31 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Bible, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish Question, Jewish racism, Old Testament, race, race baloney, racism, racism accusations at 2:18 pm | Permanent Link

Jews were the first people on earth to claim superiority over all other humans, as their official doctrine, back before the time of Christ, who was born circa 2 BC, according to the narrative at least. The Jews were the world’s first official racists — so how odd that they are now “the monitors and fighters of racism” in the White Western world. In fact, Jewish groups “train” police officers in “recognizing and fighting racism.” Hilarious. What a racket! [1][2].

“Whatever else they believed, Jews have traditionally understood themselves to be — by hereditary line — special, intrinsically better than other people: they were divinely esteemed. The Old Testament stated it plainly:

“For you are people consecrated to the Lord your God: of all the peoples on earth the Lord your God chose you to be His treasured people.” [DEUTERONOMY 7:6].

— from the online book “When Victims Rule” [a .PDF file].


[1] Jews wrote the Old Testament, which was completed circa 500 BC. In fact, the Bible and the Jewish Torah share the same text: the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Jews are your kin, Christian! That sucks. Some kin, huh?? Arrogant, ugly, pickle-nosed freaks who have poop fixations.

[2] Here’s a Jewish professor on Jewish racism:

“Racism is itself a central doctrine in traditional Judaism and Jewish cultural history. The Hebrew Bible is blatantly racist, with all the talk about the seed of Abraham, the chosen people, and Israel as a light to the other nations. Orthodox Jews in their morning prayers still thank God daily that he did not make Jews ‘like the other peoples of the earth.’ If this isn’t racism, what is?”

— Prof. Norman F. Cantor, in his book “The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews” (New York, HarperCollins, 1994), page 336. This is a good book. Dr. William Pierce recommended it.

30 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, Churchill, history, History for newbies, Hitler, World War II at 3:40 pm | Permanent Link

From the book “Churchill’s War” by David Irving, 1987; [a .PDF file].

“But it was the Anti-Nazi Council, later known as the FOCUS, that would ensure Churchill’s political and financial survival.” (page 58 in paper book edition, page 77 in .PDF).

“The harmless-sounding A.N.C. (Anti-Nazi Council) had its roots in New York. The driving force was local attorney Samuel Untermeyer.” (same page; sic, the name is spelled Untermyer).

So, from 1936-onward, a powerful, wealthy Jew (Untermeyer) ensured that Churchill survived financially and politically! Churchill was indebted to a powerful, anti-Nazi Jew just before WWII began in 1939. Hmmm! No wonder Churchill, who was Jew-wise, nonetheless waged brutal war on Hitler’s Germany on behalf of the Jews. It has been said that “Hitler didn’t understand just how Jewed Britain was in 1939.” Yes, indeed. He didn’t really grasp how very “Jewed” Britain was.

30 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminism as fraudulent, Feminists, feminization of the West at 3:12 pm | Permanent Link

Question: if the feminists are right, and men and women are basically “the same” (except for their genitals), why do women have wombs? Obviously, the feminists are not right. They’re totally wrong. “Barefoot and pregnant” is a natural thing for women. But “working 9-to-5 at big corporate headquarters”? That’s not a natural thing for women.

The “yin and yang” situation of men and women complementing each other existed for centuries [1]. It worked. Feminism (read: Jewish-led, second-wave feminism) has largely killed the yin and yang situation. That’s one reason why the West is dying.

The bottom line: Men must act like men (i.e., lead/dominate) or women won’t revere them/lust after them; and in turn, women must act like women (i.e., be feminine and lady-like) or men won’t revere them/lust after them. Each sex must act like they “should act” and did act for centuries or each sex won’t revere the other sex. When that happens, society falls apart. Feminism cancels out normal male/female relations. Feminism queers the play, it sabotages the game. Feminism turns women into “short men with breasts.” When that happens, men no longer revere women, who are now seen by men as “tough sluts,” so men treat women accordingly, either avoiding them (i.e., MGTOW) or abusing them, or maybe a little of both. Again, both sexes must act like they “should act” and did act for centuries until modernity canceled out the natural “yin and yang” roles of men and women circa 1970 [2]. (Hat tip to many people, including Captain Nemo’s blog, see below).

(Furthermore, some people have said that it is solely the fault of men that women became feminists, because men are supposed to lead, culturally speaking. Others have said no, women bear some of the burden for that as well. Had men “put their feet down” and not tolerated emerging feminist ideas back in circa 1965, would our culture be in this feminized mess today? No. So that seems to be a logical conclusion, that it’s ultimately the fault of men. This guy suggests starting “a neo-patriarchy” movement, which is a good idea).


[1] the yin and yang concept: men are stronger in some areas of life (e.g., combat), while women are stronger in other areas of life (e.g., childcare). In the end, men and women don’t compete, they instead complement each other. Like a car needs both a brake and a clutch, so does humanity need both male and female talents.

