14 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Alfred Rosenberg, National Socialism, nationalism, race, race soul, racial differences, racial hierarchy at 4:35 pm | Permanent Link

(Newbies, Alfred Rosenberg [of Baltic German, French, Estonian and Latvian descent] was the chief racial theorist for the NSDAP/National Socialists in Hitler’s Germany. He was hanged by the “allies” for writing a book called “The Myth of the 20th Century”).

I generally agree with Rosenberg, although I am not at all an expert on the NSDAP.

It seems that Rosenberg took racial things deeper than anyone else had taken them previously; he made the issue of race metaphysical, spiritual, sacred, above-all-else; to Rosenberg, Whiteness was not just genetic but soul-oriented, and I agree: it is! “Soul” here is not used in the Christian religious sense but in “the spiritual core of your being” sense. Your spiritual “aura” or “awareness,” you might say. The “innate feeling of who you are and what you should be.” Rosenberg felt that art could reveal the “race soul” of the person creating the art. A German, for example, would produce different art than a Mexican, due to their different “race souls.” True, it seems.

Rosenberg did have a few whacky ideas about Christianity. Regardless, White people should have nothing to do with any type of Christianity. Avoid it altogether.

Rosenberg said that Whites have a different “race soul” than Blacks, Browns and Jews. If you doubt this, compare Germany with the Congo or Mexico: notice the very different attitudes about everything from art and architecture to food to romance. Whites and non-Whites are very different in every way, and the differences come from deep within them. A White man looks at a beautiful Rembrandt painting and he feels warm and fuzzy all over. He might even get misty-eyed and offer up a tear on his cheek. A negro looks at the same Rembrandt painting and he feels nothing at all. He just grunts, scratches his balls and says, “I’m hungry. Let’s go get some fried chicken!” Negroes lack depth. They “live for the moment” and are easily distracted by food or sex. (Do they even have race souls? I mean, how would you even measure that? Maybe they just copy other Blacks and they don’t have race souls per se).

14 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Fourteenth Amendment, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Reconstruction, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 3:03 pm | Permanent Link

Now you know why honest men are still in jail over the so-called “Jan. 6 insurrection” — more than one year later! They’re rotting in jail on bullshit charges; some of those charges are misdemeanor charges.

It’s all about demonizing Donald Trump/his followers and preventing him from running for president in 2024. Consider: you think Trump was popular before? Just wait until 2024. You ain’t seen “popular” yet. After the Big Biden Nightmare, Trump will be more popular than pizza, ice cream, chocolate, tacos, and sex combined. Man, that’s scary-popular. “Oy vehh! The next Hitler! We must flee to Jerusalem, Moishe! We must flee! He will rally the Whites, Moishe! They love him. He will be filling stadiums with anti-Semites, Moishe!”

The (((elites))) know that it’s “do it now” time. In other words, they must stop populism now. They cannot allow Trumpism to spread like a prairie fire. If it does spread, the elites are doomed, because there are too many populist White people for them to be able to control (there are about 100 million of them, maybe more). The elites can’t “allow” right-wing, anti-government, anti-globalist populism to take root. They need open borders and endless foreign wars. They need “transgender” propaganda and a crappy economy so that White people must borrow money and work 3 jobs. They must wreck White America, and soon. Trump could prevent that.

Trump “killed” traditional, wimpy, Bush-style conservatism, and the elites know that in order for it to be brought back to life, Trumpism must be wiped out for good. Hence the hysterical mania over Trump. (I knew there was something very unusual going on in America when a well-known Jew said in 2019 that the Republican Party must be “burned down” in order to stop Trump’s popularity [1]. That’s a big clue about how Trump is seen by Jews and leftists. They fear him and his 100 million followers. The difference between Trump and other politicians is this: the people liked Ronald Reagan. But the people love Trump. Recall them chanting at one Trump rally, “we love you!” See the difference? The Jews do! The Jews see it clearly and they have nightmares about it. But how ironic that Trump is the best friend Israel ever had! And Trump’s son-in-law is a Jew and his daughter converted! But still they don’t trust Trump. He could have a photo of Hitler in his wallet! Oy, vehh!

Also, how ironic that the 14th Amendment was not even ratified properly. That’s a cold, hard fact. It wasn’t ratified correctly during the crazy days of Reconstruction.

