11 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 6:48 pm | Permanent Link

The bad thing about philosophy is that you really can think too much. You can “over-think” something. Over-analyze it and you end up going down a rabbit hole. Chasing your tail. You end up nowhere, in some dark forest, tired, hungry, confused and alone. (How’s that for poetry? Heh-heh. Sounds sophisticated, ehh?).

As for old vs. new, old is always better. It’s tried and true.

“For anyone of even a mildly conservative tendency, philosophy is a part of the old world, wise and challenging and worthy of respect. For the intellectually negligible ideologues who now effectively run Western academia, philosophy is also a part of the old world, but one to be swept away just as Mao’s Cultural Revolution was designed to destroy much of China’s cultural heritage in order to rid the empire of the ‘Four Olds’: old customs, old culture, old habits, old ideas. In quite another context, Nietzsche writes in Schopenhauer as Educator: “I believe in all seriousness that it is to the state’s advantage to have nothing further to do with philosophy.”


11 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, fiat money at 4:49 pm | Permanent Link

America’s money system sucks. It was created by Jewish banker Paul M. Warburg in 1913. Why do we still have it? Why is our money handled twice? Why does the U.S. Treasury Department print the money, but then give it to a private banking cartel full of Jews to distribute (i.e., the Federal Reserve Bank)? Why doesn’t the U.S. Treasury handle both printing and distribution? Usually, a “treasurer” is “a person appointed to look after the funds of a society, company, city, or other governing body” [1].

Having more physical dollars in circulation means more inflation. Having less dollars in circulation means less inflation. If you have 20 billion dollars in circulation, there will be more inflation than if you had 5 billion dollars in circulation. It’s a simple concept. So easy that a child could grasp it.

Worse, America’s money system (the Federal Reserve Bank) is inflationary all by itself, because its “fractional-reserve banking” is inflationary [2]. So we have two sources of inflation in our system: 1) the constant ordering and printing of more money; 2) the money system itself.

Inflation is actually theft. If your money is worth less and less as time goes on, it’s as if someone is taking money out of your bank account without you knowing it. Today, America’s dollar is worth 3 cents (in 1913 dollars). In other words, the U.S. dollar has lost most of its value.

Inflation is “a jewish crime against goymanity” — Alex.

What if White people controlled America’s money system instead of Jews?



[1] the Federal Reserve is not “federal” per se. It’s not part of the U.S. government. It’s a private bank (12 banks, actually) with shareholders. So why does the Federal Reserve’s URL address read “.gov”? Good question! Why? When you find out, let me know.

[2] “fractional-reserve banking” is inflationary because it causes more money to be available, in our society, than otherwise would be available. In other words, instead of $100 billion dollars being available, $1 trillion is available. “More money” means it’s worth less. That is true of money, or pencils, or guns, or butter, or anything. More of “X” means “X” is worth less, and vice-versa

11 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, left-wing violence, left-wing vs. right-wing rule, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

We on the political right-wing have known for some time that “Covid-19” and Donald Trump were connected. We just couldn’t prove it. It’s like when your wife is having an affair with the pool boy: you somehow know it but you’ve never caught them being naughty.

We somehow knew (based on the behavior of the Left) that Covid-19 was a political weapon designed to do at least two things: to remove Trump from office via election theft (with the aid of the Covid insanity), and to punish Trump’s millions of supporters. How dare they support Trump! Small-business owners and blue-collar workers especially supported Trump.

The rich elites greatly fear Trumpism (i.e., right-wing populism). In fact, Trump wasn’t even supposed to become president. It was a fluke. An accident.

But, there was a problem with that theory: what about Europe and Australia? Why would they go along with the Covid-19 hysteria? Why would they lockdown and oppress the little people? Trump doesn’t live in Europe nor do his supporters (most of them anyway).

Well, now it has become clear. Let’s cut to the chase.

