3 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Holocaust, holocaust racket at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

Adolf Hitler was very unique in history. For at least two reasons.

Reason 1:

Some leaders are hated. Some leaders are tolerated. Some leaders are liked. But Hitler was genuinely loved by the German people, and for good reason: he saved Germany. When Hitler took office in 1933, Germany was in ruins. Not only did Hitler save Germany, but he did it in record time: Germany had full employment within 4 years of Hitler coming to power — a truly remarkable feat. Even people who disliked Hitler marveled at his achievements. Foreigners would tour the new, wealthy, successful Germany circa 1937 and they’d be in awe: they’d ask, “how did Hitler do this so quickly?” The new Germany was the most united, cohesive, productive country in history.

Reason 2:

Nobody in world history has been as smeared and as vilified as Hitler has been. You’d think that Hitler was literally Satan! He is portrayed even today as “evil personified.” He is the devil with a funny mustache [1]. It’s rather suspicious that the mass-murderers Stalin and Mao oppressed and murdered more people, and for much longer, than Hitler, yet those two are never referred to as Satanic. How curious! Mao murdered approximately 60 million people — a world record. Stalin murdered about 30 million people. Why aren’t they Satanic? It’s very odd — until you understand who runs the media. Then it isn’t odd anymore [2].

Finally, for the people who say that “Hitler killed Germany with his reckless, warring behavior”: No. The “allies” killed Germany on the orders of Big Global Jew. (Indeed, one Jew even admitted that the Jews declared financial “war” on Germany and not vice-versa)[3][4].

“The Hitler industry, though vast and copious, is really just getting going. It’s as if from the very beginning they had so much catching up to do that they are only now taking a deep breath — and are ready to start. Of the making of books about Adolf Hitler there will be no end, but they will never plumb his noble depths. The books have been piling up for some time now and show no sign of slowing up.”



[1] I saw a cartoon on TV, aimed at children, circa 1990. In it were animated versions of Stalin and Hitler. Stalin was portrayed as a big, gruff, hairy, sort-of-democratic hooligan (which was funny since Stalin was short and was a mass-murdering dictator). But Hitler was portrayed as Satanic, complete with horns, a red face and a demonic voice. Fact: 96% of everything you’ve ever heard about Hitler is a lie.

[2] As for the “Holocaust”: if you think 150,000 communist Jews dying in the German concentration camps, mainly from starvation and diseases such as typhus, was a “Holocaust,” then that’s your hang-up.

[3] “When the Jews declared war against Nazi Germany and fascism, I saw that that was a suicidal policy, which would bring to the Jews infinite suffering. I spoke against that policy, but no attention was paid to it.” — from the Foreward of rabbi Harry Waton’s book “A Program for the Jews and An Answer to All Anti-Semites” (New York; Astoria Press, 1939; 230 pages).

[4] a chilling, true story: sometime in the 1930s, a foreign journalist (the Moscow-based, American reporter Eugene Lyons, I believe, who was a Jew) travelled through parts of the Soviet Union. Each town he came to was like a ghost town. At one point, he asked someone (perhaps seriously, perhaps not, given Lyons’ political views), “where is everybody?” and the other fellow didn’t answer and simply looked away. The people, of course, had “gone down the memory hole.” Liquidated.

2 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Hollywood, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewed publishing, Jewish power, Jewish Question, quotations, quotations about jews at 4:16 pm | Permanent Link

“Western civilization is undeniably a ‘jewified’ civilization, however offensive the word may be to our ears because of the ugly use made of it by anti-Semites…Anti-Semites believed that Jews were everywhere, and in a sense they were almost everywhere that counted in modern society, in significantly greater numbers than strict proportionality would have assured.” [1].

— from the book “Esau’s Tears: Modern Antisemitism and the Rise of the Jews” (England; Cambridge University Press, 1997) by Jewish historian Albert S. Lindemann; pages 19 and 20.


