28 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in capitalism, capitalism as aiding The Other, capitalism as woke, capitalism vs. free enterprise, capitalist greed/exploitation, crapitalism, jewed banking, jewed economics at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

Capitalism is logical. And it works usually. But it has problems.

The main problem with capitalism is that it’s egalitarian by default, i.e., too often it benefits The Other. Jews, Blacks, Browns, queers and midgets can (and have) become millionaires and billionaires under capitalism. It can give non-Whites and freaks “a leg up” and they’ll use that leg-up to wreck White Western culture. Look at Hollywood. Look at Big Media. Look at “woke” corporations in Commiefornia and Assachusetts. Look at retailers who sell “gay” merchandise online. That’s all capitalism (“crapitalism” I call it — because it smells).

Let’s pioneer a new form of capitalism: “White Capitalism,” i.e., only Whites are allowed to engage in it. And no foreign activity allowed (i.e., within the U.S. only, or within Canada only, etc. And none of that “markets” crap either [“my family lives and dies by the market” I once heard some asshole say]. We play it straight. “Markets” chicanery leads to undue influence and fast-talking creeps in cheap suits trying to get you to “take your stock public” so that their investment-banker buddies can “help you” gain “capital” and “liquidity” to “grow” and “merge” and blah, blah, blah….by-the-by, I’ve always wondered how you can be arrested for gambling in the back room of a laundromat [I saw it happen once], but if you gamble at the New York Stock Exchange in the Big Bagel, it’s perfectly fine and hip and uptown…this is what happens when your country is Jewed…).

“Many people are confused about how the West can be so rich and much of the rest of the world so poor. On World Food Day, Pope Francis blamed markets and capitalism.”


28 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a global superpower, China as a threat to the West, Chinese communism, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, NATO, NATO pilots, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Taiwan, UN, UN Security Council mandates, UNESCO, White identity, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

Name one thing, just one thing, that Whites gain from globalism (such as the UN and NATO). (*buzz*) Time’s up. You can’t name one thing. Don’t bother trying. Globalism is a one-way street. Non-Whites win. Whites lose.

White people: leave the UN and NATO immediately. End stupid international treaties, such as the Paris climate-change treaty. Go your own way, White men. (Why did you allow secret supercomputer technology to go to China in the 1990s, White men? Are you fools? Yes, you are fools. And why is China allowed to have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, for Hell’s sake?? Yes, you are fools. Stop being fools, White men. Stop inching towards war with Russia just because the Jews fear Putin and want America to “stop him once and for all.” And Taiwan? Well, I’m sure they’re nice people. But let them ask Japan for help. Taiwan isn’t America’s business. Think White and act White, you fools).

“The first session in Sochi went a long way in terms of framing our current predicament, starting with how the current incandescent US-China clash is unfolding.

Thomas Graham, from the Council on Foreign Relations – the conceptual matrix of the US establishment – recited the proverbial “indispensable nation” platitudes and how it’s “prepared to defend Taiwan,” even as he admitted, “the Biden administration is still articulating its policy.”


27 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, jewed medicine, Jewish 'experts' at 4:38 pm | Permanent Link

For 10 months, the “Covid-19 experts” told us that “the Covid vaccines are safe.” But now comes this, re: vaccinating children from the ages of 5 to 11 years old:

“Dr. Eric Rubin: ‘We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines.’”

“And Dr. Rubin is no ordinary doctor, Dr. Eric Rubin is the Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

So, young children are going to be given a vaccine that we need to “learn about” the safety of?? Really?? For real?? No animal testing first?? (And by the way, according to this December 2020 article, “Top infectious disease specialist discusses role on FDA vaccine advisory committee”, Rubin is a Jew: [Here]).


27 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a cult, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:43 pm | Permanent Link

Covid-19 is over. The scam has been unmasked (pun intended).

It may not be over for the media. They’ll still be talking about it in 2026.

It may not be over for the governments of the West — they have a dark and twisted agenda.

But for normal people, the giant scam is over. Finished. (We’ll discuss reparations payments to the citizens later).

“The Public Health Agency of Sweden reported earlier this month that 70 percent of COVID-19 deaths between September 1-24 occurred in the “fully vaccinated,” according to Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.”


27 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, DNA, James Watson, race and IQ, race baloney, Race Denial, race science, science, War On White Males at 12:53 pm | Permanent Link

Robin, the Boy Wonder: “Holy estrogen, Batman! A brilliant woman discovered the Double Helix (DNA), but Evil White Men stole all the credit for it! Those Evil White Men are always doing that: stealing important things from innocent women, innocent Jews and innocent midgets! How dare they!”

Batman: “Robin, have you forgotten that I’m a White man?”

Robin: “Oh. Yeah. Sorry, Batman.”


Actually, the reverse is true [1].

Is there a more-hated scientist on the planet than the brilliant Dr. James Watson? Nope. Because he once “belittled” Blacks and he had the colossal nerve to discover a very important (and race-related) human molecule while being a White male [2]. Those are “crimes” today.

Dr. Watson (who was on the faculty at Harvard University back when it wasn’t easy to get onto the faculty at Harvard, i.e., in 1956) was blacklisted at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York (where he was director, president and chancellor) because he told the truth about negroes and IQ (in 2007, he said that IQ is genetic, which it is).

