23 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, IQ, Leo Pasvolsky, Socrates, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, Western aid to the Turd World, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought, White vs. non-White countries, White-culture-as-superior at 12:15 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Leo Pasvolsky, center, smoking a pipe)

Ever since 1945 (the year the United Nations was founded), White people have been expected to save the world [1]. Yup. Each time there is a crisis, anywhere on earth, White people “must” solve the crisis with their money, their man-power, their military, their food, their medicine, etc. Why? If Brown people are “equal” to White people, why do they always need White help?

Why are American (White) tax dollars helping Venezuelans? Why aren’t the Brown nations (like their neighbor Colombia) helping the Venezuelans? Surely Colombia has turned a nice profit from cocaine and coffee sales by now.

Why do Brown people always need White help? You know the answer to that question: because Brown people are semi-retarded. (An important part of human intelligence is identifying and solving problems).


[1] the Jewish, U.S. State Department official Leo Pasvolsky created the UN and, by default, NATO, since it came from Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Besides Pasvolsky, many of the UN’s top co-founders were Jewish communists, e.g., Harry Dexter White, Harold Glasser, Irving Kaplan, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Victor Perlo, Solomon Adler, David Weintraub and Abraham G. Silverman. The UN is basically a Marxist organ and should be called “the JewN”

23 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', Canada, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, human blights, human equality, jewed law, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish genetics, René Cassin, Socrates, UN at 10:25 am | Permanent Link

And to think, no one even knows what a “human right” is! Ask 100 people on the street to define “human rights” and they’ll stammer, “well, uhmmm, they’re…let’s see…they rights that, uhhhh…hmmmm…” Yeah. No one knows what they are because there’s no such thing as “human rights” unless you’re a radical Jew named Cassin who wants to stick it to Whitey.

Anyway, if you’re a human blight (e.g., you’re Black, Brown, queer, have three arms, etc.), then you can spend your life hiding behind human-blights laws. But if you’re a normal person, you have to face the world without special, Marxist laws to help you.


22 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Chile, communism, Marxism, Pinochet at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

A 2012 film by Corporacion 11 de Septiembre. There are many political lessons here. Chile’s prior leader Allende was a vile Marxist posing as a democrat. There are lots of politicians like Allende, all over the world. They will always come to power posing as democrats. This video can be downloaded, before it disappears down the memory hole. For English captions, click “cc” on the bottom right of the video. [Video, captioned, duration is 2 hours].

22 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in genocide, genocide of White culture, New World Order, Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 12:43 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

One of Dr. Pierce’s better radio shows/essays:


“General Wesley Clark, the Clinton gang’s political general in charge of NATO and of the current effort to impose “a new internationalism” on the Serbs using cruise missiles, said it as plainly as anyone. Just a few days ago General Clark enunciated the general philosophy of the New World Order and the specific motivation for the assault on Yugoslavia when he told a CNN reporter, and I quote: “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th-century idea, and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”


21 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, America's founders, America-the-sitcom, democracy, democracy in Athens, democrazy, republic vs. democracy, republican government, Socrates at 2:53 pm | Permanent Link

(The title of this post quotes Black Sabbath’s 1981 song “Mob Rules”; America is now under “mob rule”)

“Law-enforcement agencies can arrest terrorists, but they cannot settle existential arguments about the nature of American democracy.”

Well, there’s the problem! America isn’t a democracy. It’s a White republic founded in 1776 by 118 White men [1]. Only White men could vote or hold public office until rather recently in American history. Granted, America “became” a multicultural democracy circa 1964, but that isn’t what our founding fathers gave us; America is now stunted and shriveled and crippled, like a polio victim. (Note: J.M. Berger, who is mentioned in the article, has strong ties to PBS/NPR, which are left-wing entities).



[1] (a) the definition of a constitutional republic: the country follows the constitution religiously, regardless of which mob of people yells the loudest

(b) the definition of a multicultural democracy: whatever the biggest, loudest mob of people wants, it gets (e.g., abortion on demand); nearly anything goes, regardless of what the constitution says; 50% of America’s laws are unconstitutional, e.g., the 1996 Lautenberg anti-gun law, and “hate crime” laws

21 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', brown culture, Brown Man, civilization/civilized, Socrates, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 11:35 am | Permanent Link

Two of the roughly one dozen features needed for a race of people to be considered “civilized” are: the use of the wheel, and a written language (another feature is the use of a calendar) [1]. Whites had a written language at least as early as ancient Greece. (Whites — i.e., the Greek poet Homer — created the first novel). But many Black and Brown people had neither the wheel or a written language as late as 1930. The Apache Indians, even today, have no written language, only a few pictographic symbols developed in 1904, which look like hieroglyphics. My god, that’s ridiculous! What if you want to write a letter to your sister about politics? Is there a hieroglyphic symbol in Apache for “Donald Trump”? Nope. It never occurred to these people to create an actual, written language. Real sophisticated people, they are…


