4 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in movie directors, movies, Online movies at 11:27 am | Permanent Link

The Searchers (1956); starring John Wayne.

Want to watch a movie that has everything going for it? This is it: it has action, adventure, romance, tragedy, bravery, great scenery, a great director, and White pride. It’s hard to find a more-complete movie than The Searchers.

[Movie; 1 hour, 54 minutes; must be in full-screen mode to avoid a pop-up log-in message].

4 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminization of the West, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 11:18 am | Permanent Link

Most of the essays are about feminism. One is called “On Beth’s Cute Tits” but it isn’t pornographic: the title was inspired by a TV miniseries about a female chess player named Beth. I have not read all of them, so enter at your own risk.

[a .PDF file, 222 pages].

3 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, Covid death numbers, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 2:31 pm | Permanent Link

The findings: most of the vaccines are harmless. But some aren’t, and the deployment patterns are very unusual. He’s suggesting that the latter vaccines were not deployed randomly but sequentially — like musical notes.

This form/graph was created by Craig Paardekooper, a pharmaceutical sciences student at Kingston University in London, England.

More here:

“If the production of toxic batches was an accident, we would expect their temporal appearance to be random and more scattered. The production of large numbers of toxic batches in close temporal proximity to one another shows that such “accidents” are repeated dozens of times, sequentially!”


3 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in California, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican culture, Mexican mentality, Mexicans/hispanics, Mexinvasion at 12:21 pm | Permanent Link

Those who pay attention know that, population-wise, California is now majority-Mexican (since 2014) [1]. Big money says that 8 out of 10 Mexicans in California won’t comply with the state’s new water-use rules. These people are not forward-thinking (like most non-Whites, they “live in the moment”).

News headline: “California Faces Statewide Mandatory Water Restrictions as Drought Worsens”

(Of course, California would have much more water available without the roughly 10 million illegal aliens in it! Get a clue, retards)



[1] “The state had some 14.99 million Latinos compared with about 14.92 million non-Hispanic whites as of July 1, 2014, the most recent data available. Together, the two groups make up nearly 80 percent of the state’s population.” — from the article “It’s Official: Latinos Are The Majority In California,” sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com, July 8, 2015.

3 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 11:00 am | Permanent Link

Old saying: “Don’t listen to what they say. Instead, watch what they do.”

Here’s the (long) sentence:

Re: the spread of Covid-19: The U.S. government authorities care nothing about the wide-open, southern U.S. border and they never have since Covid-19 began in early 2020, and under Biden’s rule the flood of illegal aliens into America has increased 10-fold (1 million aliens entered the U.S. in July 2021 alone).

If the government authorities were truly concerned about the spread of Covid-19, they would also be concerned about many thousands of untested/unvaccinated illegal aliens spreading it throughout America. But they aren’t! And they haven’t been since Day 1! Indeed, the Biden administration has been shipping untested/unvaccinated illegal aliens from southern Texas — where they enter — into the interior of America for months. Why would that happen during a genuine pandemic? It wouldn’t, of course. Just the opposite would happen: the southern border would be closed much tighter for health reasons; at the very least, all illegal aliens entering America would be either vaccinated on the spot or quarantined (note: a 1-dose-only Covid vaccine is available).

Like AIDS, Covid-19 is a political, media-driven disease that is used to manipulate human behavior for the benefit of politicians, globalists and big corporations (interesting trivia: all of Congress is exempt from “the Covid jab” — how odd!) [1].



[1] “The executive order President Joe Biden put in place last week mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for all federal workers will not apply to members of Congress, the federal court system, or their staffers.” — from an article titled “Congress is exempt from Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal workers,” Microsoft News, Sept. 14, 2021.

2 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 2:59 pm | Permanent Link

(Sung to the tune of “Hotel California” [1977])

“We’ll rent you a room at the Hotel CovidVaccine,
It’s a lovely place, such a lovely fate,
We’ll rent you a room at the Hotel CovidVaccine,
We have alibis, just in case you die.”

“The Covid vaccinated are a grave threat to the unvaccinated, not only because the vaccinated “shed” the virus, thus spreading the virus to others, but also because the vaccine enables the virus to mutate in order to escape an immune response. The immunity the mutated variant of the virus achieves from the vaccine also gives the virus protection against the innate human immune system.”


2 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish DNA/racial make-up, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Question, jewish revolutionaries, tikkun olam at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link

Jew: “I’m saving the world by fomenting endless physical and intellectual revolutions! You should be thanking me!”

White Man: “No, you’re not saving the world. You’re destroying the White civilizations which created the world!”

Jew: “Ha! Liar! You just hate Jews! You’re an anti-Semite!”

