17 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, Global Man, globalization, Great Reset, New World Order, NWO, One World, One People and Free Tacos for Everybody!, The Great Replacement (TGR), The Great Reset at 2:38 pm | Permanent Link

A very complex document. Talks about Covid-19, the Great Reset, etc. Names names. Have not yet read it. This is Marxism-with-a-briefcase. Suit-and-tie communism. Bolsheviks in private jets, eating caviar. Same totalitarianism as in 1917, but in a different bottle. Think “Trotsky with a computer and a cell phone.” Neo-Leninism. Got it now, newbies?

[a .PDF file, 169 pages].

17 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, false flags, false-flag operations, Trudeau at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

And to think, all this nonsense is over a virus that is no worse than the flu, a virus that most people are largely immune to (i.e., most people show no, or few, symptoms when they have it, and they recover on their own). This is not about health. This is about controlling the people of Canada.

A question for doubters of a “Covid-19 conspiracy”: now, after 2 years, the Western world would have herd immunity to Covid. Natural immunity. Because most people would have already gotten Covid and recovered. So over 90% of the people would be immune to Covid by now. So, why do we still need “the jabs”? Of course, the “experts” are going to lie and say, “no, no, natural immunity can’t be achieved with Covid”; in the early days of Covid, the “experts” talked about herd immunity, but today they don’t. Odd, isn’t it? This assumes, of course, that Covid even exists; how would we know? It may be just another type of flu, from Asia. There are about 400 types of flu, it seems.

Here’s an interesting quote about Trudeau and who his top advisers are: “Stephen Bronfman, heir to the Seagram fortune” is a “senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau.” Bronfman is a member of the very wealthy, and Jewish, Bronfman family [Here]. It sure seems like a lot of world leaders are advised by wealthy Jews, doesn’t it? Another quote: “Stephen Bronfman is not only a key aide to Mr Trudeau, he is a close friend and was central to his rise to power.” [Here].

[Transcript and video].

16 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday, William Pierce's ADV broadcasts, World War II at 5:39 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.

(Myth: Hitler declared war on America in December 1941. Fact: that’s only partly true. President Roosevelt declared (de facto) war on Germany 3 months before Hitler declared war on America in response to that. Roosevelt’s insane September 11, 1941 “shoot on sight” order against German ships was a declaration of war, because sooner or later, America was going to “see” a German vessel and shoot at it — Ed.).


“These lies are that the Second World War was a “necessary” war — that
is, that there was no way we could have avoided it — and that it was a
“good” war — that is, a morally justified war. We were forced to fight
Germany in order to protect America. We could not have stayed out of the
war or fought on the other side, because that would have been immoral.
The other side was evil. We fought against evil. By destroying Germany
and Hitler we saved the world, Hollywood tells us. We saved freedom. We
saved the world from slavery and tyranny. Hitler was an evil man, the
most evil man who has ever lived, and with his evil SS troops he
intended to enslave the world and destroy everything beautiful and good.
But we stopped him. We saved America. We saved the world.

That’s Hollywood’s unvarying story, and it’s a lie: an extremely
dangerous and destructive lie. But unfortunately, it is a lie which is
accepted unquestioningly, uncritically, by almost everyone, and not just
by the lemmings.”


16 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Social Credit system, The Great Replacement (TGR), The Great Reset at 3:41 pm | Permanent Link

What was the Russian expert just saying (in today’s other post)? Here’s more proof that he’s right about Covid-19 being designed as a political weapon, as part of a global plan:

Video: “Western nations are copying China’s social credit system with vaccine passports, activist warns” [Video, 17 minutes; see beginning at the 9-minute mark; please ignore the Hitler remarks before that].

(Old saying: “I know the truth when it bites me.”)

