31 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, German nationalists, Germany, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish cruelty, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish paranoia, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish World Revolution, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 2:16 pm | Permanent Link

The American population is about 8% hard-core leftist, give or take. And about 3% Jewish. That’s 11% give or take.

Contrast that to about 43% of the population being White and half-way sensible/half-way conservative. That number may be even higher. It’s hard to tell since the “official” population make-up may be wrong or deliberately skewed.

They are hopelessly outnumbered by normal White people and they know it. This explains the Covid-19 tyranny and many other things going on right now. Trump’s numbers (of supporters) really scared Hymie. Trump got 100 million supporters, maybe more. Hymie was not expecting anywhere near that. Hymie was expecting half that. Hymie has been in a cold sweat ever since [1]. Oy veh! Is this Hymie’s “final big push” against White people? If it is, he won’t win because he doesn’t have the numbers on his side [2].


[1] Jews led the impeach-Trump movement from Day 1. In fact, Jewish congressman Brad Sherman filed the first, ridiculous impeachment article in Congress against Trump in mid-July 2017. And Jewish congressman Jamie Raskin wanted to create a special panel in the House of Representatives to examine whether Trump was mentally fit to be president.

[2] Jews will, of course, direct and produce the “final big push” against White people, just like they did in Germany circa 1920. Germany came very close to being “bagged” and so did Spain circa 1936; in both countries, the “baggers” were, almost to a man, Jews, e.g., in Germany it was Karl Radek, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht; in Spain, see below. See also the book “Communism in Germany: The Truth about the Communist Conspiracy on the Eve of the National Revolution” (1933) by Adolf Ehrt. Another version is Here. (Jewish “baggers” in Spain: Soviet General Grigori Stern, a.k.a. Grigorjewitch (the chief military adviser), General Yakov Smushkevich, General Emilio Kleber (real name Manfred Stern), and Colonel Selig Joffe. Another Jewish general, Waclaw Komar, was a Polish volunteer. Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (aka Aleksandr Orlov) headed Stalin’s secret police in Spain and oversaw the liquidation of Catholic priests and peasants. Other top Jews in Spain included Soviet ambassador Marcel Rosenberg, economic adviser Arthur Stashevsky, and Mikhail Koltsov, Soviet press representative).

31 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "homophobia", 'anti-Semitism', 'hate', 'hate' haters, 'human rights', 'tolerance', homosexual themes, homosexuals, racism, racism accusations at 11:52 am | Permanent Link

I’ve been a Republican for decades and the very idea that I’m a racist is offensive to me. I don’t play favorites when it comes to race. I hate niggers, chinks, wetbacks and kikes with equal enthusiasm. I also hate queers, trannies, retards, midgets, Freemasons, vegetarians and fat people. You see, I don’t play favorites.

News headline: “Spice company’s ‘Republicans are Racist’ promotion backfires spectacularly”


30 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, Marxism, Nicaragua, Romania, Somoza at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

“The Anti-Humans” (1971); Jewish/communist terror in Romania (a .PDF file).

You have to ask: was America ever really “anti-communist”? We talked a good game, sure, but it was all talk. All hot air. All smoke but no fire. America could have liberated Cuba from communism within 3 days. Did we? Nope. We could have stopped Nicaragua from being communized in 1979. Did we? Nope. America’s friend Anastasio Somoza had to flee Nicaragua and even that didn’t save him (denied asylum in the U.S. by leftist President Carter, Somoza was murdered by communists in Paraguay in 1980. His “crime” according to the communists? Opposing Marxism and lifting Nicaragua out of poverty). We only went to Korea because the UN asked us to, in a fake “war” on communism which was all a political distraction for Harry Truman. America’s “anti-communism” was, in the end, merely big talk.

“The author of this book, a Romanian born in Greek territory, went to Romania for his university education and there became a member of the anti-Communist organization that flourished in that nation before and during the tragic and fratricidal Second World War. After the Bolshevik conquest of Romania, the Soviets, undoubtedly on orders from their masters, maintained a pretense that their occupation was merely temporary and further disguised their purposes by keeping on the throne as King of Romania the legitimate heir, a young man who was merely a puppet in their hands, but served to give to the people an illusive hope that Romania, though devastated and impoverished, might again become a free nation. In this hope, of course, the Romanians (like many other captive peoples) were encouraged by the governments of the Western nations that had won the military victory. Those governments, especially in the United States, maintained a pretense that they were not the servants of the Bolsheviks’ masters, and, whenever they deemed it expedient to administer a little verbal paregoric to their own population, manufactured oratory about “defending the Free World” and “containing Communism.” Americans, who were so charmed by those phrases that they did not notice what their own government was doing, cannot blame the Romanians (or the others) for having supposed that the official verbiage was an indication of national policy.”

