25 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Online library, Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 2:59 pm | Permanent Link

Dr. William L. Pierce said that White people must be informed and knowledgeable to succeed. And Dr. Pierce was very informed and knowledgeable! In fact, I strongly recommend reading everything that Pierce wrote or that he recommended.

This is a large library of online books. Many of these books were recommended by Pierce. Off the top of my head, some books that Pierce recommended were: “Which Way, Western Man?” by Simpson, “My Awakening” by Duke, “The Philosophy of Nietzsche” (1908) by Mencken, and “Race and Reality: A Search for Solutions” by Putnam. Also, you should read all of Pierce’s ADV shows.

[Online Library].

25 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration, Mexcrement, Mexican culture, Mexican mentality, Mexicans/hispanics, Mexico, Mexinvasion at 1:47 pm | Permanent Link

Every Mexican illegal alien is guilty of felony child abuse, if they have children.

The illegal aliens either 1) bring their small children with them when they sneak across the U.S. southern border; or 2) allow their children to travel alone to the border, where they then sneak in without mommy or daddy. Either way, that’s felony child abuse. This says a lot about Mexicans. People who love their children, and care for them deeply, don’t expose the children to dehydration, heatstroke, hunger, disease, snakes, and possibly kidnapping, sexual assault and even murder [1]. (And to think, Crazy Joe Biden’s immigration policies have greatly increased the likelihood of Mexican children being put in unsafe situations! I thought liberals were “kind and compassionate”? That doesn’t sound like kindness and compassion to me).


[1] some Mexicans travel hundreds of miles to the border, with little food or water. They risk encountering criminals all along the way, and especially near the border. Rape and robbery are common among illegal aliens. So are diseases, such as hepatitis, measles, worms, and tuberculosis .

25 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'sex-change', 'social construction', 'transgender', jewed culture, jewed language, jewed medicine, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Magnus Hirschfeld, Marxism, Max Scheler, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial at 12:04 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld [1868-1935], the Jewish, homosexual doctor who invented the idea of “transgender” transformation. He coined the term “transvestite” in 1910 and the term “transsexual” in 1923. All those books behind Hirschfeld are supposed to make him seem “scholarly.” But they don’t. The name “Magnus Hirschfeld” is — or should be, at least — synonymous with Satan).

“Truth is false and logic lost, now the 4th dimension is crossed.” — rock group Rush, song “The Twilight Zone” (1976), with lyrics by the gentile drummer Neil Peart.

Oops, I got the title of this post wrong. It should read: “an Unusual Weapon Based On Fantasy.” Because after all, leftism is a weapon first and foremost. A weapon against White Normal.

Transgender ideology is different from all other political or social ideologies, because it asks the public to do the impossible: to suspend reality. To embrace the idea that a man can “become” a woman if he works at it hard enough. Just embrace the idea that your friend Larry has “become” Lisa! Just accept it! If you don’t, you’re “transphobic.”

Note for the record, newbies, that sex (not gender) is biological only [1]. A male cannot become a female any more than a cat can become a turtle. It will never happen, no matter how much LSD you take.

Note also that the definition of “insane” is when “you cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.” “Transgender” people are, therefore, insane.

One fellow asked: “who’s crazier: the trannies, or the leftists who demand that you embrace the trannies?” Good question!

Finally, besides Hirschfeld mentioned above, it is also important to note that the “transgender” movement could not have happened if not for postmodern philosophy (aka, postMarxism), which is infamous for denying reality (i.e., “reality doesn’t exist, because every human experiences a different reality”). As I have noted before, the core of postmodernism is social constructionism. And social constructionism is a Jewish movement dating from circa the 1920s. The four most-important people involved in the creation of social constructionism are all Jews: Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, Alfred Schutz and Peter L. Berger (who was a convert to Christianity).

[1] “gender” refers only to words (grammar). For example, words such as “he” “she” “her” and “his”; that was the situation until very recently. But wait! We’re not done with the Jews here just yet: you can thank the Jewish “philosopher” Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) for “gender” now meaning “sex.” His “deconstructionism” baloney made that possible; “deconstructionism” ultimately means “words mean whatever you want them to mean.” That is similar to the thoughts of an earlier Jewish “philosopher,” Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951). To Derrida, there was no reality, just theories and opinions. “If you believe it, then it’s true” was his motto. The tiny Derrida (he stood maybe 5-foot-4) is considered to be a god in leftist circles. Funny, huh?

25 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Britain, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines at 9:27 am | Permanent Link

At a school in Britain, there are 30 kids out of school after testing positive for Covid-19, and at the same time, there are 14 students out due to suffering from side-effects from the Covid vaccine.