16 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, election fraud, elections, genocide, genocide by jew, Genocide Convention, genocide of White culture, Nuremberg II, Nuremberg trials, The Great Replacement (TGR), The Great Reset, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, vote fraud, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

A Russian expert: “Trump broke the transition to a post-capitalistic (neo-socialist) system.” [1][2]. So that’s why they had to steal the 2020 election and “coup” our President Donald Trump! It keeps coming back to Trump, as I have said before. No wonder they were pushing the Covid-19 vaccines and lockdowns so hard! No wonder the Covid mandates “made no sense.” No wonder the attempts to de-certify the 2020 election “go nowhere.” Even Republicans block the de-certification. Suddenly it all makes sense. Marching orders came down from 30 global elites. Billionaires. Right, George? Right, Bill? (Does Covid-19 even exist? I’ve never met anyone who has had Covid. A nurse (!) told me the same thing. Where are all of these “Covid cases”?).

Two big take-aways from what this Russian expert said:

1. Covid-19 was part of a global plan to destroy White Western culture as we know it. The plan would have wiped out blue-collar and white-collar Western culture and created a two-tiered, neo-socialist system: the elites on top and “everybody else” on the bottom. Key to this plan was to create a society that was “atomized” (a society broken into small fragments [and the nuclear family destroyed], with no values, no cohesion, just a “herd of mouth-breathing bipeds”). In plain English: the plan would have killed off White society as we know it by creating neo-socialism, complete with a “social-credit system” similar to China’s. This was attempted genocide. Note that genocide is an international crime, as outlined by the UN’s 1948 Genocide Convention. The U.S. government and all European governments signed and ratified the Genocide Convention. It’s an actual crime against humanity.

2. This was a global conspiracy of staggering proportions. So there must be another Nuremberg Trial. A dozen trials, in fact. Only this time, the court will be legitimate and legal. Hopefully, the trials will be televised for the whole world to see.

[Video, 1 hour].


[1] The Russian expert is Andrey Fursov: Historian, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences Izborsk Club, Russia. Associate professor, the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University. Editor-in-chief of the Oriental and African Studies journal. Supervisor of Fursov’s School of Analysis, Moscow University for the Humanities.

[2] I’d like to say that the above information surprises me, but it actually doesn’t: There has been a “war on White people” going on for a long time, since at least 1960, and some would date the beginning of the war much earlier than that. (One more thing: it seems likely that the global plan outlined above was due to be started later on, in 2023 or 2024. But the plan was started earlier because Trump’s being elected, and re-elected, caught the elites by surprise. They had to act too quickly and that’s why it didn’t work, that’s why it was half-baked).

15 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, jewish atrocity fantasies, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies at 8:50 pm | Permanent Link

There are many “whys” surrounding The Holocaust (trademarked/patent applied for). One big “why” is: why bother to tattoo people who were going to be “gassed” in 2 weeks or even earlier? Why bother? Indeed, why waste millions of dollars during a world war trying to “exterminate” 2 percent of the German population (Jews)? Why bother? Why not wait until after the war to deal with this tiny group of people? It makes no sense. No sense at all. The Germans were known for their logical, step-by-step thinking. It’s very odd that they would waste so much time and effort on a tiny group of people during a war (and to think, after 4 years of “gassings” the Germans didn’t even come close to wiping out the Jews! They must not have been trying very hard. Good, old starvation could have killed all of the imprisoned Jews in the Third Reich in roughly 2 years, and surely the Germans knew that after watching Joe Stalin do the “murder by starvation thing” successfully — and without any prisons! — in 1932 Ukraine; at least 5 million Ukrainians died in that famine. Why bother with toxic gasses and “ovens” and tattoos and so forth when simply withholding food works better and is much, much less expensive and labor intensive? The Holocaust, as we “know” it, is a Jewish fantasy. A lie. A news photo of “a pile of bodies at the WXYZ concentration camp” proves nothing other than that’s actually what happened: death by starvation. “The allies” bombed the German supply lines and some people in the German concentration camps starved to death as a result, and ironically it was quite by accident).


