pardes” (page 87, web version). Shamir converted to Christianity.

(Here’s a curious quote from Wikipedia about Shamir: “In 2005, Shamir was featured as a speaker in the “Zionism As the Biggest Threat to Modern Civilization” conference co-chaired by David Duke in Ukraine, and sponsored by the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management which has been associated with antisemitic discourse in Eastern Europe.” — Wikipedia, Oct. 2021. Also, it is interesting that Shamir’s enemies have cast doubt on whether he’s a Jew. They use clever language such as “Shamir claims to have been born into a Jewish family but…” Maybe his enemies, who are no doubt angry that a Jew says such things, can explain why Shamir has had Israeli citizenship for 50 years and served in the Israeli army…).

21 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in NATO, sovereignty, treaties, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, UN Security Council mandates at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the UN godfather, and Jewish state department official, Leo Pasvolsky)

“That brings us to Agenda 2030. This Agenda puts forward a plan for a new soft world government by the year 2030. It was a plan adopted unanimously by the U.N. on September 25, 2015, and has 91 sections. The Agenda covers every aspect of human experience and thus is a government without using the word government.”

Well, well. “That little rat Pasvolsky’s UN” is at it again! (to quote former Secretary of State Dean Acheson [1893–1971]). Leo Pasvolsky was a Jewish Marxist and globalist, and was originally from Russia. He wrote the UN Charter. It took him 6 years to complete. Note that NATO sprang from Chapter VII of the UN Charter. So Pasvolsky birthed two major globalist entities. Pretty impressive for a little, bald zhid [1].

The UN is an illegitimate organization because its policies interfere with the natural sovereignty of all countries. “Natural sovereignty” means: the individual countries make all of the decisions regarding what does, and doesn’t, occur within the boundaries of their countries. Under such sovereignty, outsiders — like the UN — cannot make decisions for the sovereign countries. Globalism kills sovereignty like poison kills ants [2][3]. The UN’s Agenda 2030 must not be allowed to happen. The White Western world will cease to exist if it happens. Agenda 2030 is completely against America’s national interests. Indeed, why have an “America” after you agree to a global government? Global government will cancel out America.



[1] Pasvolsky’s New York Times obituary is subtitled “Wrote Charter of World Organization.”

[2] Globalism means, for example: being involved with the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, NATO, the EU, WHO, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, the IMF, the World Bank, Organization of American States (OAS) and WTO. There are currently about 25 major globalist groups (i.e., groups with multi-million-dollar yearly budgets) and about 1,000 minor globalist groups.

[3] the UN Security Council routinely violates the sovereignty of countries, e.g., by creating “no-fly zones” in those countries. That’s a direct violation of natural sovereignty. Unless treaties have been incorporated into domestic laws by federal laws, then treaties are not binding and so the UN’s Agenda 2030, which is a treaty (an international agreement) is total crap. Also, a treaty has to serve the national interests of a country. How does “giving up our sovereignty to globalism” serve America’s national interests? IT DOESN’T!

21 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftism and children, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, liberals-as-destroyers at 11:51 am | Permanent Link

I happened upon an internet mention of Joe Hill (real name Hägglund), the infamous, leftist labor-union activist who was executed by the state of Utah in 1915 for killing two people. The “official leftist narrative” about Hill is that he was framed for the murders and wrongly executed. But that’s bullshit. How do I know it’s bullshit? Because every leftist narrative spun since 1750 is bullshit. In fact, liberalism is a cult of lies and hate (hate because liberals hate White culture. One liberal said that White people should pay more in taxes than everyone else. Why? Because Whites are, presumably, the root of all evil. Actually, the joke was on him because White people already pay more in taxes than everyone else, due to America’s “progressive” income tax! In other words, the more money you earn (and Whites earn more), the more taxes (as a percentage of your salary) you pay. Getting a pay raise at work won’t help you, because it merely bumps you into the next-higher tax bracket. So any raise you get is actually worthless. Why bother to work harder?).

It would take thousands of pages to create a book documenting the lies that liberals have told just this year. Indeed, I was shocked when I learned the truth about liberals: that they care nothing about the truth! What do they care about? Winning political battles! That’s all they care about! Really! And they don’t care what they have to do to win those political battles. If the liberals have to lie, cheat, steal, use force, and at times commit murder, then they’ll do it. They have an immoral, “the ends justify the means” mentality. Look at the 2020 federal election: first the leftists stole it, and now they lie about stealing it! And look at the Covid-19 vaccines: the liberals know they are dangerous but they’re trying to force everybody to get the vaccines anyway, for reasons that are not exactly clear (thinning out the White race? Controlling the White race? Both?). First the liberals said: “Covid vaccines will never be mandatory, and they’re only needed by at-risk people, such as the elderly.” But now they say: “the vaccines are perfectly safe, and 5-year-olds must get vaccinated.” Children are nearly immune to Covid, so why do they want to vaccinate children and risk giving them myocarditis? That’s pure hate.

