9 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "climate justice", climate change, climax change, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, global vs. local/regional, global warming, green Marxism, UN at 8:52 am | Permanent Link

A good quote:

“At root, almost every globalist and transnational institution and summit has a common feature: the endless transfer of wealth from the First World, the historic oppressors, to their alleged Third World victims. These gatherings are to determine how much in reparations the latter can extort from a conscience-stricken West.”

Yes. White people are chumps. They are easy to shake down. If you make outrageous demands on 100 White people, 95 of them will cave in. Globalism is a racket that any mobster would envy. It’s an endless cash cow, a faucet that spews money. Look at the UN’s 2015 “Paris Climate Accords”: billions of dollars will flow from White pockets into Brown pockets. But nothing will change. The Brown countries will remain Third World toilets.


8 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Klaus Schwab, League of Nations, NATO, New World Order, NWO, UN, UN Charter, UN founders at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

Yes, there is a New World Order agenda [1]. A giant plan (by the elites) to globalize everything. Instead of having local and regional things, there will be only global things. One world, one people, one government, one currency, no borders, global police forces, global military forces, etc. We’ve seen the NWO plans slowly taking shape for years: the UN, NATO, UNESCO, WHO, etc.

But lately, the global elites are not at all shy about their NWO plans: why did the elites announce their plans to the public? Indeed, the elites have not even tried to hide the plans (the globalist David Rockefeller admitted to the plans in 2002). Many elites have announced the NWO plans in books and on websites (see Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, for example). Why would they announce the plans to the public? Are they looking for blowback from the public, in order to react to that blowback? Are they sending up a “trial balloon” to gauge public opinion about the NWO? Why did they announce the plans?

[1] the New World Order agenda actually dates back to the League of Nations in 1920.

8 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 12:32 pm | Permanent Link

The story I heard about the creation of the famous, 1976, White-male song “Play That Funky Music” is this: some Blacks complained that a White rock band didn’t play funky music. The Blacks said, “why don’t you White guys just play funky music?” and that line was used to create the song. Apparently, the band was originally urged to remove the phrase “White boy” from the song.

Anyway, Blacks have a natural, inborn rhythm. It comes from their primitive brains. As one guy said: “if a negro fell from Heaven to earth, he’d beat time on the way down.” Another guy said: “if you beat time on your mailbox, 6 negroes will show up and start dancing to the rhythm.”

Rap music is loved by Blacks because it’s the closest thing to jungle drums that can be readily found in the West (e.g., on the radio). It has a steady, pulsing, repetitive beat. Primal. Sexual, even. “Muh dick!”

8 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in race, race science, racial differences, racial fitness, racial science, Rushton at 12:01 pm | Permanent Link

Dr. J. Philippe Rushton (1943-2012) was a pioneer in race-based science. He showed how evolution shaped mankind.

“So, almost a decade since the death of Rushton, his Life History Model of race differences continues to yield insights — despite the efforts of the communist ideologues increasingly invading science to memory-hole his work.”


More Rushton here: [Book “Race, Evolution and Behavior” (2000); a .PDF file].

7 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, Jeff Cooper, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 4:41 pm | Permanent Link

White people built the entire Western world. But now, if you merely say “it’s okay to be White” in the West, then it’s called “hate.” But how is that “hate”?? If anyone is filled with “hate” it’s the people who are preventing us from being proud of our White heritage and history. So let me again quote Jeff Cooper:

“In view of this queasy multiculturalism with which we are continually affronted, it occurs to us that Western Europeans gave the world to the human race, and there is nothing harder to forgive than a favor.”
— author, writer and firearms legend Jeff Cooper (1920-2006), in Guns and Ammo magazine, August 1995, page 105

Indeed, maybe we White people should take back our democracy, our electricity, our computers, our airplanes and our cars from the Brown people of the world? Betcha that wouldn’t go over well! Betcha the Brown people wouldn’t be happy about that.


7 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'sex-change', 'social construct', 'social construction', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, Derrida, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, Wittgenstein at 12:40 pm | Permanent Link

Okay, this bullshit has gone far enough. It’s time for normal, White people to say “no” to all forms of Cultural Marxism, wherever they may be.

