23 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, America-the-sitcom, Bork, civic nationalism, FAEM website, nationalism, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 8:29 am | Permanent Link

“Civic nationalism” is for people who are either in denial about race, or lying about race.

America is a White Western country (or it was) and that’s the only thing that will keep America “America” (as Robert Bork said) [1]. America’s large cities (e.g., New York, Los Angeles) are no longer Western. They are only superficially Western. The people speak English, but their brains aren’t White.

“Civic nationalism” actually cannot exist, since “nationalism” comes from “nation” which means “a group of people who are alike” (e.g., the Japanese or the Sioux Indians). “Nation” refers to people, genes, blood, DNA. As FAEM says, “O.R.I.O.N.” (Our Race Is Our Nation) [2].

“What all of these cases and some others have in common is they are tests of the civic nationalist theory of politics. Civic nationalism is the argument that a country can be organized around a set of ideas, rather than people and land. The citizens, rather than connected by blood and history, are connected by ideas. In the case of America, the organizing ideas are in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”



[1] “What needs to be said is that American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness. Standards of European and American origin are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.”
-— from the book “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” (New York; ReganBooks, 1996) by federal judge Robert H. Bork, p. 311

[2] FAEM = First Amendment Exercise Machine website

22 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Australia, communism, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Marxism, Medical Marxism, Soviet Union at 3:59 pm | Permanent Link

This is Soviet communism at work. And to think, Australia was a Western democracy until now. Scary stuff.

“The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari.”

Why?? Covid has a very tiny fatality rate. Less than 1% of “normal” people die from it. This is ridiculous! This is Stalin in 2021! This is Lenin and Trotsky!


22 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder at 3:32 pm | Permanent Link

Audio broadcast with Alex and Jan, Nov. 20, 2021. [2 hours; the audio is iffy for the first few minutes, but then it straightens out].

22 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, history, History for newbies, Hitler at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

“With the death of Adolf Hitler in the close of the 2nd World War in 1945 Western civilization, as it had existed and is still perceived DIED once and for all. The only thing that was left now was a gene pool.” — Author James N. Mason (“Siege”; 1993/2015; a .PDF file) [1].


[1] From the Introduction of “Siege”: “James Mason is an ardent National Socialist who has achieved underground infamy. Mason’s revolutionary rhetoric is deemed so subversive and violent that it has even alienated other Nazis. SIEGE shares this uncommon distinction with Celine’s Les Beaux Draps (A Fine Mess), which was banned from print inside the Third Reich for being too hateful.”

22 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 12:37 pm | Permanent Link

Girl: “Is there a war on White people, daddy?”

Father: “Yes, honey, there is.”

Girl: “But why?”

Father: “Because there’s nothing harder to forgive than a favor” [1].

Had Christopher Columbus not arrived in America in 1492, Brown people would still be crapping in the woods. They wouldn’t have cars or telephones, either — how would they make drug deals without cars or phones?? That would put the brakes on their crack cocaine and meth sales, word! Come to think of it, the technology used to make crack cocaine came ultimately from Whites (making crack requires sodium bicarbonate, aka baking soda, according to Wikipedia. Meth also has White roots: “Methamphetamine was developed early in the 20th century from its parent drug, amphetamine…”) [2].



[1] “In view of this queasy multiculturalism with which we are continually affronted, it occurs to us that Western Europeans gave the world to the human race, and there is nothing harder to forgive than a favor.”
— author, writer and firearms legend Jeff Cooper (1920-2006), in Guns and Ammo magazine, August 1995, page 105.

[2] “Amphetamine, the drug, dates back to its early development in the 1800’s when a Romanian chemist synthetically created the drug in 1887.”

21 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Africa, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 3:10 pm | Permanent Link

Let’s see: a fake pandemic, aimed at the White Western world in order to “reset” it, control it and punish it, hasn’t reached Africa in any significant way. Gee, what a mystery. Call Sherlock Holmes. [Article].

More Covid-19 funny-business [Here].

21 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, NATO, NATO pilots, Russia, Russophobia, Serbia, Serbs, Ukraine, UN, UN Charter at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: 27 of the NATO countries)

NATO came from Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which came from a Jew, Leo Pasvolsky. So, if there is a Western war with Russia over Ukraine (which seems more and more likely), then you can thank him for that.

