28 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in genocide, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, Germany, immigration, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, World War II at 1:51 pm | Permanent Link

Germany was destroyed once in 1944/1945, by the “allies” (the All Lies). But that wasn’t good enough. Now (((they))) are finishing Germany off for keeps. It’s revenge on every last, White German. (Jews and leftists are very vengeful people, in case you hadn’t noticed. They live for revenge).

“Almost a million skilled workers leave Germany every year. Yet the population of the country is increasing, thanks to mass immigration. How many of the New Germans are “skilled”, in any meaningful sense of the word?”


28 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union at 1:50 am | Permanent Link

Summarizing what a friend of mine once said about leftists and moral values:

“A leftist is evil by default because he has no moral compass. Lacking a moral compass, he doesn’t know right from wrong. He’s basically a sociopath [1]. Sociopaths can’t distinguish right from wrong. They do everything based on impulse and “feeling” — if it feels good, do it. Like 1960s hippies.”

Yes. A normal person has a moral compass. He instinctively knows what’s right and what’s wrong. But a leftist has no moral compass. He views everything in the world as always being in flux, as always moving and changing. Leftists are “progressive” after all! Things that are always moving are not fixed, and so they have no concrete values or fixed meanings. Hence, for the leftist, society’s values and standards must constantly change. For example, things that were socially and legally taboo in 1980 could no longer be taboo in 2000. Progress demands change!

(Leftists knew that Joe Stalin had murdered 30 million people in the Soviet Union but they said nothing, because Marxism was a “good” ideology since it leveled society and “eliminated the gulf between rich and poor.” Moral people would have said something, would have complained about the 30 million murders).


[1] traits of a sociopath include: lacking a conscience, being deceitful, being impulsive, rule-breaking, ignoring responsibilities, blaming others for his/her bad behavior. In other words, we’re talking about everyone in the “Biden Administration”

27 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 5:08 pm | Permanent Link

Comrade Biden doesn’t write his speeches. His handlers do. So, for the “president” to say this about Covid-19 is very significant:

Biden: “Look, there is no federal solution to Covid. This gets solved at a state level.”

Translation: “we have now lost control of the Covid narrative and of our Marxist plan to vaxx 90% or more of the American people.” (Currently, the big money says that only 45% of Americans are vaxxed, if that, regardless of what the Covidians claim; of course they will claim that “78% of Americans” have been vaxxed. Of course they will claim that. They’re trying to sell something!).


27 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Baruch, Baruch and WWII, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, interventionism, interventionism vs. isolationism, Leo Pasvolsky, perpetual war for perpetual peace, Samuel Untermyer, World War II at 3:20 pm | Permanent Link

We talked about this in Political Science class: the reason there are wars today is because there is no isolationism anymore.

In other words, globalism is causing all the wars. Look at WWII: 47 “democracies” (known as The Allies) banded together against the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) over an unpopular country called Poland (that was the official excuse, at least). Had there been more isolationism, they wouldn’t have banded together to fight the Axis powers in a war that wasn’t theirs to fight. International pressure from Jewish bankers and plutocrats — such as Bernard Baruch and Samuel Untermyer — caused those countries to band together against the Axis powers. (Indeed, the Jewish rabbi Harry Waton admitted that the Jews “declared war” on Germany and not vice-versa) [1][2].

Globalism causes wars. Isolationism prevents wars.

America was pretty much isolationist until circa 1900. But today, it’s just the opposite: America goes looking for wars to fight! Yes. If America can’t find a war, it’ll make one! Yaaay, bloodlust and violence!

Globalism — all aspects of it — must be killed off. Isolationism must return. Each country must go its own way in the world. Each country must set its own policies and agendas without any outside interference from ridiculous international entities like the UN and NATO, which should not exist [3].

“Worse still, Washington’s great war machine and teeming national security industry is its own agent of self-perpetuation. When it is not invading, occupying and regime changing, its vast apparatus of internal policy bureaus and outside contractors, lobbies, think tanks and NGOs is busy generating reasons for new imperial ventures.”



[1] “When the Jews declared war against Nazi Germany and fascism, I saw that that was a suicidal policy, which would bring to the Jews infinite suffering. I spoke against that policy, but no attention was paid to it.” — from the Foreward of Waton’s book “A Program for the Jews and An Answer to All Anti-Semites” (New York; Astoria Press, 1939; 230 pages).

[2] Amusingly, the communist Soviet Union — which had already murdered many millions of its own citizens — was one of the “democratic” Allies! Peace and freedom, yaaaay! After WWII was over, the Allies gave the Soviet Union half of Europe to rape and murder — e.g., Poland, Hungary. Why did the “democratic” Allies give the Soviet Union half of Europe to rape and murder? Good question! Peace, freedom and human rights, yaaaay! Democracy for all!…or…for some…).

