6 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'transgender', Cultural Marxism, gender Marxism, gendercrap, jewed culture, leftism, leftists, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, Socrates, trannies, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:56 pm | Permanent Link

Oh, boy! I think I’ll return to my original sex, too. But there’s one problem: today, there are 83 different “genders” and I don’t remember which gender I was; you have to know that before the doctors slice-and-dice you. Hmmmm. Was I a demi-gender? A demi-boy? A demi-girl? A poly-gender? A gender-fluid? A trans-binary-boy? A semi-demi-boy? A demi-binary-girl? A binary-third-sex? A questioning-semi-binary boy? A boy/girl queer boy? A queer gender-fluid-fourth-sex? A trans-boy/girl hermaphrodite? An inter-gender? A novi-gender? Darn it. Hey, Alex, do you remember what gender I was? Oh, golly, how embarrassing…


“The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision.”


6 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Castro, communism, Cuba, Marxism, Pinochet, Socrates, Videla at 10:53 am | Permanent Link

Young Americans set sail to communist Cuba. I couldn’t do it. Can you imagine having difficulty getting fresh water? Or a potato? My god! Wasn’t communism supposed to be a worker’s paradise? Where’s the “paradise”? I’m not seeing it.

Some years ago, I read a book written by a woman who grew up in communist Cuba. Later, for some reason, she was able to immigrate to America. In her book, she told all about her life in Cuba. The communist government there gives each household a food ration booklet (here’s one). Those booklets allow each household to buy “x” amount of food per month at government-run food stores. But, if you displease the communist government, in any way, the government will lower your food rations. So now your family has less food to eat. This is how they control people in Cuba [1]. Also, people “snitch” on their neighbors in order to get into the good graces of the communist government. So not only must you fear the communist government, you must also fear your neighbors. (I’ve heard of citizens in Cuba, with tears in their eyes, pleading with tourists or Western government officials to help them flee Cuba because they can’t tolerate communism anymore). It’s a sick, creepy, scary life in Cuba. Be thankful that you live in America, White man. (It should anger you that the “international community” never calls for the Castro brothers to be charged with “human rights abuses” (murders, tortures, persecutions, etc.); that same community demanded that Chile’s Augusto Pinochet and Argentina’s Jorge Videla be imprisoned for the same crimes, but the Castro brothers remain untouched, as if they have angels guarding them. Granted, Fidel died in 2016. When you’re a communist, you can literally get away with murder! By the way, the Cuban government is illegal. The Castros weren’t legally elected or legally appointed. Contrast that to Hitler, who was legally appointed by president Paul von Hindenburg in 1933!).

[Video, duration is 18 minutes].


[1] communist China under Mao also used to control the citizens by limiting their food availability

5 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, black icons, music, pop culture, Socrates, tv, TV culture, tv shows at 3:14 pm | Permanent Link

As Lovey Howell from Gilligan’s Island: “How does one become a Snoop Dogg, anyway? Does one become a dog first and then a snoop second, or can one become a snoop first before becoming a dog later? Really, it’s all terribly confusing…”

Her husband, Thurston Howell III: “You’re overthinking it, Lovey. Just be a good citizen and don’t ask questions. It’s easier that way!”


5 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, judges, judicial system, kritarchy, Obama, Socrates, Supreme Court, Trump, Trump and Making America Great Again, Trump's policies, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 2:33 pm | Permanent Link

In the old days, Congress and state legislatures made the laws. Today, unelected judges make the laws. What is a judge? A lawyer who wears a robe. (One of the federal judges who was appointed by Barack Obama had never sat on a judicial bench before. But wait, it gets better: her name is Elena Kagan, a U.S. Supreme Court justice! Yes. She had never sat on a bench before being appointed to the Supreme Court. Only in modern America could a Black president appoint a Jew with no experience to the highest court in the land!).