Bottom line: in the White Western world, leftism was near death just before Covid-19 hit in early 2020.
Sure, leftism was still popular in the media and in Hollywood, and even in the universities. But nowhere else! The public was not embracing leftism. And why would they? Leftism sucks. High taxes and insane government rules? Who wants that? Nobody wants that, except a few crazy leftists!

So, think about it: combine Trumpism (again, it’s right-wing populism — which was and is more popular than pizza and ice cream combined), and add the fact that Trump was going to win a second term in office. Also add the fact that Trumpism worked very well, and also add the fact that Trumpism was likely to be the new “big thing” in the Western world for the next 30 years, maybe longer. What does all of that add up to for the Left? The need to create a pandemic! Keep the Left in power for decades! (Leftists need power like plants need water. They can’t live without holding power and lots of it. Leftists are power-freaks and control-freaks).

Not only did Covid-19 “stop the clock” on the spread of right-wing populism, but it actually turned back the clock: illegal aliens are now flooding back into America. Trump’s common-sense policies have now been reversed by the so-called “Biden Administration.” Leftists are now back in business, shoving their crazy mandates down the throats of the little people and enjoying themselves immensely.

Covid-19 was the last gasp of dying leftism in the West. It was a “Hail Mary pass” in a football game that the Left was losing badly.

Finally, there’s the question: “is Covid-19 even real?” Or is it just another Asian flu? Or what? It’s a moot point now, isn’t it? The damage has been done and the goal has been accomplished (for now). (By the way, if the Covid-19 scamdemic wasn’t “domestic terrorism” then what was it?).

“…it’s a disaster that the political Left is suffering all over the world — at least they were (WERE!) until the pandemic pandemonium came along. In Europe, for example, a study that came from the Tony Blair Institute sounded the alarm back in 2018 and said that if you don’t do something and do it quick, the center-left will basically cease to exist in much of Europe.” (Indeed, in 2017, the Left in Europe was politically “missing-in-action”; they had lost a whopping 94% of the political seats that they sought).

[Video, 12 minutes].

10 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, David Duke, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism, Soviet states, Soviet Union at 11:47 pm | Permanent Link

“The Secret Behind Communism” by Dr. David Duke [1].

“Despite Solzhenitsyn’s efforts – and those of many others, including Frank Britton (some of his excellent work and research is included in this volume) – the truth about the Jewish supremacist role in the creation, execution and maintenance of world Communism, and the “Russian” Revolution in particular, remains little-known. The reason for this is simple: The Jewish supremacist tribalists who influence major media in the West make sure that almost nothing is said about the fact that Jews, along with organized Jewish support worldwide, not only created Communism, but were the leaders who brought it into such grim reality.”

[a .PDF file].


[1] Duke has a Ph.D. in history from MAUP, the largest university system in Ukraine.

10 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as hate, far-right politics, Fascism, fascism vs. communism, Marxism, Mussolini, Somoza, White philosophy, White thought at 5:37 pm | Permanent Link

This is original philosophy. I did not read it in a book.

If I asked you to “name a well-known Marxist who was also a good person” (e.g., Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Mao, etc.), you couldn’t do it. Nope. Such a person does not exist!

Marxism is a creed of hate. It’s also a bag of lies. To be a Marxist is to be a hate-filled liar. You must lie regularly. You must tell outrageous untruths every week, maybe even every day. You must embrace Lenin and Stalin and Castro. Good people don’t do that. Good people instinctively know that “the state” doesn’t “wither away” to create a utopia. Never. Ever. Who buys that crap? Psychopaths. Lunatics. Creeps. Bad people.

Contrast that to fascism, the ideology of anti-communist good people (usually). I’m sure that there have been many fascists who were good people. For example, depending on how you define “fascism” (I loosely define it as “right-wing, non-egalitarian socialism under a dictator or military junta”), Augusto Pinochet and Antonio Salazar were apparently nice men. Ditto Somoza. Mussolini was probably nice, but arrogant.