Quoting Manchester school principal Tarun Kapur, on SKY News TV, in a segment that aired this week:

News reporter, interviewing Kapur about Covid-19 and Kapur’s school: “So what’s the situation here? How many people have you got off at the moment?”

Kapur: “Yesterday we had 30 test positive…and then we have had the vaccinations, and uh, and we’ve got 14 off with, uhm, vaccine side-effects.”

Mind you, this is a well-regarded principal (I read his bio online).

Well! Don’t you just love safe “vaccines”?? Look for the video to vanish quickly and fancy explanations to be issued as to why nobody even knew that the kids were “sick” until they were tested. (Why would you need a “vaccine” for a “virus” that is so weak that you are showing no symptoms?).

[Article] and [Video on Twitter].

24 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, egalitarianism, equality, Otto Klineberg, race, race baloney, Race Denial, race quota racket, race-baiting, racism accusations, Wall Street at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

The whole “anti-racism” movement is fake. Just consider this “racial audit” baloney on Wall Street. It’s propaganda. It’s phony. It’s Cultural Marxism out of control.

Look at it this way: On Monday, the Left says “a person’s race doesn’t matter! There’s only one race: the human race!” (trademark/copyright Klineberg [1]). But on Wednesday, the Left says “you don’t employ enough Black people!” Well, which is it? Can’t have both. Either race matters or it doesn’t. (When will Wall Street investment banks address the important issue of: way too many Jews on Wall Street?).



[1] “There is no race but the human race” declared Otto Klineberg, a Jewish “race expert” and a buddy of the famous Jewish fraud, Franz Boas, in 1935. Is that why Jews practice eugenics? Because “race doesn’t matter”? Hmmmm?

24 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in comedy, Hollywood, jewed culture, jewed media, Laugh-In and similar shows, political correctness, political persecution, politicization of everything, politics, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, tv, tv analysis, TV culture, tv shows at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

This article brings to mind a good point about comedy: ever since the TV comedy shows “The Smothers Brothers” and “Laugh-In” circa 1967, comedy has been political [1]. Prior to that, comedy wasn’t political.

The Jews and the Left politicize everything today; as their power grew in the 1960s, they began to politicize more and more areas of our White culture. Now, food and pets are political. Nearly everything is political. Now they want to rename telescopes and planets if they are named after “offensive” people. Now your social media posts can get you fired or assaulted. You can blame Jews first and liberals second for that trend.

As for Baldwin: gentile Hollywood hates Donald Trump because Jewish Hollywood hates Trump, i.e., if Jewish Hollywood loved Trump, then Baldwin and DeNiro and the rest would be singing praises to him on TV. They take their cues from the media bosses — perhaps even subconsciously.



[1] Re: Laugh-In: “The show was characterized by a rapid-fire series of gags and sketches, many of which were politically charged or contained sexual innuendo.” — Wikipedia, Oct. 2021. Contrast that to Hee-Haw, a country-themed “copy” of Laugh-In, which wasn’t political.

24 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a global superpower, China as a threat to the West, Chinese communism, globalization, jewed foreign policy, Jewed labor, jewed law, job outsourcing, jobs, labor, labor unions, Samuel Gompers at 8:30 am | Permanent Link

Circa 1970, America made everything: from batteries to radios to medical equipment to tools. Today? America makes almost nothing. We import almost everything. All of our manufacturing jobs are gone. Go to any hardware store: 80% of the tools are made in China. Why? Two reasons: labor unions and job outsourcing. Both came primarily from Jews [1]. You can thank the Clinton Administration for the outsourcing. All our manufacturing jobs have gone to China and Mexico [2].

“Daniels attributed much of the bottlenecks to the country’s reliance on international trade. He told the network that if more products were made in the U.S., a supply crunch such as the one gripping much of America would not be as severe. He particularly criticized the country’s relationship with distributors across the Pacific Ocean in Asia.”



[1] Labor unions caused higher wages, which led to higher production prices, which made job outsourcing much more attractive to American industry. America’s labor union movement was built by Jews such as: Samuel Gompers, Sidney Hillman, David Dubinsky, Rose Schneiderman, Ralph Helstein, Lillian Herstein, Abraham Cahan, B. Charney Vladeck, Jacob S. Potofsky, Arthur J. Goldberg (a legal strategist and negotiator for Big Labor), and Bill and Jackie Presser. Worse, there were many communists in the labor unions. For decades, labor union dues were used to fund left-wing political causes, an idea pioneered by Hillman.

