17 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, Derrida, Foucault, Marxism, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial at 4:48 pm | Permanent Link

Postmodernist philosophy is very dangerous, yet it’s found in every college today. Your son or daughter is being brainwashed right now by some idiot who is “high on Derrida and Foucault.” Postmodernist philosophy is merely updated Marxism. Some people call it “postMarxism.” I have called it “Marxism on LSD” for a reason: it denies reality. If you believe in postmodernism, you’re a nutjob. Rubber room time. “Thorazine, Room 23, stat!” [1].

“CRT is one of many theories — including Critical Legal Theory, Intersectionality, de-constructionism, Gender Theory, etc. — that have their roots deep in postmodern thinking that started in the mid 1900’s. Postmodern thinking has become increasingly dominant in academia — especially the humanities.

At its core, postmodern thinking says that there are no facts, no objective truth, and no objective morality. It explicitly rejects logic, and the idea that there is meaning or purpose in life.

Everything is subjective, a matter of perspective, opinion.”



[1] The main feature of postmodernism is social constructionism, which says: “almost everything in society is a man-made social construct.” It’s artificial, in other words. Forced upon society by evil White men. Although it’s not entirely Jewish (it has a few gentile nutjobs such as the homosexual child-molester Michel Foucault), you can call social constructionism “at least 90% Jewish in origin, maybe even 95%”. So ultimately, the core of postmodern philosophy is Jewish.

17 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 2:23 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“And indeed, great changes are coming. The twentieth century has been the democratic century, the era of egalitarianism, the age of the mass man. The next century — indeed, the next millennium — will be the era of the self-conscious elites. Which is not to say that everyone will be self-conscious or that everyone will belong to an elite. But the people who determine the course of events will. Of course, in a sense that has been the case in this century too. The Jews certainly are a self-conscious elite, and they certainly have had a dominant influence in this century, primarily through their control of the mass media. But they have had to keep their dominance concealed from most people. They have had to rule through deceit and subversion. In the next century the rule of the elites will be much more open. The pretense of democracy and equality will be dropped.”


17 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, communism, Marxism, Nicaragua at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link

Suddenly, the “Biden administration” cares deeply about democracy, civil liberties, honest elections, and so forth. Suddenly! Overnight! That was a quick change! What about our civil liberties? Hmmm?

Daniel Ortega is a Nicaraguan, Marxist leader who tried, but failed, to re-invent himself as a moderate socialist.

(America had a great chance to defeat Marxism in Nicaragua, and Central America, but blew it. Actually, it was the Democrats who blew it by canceling U.S. aid to Nicaragua in 1979, which led to Marxists coming to power there. You can always count on Democrats to do the wrong thing. Later, president Reagan tried to help the Contras, but he failed in the end. If you say “but we had no right to fund the Contras, or anyone else” then guess again, my fine-feathered too-isolationist friend: the Soviet Union was funding and arming the Sandalistas, er, the Sandinistas, so we had every right, indeed, a duty, to fund and arm the Contras in response, who were anti-communists. Actually, the whole Nicaragua mess came from the Democrats: our president Jimmy “Mr. Nice Guy” Carter did nothing as leftist terrorists brought down America’s longtime friend, Anastasio Somoza, in 1979. Somoza aided America numerous times, so as a “thank-you” we watched the red jackals take him down, without lifting a finger to help him — how very typical. What a creep Carter was) [1].

News quote: “President Joe Biden this week announced that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and officials in his government are restricted from entering the United States due to “the suppression of human rights and democracy,” in the country.”



[1] In September 1979, President Carter hosted Nicaraguan communist leader Ortega at the White House. Why? Good question. Additionally, Ortega genocided the Miskito Indians in Nicaragua, but strangely, the liberals never complain about that. Why not? Another good question. Liberals seem to ignore genocide unless it’s a rightist doing it and then they scream bloody murder.

17 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, black stats, black violence at 11:59 am | Permanent Link

“Black lives matter” — you’ve heard that slogan a million times by now.

But, “Black lives matter” to whom, exactly?

In America — and indeed in the entire West — slavery has been banned for over a century. But in Africa, slavery still exists in at least 5 countries (Chad, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger and Sudan). That’s Black-on-Black slavery, of course.

And in Chicago, Blacks kill other Blacks in wholesale numbers (usually with handguns that were stolen from White people). On some weekends in Chicago, Blacks shoot 100 other Blacks in the negro neighborhoods. In one weekend! [1].

Black lives matter? Really? Not to most Blacks (unless they are shot by a White cop! Then suddenly, Black lives really, really matter!).

As someone said: “if Black lives really mattered, it would be self-evident — you wouldn’t have to say it publicly.”