Symptoms of autism include: “repetitive behavior and restricted interests.” People with autism “fixate on particular things.” Like, say, endless nation-wrecking since the Roman times???! Jews follow behavioral patterns. You won’t find Jews hunting ducks or fixing cars or skiing or climbing mountains like White men. They’ll be in a library in NYC reading Marx or Freud, or organizing a political protest against a Donald Trump-type who they call a “Nazi.” They have certain behavioral habits and they rarely deviate from them. The Jews can’t recognize their own creepy behavior. Their “tikkun olam” is our poison [1].

One key feature in all Jews: they are never, ever satisfied. That’s the reason why Jews are the shit-stirrers of mankind. Nothing satisfies them. They are restless, autistic children who can’t sit still. They must stir up shit. They cannot not stir up shit.

Jews: the mosquitos of humanity.

This is called “Message of the Non-Jewish Jew” by Jewish writer and political activist Isaac Deutscher (1907-1967) (this article originally came from a 1958 lecture by Deutscher and it was popular with Jewish radicals of the 1960s).

“Spinoza’s ethics were no longer the Jewish ethics, but the ethics of man at large” (So the Jew, Spinoza, became Everyman, or, Everyman became a Jew by reading Spinoza??).



[1] “tikkun olam” means “repairing the world”

2 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in abortion, abortion movement, Roe v. Wade at 10:55 am | Permanent Link

Roe v. Wade is more proof that liberals are greasy people who never follow the Constitution.

The 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision (which legalized abortion federally) was a joke. It was a gift to the feminists and the leftists, and nothing more. It was not based on Constitutional law and the leftists know it, hence the reason they are currently nervous about Roe being overturned.

Getting an abortion is not a private act; it does not happen in your house or car, there is a doctor and nurse present, and insurance paperwork, so therefore, abortion has nothing to do with a woman’s “privacy.” Roe was all leftist bullshit.

Roe greatly aided the feminist movement by “freeing” young women from the “chains” of motherhood. “Ohhh, the chains! Now I have 2 carpet gophers so I can’t have an exciting career at Big Corporation X! I’m doomed!”

Furthermore, the abortion industry is heavily Jewish, which of course isn’t surprising. Every creepy industry is dominated by Jews: porno, toxic waste, Hollywood, the media.

Having said that, probably a million Black babies have been aborted since Roe. So there is one good thing about it.

The leftists worship the Roe decision: according to them it was the best court decision in American history. In fact, leftists cannot imagine life without Roe (pun intended). So if Roe is overturned (and it likely will be), liberals will be having nervous breakdowns all across America and will be committing suicide by the thousands. For them, an America without Roe is totally unthinkable (which is funny: if Roe is overturned, abortion will merely become a state issue; each state would decide whether to allow abortion or not; liberal states like California would no doubt allow it).


1 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“The same educational system which turned out the people who designed the
Mars mission is turning out millions of people today who not only
haven’t a clue about physics or chemistry or mathematics, but who also
haven’t a clue about the history of our people — or even about the
proper use of our language. And I’m talking about university graduates.
Why bother to take courses in the language of Shakespeare and Milton
when one can graduate instead by taking courses in subjects like
“California Wines” or “Park Science” or “Black Hair As Culture and
History”? Believe it or not, Texas A & M University actually has a
“Department of Park Sciences and Rural Sociology.” And Stanford
University, which used to be a first-class institution before being
stricken with a fatal attack of democracy, actually offers a course
titled “Black Hair As Culture and History,” where students learn that
persons born with black hair — for example, ahem, African-Americans —
are more creative and intelligent than those with light hair.”


1 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Big Brother, Big Government, Big Lie, Big Medical, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, New World Order, NWO, Orwell at 1:59 pm | Permanent Link

A smart man said: “With Covid-19, nothing makes sense.” What does that tell you? It should tell you that Covid-19 is not what they say it is.

For example, the government used to talk about the importance of herd immunity/natural immunity re: Covid. But today, it never mentions it. Why not? And why vaccinate kids, who are nearly immune to Covid? Nothing makes sense with Covid. A big clue!

Why are the authorities going apeshit over a virus that has a fatality rate of less than 1 percent? Furthermore, Covid only kills old or weakened people. The U.S. military is neither. It makes zero sense to vaxx the entire military. Obviously, there is something else going on. Some other game plan. The great re-set? A war on the middle class? “Getting the citizens used to vaccine living”? Changing the relationship between “the citizen” and “the government” to a child/parent one (with the citizen being the child)?


Furthermore: from a Baltimore Covid website:

“Keep in mind that you cannot be vaccinated: Until 10 days after receiving a COVID-19 diagnosis”

Why would you need the vaxx after getting Covid?? The virus only lasts about 10 days in the human body anyway. And you would have natural immunity after getting Covid! [Covid webpage]. And why did they ban drugs that have been successfully used to fight Covid (e.g., Ivermectin)? Ivermectin has been used successfully in Uttar Pradesh, India. But in most places in America, you cannot get Ivermectin. How odd.