25 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, National Alliance, VNN, Who Rules America?, William Pierce, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 5:15 pm | Permanent Link

(Sadly, I never met Dr. William Pierce in person. When I say I “met” him, I mean that I “met” his essays, his videotaped public speeches, and his radio shows. Pierce was the biggest influence on me becoming a White Nationalist, especially his landmark essay “Who Rules America?” That essay and the National Vanguard Books mail-order catalogues led directly to me becoming a White Nationalist circa 1993). (Alex Linder was also a big influence on me from circa 2000 onward. He was briefly my webmaster, in fact, when I started a website way back when. I consider Alex to be a “younger, more-modern version of Dr. Pierce” although he may not agree with that description. The early, multi-colored VNN website circa 1998 contained writing by Alex that cannot be matched by anyone today: brilliant, trenchant, no-holds-barred stuff; he’s a writer, I’m just a poster. Big difference there).

In circa 1992, I ordered a military item by mail. I don’t recall exactly what item it was, but I think it was a military medal of the type worn on an officer’s uniform. When the item finally arrived, inside the package were several catalogs and flyers of a political nature. One of the catalogs was titled “National Vanguard Books Catalog” which I had never heard of before [1]. It offered maybe 200 different books for sale, plus there was a big article, with photos, in the middle of the catalog, called “Who Rules America?”

I read the article “Who Rules America?” It was about Hollywood and the American news media. And, while I found it interesting, I also found it far-fetched. The article claimed that Jews controlled Hollywood and the American media. I had never heard this claim before, and so I was skeptical of the claim.

Weeks passed and I read the “Who Rules America?” article again. I decided to investigate some of the claims made in it for myself. I decided to ask around about it, and to also go to the local library as well. Mind you, this was before the internet, which wasn’t in place until circa 1996 and then it was mostly email stuff, very few websites.

My investigations into the “Jewish matter” turned up the fact that Jews were disproportionately involved with Hollywood. In fact, they founded Hollywood. So, that lent some credence to the catalog’s claims. But I still needed more proof than just that essay.

I was able to locate one of the books that was sold in the catalog: it was called “They Dare To Speak Out” by U.S. congressman Paul Findley. I read it and it seemed to be factual. So, I became reasonably sure that the claims made in the catalog concerning Jewish power in America were true. But I still needed more convincing. So I did more research. It took months.

The bottom line is this: I tried and tried to catch Dr. Pierce telling a lie or pushing untrue propaganda. But I couldn’t. Also, Pierce was a “Holocaust denier”? No, he wasn’t. He never said that “Jews, communists and homosexuals didn’t die in any of the German-run concentration camps.” Very few people say that.

So, if Dr. Pierce says “X” is true, then it’s true. Period. His factual track record is 50 times better than that of any mainstream media outlet. If you want the truth, then read/listen to Dr. Pierce. While it’s possible that Pierce may have made a factual error or two by accident at some point in time, I have not yet discovered them. He seems very thorough in his research. (I am told that Pierce had a world-class library — i.e., the National Alliance book store and his own personal book collection as well — and in fact I’ve seen parts of that library in a video)[2].


[1] as near as I can tell, the NV Books catalogs began in circa 1990.

[2] “Dr. Pierce was like a “book magnet,” attracting donations of many valuable volumes, many of them rare, out of print editions, which were entrusted to him because of his integrity — and the likelihood they would be put to good use.” — from the National Alliance Bulletin, March 2017.

25 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in architecture, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 12:47 pm | Permanent Link

Look at this building, in Paris in the mid-1800s. Contrast it to today’s ugly, soul-less buildings (which are just rectangles stood on end with lots of glass).

[Photo]. More [Here].

25 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Grinch movie at 11:14 am | Permanent Link

It has a good message about materialism: [Movie, 1966, 26 minutes].

25 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 10:11 am | Permanent Link

“There’s almost no defense of the ideas that brought us Western Civilization, which is responsible for just about everything that’s good in the world. I’m not kidding when I make that assertion. With the exception of a few anomalies like Taoism, martial arts, yoga, and Oriental cooking, East minus West equals zero. Without it, the whole world would resemble Africa, Cambodia, or Mongolia—not even today, but 200 years ago.”

Yes. White culture rules, even if the Jews and intellectuals in the universities insist that it doesn’t. (How many intellectuals does it take to change a lightbulb? Five: one to change the bulb, one to hold the ladder, and three to yell “but Noam Chomsky wouldn’t do it that way!”)[1]. But, a question: how can something as great as Western Civ have so few defenders today? It’s remarkable. It’s like the masses rejecting pizza, ice cream and chocolate all at once. What’s wrong with you people??



[1] “Born to Jewish immigrants in Philadelphia…” Chomsky became “associated with the New Left…he was arrested multiple times for his activism and placed on President Richard Nixon’s Enemies List…One of the most cited scholars alive, Chomsky has influenced a broad array of academic fields.” — Wikipedia, Dec. 2021.

25 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, Lenin, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Yakov Sverdlov at 8:55 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Yakov Sverdlov, who came from a family of Jewish radicals).

Seen: a 1990s news clipping that mentioned V. I. Lenin’s part-Jewish roots and his role as the “creator of the Soviet Union.”

