15 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, Cultural Marxism, democracy, democrazy at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

Leftist #1: “Our democracy is being threatened!”

Leftist #2: “Oh, no! Blacks and retards won’t be able to vote for crooks who suck up to Israel!”

Leftist #3: “Illegal aliens won’t be able to vote in NYC and L.A.! This is so un-American! It’s fascism! It’s Hitlerian!” [1].

Leftist #4: “This is anti-transgender Nazism! Transgender women have the right to brainwash 6-year-olds in the public schools! Karl Marx said so!”



[1] see the news article “New York City Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in Local Elections,” Arizona Sun Times, Dec. 11, 2021.

15 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in ancient Greece, Antikythera Mechanism, White identity, White ideology, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White technology, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 1:10 pm | Permanent Link

White people are so smart that they were inventing mechanical computers 2,000 years ago. Ponder that! What were Blacks doing 2,000 years ago? Throwing spears and grunting (one grunt for “yes” and two grunts for “no”).

[Video; 1 hour].

15 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 12:12 pm | Permanent Link

Some people may find Dr. Pierce to be a somewhat unexciting speaker. Well, perhaps, but he was an academic, not a rock star. Furthermore, he was an actual rocket scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. As one writer noted, “there can be no doubt that Pierce possessed a powerful intellect.”

Regardless, Dr. Pierce’s words are true, important and all that you need. Listen to him and you’ll go far.

This is a video of a speech given by Dr. Pierce in Ohio in 1996. It runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.

Importantly, in this speech, Dr. Pierce talks about how fiction can change peoples’ minds, e.g., Pierce’s book The Turner Diaries. Yes, indeed. Fiction, if presented properly, can alter peoples’ thinking. In fact, let’s expand on that a bit: Pierce often stressed the importance of fiction and myth vis-a-vis White culture. Here’s what he said:

“Racial identity is based on more than history; the soul of a people is in its legends and myths.”

“No single cultural artifact can reveal more about the inner nature of a people than its corpus of surviving myths, for the genuine spirituality of a people glows most radiantly in its primal lore.” [1].

[Video; 1 hour, 23 minutes]. (I suggest saving Pierce’s speeches and writings for future sharing among family and friends).


[1] from National Vanguard Books Catalog Number 19, June 2000

14 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in rock music at 4:59 pm | Permanent Link

“Children Of The Sun” by Billy Thorpe (1979).

[Video, 7 minutes].

14 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Denmark, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, genocide, genocide by jew, Genocide Convention, genocide of White culture, War On White Males, War On White People, Wesley Clark at 2:08 pm | Permanent Link

Anyone who still thinks that there isn’t a War On White People hasn’t been paying attention. But here’s the weird part: the NWO crowd isn’t even trying to hide the fact that de-Whitening the world is #1 on its agenda! (If you were going to cook a frog, would you tell him first? No.) [1].

“However, “getting to Denmark” has taken on a new meaning as migrants from the Third World besiege Denmark. Stojberg defended her conduct, saying she was trying to prevent young women from being forced into marriages with much older men. Unfortunately, on the Pokemon Points Victim Scale, Third World women rank below the social imperative of getting as many non-Danish people into Denmark as possible to make the country worse. After all, what is the suffering of Third Worlders if they can’t be used to extract resources from whites?”



[1] “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.” — The Jewish, American/NATO general Wesley Clark, on CNN news, April 24th, 1999. In other words, Europe must be de-Whitened. That means “Whites must be ethnically cleansed.” Isn’t that a crime? Yes, it is. Look up the UN’s “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” (1948).

14 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

When Covid-19 came along circa February/March 2020, the Western media actually showed film footage of Chinese citizens falling down in the streets. Falling down due to Covid! It was like a sci-fi movie! But now, we never see such footage. Why not? Seems fishy.

Also, all of the cheap, useful drugs that can fight — and have already fought — Covid-19 are no longer available. Why not? Try to get those cheap drugs. You can’t find them anywhere. Seems fishy. It’s almost as if Jewish billionaires bought them all up, worldwide. Oops, heh-heh-heh, I mean…(looks at ceiling).