15 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in White media, White philosophy, White thought at 6:06 pm | Permanent Link

15 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Hollywood, Hollywood and pedophilia, Jewed entertainment, pedophilia at 4:10 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish Hollywood and kiddie-diddling are linked together like peanut butter and jelly. Like pancakes and maple syrup. Like negroes and fried chicken. If you’re a child actor, your chances of being sexually molested by a Hollywood insider are 80%.

Bottom line: Hollywood is full of Jewish (and a few non-Jewish) child-molesters and has been for decades. The entertainment industry seems to attract strange, abnormal people. (Sexual abuse “stunts” children. They will never be normal after the abuse. They are ruined forever and will spiral downward into drug use, alcoholism, suicide, etc.).

[Video; 1 hour, 30 minutes].

More [Here].

15 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "Founding Fuck-Ups", jewed culture, jewed economics, Jewed labor, jewed politics, labor, labor unions, mafia at 2:57 pm | Permanent Link

“Norma Rae” (1979), starring Sally Field; a pro-labor-union movie.

Why did 60% of American jobs go overseas? Labor unions. Why did the auto industry collapse in 2009? Labor unions. (General Motors going bankrupt was the biggest manufacturing collapse in U.S. history. It cost $11 billion dollars to bail out GM. Paying a union worker $30 dollars an hour to put nuts onto bolts doesn’t make sense, they discovered too late).

Unions ruined America. Unions do two bad things: they increase the costs of goods and services, and they artificially shrink the labor pool. Both are bad for America. The Rust Belt? It exists because of unions. Circa 1965, America made everything from screwdrivers to pens to pocketknives to golf clubs. Today, America makes almost nothing. We must import almost everything. Not good.

Unionism is “communism writ small.” Unionism cancels private-property rights in favor of communistic “labor rights” (most of which don’t even exist). Unionism means “20 union members cancel your private-property rights.” Your right to own and run a store, a restaurant, etc. Communism in the workplace. (America’s founders believed strongly in private property. Read their writings. Sadly, the Founding Fuckups [I don’t recall who coined that] did not spell out those property rights in detail in the Constitution! The Fifth Amendment’s “takings clause” is not nearly enough and they should have known that! There are many things that should have been spelled out in the Constitution, but for some reason they weren’t).

Jews founded the labor union movement. Which isn’t surprising. Jews have spent decades pitting “People A” against “People B” and labor unions are a great way to do that.

America’s labor union movement was built by Jews such as: Samuel Gompers, Sidney Hillman, David Dubinsky, Rose Schneiderman, Ralph Helstein, Lillian Herstein, Abraham Cahan, B. Charney Vladeck, Jacob S. Potofsky, Arthur J. Goldberg (a legal strategist and negotiator for Big Labor), and Bill and Jackie Presser. Hillman perfected the fine art of using unions as a political weapon, which is why liberal Democrats controlled America for decades; in some places in America, it was literally impossible for an anti-union politician to get elected. Worse, the unions were full of communists and mafia members, so they were very corrupt. Not good. (For decades, the mafia controlled New York City due largely to controlling all of the labor unions).

“Norma Rae” was directed by a Jew, Martin Ritt, and written by two Jews, Irving Ravetch and Harriet Frank Jr. Those three Jews worked together often and collaborated on eight movies. How un-shocking that the union activist in the movie is also a Jew (played by Jewish actor Ron Leibman). In the movie, we learn that Jews don’t “have horns.” But I thought they did! What about the “666” sign, like in “The Omen”?? No sixes, either??

[Movie; video; 2 hours].

14 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 6:39 pm | Permanent Link

It must be just a Cohencidence that comedian/actor Bob Saget got his 3rd “Covid-19 jab” just before he fell and cracked his skull, which killed him. It must be just a Cohencidence. Like that female comedian who recently collapsed onstage during a stand-up performance, just after getting her 3rd Covid jab.

Merely Cohencidences. “Nothing to see here, move along, move along…keep moving…”
