23 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in blues music, F.A.E.M. website, Robert Frenz, rock music, rock music industry at 11:40 pm | Permanent Link

“Rock and roll is nigger, pure and simple. Adding a drug-soaked white face to a guitar and bellowing “kill da juice”, doesn’t change things one bit. Behavior tells all and that will always be the main test.” — Robert Frenz of the FAEM website.

Well, I half-agree with Frenz. One branch of rock and roll was negro (i.e., blues-based). The other branch was founded by Bill Haley (and his Comets), which was rockabilly, which was not blues-based. Some of “modern rock” is not blues-based, e.g., “progressive rock” e.g., Jethro Tull, Yes, and Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Granted, most of modern rock is blues-based, e.g., Led Zeppelin, who I admit to liking. In fact, some blues-based rock is excellent, sadly enough (Whites should avoid it, but, I grew up on it, so, that’s a sticky situation for sure…heck, I even listened to Jimi Hendrix at age 17. Yeah, sad, I know…).

23 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Trump, Trump's policies at 5:13 pm | Permanent Link

If Donald Trump thinks that adopting a “pro-Covid-vaccine platform” is a good political strategy, he needs to re-think that idea. Only 1-in-30 conservatives is pro-vaxx, if that.

News quote: “Former President Donald Trump this week clashed with conservative commentator Candace Owens over the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, with Trump saying “the vaccines work,” and that “people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”


23 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 4:13 pm | Permanent Link

I reject the “Christian stuff” in this article, but I agree with this statement below.

It’s not a political war on White people as much as it’s a psychological war on White people. We’re getting mentally attacked from all sides. Trannies, Critical Race Theory in the schools, a stolen election, Potato Brain posing as “the American president,” Covid hysteria, a possible American war with Russia over Ukraine (as if that’s our business. As if!), the U.S. military run by a Black man (the secretary of defense) and a woman (the deputy secretary of defense), White men as political prisoners while Black and antifa thugs roam free, Blacks in every TV commercial, etc., etc. It’s a lot for normal White men to accept.

(((They))) are trying to mentally “wear us down” and “psychologically castrate us.” There’s an old saying which goes, approximately: “men without hope have already lost the war before they fight it.” Or, to quote the 1985 movie Pale Rider, “a man without spirit is whipped.”

“The more fundamental and ultimately consequential war being fought within the U.S. today is the one being waged against the American mind”


23 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Roosevelt, Roosevelt as evil, Stalin, World War II at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link

23 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "sex equality", "woke", Cultural Marxism, Eugene Kamenka, sex differences, sexism accusations, universities at 1:32 pm | Permanent Link

It’s a known fact that men, as a group, have more geniuses but also more retards, compared to women, who are, collectively, more in the “middle of the road” (i.e., they have more average IQs).

A new old saying: “if it comes from a university, it’s Marxist by default” [1].

Re: sex differences: see the 1989 book “Brain Sex.”



[1] the Jewish communist Eugene Kamenka (1928-1994) was a professor of philosophy at Australian National University. Why? How? Good questions.

22 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in flu, flu vaccine, vaccine mania, vaccines at 6:02 pm | Permanent Link

A quote seen on the web: “We’ve had the flu vaccine for 78 years. We still have the flu.”

So why get it?

22 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 5:52 pm | Permanent Link

“Through its behaviour, the shrill left confirms the right’s claims that the political instincts of the left are Stalinist, that the left will always back the might of an all-powerful state against the concerns of ordinary people, that the left sees only the faceless masses, who need to be herded towards bureaucratically convenient solutions, rather than individuals who need to be listened to as they grapple with their own particular dilemmas and beliefs.”


22 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“But really, the problem we face in fighting the evil of White slavery is
not idiots like these, who are filled with superstitious nonsense or who
simply refuse to believe whatever they don’t want to believe. The real
problem is the people who understand what’s happening, who care about
it, but who won’t do anything. I hate to say this, but I’m afraid that
some of the people who sent me nice letters saying how much they agree
with me fall into this problem category.

I’ve talked with you on earlier programs about this problem of the
spectator mentality, about the tendency to respond to the real world in
the same way we respond to a television drama: we watch it, we talk
about it, but we feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about it
because at some level of consciousness it’s not real to us; we feel that
it doesn’t actually concern us or threaten us or offer us any
opportunity to intervene and make a change in the way things are going.

The White slave trade is real. It’s a big business for the Jews. They
enslave tens of thousands of young women every year. It threatens all of
us because it threatens our race. It is primarily Ukrainian and Russian
girls who are being exploited and victimized by the Jews now…”


22 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid is the flu, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 3:13 pm | Permanent Link

1. During Covid-19, the flu season (October 1 to April 1), which normally has about 30 million cases per season, disappeared as if by magic. Only 2,124 (no, that’s not a misprint) flu cases appeared during the 2020/2021 flu season (source: CDC). A tiny number! A betting man would say “the flu ‘became’ Covid-19.”

