2 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "cancel culture"/censorship, "woke", censorship at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

The leftist/Jewish philosophy is simple: if you don’t agree with someone, just label them as “haters” and as “dangerous people” and just “cancel” them! (But one must wonder: what happens to the haters known as Marxists? Are they also “canceled”? Because Marxists are the biggest haters on earth. You can’t murder 90 million people without being a hater, e.g., Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Marxism is a creed of hate that was developed by an ethnic Jew to destroy England, but it never happened: sadly for Marx, his poisonous creed took hold in the east, not in the west, sacking Russia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, China, Vietnam, etc. But I’m being funny, of course: Marxists are never canceled. Only the right-wing is canceled).

“Michelle Malkin: Why Airbnb Banned Me (And My Hubby, Too!)” (note: Malkin apparently has a Jewish husband).


2 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Catholicism, communism, communism as a weapon against the West, communism-as-Jewish, Eduard Bernstein, Ferdinand Lassalle, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Marx, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, National Socialism, nationalism at 10:17 am | Permanent Link

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: “Karl Marx, the oily Jew who radicalized millions of other Jews and caused a staggering amount of death and suffering in the world, was really a racist and anti-Semite and he was just like Hitler, only he had a beard.”

So, instead of us White people becoming anti-Semites due to Marx’s deadly ethnic ideology (like we should become!), we’re supposed to not become anti-Semites because Marx and Hitler were anti-Semites and we don’t want to become evil people like them! Is that the angle? That seems to be the angle. Well, no sale.

“Jewish” is genetic. Marx could no more cancel his genes than a fish could reject swimming or a dog could refuse to bark. Marx was a self-hating Jew. Some Jews hate themselves and for good reason.

“Like his hellish socialist colleague Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx was a vicious racist and anti-Semite.” “Hellish”? That’s a new one. And “colleague”? Hitler and Marx were co-workers? Wow. Looks like I’ve been reading the wrong books!

Furthermore, socialism is “international human equality” founded by ethnic Jews (Eduard Bernstein, Ferdinand Lassalle, Moses Hess). Contrast that to National Socialism, which wasn’t. It was “the German people being nurtured out of poverty by a benevolent ‘father’ — in this case, Adolf Hitler. Hitler said that his government existed only to keep the German nation (yes, nation) solvent, intact and healthy. This is very different from international Jewish socialism. One tried to create “universal man” as an anti-White weapon against the West, while the other tried to keep the White citizens of Germany unified and focused (and it worked very well until world Jewry “fixed” that “problem”).

Jews are a global menace and calling the father of Jewish communism an “anti-Semite, just like Hitler” is so obvious. I smell an agenda.

[Article] and [Video].

1 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 10:39 pm | Permanent Link

This video narrative is like a Hollywood movie script. Really. If this is true, all bets are off. I don’t know if it is true, but it has a certain “ring of truth” to it. But maybe you don’t agree. Time will tell.

They are saying: Covid-19 was not from a “lab accident” in China. It came from bats, and the plan was to later re-introduce it back into wild bats after being genetically modified by humans into a combination, hybrid “human/bat” virus. It would then be given back to wild bats via in (among other ways) a spray mist inside caves. They even give the names of the scientists allegedly involved. But wait: “bats” are apparently a euphemism for “humans” since, as you can imagine, if they used the word “humans” in the texts of these reports (which date from as far back as 2016) there would be massive outcry and rightly so.

And also, Covid-19 is not very transmissible between humans? If so, there never was a pandemic in the true sense of that word.

And, Covid is a man-made bioweapon that can’t be fought with a vaccine? Then why are we taking the vaccines?

If this information is true, then all bets are off. Congressional hearings must begin ASAP. Like, tomorrow.

[Video, 1 hour].

1 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children at 7:18 pm | Permanent Link

(Note: Curt Schilling is a White, conservative baseball player).

Almost as soon as a leftist is born, he starts making everything political. Food, pets, the weather, cars, sports — everything under the sun becomes political to a leftist. That sucks for everyone who isn’t a leftist.

Why do leftists make everything political? Good question. They’re like Jews: they enjoy complaining and bullying people. “Oh, my god! That woman is wearing a fur coat! How dare she! We can’t allow that!!” they wail — never mind that the woman got the coat as a wedding gift 10 years ago and she had no involvement in the deaths of the minks who became part of the coat.

Leftists (and Jews) are human mosquitos.

“Curt Schilling says conservative views to blame for missing Baseball HOF (Hall of Fame)”


1 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, holocaust survivors, Holocaustianity, Jewish genetic diseases, Jewish genetics, Jewish history, Jewish lies, Jewish math, Six Million number of Holocausted hebes at 4:12 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jew who set the “official” Holocaust-deaths number, Dr. Jacob Robinson [1889-1977]. He decided that “6 million” number via “extrapolation” — in other words, the well-educated Dr. Robinson just guessed the number) [1].

Quoting Whoopi Goldberg, re: the Holocaust: “This is White people doing it to White people…”

When did Jews become “White,” Whoopi? Last time I checked, Jews were half-Arab genetic freaks due to centuries of inbreeding.