Liberals penalize success and reward failure. Only childish, angry, illogical people do that.

Liberals are, collectively, a cult of lies and hate. Liberals are dangerous people and they should be treated as such. They must not be allowed to hold any positions of power in the Western world. If they want to sing or act, or dance or write poetry, fine (they’re talented in “the arts”). But they must not be allowed to hold positions of authority over the citizens. They’re not the appropriate type of people for that. They don’t have the morals and values needed to do that. They are hateful children in adult bodies and they should not rule over normal people. (Also, I should mention that leftism, at least in America, is a Jewish construct, stemming from Jewish-founded socialism and communism) [1][2][3].


[1] Jewish historian Ezra Mendelsohn said that, in the 1920s era in America, “Jewishness was synonymous with political radicalism.”

[2] Many liberal organizations were predominately-Jewish-founded, e.g., the UN, American labor unions, the NAACP.

[3] Major communists and socialists in America who were Jews:


— Jay Lovestone (true name Jacob Liebstein; a founder of the communist party; his father was a rabbi)

— Nicholas Hourwich (a founder of the communist party)

— Benjamin Gitlow (a founder of the communist party)

— Israel Amter (a founder of the communist party)

— Louis Shapiro (a founder of the communist party)

— Maximilian Cohen (a founder of the communist party)

— Bertram Wolfe (a founder of the communist party)

— Isaac E. Ferguson (a founder of the communist party and the son of a rabbi)

— Alexander Stoklitsky (Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the communist party)

— Alexander Bittelman (theoretician of the communist party and editor of its magazine)

— Rose Pastor Stokes (t/n Wieslander; a founder of the communist party; a union organizer; amusingly, she married a millionaire! I guess money is only evil sometimes);

Socialists (granted, there was a lot of crossover between the communists and the socialists):

— Daniel De Leon (died 1914; a major labor activist; he pioneered “revolutionary industrial unionism”)

— Julius Hammer (founder of the Socialist Labor Party of America)

— Morris Hillquit (t/n Moishe Hillkowitz; a member of the socialist party’s National Executive Committee)

— Victor Berger (a founder of the Social Democratic Party of America; he was the first socialist elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1910).

20 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-stupid, Covidians, New World Order, NWO, The Great Reset, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 6:49 pm | Permanent Link

Re: the Sept. 29th post “Zounds! Covid Was Planned, Says a Powerful French Political Figure”:

Now we know the Frenchman’s name: Philippe Argillier, a French billionaire and the President of Human Rights Unity. He is spilling the beans on The Great Reset/the Deep State/the election theft/the Covid-19 bullshit. Being a billionaire and an insider, he’d know many things that you don’t. Argillier apparently has 4 databases of information: names, dates, who did what to who. Apparently, about 38 people control the global “shadow government,” meaning those billionaires and plutocrats basically control the world. Donald Trump was apparently a guy who accidentally got into the White House, and he “had to” be removed from office by any means necessary). Maria Zack vouches for Argillier, and she seems credible.

[Video, 1 hour, 20 minutes]

20 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, leftism, leftism is really communism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Marxism, Marxism-Leninism at 4:14 pm | Permanent Link

Leftism is about figuring out how to “buy the loyalty” of a “coalition of marginalized people”: freaks, faggots, negroes, feminists, child molesters, communists and heroin addicts, who should be in prison (i.e., in “special camps”) but somehow are not. That’s “the Left.” A collection of human garbage (that human garbage now controls America).

“At the core of Bioleninism is the articulation of a process through which a Coalition of the Fringes has been built / mobilized by the Elites to seize / wield Power, which comports to the universal historical pattern of High and Low against the Middle.” [1].

“After a lot of trial and error, Leninism came up with class-struggle, and that not being a workable strategy in the wealthy West, slowly people started scraping the bottom of the barrel, hiring and promoting spinsters and gays and blacks and Muslims and whoever was unhappy with their status in the wealthiest and happiest society in human history.”

“Now every organ of state power, private corporations, religious denominations and every branch of the military, has a bunch of blacks and lesbians and transsexuals as political commissars to ensure that any order from the movement gets implemented faithfully. How is that different from Communist Party cells?

It’s less formalized than classical Leninism because it didn’t arise out of a complete break up of the old society, like in 1917 Russia. Bioleninism just slowly creeped little by little and colonized existing institutions without destroying them outright.”



[1] the “high and low” strategy (aka, “pressure from above and pressure from below”) was used by Czech communist Jan Kozak circa 1947. It amounted to “fooling the citizens into choosing enslavement, rather than having soldiers force it on them.” The John Birch Society mentions this strategy often. “Below” = “mobs rioting in the street” e.g., antifa. “Above” = billionaires funding antifa. Sound familiar? It should! We saw it all through 2020!