[3] Would it sound anti-Semitic if I mentioned that the UN was a Jewish construct, created by Jewish U.S. State Department official Leo Pasvolsky (1893-1953)? And, that NATO came from the UN Charter, so both are ultimately Jewish constructs? What? It would sound anti-Semitic? Oh. Okay, then. I won’t mention that.

26 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 9:37 pm | Permanent Link

It has come to my attention yet again that many millions of people (even White people) like to blame White males for everything bad under the sun. This is called “putting the bad guy hat on White males.” It happens daily. Yes, daily, 24/7. Even White women pick on us. They have been trained to do that.

Well, to borrow an idea from the late gun writer Jeff Cooper, “it’s not my fault that you can’t see that White men alone are the kings of all humanity.” We gave you everything you have. We even gave you democracy but what in hell did you do with it but allow niggers to vote??? Fuck you. Get on your knees and thank White men for your cozy station in life, you miserable, ungrateful punks.

26 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 7:40 pm | Permanent Link

This Dr. Mercola article will expire from the web in about 29 hours (don’t know why) so please save it. It has very vital information about the Covid-19 scam: why nothing makes sense regarding Covid.

The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids:
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

December 26, 2021

The money quote:

“This is the holy grail if you’re a vaccine manufacturer of a COVID vaccine right now. You want it to be fully licensed, but not put it on the market until you get it on the children’s schedule.”

In other words, it’s all about getting children to take the Covid vaccine year after year after year. On a routine medical schedule. Every 6 months or every year. Tons of money is at stake! Tons! Truckloads of money. Also, getting it on the “children’s schedule” gives them automatic legal immunity from lawsuits.


26 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid at 5:05 pm | Permanent Link

[Video, 3 minutes, 40 seconds].

26 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Big Business, big corporations vs. mom-and-pop, flying and air travel, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features at 4:33 pm | Permanent Link

(This is a rant about constant, big-corporate bullying of the citizens).

Airplane “overbooking” = a very common practice today. Thanks, Jews, for taking over Big Capitalism.

Example: a commercial airline sells too many plane tickets for “Flight 175” (there are 80 seats on the plane but they sell 86 tickets), but then later, the airline removes passengers from the flight on the excuse that it “overbooked” the flight by selling too many tickets in order to potentially save the airline money, since usually a few people never show up for a flight.

That’s so Jewish. It’s dishonest to sell tickets for airplane seats that “don’t actually exist” (80 seats, but 86 tickets sold, and 6 passengers are later “bumped” from the flight; sometimes the “bump” is voluntary — i.e., a passenger steps forward and agrees to be bumped in exchange for a travel voucher — but other times the bump is not voluntary, i.e., if everyone shows up for the flight and no one steps forward and agrees to be bumped, then 6 people will be bumped against their will. Overbooked flights were rare until the 1970s; back then, most flights were usually only 50% full).

Let America get back to White behavior and leave Jewish behavior to the yids.

26 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 3:22 pm | Permanent Link

News headline: “USS Milwaukee Warship Confined in Cuba After COVID Outbreak Hits Fully Vaccinated Crew”

A “fully vaccinated” ship, huh?? Okay, Covidians. The sick joke’s over (pun intended). Stop the Covid vaccine crap. We citizens have had enough of it.

This event is known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). In other words, the vaccines are causing the “breakthrough” Covid cases. As some experts had previously warned about! The vaccines are not vaccines. They are called vaccines so people will accept them into their bodies. If they were vaccines, 100%-“vaccinated” ships wouldn’t get mass Covid infections.


26 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminization of the West, women, women and 'equality', women and dogs at 3:07 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a woman not controlling her large dog (it was on a leash) in public. The dog was controlling her. Heaven help the poor soul, or dog, who is attacked by that dog in public, e.g., at a park. This dog was huge, looked like a Black German Shepherd, and weighed maybe 80 pounds.

Women shouldn’t be allowed to walk large dogs in public (e.g., German Shepherds, Rottweilers).

Have you ever seen what happens when a woman tries to control a large dog which decides to go after another dog, or a human, in public? I have. It’s not pretty. The (leashed) dog bolts, drags the woman a few feet and then breaks free of her wimpy grip and attacks the target.

Upshot: If you cannot physically control a furry weapon (which the dog becomes when he bolts), then you shouldn’t be allowed to walk that weapon in public. Get a smaller dog for public strolls.