9 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in elections, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals-as-children, politics, socialism, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 12:02 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal #1: “Okay, we have two strategy options for winning the 2020 election. Option 1: we tell the American people the truth: that we’re going to raise their taxes 3,000 percent in order to pay for health care for illegal alie…oops, I mean, undocumented workers. Option 2: we call Donald Trump a ‘racist Nazi hatemonger’ as many times as humanly possible.”

Liberal #2: “Don’t we have any other options?”

Liberal #1: “Nope. That’s all we have. We’re liberals, remember? We don’t have many weapons in the armory. Taxing, name-calling, banning things, that’s about it.”

Liberal #3: “Uhhh, I vote for Option 2.”

Liberal #4: “Yeah, let’s go with Option 2.”


9 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 10:39 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“The part of our message that caused the most distress to the Politically Correct folks at the University of Texas was our warning to White women to stay away from Black males. That upset the Jews and Marxists, of course, because they have been pushing hard to encourage interracial sex. That’s the ultimate cure for the race problem, they claim. When everyone is a mulatto, when we’ve all become the same shade of brown a few generations hence, then there will be no more racism, and we all will live together happily forever after. Well, of course, we expect that sort of poisonous propaganda from the Jews and the Marxists. What is really disappointing is the degree to which this poisonous attitude has taken hold in the university community generally, and also among the general public.

And you know, it’s worse than simply having been taught incorrect information about racial differences. And it’s worse than simply a change of opinion about racial matters. It’s a general softening, a general feminization of public attitudes. American universities not only have been dumbed down in the name of equality; they also have been wimped down. They have been demasculinized.”


8 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'White privilege', anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, anti-White White people, communism, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, race baloney, Race Denial, Socrates at 3:07 pm | Permanent Link

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Wait, here’s some more: ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! The book’s author, Theodore Allen, was a Marxist and he co-invented the now-ubiquitous “White privilege” meme. How can humans be “invented”? The book says “When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there were no ‘white’ people…” (Note: British Whites officially settled in Virginia in 1607, and earlier than that in a piecemeal fashion. So much for Allen’s “facts”).


More about the book Here.

8 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in constitution, constitutional rights, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Socrates at 1:01 pm | Permanent Link

“The Supreme Court has twice ruled in the past 11 years that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual pre-political liberty. That is the highest category of liberty recognized in the law. It is akin to the freedoms of thought, speech and personality.”


8 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

“In ‘The Tragedy and Triumph of Lyndon Johnson’ Joseph Califano describes LBJ’s view of the left wing of his own party. “A liberal is intolerant of other views. He wants to control your thoughts and actions,” Johnson declared.”

It’s strange how liberals got the false description of “tolerant” since they are the most intolerant people on earth — they want to control people from cradle to grave via the government. Look at California: anything that isn’t mandatory is illegal.


8 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in China, EU, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global vs. local/regional, jewed politics, Leo Pasvolsky, NATO, natural law/natural justice, Socrates, sovereignty, UN, UN Charter, UN founders at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

In the old days, all countries had natural, unquestioned sovereignty. They could make their own decisions without interference from other countries or other outsiders. But today, globalist entities are trying to tell countries what they can, and can’t, do [1]. First of all, that’s just morally wrong. International government violates sovereignty and is therefore illegal. Yes, certain treaties exist, but treaties can’t overrule natural sovereignty [2].


[1] globalist entities include the UN, the EU, NATO and, yes, very often America. The idea of global government is largely Jewish, e.g., the UN was founded by Jews, and NATO sprang from the UN Charter. That isn’t surprising, since Jews were the first “international, cosmopolitan people”

[2] China, in my opinion, does not have sovereignty because The People’s Republic of China is a communist country that was created by violence and subversion in 1949. The PRC is therefore not a legitimate entity. Legitimate leaders are usually legally elected or legally appointed, as Adolf Hitler was.