20 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, censorship, conspiracy theorists, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, hate speech, Pope at 2:47 pm | Permanent Link

Pope Karl Marx is making social recommendations again. I thought Pope Marx was about religion? That’s not religion. What’s “hate speech” anyway? Hate is an emotion, so it must mean “emotion speech”?? Does that mean “talk like a robot when you speak”?? In monotone?? Pope Marx is a strange and dangerous man.

“…I ask the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness, people’s vulnerability, for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation…” — Pope Marx


20 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', Bolsheviks, civilization, civilization/civilized, Claude Levi-Strauss, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, democracy, DeNazification, Frankfurt School, Freud, Marcuse, Marx, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, Max Horkheimer, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV: a children’s book which suggests that White people are especially evil. The book was found in a public school.

There have been about 40 books published in the past 10 years that basically say: “White people are uniquely evil.” Many of these books are found in public schools. Many of the books are aimed at 7-year-olds. Isn’t that sickening? Most of the books push Critical Race Theory (CRT) which is a type of Cultural Marxism (i.e., it’s communism applied to culture rather than to economics. Communism is the denial of race, culture and creed, the belief in Universal Man/one-size-fits-all man. The Bolsheviks tried to build such men in Russia circa 1918, but they failed of course) [1].

Are White people evil? Let’s consider that question [2].

Did White people slap a few Indians around circa 1760? They probably did. But the Indians used to kidnap an innocent White man, tie him spread-eagle (i.e., face-up in an “X” position 2 feet off the ground) and then build a fire under him. Yeah. They would burn the White man alive, and giggle while he was burning. Yeah, I know, your history teacher never mentioned that. Neither did mine.

Did you know that the Indians spent most of their time waging war on other Indians? Yep. For example, the Pawnee tribe would wage war on the Sioux tribe, and the Blackfoot tribe would wage war on the Cheyenne tribe, and the Crow would wage war on the Mohawks, and so on and so on. It was an endless cycle of violence and death. Yeah, I know, your history teacher never mentioned that. Neither did mine. The Indians were savages. They were not civilized. We civilized them. They should thank us, but they won’t. (Yeah, yeah, I know: in the 1990 movie “Dances With Wolves” all the Indians are sweet, kind, lovable gentlemen who — you hoped — would pop out of the movie and marry your daughter. I saw that movie, too, unfortunately).

Here’s an idea: find an Indian and ask him if he would like to go live as his ancestors lived, in a teepee, freezing his nuts off on a prairie in Kansas in January. I’ll bet he’d say, “no thanks, I like my warm house just fine.”

As David Duke wrote, Whites have given the world much more than they have taken away. In fact, we Whites gave the world to mankind [3]. Everything of importance came from Whites. Such as? Let’s see: democracy (bad idea these days!), the concept of free speech, the telephone, the automobile, the bicycle, electricity, logic, the computer, the airplane, the TV set, the air conditioner/furnace, the radio/stereo, the lightbulb, the camera, the movie camera, the university (bad idea these days!), the telescope, the clock, the wristwatch, the refrigerator, concrete, proportion in art/architecture, dynamite, surveying equipment, the printing press, marine/sea navigation tools, the microscope, and space travel. And that’s the short list! I could type for days.

Fact: White people are gods in human form. That’s why the people who hate us (i.e., Jews, Marxists, liberals, queers) must tell lies about us constantly. They not only hate us, but they fear us. They fear what we can do.



[1] Not only is regular Marxism (i.e., economic Marxism) Jewish (because it came from Karl Marx), but so is a later type, known as Cultural Marxism. (Newbies, when I say “Jewish” I mean genetically/racially Jewish). The founders of Cultural Marxism were Jewish intellectuals at the Frankfurt School in NYC: Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, Walter Benjamin, etc. Much of Cultural Marxism comes from Horkheimer’s “critical theory” idea, which is found in his 1937 essay “Traditional and Critical Theory.” (Critical Theory basically amounts to: “vigorously criticize everything about White culture!”). Cultural Marxism is a blend of Marxism and Freudianism (Freud was also a Jew) and it was invented because regular Marxism wasn’t popular enough. (Wonder why not??). It should be noted that the Frankfurt School Jews were involved in “de-programming” German citizens after WWII. In other words, they “Jewed” German culture.

[2] the Jewish “anthropologist” Claude Levi-Strauss (1908-2009) is the jerk who invented the idea that “White people are bad and non-White people are good” circa 1960. The late Jewish author Norman F. Cantor notes in his 1994 book (which I recommend) “The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews” that Levi-Strauss could be considered a godfather of left-wing thought since he developed/galvanized the concept of the ‘bad’ White world vs. the ‘good’ non-White world, which Cantor calls “the cardinal doctrine of all leftist-leaning thought since 1960”

[3] “In view of this queasy multiculturalism with which we are continually affronted, it occurs to us that Western Europeans gave the world to the human race, and there is nothing harder to forgive than a favor.” — author, writer and firearms legend Jeff Cooper (1920-2006), in Guns and Ammo magazine, August 1995, page 105