“Many Americans thought they were getting real change when they elected Donald Trump president on a platform of immigration restriction. In the teeth of Ruling Class hysteria, it’s still hard to believe that he was actually elected. Yet it almost didn’t matter. Judges have continuously overruled his policy decisions, seemingly out of spite.”


5 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', Africa, African slavery, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, Black IQ, Black mentality, college, educated morons, education, racial awareness among Whites, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, universities, War On White People at 12:34 pm | Permanent Link

An observation: it amazes me that, in this War On Whitey era, some White people still care about what Black people think — they’ll say to themselves, “I better call them ‘African-American’ instead of ‘Black.’ They seem to prefer that.” I mean, you’ve got to be kidding. Blacks are the most worthless people in human history, a failed race (just look at Africa), yet White people are worried about offending them! [1]. If you’re really worried about offending Blacks, you’ve got a huge problem, White man — even Carl Jung couldn’t help you. (Interesting trivia: I’ve noticed that college-educated Whites seem to be much more concerned about offending Blacks than blue-collar, no-college Whites. “Higher education,” huh? Why do they call it that?).

[1] anything “advanced” in Africa (e.g., highways, bridges, telephone lines) were installed/made by Whites, not by Blacks

5 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, China, China as a global superpower, Chinese communism, communism, Harry Dexter White, Marxism, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Sandy Berger, Socrates, Soviet Union at 11:53 am | Permanent Link

America, the, uhhhm, uhhhh, anti-communist country, sometimes.

Lemme get this straight: America is the “world’s foremost anti-communist country.” We fought communists in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Cuba (sort of), and Nicaragua (sort of, under Ronald Reagan). We hate the red scum, right? Right?? We even told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, and he did (well, sort of)! Yet, the U.S. has been helping communist China become a global powerhouse since at least 1993; you’d think that China was America’s good friend. Gee, what a pal.

America, pull your head out of your ass. Either you oppose communist thuggery, or you don’t. Which is it? China is still a communist country, run by the Chinese communist party. The fact that China allows some state capitalism in order to enrich itself doesn’t change that fact. Why do we play nicey-nice with mass murderers?

The loss of China in 1949 to the communists was catastrophic to the Western world. Blame the idiots who served under crippled commie F. D. Roosevelt, most of them Jews, communists or communist sympathizers: Harry Dexter White, Solomon Adler (both were Jews), Owen Lattimore and Dean Acheson. And another Jew, Philip Jaffe, a communist and the publisher/editor of Amerasia magazine, which was read mostly by government employees, especially at the State Department.

[Article] and [Article].

4 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, France, media, media cases, media control, Muslims, Muslims in Europe, Socrates at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

Re: Mickaël (aka Michael) Harpon, the apparent Paris police department stabber; his apparent photo is here.

How interesting: you can search the web but find usually only his first name listed, and, only one grainy photo of the deaf, light-skinned Black, Muslim suspect.

4 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America's founders, America's future, America-as-a-global-policeman, America-the-sitcom, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, globalization, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 10:49 am | Permanent Link

I don’t have a crystal ball to peer into in order to foretell America’s future — who knows what that future might hold? But if I did have such a device, here’s what I might see:

The year is 2040, the place is somewhere in America:

Radio announcer: “This dramatic news has just come into the station: the governors of ten Western and Midwestern states have just announced that they have formed a union of their states, and, that that union will “divorce” itself from America, effective tomorrow. The governors say, in part, that “America is going over a cliff and we will not follow her over it.” Their proclamation seems a bit racist and isolationist, as all of the governors in question are White men, and furthermore, they say that multiculturalism, globalism and big-government policies are killing America. I have the proclamation that they have released, and I’ll be reading parts of it after this commercial break.

“Folks, this proclamation by the ten governors is so dramatic and controversial that I will read you not just parts of it but the entire document. Here it is:


“We, the governors of Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, and Nebraska, issue the following proclamation on this day of July 3, 2040:

America is going over a cliff and we will not follow her over it.