7 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in country music, country music today, Cuntry, Socrates at 11:44 am | Permanent Link

Do you remember when country music was actually country music? Ya know, drinking whiskey and beer, driving your old pickup truck (complete with a gun rack) down the back roads, with George Jones on the radio and your faithful dog Blue sitting next to you, etc.? Neither do I. [Article].

7 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, America's founders, brown crime, brown culture, Brown immigrant arrogance, Brown Man, mass shootings, mass shootings and the media, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican arrogance, Mexican mentality, Mexican-American War 1846-1848, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates, Trump, Trump's border wall, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, Western civilization, Western culture, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

Is America going to have to fight the 1846-1848 Mexican-American War all over again? Numerous Mexicans, including a U.S. congresswoman (!), have boldly said on TV that President Trump “isn’t welcome” in El Paso, an American city that is roughly 80% Mexican. Oh, really?? News flash, Mexicans: America fought a war with Mexico in 1846 and won that war, gaining lots of territory, including Texas. The White republic called “The United States of America” (which was created in 1776 by 118 White men) owns El Paso, and all of Texas, and Arizona, and California, and so on. By the way, how is Trump “responsible” for the El Paso mass shooting but prior presidents aren’t responsible for mass shootings that occurred on their watch? Why is there two standards for responsibility? Once again, we see non-White and leftist politics desperately being used to subvert traditional America. (Trivia: right next door to El Paso is Juarez, Mexico, a city so violent that even the criminals are afraid to go out at night. Mexicans have a lot of balls lecturing White people about violence. Mexico is so violent that 5-out-of-6 of the most-violent cities in the entire world are located in…that’s right, Mexico) [1].


[1] see the news article titled “Five of the Six Most Violent Cities in the World are in Mexico, Report Says” by Kate Linthicum, Los Angeles Times, March 14, 2019

6 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' laws, 'red flag' gun laws, America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, Big Brother, Big Government, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Orwell, Socrates at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

Under unconstitutional “hate crime” laws, one guy went to prison because, before he simply punched a guy during a fight at a party, he called him a “chink” (Asian) first. Instant prison sentence, instant felony record for him.

What happens when “red flag” gun laws over-reach? How many weeks, or months, will it take for you to get your guns back from some government agency? (“I’m sorry, but you didn’t submit Form 5471923, Form 2867449, Form 8662554 and Form 3591112, each of which must be signed by five judges, four psychiatrists and three rabbis by April 4, 2020. That’s two days from now.”). Or will you ever get your guns back? (“Sorry, but we destroy all firearms that aren’t claimed after 30 days. Lack of shelf space, you know.”).

6 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, genocide of White culture, history, History for newbies, mass shootings, mass shootings and the media, media, media control, media-ocracy, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought, Who Rules America? at 12:34 pm | Permanent Link

Would you say “wet water”? No. Would you say “a hard rock”? No. Would you say “hot fire”? Or “cold ice”? Nope. There would be no need to. Why bother stating the obvious — unless you plan to make those things political somehow?

Similarly, there’s no such term as “White supremacy” — as the media uses it: as a vulgar term, as if proud White people have some sort of character defect or some deadly disease. “Oh, my god! He’s a White supremacist! Keep away from him! You could catch something!” White people are the greatest of humans by default. There’s no need to say “supremacy.” Whites gave the world to mankind. Let’s consider some names: Plato. Aristotle. Da Vinci. Michelangelo. Galileo. Newton. Edison. Tesla. Titian. Caravaggio. Bell. And that’s just for starters. Name one great thing that Whites didn’t invent. You nearly can’t. The telephone, the automobile, the bicycle, electricity, the computer, the airplane, the TV set, the air conditioner, the furnace, the radio/stereo, the lightbulb, the camera, the wheelbarrow, the telescope, the clock, the wristwatch, the refrigerator, concrete, dynamite, surveying equipment, the printing press, marine/sea navigation tools, democracy, space travel — Whites created all those things, and mankind would still be living in the Stone Age without White people. And how do the media jerks respond to that? Instead of saying “thank you,” they say “you’re White supremacists!” So, we transform the world and they call us names and try to genocide us.