[1] features of a “civilized” culture include: the presence of the wheel, a written language, a calendar, simple arithmetic, money, use of weights for measuring, use of iron ore/metalworking capability, use of simple mechanical devices (e.g., a hinge), permanent settlements, roads and monumental architecture

20 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, America the White nation, America's founders, America-the-sitcom, constitution, constitutional rights, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed law, Lautenberg, Lautenberg Act, Socrates at 2:31 pm | Permanent Link

Do you really think that America’s founders would want White men to lose their rights over misdemeanor laws? There’s no way they would want that.

You already lose your gun rights over one such law, thanks to Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg’s 1996 anti-gun law. Now, Jewish lawmakers such as Jerrold Nadler want to make another such law, the “Disarm Hate Act.” (Why hasn’t the Lautenberg law been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court? The Lautenberg law is an ex post facto law, meaning that if you were convicted of a misdemeanor way back in 1962, the law would still apply to you and you therefore cannot legally own a gun, ever. Ex post facto law is illegal in America).

Isn’t it funny how no one ever mentions the fact that one ethnic group (Jews) has led the anti-gun movement in Congress?


20 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", America-the-sitcom, Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Civil Rights Act of 1968, Cultural Marxism, jewed Congress, jewed law, private property, Socrates at 11:41 am | Permanent Link

State official: “Well, yes, they may be violent, smelly, drug-dealing illegal aliens who carry weapons and assault people, but nonetheless, by law, you must rent to them. All humans are equal under the law, regardless of race, sex, creed, nationality or body odor! No exceptions!”

Virginia’s 1972 Fair Housing Act is based on the federal, Jewish-created, 1968 Fair Housing Act, which mandates that you, White man, must rent homes and apartments to violent negroes and Mexicans, whether you want to or not. [1]. What about my private-property rights, you may ask? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! This is America. Housing Marxism trumps your private-property rights.



[1] the Civil Rights Act of 1968, aka the Fair Housing Act, came from House bill HR2516 and was introduced into Congress by the Jewish Representative Emanuel Celler in mid-January 1966. Celler also chaired House subcommittee #5, which considered HR2516 (that subcommittee had jurisdiction over civil-rights bills, giving Celler much leverage in the creation of civil-rights legislation during the 1960s)

20 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, BDS, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Jewish lies, Jewish paranoia, Kissinger, Sinai II agreement, Socrates, Zionism at 10:28 am | Permanent Link

The myth: “The BDS movement wants to use boycotts to destroy Israel!”

The fact: Israel can never be destroyed financially, because America funds and protects Israel via a special 1975 law (Germany also funds Israel, to a much lesser extent, via endless Holocaust reparations payments) [1]. This lie about the possible “destruction of Israel” via BDS is more proof that the Jews are habitual, paranoid liars.


[1] the 1975 Sinai II agreement, created by the Jewish diplomat Henry Kissinger, ensures that America will protect Israel in any way, at any cost. It’s a “lifetime” agreement, renewed periodically, that has harmed America in so many ways: financially, politically, militarily

19 August, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, American cities, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, evolution vs. revolution, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, liberals-as-children, Socrates at 11:11 am | Permanent Link

Simply put, if taken to its logical conclusion, liberalism/leftism will destroy America in many different ways. Liberalism is not an evolutionary ideology. It isn’t even an ideology per se. It’s a revolutionary movement. A revolution. An overthrow. Destruction of the existing order. And anything so dangerous must be banned by federal law as being “harmful and destructive to America.” If liberalism isn’t banned by a bill in Congress, then it must be banned by an executive order from the president.

Here are a few ways that liberalism will destroy America:

1. It will bankrupt America (just look at the “Green New Deal” which will cost over a trillion dollars).

2. It will lead to massive lawlessness (after all, liberalism basically amounts to “just ignore any laws that you don’t agree with”).

3. It will lead to massive health crises (look at California already, with its rats and homelessness; some of the rats have bubonic plague and the bums have e. coli).

4. It will lead to massive social disorder, and from that will spring untold mental-health and social crises.

5. It will lead to massive legal and illegal immigration, with too many immigrants for America’s government agencies, social services and infrastructure to handle.

Have you seen the 1973 movie “Soylent Green”? That’s just what America will be like if liberalism is allowed to continue unchecked. Why would anyone want to allow liberalism to continue, given what awaits our country if it does? Make no mistake: this isn’t just a matter of “differing Left-wing/Right-wing opinions and ideas.” This goes far beyond mere politics.