“This January 6 investigation is determined to declare that this was a “violent insurrection” as now Mitch McConnell is doing to prevent Trump from running in 2024.”



[1] the full quote: “We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party. We have to level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again.” (Do what? Vote for Trump, presumably) — Jewish columnist Jennifer Rubin, on the TV show “AM Joy,” August 25, 2019.

14 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in food, food ingredients, food Marxism, health Marxism, health politics, vegans at 1:16 pm | Permanent Link

Go to a mirror. Open your mouth. See those front teeth? Those are incisors. Cutting teeth. There are 8 of them, 4 on top and 4 on bottom; their name originates from the Latin word “incidere” which means “to cut.” Why do you have cutting teeth? To cut meat! Mankind was meant to eat beef, despite your lefty schoolteachers telling you different.

We Americans were told, beginning circa 1980, that “if you eat red meat, bacon and butter, you’ll have high cholesterol levels and you’ll be dead from a heart attack by age 40.” Lies. All lies. Living in America means being lied to by Jewish “health experts” and big corporations who profit from the sales of certain plant-based foods, like margarine (have you ever read the ingredients list on a tub of margarine? Holy cow! (pun intended). There are 93 different chemicals in margarine! Maybe more. Monosodiumdisulfidebenzinehydroxide and many other scary things. Why would you want to eat that junk?


13 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in dogs at 9:02 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a video about dogs.

Some people have said that dogs are too revered and too important in America. For example, a woman will own a dog, but not have a husband/boyfriend.

Is that true? I can see both sides of the argument. Unlike cats, dogs have utility: security and companionship. Plus, dogs have no malice. They aren’t cruel.

13 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts at 6:36 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Now, exactly how is Saddam Hussein defying us? Well, I’ll tell you how. Saddam is saying, “Iraq is our country. It is a sovereign country. It doesn’t belong to the United Nations or to the United States. We’re tired of you people sticking your noses into our business and telling us how to run our country. Get out! Leave us alone! Go away!” And, of course, he’s threatened to shoot down our spy planes if we continue to fly over Iraq without Iraq’s permission.

Pretty intolerable behavior, right? A pretty good reason for us to start another war and bomb Iraq back into the Stone Age, right? (Which America did in 2003). Complete justification for slaughtering a few hundred thousand more Iraqis, right? I mean, what does this guy Saddam think in demanding that we respect the sovereignty of his country? I mean, we’re bigger than he is, and so we don’t have to respect him, right?”


13 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in League of Nations, Leo Pasvolsky, NATO, Russia, Russia Collusion Hoax, Russian Revolution, Russian Revolution of 1905, Russophobia, Ukraine, UN, UN Charter, UN founders at 2:35 pm | Permanent Link

Isn’t it odd how the global Left is worried about Russia, when China is the real threat to the West? “Russia!, Russia!, Russia!” the leftists yell. They’re obsessed with Russia. Hillary tosses around “Russia” daily: “Russia/Trump collusion!” “Russian agents!”

Why the obsession with Russia?

The Jews of the world hate and fear Russia, so everybody else is expected to as well. (If the Jews hate “X” then you must also hate “X” — that’s the way it’s been in the West for two centuries [another example of that is Iran]).

The author of this article (Farkas) is Jewish and her family comes from Hungary, yet, notice that she uses the word “we” a lot in this article — referring to America, a White republic [1]. How is Ukraine America’s business? It’s not, of course.

Also, why does NATO even exist anymore? NATO was created in 1949 — by a Jew — as a hedge against the Soviet Union, which no longer exists [2].

Why does world Jewry hate and fear Russia? Several reasons:

1. The citizens of Russia have been very “Jew-aware” ever since the late 1880s, when Jewish radicals led the Marxist attempts to communize Russia (there were several attempts and the last attempt succeeded in 1917, which created the Soviet Union. Russia remained under communist rule until 1991). So, you can bet that lots of Russians hate Jews, since the Bolshevik murder-machine was heavily-Jewish, and the Jews are aware of that.

2. Russia is the last, large White country that hasn’t been wrecked with Cultural Marxism and non-White immigration. Russia is still very White (it’s roughly 83% “White Russian”).

3. Russia is a nuclear power.

4. Today’s Russians tend to be physically and mentally tough people.

5. You guessed it: Donald Trump: “The surprise election in 2016 of Donald Trump to the White House so disturbed the political class that it was compelled to delegitimize his presidency by alleging that it was due to Russian interference.” [3].