Well, I sort of beg to differ with that “Lenin-as-creator” claim. Lenin founded the Bolshevik Party, that’s true. But the Soviet Union never would have “taken flight” without a key Jew: Yakov Sverdlov (1885-1919), a close buddy of Lenin.

Sverdlov would frequently give Lenin advice, and he would also “road test” Lenin’s political ideas. Sverdlov was a top-notch organizer, with a fly-paper memory, who acted as a political “manager” (if you needed to ask, or, you needed to know who to ask, you asked Sverdlov). He was the first, de facto leader of the Soviet Union and he was politically so important that the Soviet Union likely would not have existed without him, even though he died very early, before the Soviet Union actually came into existence in 1922; prior to that it was known as the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [RSFSR]) [1].

As I noted previously: “Stalin said it was Sverdlov who transitioned the Bolshevik Party from an illegal, unorganized political party into a party that was able to actually govern (i.e., to terrorize), an effort that was apparently very difficult but Sverdlov nonetheless did it…he shaped it into the weapon that it became.”

The upshot here is that the roots of the Soviet Union are even more Jewish than many people realize: add Marxism (a Jewish ideology, based on Jewish communal living) and Sverdlov (Jewish) and Lenin (part-Jewish) together, and you’ve got nearly a small synagogue.


[1] “According to Podvoisky, the chairperson of the Military Revolutionary Committee, “The person who did more than anyone to help Lenin with the practicalities of translating convictions into votes (i.e., committee votes) was Sverdlov.” — Wikipedia, Dec. 2021

24 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a weapon against the West, communism as hate, Marx, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, National Alliance at 9:04 pm | Permanent Link

Quotes about communism, from the National Alliance articles “The Future of Capitalism” and “The Nature of Communism”:

This is very key: the best and the brightest White people were murdered under communism: in Poland, Russia, Latvia, Hungary, etc.

“But the tens of millions of butchered human beings who are communism’s victims are not these, nor were they struck down indiscriminately, as by flood or famine. They were, by and large, selectively murdered, and the criterion for their selection was excellence.

“A far more serious shortcoming of most socialist regimes, entirely aside from their failures or successes in production, lies in their Marxist philosophy – i.e., in their equalitarianism and in their purely economic view or man and history. It is for this reason alone, and not for any threat that it poses to private property or free enterprise, that communism is a deadly menace which must be thoroughly purged from the Western world, no matter what the cost of this task.”

(My comments: Dr. William Pierce called communism “a poisonous, anti-White creed.” It is! Communism is a weapon, not an ideology. Communism wasn’t meant to succeed. It was meant to destroy England – then the most successful White country on earth – but it moved East, instead of West, much to the horror of the Jewish communists).

“The Marxist, believing in the equal value and equal potential of all races and of every individual member of a given race, believing in the perfect malleability of human nature and individual character, seeing only economic forces and economic motives as the determinants of both collective and individual human behavior, and denying the role of the outstanding personality – the exceptional or gifted individual leader, thinker, or innovator in all human progress – jeopardizes the only true basis for man’s existence in the universe.”

24 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in National Alliance, William Pierce at 6:27 pm | Permanent Link

The best of the “Attack!” and National Vanguard tabloids (1984, by The National Alliance). [a .PDF file].

24 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Satan/devil at 5:10 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Satanic deity called Baphomet)

They worship the First Amendment, huh? Suuure they do. I’ll bet big money that Matt Hale’s group Church of the Creator, or, William Pierce’s group Cosmotheism, would not be allowed to put up religious displays at the Illinois state capitol. But yet, a satanic display is allowed there? Who decided that?

Furthermore, state buildings are staffed by state employees and illuminated/heated by electric power paid for by tax dollars. That means that tax dollars ultimately funded a satanic display to some degree.


More [Here].

24 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Yuletide at 3:00 pm | Permanent Link

24 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, civil rights movement, Fourteenth Amendment at 2:28 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Congressman Emanuel Celler of New York).

I had not heard of this meme before now: anti-White “Jim Snow” laws and tactics (as opposed to the old “Jim Crow” racial-segregation laws); these are anti-White laws such as the horrible Civil Rights Act of 1964. Since all of the civil rights laws are based on the 14th Amendment, those laws are bogus and illegal because the 14th Amendment was not ratified properly, and that’s a historical fact. (So-called “civil rights” are not mentioned in the U.S. constitution, nor did our Founding Fathers mention them).

Importantly, the two godfathers of the American “civil rights” movement were Jews: Congressman Emanuel Celler (1888-1981) and political activist Arnold Aronson (1911-1998); the latter nearly built the “civil rights” movement single-handedly, being the “boss” of the movement for its first 13 years, beginning in 1950 [1][2]. When I say “Jews” I refer to their genes, not to their religion; many Jewish radicals are not religious.

“For years, I’ve been calling this Jim Snow America—the reverse of the much-denounced Jim Crow laws designed to contain black criminality—but I think we’ve since moved on to the White Genocide Project.”



[1] “‘Civil Rights’ is Jewish tyranny in blackface” — Alex Linder.

[2] Almost as important as Aronson in the civil rights movement were two other Jews connected to Aronson: Joe Rauh, a lawyer, who was a major lobbyist for Aronson’s Leadership Conference on Civil Rights on Capitol Hill, and Marvin Caplan, Aronson’s top lieutenant.