[1] Indeed, 20th-century America was so “Jewified” that it was incredible: Hollywood, the media, banking, publishing — all were dominated by ethnic — not necessarily religious — Jews. Consider Hollywood: it was founded by Jews and is still Jewish today.

2 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in NATO, Putin, Russophobia, Soviet holocaust, Soviet Union, World War III at 2:31 pm | Permanent Link

Russophobia (fear of Russia) is a disease. You catch it from Jews. And how ironic: the Jews used to love Russia (back in the early days of the Soviet Union circa 1920). How times change. Powerful Jews — and their gentile flunkeys — in Washington, D.C. fear Russia and so we normal White people are expected to fear Russia, too.

Ever since Joe Stalin’s 1936-1938 “Great Purge” (in which significant numbers of high-ranking Jewish officials were murdered by Stalin), the Jews of the world have feared both Soviet and ex-Soviet officials (Putin is an ex-Soviet KGB official who is no doubt “Jew-wise” and knows of the evil history of the Jews in Russia; indeed, the Soviet Union was built by Jews; Putin knows very well that Jewish OGPU/NKVD officials, such as Genrikh Yagoda, murdered millions of people in Russia from 1917-onward).

“It needs be asked: Precisely what juvenile minds bivouacked in Washington’s Warfare State beehive actually determined that America needs a military alliance with Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro and now the mini-state of North Macedonia?”


2 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link

A very good point about the Covid-19 scamdemic that I haven’t seen raised until now:

From kirksvilletoday.com: “Can’t wait for the MSM to drop the bomb that vaccinated blood is fucked and that the selfish unvaccinated need to start donating to help out.”

Is the U.S. blood supply safe? If it’s full of blood from people who have recently been “vaccinated” against Covid-19 then it may not be safe (depending on how long the vaccines’ toxic “spike proteins” last in stored blood: 1 month? 2 months? Longer?) [1].


[1] “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin…” — Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist in Canada.

1 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in election fraud, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, vote fraud at 6:30 pm | Permanent Link

First, leftists stole the November 2020 election [1]. Some of the theft was even caught on security cameras, e.g., in Atlanta, Georgia.

Then later, on New Year’s Eve/Day 2022, leftists go onto Twitter and preach about how vitally important it is to “save and preserve America’s democracy.” Are they friggin’ kidding??? My god, these people are pure evil. Like leftists give 2 shits about “democracy.” No, they don’t care about democracy, they care about power. Getting power and keeping it.


[1] the lamestream media claims that Joe Biden got a record 81 million votes in the November 2020 federal election. Yet, just before the election, whenever Biden gave a political rally, only 6 (six) people would show up, including 3 reporters. Does that sound like Biden “got 81 million votes”?

1 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "climate justice", climate change, global warming, green Marxism at 3:15 pm | Permanent Link

Almost every major “climate change expert” was or is a Jew, since circa 1970 [1].

“A year ago the Argonauts, my distinguished team of ten climate scientists and researchers, including a former head of the U.S. Global Climate Change Research Program, a tenured professor of control theory and an expert on the global electricity industry, submitted a paper explaining climatology’s error to a leading climate-science journal whose editor has said that those whom he calls “climate deniers” have no credible argument against the Party Line.

In all that time, he has not been able to find any reviewer who can refute our result. That, gentle reader, is why the climate Communists are trembling with fear. It’s game over, and They know it.”



[1] the two 1970s-era “godfathers” of the ecology-pest/climate change/green movement are probably Dr. Barry Commoner and Dr. Stephen H. Schneider. Both were Jews. Another, more-infamous eco-pest was also a Jew: Ira Einhorn, the founder of Earth Day in 1970 and a convicted killer; Commoner was also a key figure of Earth Day 1970. Greenies are now distancing themselves from killer Einhorn; Jews seem to be attracted to the eco-pest movement (tikkun olam? “Fixing the world that the White people are destroying” in other words!). The famous Jewish author Norman Mailer, also a major eco-pest, blamed Whites for global environmental destruction (i.e., “WASP methods” are killing the planet).