Furthermore, experts have said that “the standard Covid vaccines will work against Covid variants” as long as the variants are maybe 80% similar to the original Covid virus. So, why do the citizens need endless, special “booster shots” to “fight the Covid variants”? Seems fishy.

And now, the FDA wants to wait 75 years (!) to produce Covid vaccine technical information (it was 55 years but they changed it to 75). Why wait so long? Seems very fishy. Extremely fishy.

To quote the 1981 movie “Absence of Malice,” it’s time for the citizens to find out “what the good Christ is going on around here!”

13 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

A journalist said, about Trumpism: “It means destroying it, burning it to the ground” (in order to keep Liz Cheney-style neoconservatism alive).

Gee, that sounds rather extreme to me.

Everything even slightly political since circa mid-2017 has been all about Donald Trump and his 100 million populist followers. And not just in America. Even in Europe (e.g., Brexit, the Yellow Vests in France).

— Why are Black people in every TV commercial today? Trump and his followers.

— Why was the 2020 election stolen? Trump and his followers.

— Why do Jews and liberals have trouble sleeping at night even today? Trump and his followers.

— Why are Jews and liberals using extreme and cruel punishment on the January 6 protesters (some of whom have been in jail for nearly a year after being let into the Capitol building by security guards)? Trump and his followers.

Indeed, Jews are using the very same language today that they used when mentioning Adolf Hitler in 1938: “We must completely stop Trump and his followers!” “He and his followers cannot be allowed to get away with it!” etc., etc., etc. Same language. Same over-the-top paranoia.


13 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "woke", communism, Cultural Marxism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, political correctness, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

Rightists never update their thinking. They don’t need to. Western Civilization works. There’s no need to change it.

But leftists frequently update their thinking: first there was the Old Left circa 1930, then The New Left circa 1964, and now there’s Woke. Leftism keeps changing. But it has to. Its failures must be hidden from generation to generation. It must be re-invented every 20 years or else somebody might notice that leftism doesn’t work. Actually, I’m being funny: leftism doesn’t work because it can’t work. It isn’t a political ideology; it actually has nothing to do with politics anymore. It’s now a weapon against White Western culture. Period. It’s not about “building” anything. It’s about tearing down the existing order of things, about tearing down Whiteness and normalcy and happiness. Leftists are unhappy, angry people (and misery needs company) [1][2].

Marxism (communism) became Cultural Marxism because the first “live” version of Marxism (in 1917 in the Soviet Union) didn’t work. It didn’t “sell.” Few people bought it. So circa 1936, Marxism morphed into Cultural Marxism, which later morphed into PC in the 1980s, and still later into Wokism, with each one being more ridiculous than the last one. Now men can “become” women. What’s next: humans can “become” hamsters? Don’t laugh, it’ll happen, thanks to postmodern philosophy and jerkoffs like Derrida and Foucault (who are the most-often-quoted “philosophers” today).

“The radical hope is to dignify the move toward undermining our republic, natural rights, private property, and the family by painting the words “anti-racism” and “gender equality” on the hammer and sickle. Then talk about electric cars and reducing carbon footprints, and hope the fear generated will change our society forever.”



[1] Which is why Biden’s “Build Back Better” slogan is such a joke. What on earth does that mean? Since when does leftism “build” anything? The Left taxes and kills: the first thing a leftist does when he takes office is raise taxes across the board. Then he uses that tax money to further kill off White Western culture by creating laws that favor Black and Brown people, e.g., Obamacare, Affirmative Action and “no cash bail required” laws such as in New York.

[2] Studies have shown that: conservatives are happier and more “grounded” than liberals, who are never satisfied with their lives; conservative marriages last longer (some last 50 or 60 years); and conservatives will often work for the same company for 40 years; conservatives don’t want or need change, while liberals — always seeking some elusive utopia with fewer White people — crave change, perhaps hoping that they will finally find happiness through more governmental mandates — which apparently they did with Covid-19: liberals seem to enjoy the endless lockdowns and the vaccine mandates, which give them much-needed feelings of power and control.

