15 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, man caves, men, men vs. women at 3:48 pm | Permanent Link

Seen once again, in a men’s catalogue: the ridiculous term “man cave” (which is usually a basement room in the house, filled with “guy stuff”).

So, men used to have the whole house, but now they just have one room in the basement. Is that “progress”? It doesn’t sound like it. It sounds like “castration.”

15 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Catholic Church and sex abuse, Catholicism, Christianity, Christians, Pope at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

It seems that powerful religious figures have a long, long habit of ignoring the sexual abuse of children by pedophiles. That doesn’t seem very Christian to me. It’s a common tactic for high-ranking churchmen to simply move “molesting priests” around the church circuit. For example, if a priest is molesting children in Texas, the high churchmen quietly move that pedo priest to California. Problem solved. Not! That’s evil.

What’s the difference between high-ranking churchmen and mobsters? I don’t know. I’m asking you. What’s the difference?

Organized religion is abnormal. It creates gods in human form (like the Pope or an archbishop).

“The homosexualism displayed by Bergoglio during his papacy wasn’t publicly visible in Argentina, however, Quarracino said. “That would have made it impossible for him to be elected Pope.” (You don’t say! How did someone with his track record become Pope? He should be fired).


15 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, NATO, Russia, Russophobia, World War II, World War III at 12:32 pm | Permanent Link

Picture, in your mind, a little kid wandering down an alley. He finds a box. Inside the box is a loaded machine gun, dropped and lost by some buffoon during an Army training exercise. That kid has no idea what a dangerous weapon he’s found. Similarly, Western politicians have no idea how dangerous their NATO globalism is: it could actually lead to World War III. Nukes. Cities vaporized by atomic warheads. A nightmarish scenario.

Recall: WWII was a “gang attack” by globalists (read: Jews). And so will WWIII also be a Jewish/globalist gang attack.

“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was mutually agreed by Gorbachev and President George W. Bush that the Soviet state would be dissolved and the former constituent states of the Union become independent, on condition in return that the United States and NATO would not incorporate those states into their military alliance, an obvious threat to Russia (and for which there would be now no real reason). But that is exactly what occurred, beginning with President Clinton and continuing under George W. Bush, and under Obama and Biden.” (By the way, re: paragraph 29, Nuland is at least half-Jewish. She is now Under Secretary of State [1]).



[1] “Nuland was the lead U.S. point person for the Ukrainian crisis, establishing loan guarantees to Ukraine, including a $1 billion loan guarantee in 2014, and the provisions of non-lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military and border guard.” — Wikipedia, Jan. 2022.

14 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminization of the West, tattoos, women, women and 'equality' at 10:38 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a White woman with maybe 17 tattoos. Why do women want to look like Hells Angels? (Yes, that’s the correct spelling, no apostrophe in “Hells”). In the old days, only bikers and sailors had tattoos.

14 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'sex-change', 'social construct', 'social construction', 'transgender', binary and nonbinary, Cultural Marxism at 7:10 pm | Permanent Link

Binary Arithmetic (founded by the German, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, in 1703) uses only 1 and 0. Binary ultimately means “two” (in computer language, it means “off” and “on” with “0” meaning “off” or no flow of electricity, and “1” meaning “on” or a flow of electricity). So, this guy is a “non-two”?? So, he’s a three? A four? A five? A ten? What??? It’s so confusing. Maybe that’s the idea? To confuse people? Or, why not just say, “I’m very confused and you should be, too”??

“Two years ago, I came out as a nonbinary trans person. Expressing my true gender identity did not immediately fix my relationship with vulnerability, but it led me to delve deeper into what vulnerability is and how it can operate.”


14 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in rock music, rock music industry at 3:25 pm | Permanent Link

“‘Rockism’ didn’t falter in its evaluation of Bob Dylan, The Band, Buffalo Springfield, Van Morrison, The Who, and Neil Young. It faltered when it pretended Patti Smith was a major talent or Kate Bush amounted to anything. By far the worst product of this kind of theory-obsessed and ideology-driven ‘rockism’ was the massive hype of punk music. While punk, like any musical genre, produced its share of memorable songs, it was showered with far more attention than it deserved on the basis of intellectual conceits of the critical community.”

Just like the modernists had to pretend to like Alban Berg, the ‘rockists’ convinced themselves that LONDON CALLING is the greatest album of the 80s. (At least, the Clash was one of the few punk bands one could listen to with some, if not much, pleasure.)”