And to think, NATO was created to safeguard the West, not safeguard Ukraine! Why does NATO care about Ukraine?? NATO is a military alliance of 30 mostly-Western countries that generally does the bidding of the U.S. — for example: bombing the hell out of the Serbs in 1999. NATO has surrounded Russia with NATO countries (e.g., Poland and Hungary), which no doubt makes Russia nervous. If there is a war with Russia, you can bet that the NATO “allies” (All Lies) will start it. They seem to enjoy starting wars for Big Jew. (The Jews don’t trust Russia, because Russia knows too much about the Jews from horrible, firsthand experience. So, since the Jews don’t trust Russia, sooner or later NATO will be used to sack her and turn her into “The America of the East” — complete with 20,000 Holocaust museums and trannies in the parliament. Yaaaay, American-style diversity awaits the Russians! Low-IQ negroes voting! Fags running the military! A porno store on every street corner! CRT in the schools! Happy days await the Russians, yes, indeed…).

“NATO is a master of salami tactics. Initially, the bloc promised it would not expand one inch to the east. Thereafter, its Partnership for Peace was established and sold to the Russians as an alternative to expansion, although it ultimately became a stepping stone to expansion by aligning the armed forces in Central and Eastern European states with NATO standards. The bloc expanded in 1999 as Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined, although it was suggested that this alone would not drastically change the balance of power.”


20 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in child abuse, child abuse via liberal propaganda, children, sexual perversion, short eyes at 3:46 pm | Permanent Link

Huh! Maybe it’s gonna be harder to normalize “short-eye-ing” than expected!

News quote: “Old Dominion University placed a “nonbinary” assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice on administrative leave for publicly arguing the term “pedophile” is overly stigmatizing and should be replaced with “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs).”

(As ‘Dirty Harry’ Callahan: “Sociology??? That’s for people who vacation in Cuba!”. You mean, like Bernie Sanders?)


20 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Socrates at 2:58 pm | Permanent Link

I confess that I like Donald Trump. And he had the best economy in 50 years. That’s a big plus.

Having said that, I have a funny feeling — a nagging, cloud-overhead perception — that Trump is deliberate, fake opposition. Why? Trump had a duty, twice, (yes, twice) to declare martial law in America: once in mid-2020 when America was being torn apart by riots led by Marxist idiots and negroes, and then later, when it became more-than-obvious that the federal election of November 2020 was stolen (as if Joe Biden got 80 million votes when only 5 [five] people would show up at any Biden political rally! As if!!! Often nobody would be at Biden’s rallies except a few fake-news “reporters”! Yet we are told he got “80 million votes”! Only if pigs can fly and the earth is flat!) [1]. But each time, Trump failed to declare martial law. Why?? As a result, America has entered a truly lawless era where we cannot trust any government agency no matter how benign it may seem.

(I hope I am wrong about Trump being fake opposition — especially since nobody has a better chance of winning the next presidential election than he does).

“Everything your government tells you these days is a lie — the old epigram goes — including “and” and “the”. The chief victim of that inexhaustible deceit is America’s rule-of-law.”



[1] News quote: “Joe Biden has become the first presidential candidate to win more than 80 million votes…” (Nov. 24, 2020)

20 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "--ism"s, "gender", "woke", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'social construction', 'transgender', leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

Childish fantasies are great: you just believe something is true, and it is! (Or maybe not: “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” — liberal president Bill Clinton, 1998, according to footnote 1,128 in the Starr Report).

A 6-year-old boy: “I have a pet dragon. He lives under my bed! Sometimes he gives me rides! We fly to different cities!”

Isn’t that cute?


A 40-year-old liberal: “A man can become a woman! In fact, there’s no such thing as men or women, because gender is just a social construct! Also, we have just declared the city of Dallas to be a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants! We have also declared that the earth is warming up, and, that people who don’t want the toxic Covid-19 vaccine are insane!”

That’s not so cute. And to think, liberals are governing your state right now! I’ll bet you feel pretty safe, huh? Sure you do. Why wouldn’t you feel safe with children running the government?

[Article about transgenderism].