2. As soon as the Covid vaccines were rolled out, nobody could find inexpensive, anti-Covid drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin. They vanished as if by magic. And even if you did find them, doctors would not prescribe them to you. Very odd. (Ivermectin was used in India to treat Covid, with great success, until strangely the Western governments pressured India to stop using it in June 2021. At one point, India had only 1/20 the Covid death rate of the U.S. Why would Western governments care which drugs India used to treat Covid? It makes no sense).

3. The official “Covid pandemic narrative” ran on performing the PCR test at high cycles (35 or above), which was known to produce large numbers of “false positive” results (i.e., if a “cycle threshold” of 35 or above was used; the number of cycles required before the Covid virus is detectable is known as the “cycle threshold”), yet, the high cycle practice continued for 17 months, meaning that most Covid “cases” were not real Covid cases.

4. The PCR test cannot distinguish between the flu and Covid, yet, the PCR test was called “the gold standard Covid test” for many months. Disturbingly, the inventor of the PCR test said that it was not designed to “detect diseases or viruses” in living humans.

5. In the first 6 months of Covid, even motorcycle deaths were counted as “Covid deaths” if the bikers had any amount of Covid in their bodies. Why?

6. Logical and honest questions about Covid and the Covid vaccines are routinely “shut down” by doctors: They won’t discuss Covid with patients or often even with nurses, as if patients or nurses have no right to ask questions about Covid. This is suspicious. What happened to the old medical principle of “Informed Consent”?

7. The official Covid narrative changes every few months, e.g., at first, children were called “almost totally immune to Covid” but later, it was said that children “need to be vaccinated.” At first, only the vaccines were mandated, but now, “booster shots” are also mandated. The official Covid goalposts keep moving.

8. At first, reaching the point of near-total “natural herd immunity” from Covid was a real and important thing to the health experts, but later, the experts never talked about natural immunity again, as if it vanished by magic. Curiously, as time goes on, government mandates concerning Covid are actually increasing, which is not what you’d expect, since, due to an increase in natural herd immunity, Covid cases would decrease over time. But that’s not what we’re seeing. In other words, the situation is just the opposite of what you’d expect to see in a real pandemic.

9. States that “locked down” severely due to Covid mandates (e.g., Michigan) had more Covid cases than states that didn’t lock down severely (e.g., Florida). Maybe “Dr. Science” can explain that.

10. Covid is the first “pandemic” in American history to require that healthy people be quarantined. Usually, only sick people are quarantined during pandemics.

11. You’ve never heard of the term “flu denier” or “cold denier.” So the fact that the silly phrase “Covid-19 denier” even exists is suspicious. Indeed, Covid is the first virus in history that you’re not “allowed” to question. Why?

12. One year after the Covid vaccine rollouts, face mask mandates still exist in most areas of America. Why? Don’t the vaccines work?

13. A “hypothetical pandemic scenario” project called “The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028” was unveiled by “The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security” in October 2017. It imagined a future coronavirus pandemic: a virus called SPARS. It even talked about the virus being fought with “an experimental vaccination program.” Hmmmmm! Strangely, just about two years later, that same virus scenario appeared in real life…as…wait for it…Covid-19! What a Cohencidence!

14. Every social media outlet has banned anyone from questioning the “official Covid-19 narrative.” Why? Since when does social media give a damn about anyone talking about health care methods? It makes no sense. It’s almost as if social media is working with the government and Big Pharma to censor health information.

15. When Covid-19 arrived in early 2020, the mainstream media in the U.S. showed film footage of citizens in China actually falling down in the streets due to Covid. Today? You never see that today. Why not?

16. Usually, it takes several years, minimum, for a new vaccine to be thoroughly tested before being green-lighted for public use. Not so with the Covid vaccines, which were rushed to market at lightning speed: in about 7 months. Yet, the government authorities insist that the Covid vaccines are “perfectly safe.” How would they know they’re safe? Answer: they wouldn’t/couldn’t know.

17. Covid-19 is political: the more liberal a state is, the more severe the Covid mandates are. California, for example, has more-severe Covid mandates than Iowa or Kansas. Healthcare should never be political, but it is now. Currently, in New York City, you can’t order a fast-food hamburger (in person) without showing proof of Covid vaccination. That’s plain bizarre. Withholding food from citizens!

One writer said that “with Covid-19, nothing makes sense.” He was right. That’s called “a clue.”

21 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 4:05 pm | Permanent Link

If the Covid-19 vaccines are good vaccines, then why would the citizens need to be bribed into getting them? A good product sells itself.

The Covidians are becoming more and more desperate to vaxx everybody in the West: look at Germany, Australia, and Austria. The heavy-handed Covid mandates are increasing, not decreasing. The “control group” (the unvaxxed people) must be vaxxed, ASAP, “before the awful truth gets out” [1].

“NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday said vaccination teams will be deployed to homes to administer Covid jabs. The vaccination teams will also be giving $100 incentives to (poor) people who get their vaccines.”



[1] Whenever a company tests a new drug, it uses two groups of people. Group A (the experimental group) takes the real drug. Group B (the control group) takes a placebo (a fake drug, e.g., a sugar pill). Neither group knows whether it is getting the real drug or a placebo. After the testing is completed, the two groups are compared.