[2] see Jewish feminist Betty Friedan’s book “The Feminine Mystique” (1963), which probably launched the modern feminist movement. Friedan (1921–2006) was probably the foremost feminist in the western world. “As a young girl, Friedan was active in both Marxist and Jewish circles” — Wikipedia, December 2021. Most second-wave feminist leaders were Jews.

29 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberalism, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 5:08 pm | Permanent Link

The leftists are so afraid of Trumpism (and for good reason: Trumpism is more popular than pizza and ice cream combined) that leftists may, according to some people, be planning a coup in the next 2 years. Look at it: Joe Biden has been a total disaster. The “Democrat brand” is very unpopular now. The leftists know that, politically speaking, they could face real trouble in the next 2 years.

“In a recent article, the brilliant commentator Victor David (sic) Hanson asks, “What is behind recent pessimistic appraisals of democracy’s future from Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Brian Williams, and other elite intellectuals and media personalities?” His answer to this question is “that the left expects to lose power over the next two years[.]”


29 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in homosexual diseases, homosexual themes, Homosexual traits, homosexuals, Western philosophy, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 4:23 pm | Permanent Link

Homosexuals have different brains than normal people. Their brains are “wired differently.”

Do homosexuals belong in the White nationalist movement? I would defer to “the boss,” Dr. William Pierce, on that matter. What did Pierce say about homosexuals?

Dr. Pierce said this about homosexuals:

“I see homosexual ethics rubbing off on a lot of otherwise normal people. This has become an especially severe problem since the government and the media have declared homosexuality to be socially acceptable. In cities like Washington, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, the heterosexual yuppies invite homosexual yuppies to their cocktail parties and vice versa.”

Pierce also said this about homosexuals:

“Homosexuals, according to the egalitarians, differ in no way from normal men except in the things they do to each other in the privacy of their bedrooms, and since those things are none of our business and have no relationship to anything else they do, we should treat homosexuals just as if they were normal. The fact that the things homosexuals do in their bedrooms are only one facet of a homosexual personality syndrome is something we’re not supposed to notice. We’re not supposed to notice that homosexuals, in fact, are different in their behavior and attitudes from normal men, and that their homosexuality colors every aspect of their lives. We’re supposed to believe that aside from what goes on in the bedroom they’re the same as normal men.”

So, according to Pierce, the answer to the question “do queers belong in the WN movement?” is “no.”

29 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in humor, National Socialism, Nazi era, Nazis, World War II at 3:42 pm | Permanent Link

“Okay, pickle-nose, you’ve been missing for 2 weeks! Do you really want me to believe that you’ve spent the last 14 days at a Marx Brothers film festival in Krakow?? Are you going to stick with that lie, or try another one??”

29 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, WHO at 3:29 pm | Permanent Link

Globalism always causes trouble. Nothing good comes from making things international in scope.

Every country on earth gets its “Covid-19 marching orders” from WHO (World Health Organization), which gets the Covid orders from powerful globalists in America.

What if the world’s countries thought and acted for themselves, instead of taking orders from globalist billionaires? What a wonderful idea.


29 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black behavior vs. white behavior, black culture, Black mentality, Madison Avenue, media culture, media lies, New York, New York Shitty, tv, tv analysis, TV culture at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: TV commercials featuring Black people with dogs. Funny! Nice try!

Black people hate dogs. I’ve known Blacks in my life and none of them had a dog. Blacks are not “dog people.” [1].

The Madison Avenue yids are trying to “Whiten” and “normalize” Black people. But it won’t work on people who know Blacks. What’s next? Commercials showing Blacks playing chess and reading Shakespeare?


[1] Blacks are not “family people” either: out of 50 Black “households,” 48 don’t have fathers. They have multiple “baby daddies” instead, who appear occasionally for some “booty” from the welfare-queen “momma”; the booty can be both sexual and monetary.

28 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", "gender theory", "gender", 'sex-change', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism at 4:38 pm | Permanent Link

I came out as a tranny once, about 3 years ago. I shaved my beard, called myself “Shirley” and pranced around in pink boots. It was very liberating, for about 2 hours. Then a gang of 9-year-olds beat the hell out of me for being a “freak”; one of the boys had brass knuckles! Needless to say, that was the last time I ever called myself “Shirley” and pranced around in pink boots…(*sniff*).

Headline: “Children Are Being ‘Brainwashed’ by Tiktok Videos On ‘Cool’ Trans Surgery Viewed 26 Billion Times”


28 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftism and renaming, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals and projection, liberals as bullies, liberals fooling the citizens at 2:31 pm | Permanent Link

by Tobias Langdon.


“Boolean ideas, because they come from the work of George Boole. Using Boolean logic, you can learn the truth from falsehoods. And that’s (what) I want to do to leftist ideas. We know that leftism is an ideology built on falsehoods, so we can apply Boolean logic to understand what leftists really mean when they use terms like “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” Leftists are liars, so what they pretend to mean and what they really mean are different things. Indeed, entirely opposite things.”