Bottom line: there are actually two bottom lines here:

1. World Jewry has a long history of dragging America into unnecessary wars (e.g., the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the 2003 Iraq War).

2. Ukraine isn’t important enough to America to risk fighting a global war with Russia over.

Quoting the article:

“We Underestimated Putin Once. We Can’t Make That Mistake Again.”

“Donald Trump downplayed Russia’s meddling in our elections” (What? Got proof of that?).

“He (Trump) also questioned the value of NATO, the alliance protecting eastern European states from Russian violations of their sovereignty.”



[1] “Farkas’ Jewish family hails from Hungary.” — Wikipedia, Feb. 2022.

[2] NATO came from Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which was written by the Jewish, U.S. State Department official Leo Pasvolsky (1893-1953). Global government is a “Jewish thing” — indeed, about 60% (sixty percent) of the co-founders of the UN (i.e., besides Pasvolsky) were Jews, even though, in 1945, Jews made up only 2% (yes, two percent) of the Western population. That’s mind-boggling! Also, the League of Nations (which preceded the UN by 25 years) was created on orders from Jewish banking houses such as Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Yet, it is still claimed that the gentiles Woodrow Wilson and Colonel Edward M. House “created the League of Nations.” Yeah, on Jewish orders! (“Colonel” House, an early globalist, was closely connected to the Jewish banking houses).

Interestingly, the U.S. Senate rejected the idea that America join the League of Nations. French ambassador Comte de St. Aulaire, in his book “Geneva Versus Peace” (1937) quoted Jewish banker Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., re: the League of Nations. Kahn said that the League “is our work” (meaning he and the Jewish bankers Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg and Paul Warburg — all of them of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. — were responsible for the creation of the League of Nations in 1920. “If it’s global, it’s full of Jews” said somebody, and he was right).

[3] Editorial “How Russophobia Wrought Death of the United States” at strategic-culture.org, October 23, 2020.

12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Cultural Marxism, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftism is really communism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, political correctness at 8:38 pm | Permanent Link

Under Cultural Marxism, you can offend 5 different “protected groups” in one speech!

Leftist #1: “Oh, my god, she just offended trans people!”

Leftist #2: “She also just offended gay people!”

Leftist #3: “She also just offended Black people!”

Leftist #4: “She also offended midgets!”

Leftist #5: “She also offended people who eat liverwurst!”

Hey! My mother eats liverwurst! Oh, the humanity!

“Adele Accused of Transphobia For Saying She ‘Loves Being a Woman’ at Brits Awards”


12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals as female at 3:08 pm | Permanent Link

So, if you haven’t gotten the toxic Covid jabs, you’re a “piece of shit”?? Hmmm.

The liberal must be “better” than you at all times. He must be “superior” to you. “I’ve been vaccinated for Covid five times! Have you?? No??? Shame on you!! I’m reporting you to the government!!” To be a liberal is to be a child trapped in an adult body. That’s why liberals are vegans: “I don’t eat meat! I’m morally superior to you!” (but they probably eat bacon in private).

News headline: “Democrat strategist James Carville wants to punch any unvaxxed ‘piece of sh*t’ in the face.”


12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Chile, jewed foreign policy, jewed language, jewed politics, Pinochet at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

“Missing” (1982); starring Jack Lemmon. Life in Pinochet’s Chile, told from the Judeo-Left viewpoint, of course. The poor Marxists! They were shot (or “helicoptered”) for trying to communize Chile! Boo-hoo. Those mean anti-communists. How dare they defend Chile!…(*sniff*)…

Perhaps if the radical, Jewish leftist Charles Horman (the “American Jewish filmmaker”) hadn’t traveled to Chile circa 1972 to write pro-Marxist/pro-Allende propaganda, he would still be alive today? Just wondering. Bet he would be [1].

[Video, 2 hours].


[1] “Charles Edmund Lazar Horman was an American journalist and documentary filmmaker. He was executed in Chile in the days following the 1973 Chilean coup d’état led by General Augusto Pinochet, which overthrew the socialist president Salvador Allende.” — Wikipedia, Feb. 2022. More [Here].