1 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, George Floyd, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, New York, Obama, Obama Hussein Barack, racism, racism accusations, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:36 pm | Permanent Link

Not only that, but White racism against Blacks is a “health crisis” too! (Maybe if Blacks stopped taking illegal drugs and shooting each other with stolen guns, they’d be healthier?).

Isn’t it odd that, as America becomes less and less racist, the liberals and Jews actually find more racism? How does that happen? [1].

Only weirdos would believe that White racism against Blacks is a “public health crisis.” Does the governor even know the meaning of the word “crisis”? Are Blacks dropping dead every week from White violence? No. (Related: in Minneapolis, George Floyd actually died from fentanyl and severe heart disease; a White cop’s knee didn’t kill him; Floyd was heard on tape saying “I can’t breathe!” before the cops put him on the ground for resisting; Floyd resisted arrest for a whopping 8 minutes! The cops actually gave Floyd some slack).

“Governor Kathy Hochul signed a package of legislation aimed at addressing discrimination and racial injustice. Legislation S.2987-A/A.5679 declares racism a public health crisis.”

[Statement/press release].


[1] White Americans were much more racist in 1965 than today. In fact, how did a Black president (Obama) get elected twice if America is such a racist country?

31 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid death numbers, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 6:34 pm | Permanent Link

Pandemic? What pandemic? You mean “scamdemic”!

Found on the web (edited slightly for clarity):

“When I spoke with the registrar at the County Health District to verify the listing of the cause of (my mother’s) death, she told me that almost everyone who was taken to a hospital, and died, due to any cause/reason, was being listed as a Covid-19 death (in order to get federal funds, which amounts to maybe $23,000 per Covid hospital death).” [1]. This Covid scam is large-scale criminal fraud. RICO Act fraud.


[1] The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act was signed into law March 27, 2020. It established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund, which provides truckloads of money to hospitals, hospices, etc. for Covid-19 care costs.

31 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in book smart versus life smart, college, educated morons, education, intellectuals, intelligence, universities at 5:25 pm | Permanent Link

Good points are made here. (I might add a personal experience: I knew a very smart man. He had a Ph.D in biology. He was “book smart” but sadly, he wasn’t “life smart.” He couldn’t change a flat tire on a car if you held a gun to his head and told him how to do it. There are some “book smart” people who are shockingly stupid — many of them wear sandals and live in California. You need several types of smart in this world).

“I am not implying that all rote learning is bad. One learns ballet by the studious application of all that is taught. There are few facts to dispute. Much of mathematics and music falls into this category because that training has been demonstrated, time and again, by its predictable results. It’s only when we enter the realm of who said what, when, and who did what to whom, do we get into fairyland and extreme subjectivity – arguments over hearsay. Asking a gazelle its opinion of the lion is not an objective way to ascertain facts about lions. No one will ever find the truth concerning Nazi Germany in any Hollywood dogmadrama.”


31 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish complaining/whining/kvetching, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, New Left at 3:57 pm | Permanent Link

Jews and leftists have one major trait in common: they are perpetually unhappy and dissatisfied.

Leftists are “Jews with less money.” It’s no accident that leftism (especially the New Left) is a Jewish construct.

But Jews are even more unhappy and dissatisfied than leftists. There’s no such thing as a happy Jew. Even the Jewish comedians are “crying on the inside.” And there’s no such thing as a satisfied Jew. Give a yid $100.00 for free and he’ll say “why did you only give me $100.00? Why not $200.00? You must hate Jews!” Moan, complain, bitch, argue, cry, whine, kvetch. That’s what Jews do. They are born crybabies. There isn’t a happy or content Jew on earth. In fact, there’s only one way the Jews could be happy: if everybody on earth was as miserable as they are. Then they’d be happy!