Regardless, there’s one thing in this world that you’re not “allowed” to question. Just one thing.

In other words, you can question wars, you can question politics, and you can question whether zebras are black horses with white stripes or white horses with black stripes. But you aren’t “allowed” to question any part of The Official Holocaust Narrative. For example, if you say “no, I don’t think 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, I think only 5 million, 999,000 did,” well, that’s “Holocaust denial/minimization” and that could get you tossed into prison in 27 “democratic” countries, thanks to Jewish political power, which is the most powerful force on planet Earth.

Concerning The Holocaust (trademarked/patent applied for), it’s interesting to consider that Jews themselves set the “official” number of “6 million” Jewish deaths and the “official” Holocaust narrative. That’s right. Not governments. Not health officials. Not the UN. Jews set that number and the official narrative! Given the fact that Jews have a horrible reputation for lying, cheating and swindling, it’s really hard to accept the “6 million Jews were gassed by the Nazis” story. Indeed, the Polish government revised the “official” death number downward by 2.5 million in 1990 but nonetheless the “6 million Jews” number…wait for it…wait for it…here it comes…remained the same! That’s known as “Jewish math”: the number is always “6 million” no matter what! By the way, the Jews have a funny obsession with the number “6 million” and they’ve used it many times [2].


[1] Born in Russia, Robinson was a judge, diplomat and historian. He spent his entire life working solely for Jewish causes. Not for Russian or American causes, but only for Jewish causes. According to Nahum Goldman, former President of the World Jewish Congress, “During the war the WJC (World Jewish Congress) had created an Institute of Jewish Affairs in New York (its headquarters are now in London). The directors were two great Lithuanian Jewish jurists, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. Thanks to them, the Institute worked out two completely revolutionary ideas: the Nuremberg tribunal and German reparations.” (Goldman, Nahum; The Jewish Paradox, Grosset & Dunlap, 1978, p. 122).

[2] the Jews have “a thing” for the number “6 million” and they have used that number dozens of times throughout history (236 times, to be exact). Apparently, they think nobody will notice that habit and they’re basically right: very few people have noticed it.

1 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

This is great. The “little people” are getting fed up with the (((elites))) bossing them around. This is very much populism-in-action.

“The Facebook group “Convoy To DC” has already garnered 103.9K followers, up from 67,000 on Sunday, based on media reports. It was inspired by the massive demonstrations across Canada that have sparked similar protests around the world, notably in Australia and the Netherlands. While the group has not set a date for the protest, its leaders suggested it will start in California and travel to Washington, D.C.”


31 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Hollywood, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed medicine, Jewish disasters at 9:54 pm | Permanent Link

The 1970s: every 3 months, there was a new disaster movie which was produced by Hollywood Jews: Floods! Earthquakes! Tornados! Plane crashes! Massive fires! Killer bees! OMG! We’re all doomed! [1].

March 2020: Top government Jews say: Corona/Covid-19! OMG! Run! Hide! We’re all doomed! OMG! Face masks! Vaccines!

See the pattern?


[1] “Irwin Allen was born in New York City, the son of poor Jewish immigrants from Russia. He majored in journalism and advertising at Columbia University after attending City College of New York for a year. He left college because of financial difficulties caused by the Great Depression. Allen (June 12, 1916 – November 2, 1991) was an American film and television producer and director, known for his work in science fiction, then later as the “Master of Disaster” for his work in the disaster film genre.” — Wikipedia, Jan. 2022

31 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communal living, communism, Marxism, Marxism and equality, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 8:09 pm | Permanent Link

1968: you were raised in a hippie commune near San Franqueersco. Peace, man! Groovy! Far out!

2022: you raise three kids in a multicultural commune. Far out! Groovy!

“This legal change will make children’s lives more stable, not less.” Sure it will. Yeah. Right.

“Who’s my mommy?” “Who’s my daddy?” Everybody is! Nuclear family, be gone!


31 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, jewed culture, jewed immigration policy, jewed law at 4:13 pm | Permanent Link

(based on an actual phone call)

(*Ring, Ring*)

Me: “Hello, is this the WXYZ Company?”

Woman with a strange, non-White accent: “&%^#$$@*&@#41$&$”

Me: “What, uuhhh…you…you want to have sex with my dog??”

Woman: “$%**#$%5@19&5^”

Me: “Oh. Uhhhmmm…that’s no help…do you have anyone there who speaks plain English?”

Woman: “%6#1*%7$$2*%^3”

Me: “Uhhhh…well, I’m glad that your dad has hairy arms, but I’m not sure I needed to know that…”

Diversity: because it’s always better when you can’t understand people!

31 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, communism, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Marxism, Soviet Union, Stalin at 3:17 pm | Permanent Link

It’s time for the pretty-boy tyrant Justin Trudeau to resign. He’s embarrassed Canada enough already.

“Having already established his cowardice by fleeing Ottawa before the arrival of the truck convoy, Justin Trudeau now proves the wisdom of the ancient observation that bullies are often cowards.”