12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Announcement Day Story, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 1:06 pm | Permanent Link

Yesterday, I painted a picture for you about why Covid-19 happened. (Titled “Why Covid Happened” Feb. 11).

Today, I’m going to enlarge that picture.

Look at this amazing email, concerning the attempts to de-certify the stolen 2020 election. This email is from Arizona, but it could be from nearly any state in America:

“The bad news? The Decertify resolution is hitting resistance in the House:

Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) criticized state Rep. Mark Finchem’s (R) legislation to decertify the 2020 general election results in three counties on Monday, highlighting a split among the chamber’s Republicans.”

As you can see, some Republicans don’t want to de-certify the stolen election — which was stolen from Republicans! Crazy, right? Insane, right?

It’s not crazy if you grasp what’s really going on.

The elites don’t want Trump, or people like him, to be president. More pointedly, they don’t want Trumpism (right-wing populism) in America at all. Populism can be summed up as: “fighting for the little guy and against the corrupt elites.” Populism can be either right-wing or left-wing, or a mixture of both, e.g. Father Charles Coughlin (who became so popular that the U.S. government “had to” cancel Coughlin’s radio show and his newspaper. Coughlin was “way too popular” to be allowed to continue. You could say that Coughlin “went beyond Left and Right into uncharted territory”).

Why don’t various Republicans want Trumpism/right-wing populism? Because the elites (the billionaires and globalists) have told them, “we don’t want that in America. We want ‘traditional Republicans’ and ‘traditional Democrats.'” In other words, they want George Bush Sr. conservatism and Clinton/Obama liberalism. “Business as usual” in other words: corrupt, white-collar elites in Congress and in the White House.

(I actually don’t think the elites were worried about Trump until “that dark day” (June 16, 2015) when Trump called illegal aliens “criminals” and “rapists” on live TV [1]. No other president had done that before! OMG! New York Jews pooped themselves when he said that! After that, the elites took their gloves off and from then on, the message was “stop Trump at any cost!” But even that didn’t work! Trump still won the election! [Despite him being an “Israel-firster” or maybe even because of that, who knows?]).

Right-wing populism is blue-collar, honest, decent, logical, America-first, anti-immigration, and “screw endless foreign aid.” Think John Wayne, apple pie, Iowa, and so on and so forth. The elites don’t want that, because they can’t control that. That “type of person” is hard to corrupt-and-control. It’s hard to corrupt-and-control honest, decent, logical people. It’s hard to create a Mexico/Canada/USA “North American union” (and that will happen) when populists are in power. It’s hard to wage endless wars when populists are in power (to Trump’s credit, he didn’t wage a war for Israel as some people had feared). It’s tough to create “global man” when populists are in power. Huey Long was assassinated because he was a populist, not a war-monger globalist. The elites wanted Roosevelt in the White House. They wanted war with Germany. Long would have beaten Roosevelt in the next election. The elites couldn’t have that.

The elites will stop at nothing in order to “go back to 1990” (politically speaking). But they don’t realize that they can’t go back, because now, we’ve all seen Trumpism/right-wing populism in action and we know it works great. (Trump had the best economy in 50 years! Even Ronald Reagan couldn’t do that, although Reagan did do a good job, economically-speaking; but make no mistake: Reagan was an elite “conservative” who legalized 3 million illegal Mexicans in 1986; he wasn’t a populist). The elites don’t understand that once the “little people” taste right-wing populism, they can’t un-taste it. They like it and they want more of it. It’s logical. It makes sense. It’s honest. It works well. Period. Conservatism doesn’t make sense most of the time, since it’s not “conserving” anything important (like race!). What did Reagan “conserve”? Yes, he did play a role in the collapse of the Soviet Union but it would have collapsed anyway even without Reagan.

The elite Jews have very sensitive “antennae” about certain things (race, immigration) and Reagan didn’t set their antennae a-twitching, but Trump and his 100 million followers did. If the Jews aren’t happy, then nobody’s happy!


[1] On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump came down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced to the world that he was running for president of the United States. He strongly criticized illegal aliens from Mexico, saying that they bring crime to America (which they do: if you sneak into America illegally, you’re a criminal by default. Illegal Mexicans also engage in identity theft in order to get fake documents, so they can remain in the U.S.). He also called some illegal Mexicans “rapists” (which some, no doubt, are). The media, of course, was shocked and angry at Trump’s comments.