30 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, illegal immigration, immigration, Muslims, Muslims in America, southern border of U.S., terrorism at 4:10 pm | Permanent Link

How many Muslim terrorists have entered America in the past year via the southern border? Does anybody know? Does anybody care? Is anybody in charge of America anymore? Are there any adults in charge of America? Apparently not.

News quote: “Five Syrian men were arrested by Border Patrol agents as they crossed into Hidalgo, Texas, on Thursday, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) source told Fox News….”Now they’re arresting people from Syria — this is a national security crisis that Joe Biden created.”


30 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a weapon against the West, communism-as-Jewish, Marx, Marxism, Marxism and equality, political correctness, political debating, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, postmodernism as a drug, socialism, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, Western preservation ideas, White ideology, White philosophy, White thought at 3:08 pm | Permanent Link

Communism keeps coming back under different names: first it was Marxism, then it was Socialism, then it was Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory circa 1937, then Postmodernism circa 1960, then PC circa 1987, and now it’s CRT and Woke. In 20 years it’ll be called something else. It’s all the same thing, only under different names. It’s all Jewish in origin and all about attacking White Western culture.

Why does communism keep changing names? It has to: leftists crave change, and, they also must hide the fact that leftism doesn’t work. So they keep changing the names of their movements, hoping that nobody will notice that it’s all the same failed idea, over and over again. Old wine in a new bottle.

On the surface, Marxists seem to be like retards who are constantly trying to find the best way to nail pudding to a wall, not realizing that you can’t nail pudding to a wall, even though the top Marxist “philosopher” Sam Goldberg says that you can. But in reality I think that leftists fall into two camps: one camp which really believes the “human equality” utopian bullshit, and the other camp, which doesn’t genuinely believe in human equality, but is just using Marxism to attack White Western culture. That camp believes that Western culture is “evil” and those people will use whatever they can as a weapon against it.

As for this Brazilian fellow below (Olavo de Carvalho), I’m not sure I understand what he’s saying: he says “Politics is about people and means. Power. Never about values and ideas.” I’m not sure how you can attack a political opponent without attacking his ideas as well. Just calling your opponent a “thug” or a “tyrant” each time you debate would get old fast, right? It seems too shallow. I must be missing something. I don’t know how you can divorce ideas from politics. They seem very intertwined. (Donald Trump? He’s a whole different thing. He’s one-in-a-million and larger than life). Readers? What do you think? Can you separate ideas from politics? The Brazilian seems to say: “ideas and values are merely window dressing. Avoid them.” Okay. But does that also apply to populism (the next big thing, in my opinion), which is a much-more-honest movement than “traditional conservatism” which really conserves nothing? Indeed, Trumpism killed traditional conservatism in America.

[Article] and [Video, 8 minutes].

29 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Baruch, Baruch and WWII, Henry Ford, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Horsejews of the Apocalypse, jazz, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed music, jewed politics, Samuel Untermyer, World War II at 5:40 pm | Permanent Link

Can you imagine: 60 million people died in World War II! It was the most destructive war in history. (Jews call WWII “the good war”! Really, Jews? “Good”? 60 million gentile deaths are “good”? How?).

Not only did Jews create WWII, but they even provided the music to go with it [1]. Can’t have a genocidal world war without jazzy music! Swing me, daddy-o! Gimme some o’ dat re-bop and be-bop, pops!

Ever heard of these musical Jews? I’m sure you have: Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, the Gershwin Brothers, Jerome Kern, Irving Berlin, Harold Arlen, Richard Rodgers. Berlin wrote “God Bless America” (!) which was first performed in 1938. Berlin also wrote the song “Any Bonds Today?” which was designed to convince the goy public to buy war bonds. Berlin also wrote a stage show called “This Is The Army” which traveled all over the world. (Berlin also wrote “White Christmas” (1942) and he was probably laughing hysterically as he wrote it).

Furthermore, make no mistake: Berlin and Gershwin “sold” jazz music to White America. Sold it as “symphonic jazz” or “big band” music [2]. The White American public was wary of jazz (it was called “negro music”) until Berlin and Gershwin “Whitened it up” and sold it to the suburbs. No wonder Henry Ford called it “Jewish jazz” [3]. (By the way, “jazz” originally meant “sex” in negro slang; so did “rock and roll”; granted, there are different types of jazz today, but many people don’t think that jazz is “real” music — they think it lacks form and framework, that it’s just a jumble of notes tossed together like a salad, without much thought).

Gershwin said: “jazz is the (negro) plantation song improved and transferred into finer, bigger harmonies.”

(Incredibly, America once had a pro-Stalin song, circa 1943, called “Stalin wasn’t Stallin’”).


[1] a handful of Jews created WWII, most notably Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. and Harry Dexter White; other such noteworthy Jews included Oscar Sydney Cox, Benjamin V. Cohen and William Christian Bullitt, Jr. (who had a Jewish mother).

