(Above: the Jew who set the “official” Holocaust-deaths number, Dr. Jacob Robinson [1889-1977]. He decided that “6 million” number via “extrapolation” — in other words, the well-educated Dr. Robinson just guessed the number) [1].
Quoting Whoopi Goldberg, re: the Holocaust: “This is White people doing it to White people…”
When did Jews become “White,” Whoopi? Last time I checked, Jews were half-Arab genetic freaks due to centuries of inbreeding.
Regardless, there’s one thing in this world that you’re not “allowed” to question. Just one thing.
In other words, you can question wars, you can question politics, and you can question whether zebras are black horses with white stripes or white horses with black stripes. But you aren’t “allowed” to question any part of The Official Holocaust Narrative. For example, if you say “no, I don’t think 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, I think only 5 million, 999,000 did,” well, that’s “Holocaust denial/minimization” and that could get you tossed into prison in 27 “democratic” countries, thanks to Jewish political power, which is the most powerful force on planet Earth.
Concerning The Holocaust (trademarked/patent applied for), it’s interesting to consider that Jews themselves set the “official” number of “6 million” Jewish deaths and the “official” Holocaust narrative. That’s right. Not governments. Not health officials. Not the UN. Jews set that number and the official narrative! Given the fact that Jews have a horrible reputation for lying, cheating and swindling, it’s really hard to accept the “6 million Jews were gassed by the Nazis” story. Indeed, the Polish government revised the “official” death number downward by 2.5 million in 1990 but nonetheless the “6 million Jews” number…wait for it…wait for it…here it comes…remained the same! That’s known as “Jewish math”: the number is always “6 million” no matter what! By the way, the Jews have a funny obsession with the number “6 million” and they’ve used it many times [2].
[1] Born in Russia, Robinson was a judge, diplomat and historian. He spent his entire life working solely for Jewish causes. Not for Russian or American causes, but only for Jewish causes. According to Nahum Goldman, former President of the World Jewish Congress, “During the war the WJC (World Jewish Congress) had created an Institute of Jewish Affairs in New York (its headquarters are now in London). The directors were two great Lithuanian Jewish jurists, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. Thanks to them, the Institute worked out two completely revolutionary ideas: the Nuremberg tribunal and German reparations.” (Goldman, Nahum; The Jewish Paradox, Grosset & Dunlap, 1978, p. 122).
[2] the Jews have “a thing” for the number “6 million” and they have used that number dozens of times throughout history (236 times, to be exact). Apparently, they think nobody will notice that habit and they’re basically right: very few people have noticed it.