12 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, disease, diseases and politics, doctors, health politics, Medical Marxism, medicine at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

Doctors take a Hippocratic Oath, which includes avoiding “therapeutic nihilism” (i.e., overtreatment with too many fancy cures). The original Greek oath said, “I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong from falsehood” (strangely, the new, 1964 oath omits this promise; importantly, not all doctors today take the oath; it’s a safe bet that in NYC they never take it).

Well, not only have thousands of doctors violated their Oath during the Covid-19 scamdemic (e.g., by urging people to get the toxic, still-experimental “jab” knowing full well that it’s not safe), but it’s much worse than that.

These days, many people won’t go to a hospital when they have chest pains or other ailments. They’re afraid to go, for several logical reasons: catching Covid; Covid vaccine “shedding” [1]; they also fear that, once in a hospital, the doctors will try to vaccinate them with the toxic jab against their will.

Bottom line: not only have doctors violated their Oaths on a massive scale during the Covid scam, but, they have indirectly caused many more injuries and deaths by creating a climate of fear among the populace re: getting health care.

How will doctors regain the public’s trust? Only with great difficulty. Some people may never trust doctors again. You can’t blame them. Nice going, you lab-coated fools. That’s what you get for worshipping ridiculous CDC and HHS mandates, instead of thinking logically about medicine. “Common sense”: get some.

(One more thing: the Hippocratic Oath must now be revised to include: “I will not politicize diseases nor use fear to cure them”).


[1] “shedding”: the term refers to a vaccinated person “shedding” or transmitting the COVID-19 vaccine (or its side effects) through their skin or saliva or orifices onto non-vaccinated people.

12 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Baruch, Baruch and WWII, crypto-currency, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, Horsejews of the Apocalypse, Paul Warburg, World War II at 12:26 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: banker Paul M. Warburg)

Inflation exists because normal White people don’t control America’s money system anymore. Greedy Jews have controlled it since 1913, when the wrongly-named “Federal Reserve System” was created by Jewish banker Paul M. Warburg (1868-1932) [1].

America’s central money system was already inflationary: “fractional-reserve banking” is, by itself, inflationary. It causes more money to be available than should be available. When more money is available than should be, it’s worth less. By default. That’s true of almost anything: guns, butter, pencils. More of “X” means it’s worth less.

Today, thanks to the, uhh, “Joe Biden administration” (read: “unelected children running the government”), there is even more inflation than previously [2]. Inflation is now at a 40-year high!

What if normal White people and adults controlled America’s money system, instead of Jews and children? Our money system would be sound again. We can only hope that decentralized crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin, will end the terrible reign of Jewish central banking once and for all [3].


[1] “The name Paul Moritz Warburg is synonymous with the founding of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg’s impact on American banking is a parallel to his family’s impact on European banking. The epic story of the Warburg family of European bankers can be traced back to the early 1500s…” [Here].

[2] the lamestream media claims that Joe Biden got a record 81 million votes in the November 2020 federal election. Yet, just before the election, whenever Biden gave a political rally, only 6 (six) people would show up, including 3 reporters. Does that sound like Biden “got 81 million votes”? This means, among other things, that every law that has been created by Biden’s signature is null and void.

[3] Did you know that World War II was fought largely over Jewish central banking? Hitler had removed Germany from that system and other countries were signaling that they would follow suit. Big Jew couldn’t allow that to happen. As Jewish powerbroker Bernard Baruch (the main architect of WWII) told U.S. General George Marshall in 1938, one year before the war began: “We are going to lick that fellow Hitler. He isn’t going to get away with it.” He was talking about Hitler’s logical and successful banking tactics; anyone who believes the “official” narrative — that WWII was fought over a worthless, unpopular country like Poland — is delusional.