Yes. I’ve seen 136 “rock music experts” (most of whom live in New York City, of course) claim that the Clash’s “London Calling” was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Not! Romanticizing niggers (Jamaicans, in this case) doesn’t equal “great.” The Clash was led by the part-Jew, Joe Strummer.

Punk rock was all about anger directed against “the establishment.” And anger should not have been elevated to “genius” level since it was emotion and little else. The Sex Pistols were pretty good, in my opinion (for one album, anyway), but hardly musical geniuses on the level of, say, the Who. Anger isn’t genius, it’s just being pissed off.


14 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Bill Gates, communism, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, Marxism, One World, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought, WHO at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Globalism must be banned by all countries by law. For example, no foreign money should be allowed to fund anything. Local money only. And even then, limits should be put on how much money can be donated to any entity at once.

No more globalist bullshit. Allow local or allow nothing.

You can see what’s happening: We are heading towards a future where nothing is local/regional. Even the cops will be global: your police in Denver or your sheriff in Texas will get marching orders from a NATO-type group in Belgium or Sweden. Which is ironic: I’ve heard leftists brag about “local music” and “regional cuisine.” Well, that will all be gone thanks to the globalism that the leftists push. Fools! Globalism is merely communism wearing a suit and tie.


14 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in sex differences, sexism accusations, women, women and 'equality', women as politically/racially worthless, women as safety freaks, women in the workforce, Women Politicians at 1:27 pm | Permanent Link

“[T]he U.C.L.A. Higher Education Research Institute found “the largest-ever gender gap in terms of political leanings: 41.1 percent of women, an all-time high, identified themselves as liberal or far left, compared to 28.9 percent of men.”

Not surprising.

Paraphrasing Alex: “women want a safe society with all of the corners rounded off.” Yep, and they’re willing to create a huge, powerful government in order to make that “safe society” happen. Hence the problem with women being in Congress.


13 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Blacks as a different species, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, race, race baloney, race quota racket, race-baiting, racial hierarchy, racism, racism accusations at 5:56 pm | Permanent Link

Blacks in 1860: “America is an unfair, racist country!”

Blacks in 1960: “America is an unfair, racist country!”

Blacks in 2060: “America is an unfair, racist country!”

Blacks in 3060: “America is an unfair, racist country!”

Get the trend? As long as there are any White people in America, it will always be “an unfair, racist country!” How else can centuries of Black failure be explained? “Why aren’t Blacks rocket scientists? White racism!”


13 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'social construct', 'social construction', Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Eugene Kamenka, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 4:42 pm | Permanent Link

Parents, allowing your kids to attend a public school is child abuse. You know your kids are going to be indoctrinated with Marxist crap (i.e., Cultural Marxism), so why send them to a public school?

“Deconstruct whiteness”?? That’s postmodernist/postMarxist bullshit [1]. And CRT is Cultural Marxism. CRT says “there’s no such thing as race, but nonetheless, we’re going to view everything through the prism of race” [2]. Does this make sense?

News quote: “A program designed by the University of North Carolina (UNC) teaches 3 and 4-year-old disabled preschoolers to “deconstruct whiteness,” according to a report from Education First Alliance (EFA).”

More: “The Equity and Cultural Responsiveness program defines whiteness as how “customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups are compared” (and what’s wrong with that?? Western culture is White culture! Period! American culture is “White Western culture”! Shockingly, many people don’t know that. Duh! Der! Oy!) [3].



[1] We are told today that “race is a social construct.” This is postmodernist crap. How can “racism” exist if “race doesn’t exist”? It can’t. In fact, Marxism/communism is the denial of race/culture/creed, the belief in Universal Man. One-size-fits-all. Man as ant, as worker bee. The communist Eugene Kamenka said it all: “In the name of science and of man it (Marxism) seeks to transcend the specific divisions of climate, race and creed, of nation-state and language-group, in order to chart a common future for mankind.” —- from the book “The Ethical Foundations of Marxism” by Jewish/Marxist scholar Eugene Kamenka (1928-1994), 1962; from the Preface to the Japanese edition, 1965. This is an admission that Marxists seek to create a world of “equal” humans — an impossible feat.

[2] CRT is Critical Race Theory, a branch of Cultural Marxism that was originally confined to American law but has since spread into public schools. Cultural Marxism is very flexible. You can use it anywhere. A quote about CRT: “Critical race theory (CRT) maintains that race is not biological; instead, it is a social construction used to protect the social, economic, and legal interests of whites so they can maintain their power.” [Here]. The man who put CRT on the map, or “grew” it into what it is now, was a Jewish law professor named Alan David Freeman (1943-1995).

[3] 118 White men created the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution. America is a White country, or, it was.