We, meaning our ten states, are opting out of America. We are “divorcing” ourselves from the U.S.A. The policies of the federal government are killing our republic as surely as strychnine kills a rat. Policies such as multiculturalism, globalism, Cultural Marxism, Zionism, debt-money, and endless military aggression overseas have bankrupted and destroyed our republic. America’s founders gave us a constitutional, White republic, but America is now an unconstitutional, dysfunctional, crime-ridden, debt-ridden, multicultural “mob-ocracy” where anything goes; we are a new Babylon, a sick society where wrong is right and down is up.

For us, it’s time for a do-over. We, as governors, feel obligated to return our citizens to the ideas and values that made the old America great, and we must turn our backs on the ideas and values that have made the new America a violent, multicultural, immoral, dysfunctional, debt-ridden, Zionist absurdity.

Effective tomorrow, July 4, 2040 at 7:00 AM EST, our ten states will become one state, a White republic which will be guided by Western values and beliefs. Our new republic will be called The Union of the West, or UW for short. Our new union will follow good, wholesome laws, using good, wholesome logic, and it will be using good, wholesome money as well, which it will issue.

Make no mistake: this isn’t a civil war declaration of any sort. This is instead a breaking-away declaration.

Our new republic will appoint a president, a vice-president and a legislature within days, and it will produce a written constitution shortly.

Signed, the interim leaders of
The Union of the West”

1 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish democracy, Jewish genetics, Jewish history, Jewish intermarriage, New York Shitty, New York Times, police, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:58 pm | Permanent Link

The New York Times, which has been Jewish-owned-and-controlled since 1896 when Adolph Simon Ochs took control of it, is called “America’s newspaper of record” since many nationwide newspaper articles originate from it [1]. Both Purnell and Stahly-Butts, the authors of the controversial NYT op-ed, are Black. Two news quotes about the op-ed are here: “I feel like, in this country, it has gone too far,” the former Tucson, Ariz., police officer told “Fox & Friends First.” You, too, huh?? I’ve felt that way for decades. Maybe you’re catching up. “The piece, entitled: “The Police Can’t Solve the Problem. They Are the Problem,” was written by attorneys Derecka Purnell and Marbre Stahly-Butts and focuses on the 1994 crime bill signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton.” When last I checked, the police didn’t make laws. They enforced laws that were previously made by jerkoffs and assholes in the state legislatures or in the Congress; that comment isn’t defending cops, that’s merely pointing out fun legal facts.



[1] The New York Times is owned by The New York Times Company, which is controlled by the Jewish Sulzberger family. After Adolph Ochs died, another Jew, Arthur Hays Sulzberger (his son-in-law) took over, and he was succeeded by another Jew, Orvil Dryfoos (whose mother was Florence Levi), who was succeeded by still another Jew, Arthur Ochs “Punch” Sulzberger Sr. The current publisher of the NYT is Arthur G. Sulzberger, who took over from his father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., who is also chairman of The New York Times Company

30 September, 2019

Posted by Socrates in anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, black arrogance, black behavior, brown culture, Brown Man, Cultural Marxism, Socrates, War On White People at 2:07 pm | Permanent Link

(Thanks to VNN Forum member Paul for this):

“Remember, it’s never one more thing, it’s always a continuing process. Every time White people agree to one of these demands, the anti-Whites move on to the next complaint and demand. I call these anti-Whites “the ABCs” because all they do is Accuse, Blame, Criticize and Complain. Get it? The ABCs. It’s never meant to reach a conclusion or a solution. This is just what they do. Some of them actually do it for living and get paid for it.”

(Indeed, that’s the whole non-White program in the West: Accuse, Blame, Criticize and Complain, and then move on to the next round of Accuse, Blame, Criticize and Complain. White people can possibly counter that by asking: “Is that all you people can do? Accuse, Blame, Criticize and Complain? Why don’t you people try doing something constructive for a change? Like, get jobs? Stop taking drugs? Stop stealing our things, robbing our stores, and getting arrested? Why is it our fault that you people are losers?”).