[2] the Jewish government official Sandy “My Socks Are Not Bulging!” Berger (of the Clinton Administration) was the point-man for “growing” China from a backwards farming country into a global powerhouse within a short time. Of course, Asians are like ants: they work well collectively. It didn’t take them long to build China into a superpower. Here’s one news quote about Berger: “He drew on his experience on Capitol Hill to lobby Congress to allow China into the World Trade Organization, part of a big gamble by the Clinton administration” — from an AP article. That was a bad idea! Allowing a communist country into the WTO?? What the hell?? Also, a law that Bill Clinton signed said that, if China joined the WTO, then permanent Most Favored Nation trade status for China would follow (despite the fact that China has murdered and oppressed millions of its citizens!). It did follow. And that, in turn, led to the outsourcing of millions of American jobs to China. If there is a war between America and China in the future (and that seems somewhat likely), you can thank the many Jews in the Clinton Administration for China’s military strength (that administration was about 75% Jewish, which seems incredible since America isn’t a Jewish nation; currently, the so-called “Biden Administration” contains a similar number of Jews).

23 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'tolerance', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, mangina funk, NASA, space, trannies at 8:13 pm | Permanent Link

Space Engineer #1: “Oh, I’m so excited! Lisa is going to be the first trans woman in space!”

Space Engineer #2: “Well, I just hope they don’t notice the smell of her, uhhh, mangina. It can get a little, you know…rank.”

(Later, in outer space)

Normal White Male Astronaut #1: “Oh, my god!! What is that horrible smell???”

Normal White Male Astronaut #2: “Sweet Jesus, let me out of here! That smell could make a sewer rat puke!!”

Lisa the Freak: “Transphobia! Transphobia! You’ll both lose your jobs for that!” (*sob*)(*whimper*).[1].

News headline: “NASA announces the ‘launch of the first woman and person of color to the moon’”



[1] Manginas, aka, neovaginas, are breeding grounds for various funky bacteria. One medical website said of neovaginas: “a foul smell of the vagina was observed in most patients”

23 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, jewed banking, Jewish money, Jewish money-magic, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish warmongering at 1:48 pm | Permanent Link

Robin: “Holy Hebrews, Batman! Almost every war in history has been caused by oily Jewish bankers!”

Batman: “Exactly, Robin. And we could deal with those pesky Jewish bankers, except for one small problem. Certain people won’t let us deal with them.”

Robin: “Who, Batman, who?? The Hare Krishnas? Chinese midgets? The Black Lesbian Guerilla Army?? People who eat liverwurst??”

Batman: “Not quite, Robin. It’s the Christians. They won’t let us bring the Jewish money-men to justice. They seem to think that Jesus was a Jew. They seem to think that Jews are normal, decent human beings — damn the foolishness of those Bible-thumpers, Robin!” (*slams his fist on table*).

Robin: “Holy Old Testament, Batman! What will we do?? How will we save mankind from the greasy money-men??”

Batman (pursing his lips while lost in deep thought): “Ohhhh, I have several ideas, Robin — most of them not very Christian!”

“A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind” by Stephen Mitford Goodson (originally published in 2014). [a .PDF file].

23 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Africa, African dictators, African National Congress, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black IQ, black leaders, black rule, black violence, blacks, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, race baloney, Race Denial, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, racism accusations, South Africa, Zimbabwe at 10:49 am | Permanent Link

“Turning the Negro loose does not result in “self-government”; it always ends in some sort of black dictatorship, through military or one-party rule, which in turn produces exploitation of the average Negro, and other retrogression, far worse than colonial (White) rule. Your quotation sounds as if it were written by a black gangster aching to get his hands on some loot, meanwhile laughing up his sleeve that his abracadabra should work so well.” — from the book “Race and Reality: a Search For Solutions” by Carleton Putnam (1967) One of Putnam’s earlier books about race (“Race and Reason”) was made part of the high school curricula in Mississippi and Virginia — that would never happen today! (But Marxist and queer books are okay for high schoolers, of course!).

Putnam is exactly right. That has happened all over Africa, mostly notably in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Blacks cannot govern well: a negro becomes president and then in about 3 years the whole country is ruined. In South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa, who became president in 2018, is currently engaging in “land reform through expropriation” (that means “stealing land from Whites and giving it to low-IQ Blacks”). In Zimbabwe, the communist president Robert Mugabe (who reigned from 1980 to 2017) terrorized both Whites and Blacks for decades. Mugabe did the same thing: he also stole land from Whites: “Frustrated at the slow rate of (land) redistribution, from 2000 he encouraged black Zimbabweans to violently seize white-owned farms.” — Wikipedia, Oct. 2021.

Let us Whites stop pretending that Blacks can lead. They can’t. They’re not built for leadership roles.