News quote: “Kyle Rittenhouse Supporters and BLM Protesters Clash Outside Courthouse Ahead of Verdict”



[1] some actual Chicago shooting statistics:
“50 shot, 10 fatally, in weekend gun violence” (Nov. 8, 2021);
“53 people hurt and 5 killed in Chicago shootings this weekend” (Sept. 6, 2021)
“16 dead, 47 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings” (June 29, 2020)

16 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid face masks, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 5:22 pm | Permanent Link


[Video, 2 minutes].

16 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftism and renaming, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, LGBTQ propaganda, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Normalphobia, pedophilia, universities, War On Normal at 2:57 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, this action is so classic, and so predictable.

The first thing leftists and Jews do, when they want to normalize something abnormal, is: they rename it. In this case, they took “pedophilia” and renamed it “minor attraction”/Minor Attracted People” because it sounds so much better than the previous word.

“Her recent book — released in June — aims to embark on the cultural mission of “destigmatizing” pedophilia — although she refers to it as “minor attraction”…but if the last few decades have taught us anything, it is that vile ideas do not stay in the universities — they spread to the culture.” (there’s those damn universities again! Let’s rename them: “commieversities” or even better: “Jewniversities”).


16 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, Civil Rights Act of 1964, civil rights movement, Cohencidences, Marcuse, Marxism, New Left, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 2:24 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, I hate to spread bad news, but: if you think America is going to vote its way back to being a White republic, you’re crazy. It won’t happen. Yes, we Whites have made a few gains politically lately, but don’t be fooled: we aren’t going to solve our problems by voting for Idiot A or Idiot B [1].

“Harrison Hill Smith, a Texas radio host, was denied monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID because he is white, not black or Hispanic.”



[1] America was a White republic until circa 1964, when the New Left was born: for example, Freedom Summer, and the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, both happened in 1964, and Jewish communist Herbert Marcuse’s landmark book “One-Dimensional Man” was also published that year; his book is considered to be the bible of the New Left. Also, the traitor, president Lyndon Johnson, was elected in Nov. 1964.

16 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:33 pm | Permanent Link

The Covid-19 vaccine control group (i.e., the unvaxxed) is a legal and political threat, so the Covidians want to wipe out the threat [1]. It would be pretty embarrassing for the Covidians if all (or most) of the vaxxed get sick, but all of the unvaxxed remain healthy. Oy veh! Explain that one!

Many of the Covidians in the West actually know that they made a huge mistake in getting the Covid vaxx themselves, and misery and fear need company. They know that horrible things may await them in a few years, health-wise (e.g., one vaccine expert predicted that some people may develop AIDS).

“In fact, imagine that we could easily determine that a large number of the unvaccinated are not hospitalized at all and that most of the hospitalized are, in fact, older and unhealthier vaccinated people who were more predisposed to harm from COVID anyway.

What would that mean? Would it mean that vaccination didn’t make people as safe as they were promised by the government, the media, corporations, or the public health intelligentsia?

At the very least, it would mean that. And right now, we should not be stupid enough to imagine that what is taking place is anything less than damage control by our political tormentors who are desperate to hide the evidence of their lies to the American people. If the Biden administration can get nearer to 95-percent of Americans to be vaccinated at any cost, even at the cost of an executive edict that contradicts every foundational principle that the Constitution exists to protect, it is worth it for them.”



[1] As I wrote earlier: “Whenever a company tests a new drug, it uses two groups of people. Group A (the experimental group) takes the real drug. Group B (the control group) takes a placebo (a fake drug, e.g., a sugar pill). Neither group knows whether it is getting the real drug or a placebo. After the testing is completed, the two groups are compared. Right now in America, the unvaccinated people are the control group. We’re the normal people. But the government and the Big Pharmas don’t want a control group. They don’t want two groups of people comparing notes about the Covid vaccines, both now and five years from now. If everyone is vaccinated, then there is no control group.”

16 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Biden, Biden administration, law, laws, senile dementia at 11:19 am | Permanent Link

In most states, if a person with senile dementia signs a legal document, it’s not actually legal (i.e., not legally binding), because the person may not understand what he is signing. Legally, you must understand what you’re signing. This makes perfect sense.

How do Americans know that Joe Biden understands the bills that he is signing into laws? Are any of the new Biden laws legitimate? How would we know? Shouldn’t somebody find out?


15 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in All Lies, Allied war crimes, America, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Nazi era, Naziphobia, Nazis, World War II at 4:42 pm | Permanent Link

During WWII, German military men were gallant and kind — which was the very opposite of the pro-communist “allies'” (All Lies) behavior. U.S. General Eisenhower’s concentration camps for the German POWs treated them like animals (literally; many of the Germans lived in holes in the ground; the Germans were not protected by international law because “Ike” had them reclassified downward as “Disarmed Enemy Forces”; therefore they could be treated very cruelly. The All Lies? Much worse than that. Much worse).

[Video, 11 minutes].