Last time I checked, a man doesn’t have a uterus. No uterus? Then no menstruation. It’s literally impossible.

Newbies, you can trace this “men can be women” problem directly to postmodernist philosophy (aka, postMarxism). Postmodernism is a 90% Jewish movement [1]. It’s famous for denying reality. It says that “there is no uniform reality, no one reality, since every person experiences reality differently” [2]. A good example is American Indian tribes. Some Indians believe odd things, like “that owl is the reincarnation of my dead father!” and we’re supposed to support that idea. Same type of thing with “men can be women.” Postmodernism basically says, “if you believe it, then it’s true.” This is the kind of crap that’s pushed by Jewish intellectual philosophers such as Jacques Derrida and Ludwig Wittgenstein; it started out in literature but spread to nearly everything. So today, “a man can become a woman” if you believe it. (Trivia: there was an episode of the TV comedy series “Seinfeld” in which George said to Jerry: “Remember, Jerry: it’s not a lie if you believe it”).

Add postmodernism to Cultural Marxism and you can put the blame for “men can be women” baloney squarely on the Jewish intellectuals in the Western universities.

All of the states need to defund the universities until they stop teaching Cultural Marxism and other dangerous baloney. Do you really think that teaching Cultural Marxism creates a healthy society? It does just the opposite: it ruins healthy societies and ruins healthy minds. Wake up, Red State people. And to think, they call the Jan. 6 protestors (many of whom are still in jail) “dangerous”! As if destroying America with Cultural Marxism and postmodernism isn’t dangerous! As if! All Jewish intellectuals who push that garbage should be in prison for subversion.

A news quote: “Cornell University Offering Baskets of Free ‘Mxnstrual’ Products in Men’s Restrooms; Cornell U. is now offering baskets of free menstrual products in all public women’s, men’s and “all-gender” bathrooms on campus.”



[1] Postmodernism has deep Jewish roots (e.g., Max Scheler, and a few other Jews who influenced Scheler, such as Karl Mannheim, Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schutz; and Jacques Derrida, and also the Jewish writer/columnist Walter Lippmann. Importantly for us, the main feature of postmodernism is social constructionism, which says: “almost everything in society is a man-made social construct.” It’s artificial, in other words. Forced upon society by evil White men. Although it’s not entirely Jewish (it has a few gentile nutjobs such as the homosexual child-molester Michel Foucault), you can call social constructionism “at least 90% Jewish in origin, maybe even 95%”. So ultimately, the core of postmodern philosophy is Jewish.

[2] Re: reality: that really isn’t true. For example, if you hit 100 people with a hammer, each of them would experience pain and yell “owww!” (unless one of them had an odd physical defect). As another example: 20 million White citizens know and can sing the Lynyrd Skynyrd song “Sweet Home Alabama” and it’ll sound nearly the same each time they sing it, albeit off-key as a rule. Most White people experience nearly the same reality except for politics.

6 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in climate change, climax change, college, global warming, green Marxism, humanities courses in kwallege, jewed culture, Jewed health care, jewed medicine, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewed science, universities at 8:13 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a White writer talking about “climate-change science” with a straight face (okay, with a straight computer). Ha-ha-ha! That “science” is totally Jewed crap, ever since Earth Day 1970 and its founder, the Jew, Ira “The Killer” Einhorn, who murdered his White girlfriend. What a creep. (Today, the media says that Einhorn wasn’t the founder of Earth Day, after years of saying that he was! I guess killing your blonde girlfriend isn’t cool even with the leftists).

Anyway, there are many “Jewed sciences” and that is one of them. The other Jewed sciences are: medicine, and all of the humanities fields (i.e., anthropology, sociology, philosophy, history, literature, etc.). If you accidently walk into a humanities class in New York or California, the odds are great that the teacher will be named “Goldberg” or “Weinberg” or “Silverstein.”

White man, drop out of college. Now. Get a real job. Reject the Jewish sciences.

6 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, Roosevelt, Roosevelt as a Baruch puppet, Roosevelt as evil, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, War On White Males, War On White People, War! War! War!, warmongers, World War II at 3:37 pm | Permanent Link

Did your grandpa fight on the right side in World War II? I doubt it. He probably fought so that negroes and retards could vote in England and America (i.e., he fought for “democracy”).