Anyway, parts of this article are funny: (referring to female scientist Rosalind Franklin): “Franklin ‘was too obsessive and took everything too personally…'” Duh. Women are infamous for taking things too personally. For example, if you say something negative about “women in general” then your girlfriend thinks you’re talking about her alone. Women “read things” into the conversation that don’t exist.

Big money says Miss Franklin wasn’t the female genius that the anti-Watsons want her to be, try as they might. Big money says that Dr. Watson, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist (back when Nobel Prizes weren’t given out like candy on Halloween), could have found the Double Helix without looking at Franklin’s data. Franklin, a Jewess, frequently clashed with others and had a reputation for being difficult to work with.

Markel, the author of the book-in-question (titled “The Secret of Life”) about Watson, Franklin and DNA, is a Jewish professor in Michigan.

An important quote from the article (bold text is mine): “Markel told me a big part of his inspiration for writing The Secret of Life were his two daughters, Samantha, 16, and Bess, 21, who had long been after him to write about Franklin.” (Ahh, I might have guessed).



[1] White men invent, and everyone else steals from them. For example, look at “Einstein’s” E=MC2 theory. A White man, Olinto De Pretto, discovered it. But Einstein found it and ran with it.

[2] DNA can determine race via a blood drop, e.g., if a murder suspect is a negro, and a drop of blood found at the murder scene is not the victim’s and is fresh, then a “bioassay” can reveal if the blood came from a Black person, which of course narrows the field of suspects and helps solve crimes in that way.

26 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration, Mexcrement, Mexico, Mexinvasion, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the web: a White guy saying: “I live in Northern Mexico, in a place called Houston, Texas.”

26 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as last bastion of freedom, Big Brother, Big Government, Britain, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-stupid, Covidians, England, England vs. America, freedom, green Marxism, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Orwell at 12:06 pm | Permanent Link

This is a disturbing UK government report, for sure. Orwellian psyops (psychological operations).

But: a big difference between America and Britain is: the Brits have long accepted heavy-handed governmental controls. The Americans? Not so much. We are much more freedom-loving than they are. In Britain, there are security video cameras on every street corner. It’s creepy. And guns? The UK banned guns and knives! You can’t own a pocket knife in the UK now (unless it’s a tiny one).

“Deleted (UK) Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves to “Conform”

“A deleted government report exploring how to make the public alter its behavior to accept the new ‘green economy’ reveals how COVID-19 restrictions have created a population with a “deep set reverence” for authority and a ‘powerful tendency to conform.'”


26 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'sex-change', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, free speech, freedom, political correctness, trannies at 11:24 am | Permanent Link

And to think, there’s no such thing as a “transgender” person! Do these elites also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Bigfoot? If not, why not?

“For our cultural elites, transgenderism vies with environmentalism as the cause of the 21st century. As sociologist Michael Biggs notes, the ‘transgender movement has transformed cultural norms and social institutions at breathtaking speed’.”


“Gender self-identification has now seemingly trumped long-standing conventions. A biological male can now identify as a female in order to gain access to women’s toilets, refuges or prisons.”


26 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, American greed, American values and morals, Big Business, big corporations vs. mom-and-pop, Big Food, China, China as a threat to the West, Corporate greed and Chinese products, food ingredients, globalization, greed at 10:10 am | Permanent Link

Profits über alles! (Profits above all else!). That’s the way big food corporations operate today. If they can save a few dollars by using unsafe ingredients from China, they will.

Seen: a bag of (American) Halloween candy at a store. It had probably 200 pieces of candy in it, of various types. The ingredients label read: “Made in the U.S.A with globally-sourced ingredients.” Translation: “the ingredients may have come from China, Pakistan or North Korea.”

It would have been unheard of for American candy to have such ingredients in 1982. Unheard of! Even in 1992 it would have been unheard of.

25 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish deceit, Jewish dual citizenship, Jewish genetics, Jewish Halakhic law, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish lies, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish power, sayanim, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 7:55 pm | Permanent Link

This is about Jews as a non-White, ethnic/racial group. Not as a religion [1].

Is every Jew in the world an evil person? Probably not (although, not being a Jew, it’s hard for me to know what thoughts course through a Jew’s brain).

However, having said that, Jews have a nasty and historic habit of “thinking as a group.” In other words, if “Jew X, the politician” is working hard to wreck America, then the “Jewish community” of America is supporting him by a percentage of about 97%. In other words, almost all of the Jews are supporting him. Today, the Jews have a word for “the Jews of the world working together in concert”: sayanim (meaning “the helpers”). It’s a network of Jews worldwide: government employees in Britain, police officers in Germany, clerks in the motor vehicle department in France, congressmen in America, etc. That network works to safeguard Israel’s interests, at the expense of White interests. That network is anti-White by default. If you are a sayan, Israel comes first and above all else and screw the White countries. (Note: “Israel” means not only the country of Israel, but “all of the Jews on earth”).

Bottom line: the Jews, as a people, are the enemy of White Western culture. All Jews must be regarded as sayanim.


[1] Jews are not genetically White, although they do have “white” skin. They are actually half-Arab mongrels.