10 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", C. Northcote Parkinson, capitalism as woke, communal living, communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, communism as hate, communism origins of, communism-as-Jewish, communist brutality, Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Marx, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

(If it seems like I write about communism/Marxism a lot: you’re right. I do. I enjoy it immensely. In fact, I plan to write a short, “layman’s guide” book about it, maybe 200 pages in length. Maybe Alex could edit it).

Marxism really is a religion. But it doesn’t have a god per se.

Allow me to give two good quotes about communism:

“To the first group must now be added Marxism – a creed, like the others, of violence, a religion derived ultimately from Judaism.” -— from the book “East and West” (New York; Mentor Books, 1965) by British historian C. Northcote Parkinson, p. 241.

Communism is a “poisonous, anti-White creed” — Dr. William Pierce, in National Vanguard Books Catalogue #19, June 2000, page 33, top right.

Four key takeaways about Marxism:

1. Marxism was designed (by the Jew, Karl Marx) as a weapon against White Western culture (England, especially). Marxism wasn’t supposed to “work.” It was supposed to destroy. (To the horror of the Marxists, it didn’t destroy England, but instead moved east. Marx targeted England because, circa 1840, England was the most powerful White country on earth. Marx hoped communism would then spread throughout the West).

2. Marxism is based on Jewish communal living. Jews spread Marxism throughout Europe. They even spread it into China: most of the people who introduced communism into China circa 1920 were Jews, e.g., Adolph Joffe and Grigori Voitinsky.

3. Only a certain type of person is attracted to Marxism. Marx knew this. In fact, he counted on it. Defective people are attracted to Marxism: losers, angry people, vengeful and arrogant people. Idiots like V.I. Lenin, who once murdered 200 rabbits for no apparent reason by beating them to death. I guess small, furry animals turned him off [1].

4. Cultural Marxism (aka, “woke” ideology) was created by the Jewish-led Frankfurt School because regular Marxism wasn’t taking root. Cultural Marxism (a blend of Marxism and Freudianism) is more dangerous than regular Marxism because it requires no guns or armies to install it. Anybody can install it. Schoolteachers and even priests can install it. Also, it’s an easy sell: “all humans are equal” and so on and so forth. It feels good. It’s warm and fuzzy, like a cute puppy. Women love it.

“The Theology of Marxism”

[Article and Video].


[1] “Lenin’s own wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, in her Memoirs (1932), describes how Lenin once rowed a small boat out to a little island in the Yenisei River where many rabbits had migrated during the winter. For his own sick pleasure, Lenin clubbed so many rabbits to death with the butt of his rifle that the boat sank under the weight of all the dead bodies. Lenin became drunk with glee at the awful sight.” — This account comes from the 2002 Swedish book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by Juri Lina. Apparently, the bunnies didn’t even resist: didn’t run. Just sat still, waiting to be murdered by that evil man.

9 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in apologizing, Hendrix, Joe Rogan at 5:56 pm | Permanent Link

Old saying, newbies: “Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.” It’s a sign that you don’t stand up for your beliefs and your convictions. Never say “I’m sorry.” Say “buzz off, don’t care.”

A fellow WN once apologized to me when I caught him listening to Jimi Hendrix in his car. I was very surprised that he apologized — he seemed like a rock, not a wimp — and I said, “why are you apologizing for your musical tastes? I actually like his first album” (titled “Are You Experienced?” [1967]). I wouldn’t ever apologize for that, even though some people will blast me for saying that I also like Hendrix’s music (repeat: his music. Not him. He was a negro and a druggie. But I like his guitar sound). I’ve been roasted for liking Frank Zappa. Sue me. Don’t care. Eclectic tastes.

“Joe caved to the pressure. His self-image and basic decency was cynically used against him to get that apology for being a successful white guy who doesn’t know his subordinate place in the new order.

This is both a strategical and tactical error on his part that will hurt him more than Peterson sees here. Because they won’t stop until he’s destroyed, now that he’s given them something to throw at him. They know his weakness now.”