A famous Jew named Studs Terkel (1912-2008; he was an author and historian) called WWII “the good war.” But good for who?? Yes, it was great for the Jews and the communists [1]. But for Whites? Not so much. Our population is currently “down” by about 120 million Whites. Thanks, zhids [2].


[1] the Soviet communist thug, “Uncle Joe” Stalin, raped and murdered half of Europe after WWII. How? Roosevelt, and to a lesser extent, Churchill, helped him with those crimes! Yes! Isn’t “democracy” wonderful? Freedumb! Yaaaay! Roosevelt was a crippled devil. He was evil on no legs. Listening to the “Greatest Generation” (a term coined in 1998 by TV news anchor Tom Brokaw) praise Roosevelt is enough to cause homicidal behavior in people who know the truth about him — indeed, Al Capone was a puppy-hugging, poetry-reading saint compared to Roosevelt.

[2] 60 million White people died due to WWII, and many of them would have had kids later. WWII was, of course, Jewish-instigated. In fact, Hitler had been in office for only a short time when global Jewry declared “war” on Germany in 1933. Indeed, a mere handful of Jews caused WWII: Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Oscar Sydney Cox, Benjamin V. Cohen, Harry Dexter White and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. And Roosevelt himself had some Jewish roots stretching back to Holland (his original surname was Rosenvelt). (Quoting U.S. General Patton, in his diary about WWII: “Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working”).

6 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Medical Marxism, New World Order, NWO at 1:59 pm | Permanent Link

Government bureaucrat, in 2025: “We must shut down the internet and suspend freedom of speech immediately!”

Citizen: “But why???”

Government bureaucrat: “Because of the new pandemic!”

Citizen: “What new pandemic??”

Government bureaucrat: “The one we created yesterday. Oops! I mean, uhhhh…heh-heh…just kidding, I mean…uhhhh…”

The plutocrats have no desire to return the Western world to “normal” (i.e., pre-Covid-19). Here’s proof of that.

News quote: “Bill Gates is urging the US and UK to spend billions of dollars to create a global pandemic task force that will practice “germ games” in preparation for future pandemics or biological attacks.”



Re: the title above: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” is a famous line from an editorial called “Is There a Santa Claus?” It appeared in the September 21, 1897 edition of The New York Sun newspaper and went viral worldwide (no pun intended)

5 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid death numbers, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, federal laws, federal power, OSHA at 3:18 pm | Permanent Link

The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has handed down a Covid-19 workplace mandate, just like the communists used to do in the Soviet Union.

The new Marxist health rule, under an “Emergency Temporary Standard,” reads, in part (my comments are in bold text):

“As published, the rule affects employers with 100 or more employees (in other words: it affects wealthy White male employers who likely voted for Donald Trump and who risk bankruptcy if they try to enforce OR ignore the mandates; either way they lose; if even 30 workers quit it could spell doom) that are not (1) federal contractors or (2) health care facilities (those are subject to different regulations).”

“Employers have two options: (1) Mandatory vaccinations with exemptions for disabilities and sincere religious beliefs (as opposed to “insincere religious beliefs”?? And how could you tell the difference between the two??); or (2) Weekly testing (Gee, that won’t cost much!! And test with what? The bogus PCR test? Some other worthless test?) and face coverings for unvaccinated employees (look up “hypoxemia/hypoxia” vis-a-vis face masks; long-term mask wearing is dangerous) (If unvaccinated employees work outside, they do not have to mask).”

“That means if you are not vaccinated, for whatever reason, you must wear a mask in the workplace and visibly identify yourself as unvaccinated.” (Oh! Visibly singled-out like the Jews were in 1941? In other words, it’ll be like the “Jewish star” that was worn by all yids at Auschwitz, only now, the tables have turned 100%, and “the star” is for middle-class White people who voted for Donald Trump, since they are most likely to own large businesses and to “reject the jab”!)

This is not Constitutional. Covid-19 has a fatality rate of maybe 1%. Kids are nearly immune to it (if Covid-19 even exists at all — how would we know?? It could be just another Asian flu), so why are they acting like it has a fatality rate of maybe 30%?? This is pure Bolshevism and it would make Lenin proud.