[2] “big band”-style jazz was likely born in 1924 with Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue.” Apparently, if the band is “big” it isn’t jazz anymore — according to the Jews! Ya, sure it isn’t.

[3] “Jews did not create the popular song, they debased it. The time of the entry of Jews into control of the popular song is the exact time when the morality of popular songs began to decline. The “popular” song, before it became a Jewish industry, was really popular. The people sang it and had no reason to conceal it. The popular song today is often so questionable a composition that performers with a vestige of decency must appraise their audience before they sing.” — Henry Ford.

29 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Huey Long, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, World War II at 4:09 pm | Permanent Link

That Covid panic was entirely a media production. Without the Jewish media bosses pushing the hysteria 24/7, the panic would have been but a popcorn fart in the wind. And of course, the panic was all about Donald Trump and his 100 million populist followers, as this fellow notes below. Jews fear populism led by a charismatic man like vampires fear crosses. “Oy vehhh! Another Hitler!” (Nazism was populism. It drew support from both the Right and the Left. Had Huey Long not been assassinated by a Jew in 1935 [1], WWII would not have happened because Long would have become president, not Roosevelt).

“The underlying motivation of the unhinged reaction to Covid-19 was the fanatical determination by the ruling elites to defeat at any cost, including historically unprecedented lockdowns and massive election fraud, Donald Trump, and his populist movement. A movement that represented an existential threat to their quest for political hegemony.”



[1] Long’s assassin, Carl Austin Weiss, came from a Jewish family which converted to Catholicism. Of course, the media always lies about this and calls Weiss just a “Catholic”

29 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in rock music, Socrates at 1:20 am | Permanent Link

Frank Zappa, “Stevie’s Spanking” (circa 1980) [video, 10 minutes].

28 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Jewish DNA/racial make-up, Jewish genetics at 8:10 pm | Permanent Link

An interesting question: how much Jewish DNA must you have in order to be considered “too genetically tainted to be considered White”? If you have 1/4 Jewish DNA? If you have 1/8 Jewish DNA? Patrilineal vs. matrilineal is also important, because “Jewishness” is much more important on the female side of things. Orthodox Jewish religious law defines a Jew as: “a person born of a Jewish mother.”

“My wife’s father was an ashkenazi jew. He died when she was young but was by all accounts a loving, intelligent, and productive man who was not involved in stereotypically jewish politics or activism. My wife was not raised as a jew, though she is of course genetically 1/2 ashkenazi, and thus our children are, on average, genetically 1/4 ashkenazi.”


28 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal egalitarian democracy, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

(“Liberalism” as used here is synonymous with leftism).

— A liberal has a female brain, even if the liberal is a male.

— A liberal doesn’t “become” a liberal, he’s born one.

— A liberal is holier-than-thou. As mayor, she’ll create a Covid face-mask mandate for the city, and then go out and party at a fancy restaurant maskless. “Do as I say, not as I do.”

— A liberal loves — loves! — to use governmental force as a political and cultural weapon. For example, California law forbids the state from doing any business with another state which “discriminates” against homosexuals and trannies. A liberal is a control freak. “Do what we say, even if you live in another state!”

— A liberal states her opinion as being fact, without any proof, e.g., “most American citizens want stronger gun-control laws!”

— A liberal feels a burning need to seize/hold the “moral high ground” because liberals are insecure “children in adult bodies” who lack self-esteem. So they must “out-do” you and be “better than you” at all times (e.g., they must “care more” about global warming, about the homeless, and they’re compassionate vegetarians, and they love the oppressed minorities, etc. A liberal “cares” much more about public health than you do! A few weeks ago, I saw a liberal proudly declare on her website that she was “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19 — as if she needed to prove to the world that she was conforming to government mandates. As you’ll note below, submission to authority is a good thing if you’re a liberal — unless the authority is Donald Trump! But come to think of it, Trump created the Covid vaccine program called Warp Speed in April 2020. Ironic!).

A liberal must lie, because liberalism itself is a dud. It sucks. Few people think homosexuality, trannyism and higher taxes are good things. So a liberal must spend large amounts of energy lying through his teeth. Indeed, liberals are becoming more and more scared of losing the political power that they once enjoyed circa 1955 (due to them “owning” the labor unions, and dominating Congress, the state governments and the U.S. Supreme Court). Thanks to the internet, it’s getting harder and harder for liberals to hide the fact that liberalism just plain sucks.

— A liberal almost always has an overbearing, feminist mother and a meek, quiet father. In other words, his father was “whupped.” He grows up with a “submission to authority is good” attitude — which is odd considering the old hippie slogan “Question Authority!” But then, liberalism is often contradictory).

— A liberal values submissiveness in everyone, which is why liberals hate masculine men and, concerning Covid-19, hate anti-mask/anti-vaxx people. A masculine man won’t “bend” to liberal mandates. “How dare that Nazi not bend to liberal mandates!”