9 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Che Guevara, communism, communism as a weapon against the West, communism in America, Cultural Marxism, Joe McCarthy, Marxism, movies, Soviet Union, spies at 4:40 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, these are “Red Scare”-era movies. Despite what the liberals say, the Red Scare was very real. There were, in fact, hundreds of communists inside many areas of the U.S. government, and in Hollywood and in the labor unions. Presidents F.D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman both knew about the communist infiltration of America but they did nothing about it. That’s treason. In fact, they aided the communists by not only doing nothing, but by promoting the communists to powerful positions within the U.S. government (e.g., Harry “The Hop” Hopkins, who was called “the second president” due to his awesome power within the Roosevelt administration; Hopkins was good friends with Soviet mass-murderer Joe Stalin!).

The truth is: America came very close to being communized circa 1945/1946. But few people knew it then. Then HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) and Joe McCarthy came along, and the media and Hollywood smeared them so badly that their anti-communist efforts were only partially successful. (At first, HUAC investigated both fascist and communist subversion. Get this: from 1934–1937, the Jewish congressman and Soviet spy, Rep. Samuel Dickstein [D-NY], chaired HUAC! Yes! Shocking. Jews in the government = big trouble, every time. After 1938, HUAC switched directions and focused mainly on the real menace to America, communism. HUAC was renamed in 1969 and it ended in 1975. But HUAC needs to be reformed today, to focus on the insidious Cultural Marxism that currently menaces America on all fronts: government, education, media, Hollywood. In some ways, Cultural Marxism is even more dangerous than regular communism. It’s easier to “sell” to the public; even churches practice CM today! Yep. Your Pastor Jones and your Rev. Smith are commies. So is your Aunt Martha…I saw her reading Che…and to think, she seemed so nice…).

“The Woman on Pier 13” (1949), aka, “I Married a Communist” [Here].

“The Red Menace” (also from 1949; one of the characters is a Jew named Henry Solomon) [Here].

9 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, political persecution, political rights, politics, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites at 2:51 pm | Permanent Link

This trucker situation is hilarious. The harder the (((elites))) push, the worse it gets for them. They don’t realize that they’re grossly outnumbered, and out-brained as well. Populism is rising and the elites cannot stop that. (However, I would caution the populist movement: do not allow the movement to be hijacked by Jews. They will try to hijack the movement in order to derail it, that’s virtually guaranteed. Therefore, Jews must not be allowed into the top positions of the populist movement).

“In both Canada and the U.S., anti-System sentiment is unmistakably rising among the very people the System depends on. In the ongoing Canadian trucker protest, the Left’s hysterical reaction shows that it is not just neurotic but also totalitarian. In the U.S., there are open shows of contempt by U.S. Border Patrol agents aimed at their own superiors. The future of the English-speaking world may depend on what actual workers and frontline military and law enforcement decide to do when they are given unjust orders from corrupt and hostile Regimes.”


9 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Fiasco, mafia at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

Move over, mafia members! You’ve got competition. There’s another syndicate at work.

It seems that Commander Senile directed DOJ to open the private mail of conservatives in Congress. That’s a federal crime [1]. And that’s not the only slippery thing this new crime syndicate has done. It also directed Capitol police to illegally photograph private correspondence (presumably) in a Congressional office [Here].

Do you realize how many years it will take the real president, Donald Trump (when he returns to the White House), to sort through all of the crimes committed by the Biden Administration? Holy cow! It will take 5 years! Maybe 6! In fact, Trump will have to create a whole new branch of the federal government, tasked only with investigating the thousands of crimes that the Biden Gang has committed since Jan. 2021. A staff of 3,000 people will be needed.



[1] Just kidding. Commander Senile has no ability to direct DOJ to do anything anymore. That requires brain-power. Obviously, somebody else is “playing President” and giving illegal orders.