26 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in guns and gun issues, Socrates at 11:11 am | Permanent Link

If you own a gun, you must own ammunition for it. Without ammo, a gun is a paperweight.

Every gun “prefers” a certain brand and type of ammo. If your gun “likes” Brand X 155-grain semi-jacketed hollowpoint ammo, then use that brand/type whenever possible. If you gamble on a different brand/type of ammo, you may discover, all too late, that your gun doesn’t function well with it. Some brands of ammo have too-hard primers, or they are under-powered, or over-sized, and so forth. Stick with ammo that you know works.

Don’t store ammo in a hot place (e.g., in an attic in Arizona). Heat kills ammo. The ammo will degrade and it will be smoky and sooty when you shoot it off. “I can’t see the target for the smoke, and my gun is jammed after only 10 rounds!” you’ll scream. It’s a bummer. Store ammo in a cool, dry place and date each box of ammo with a pen so that you know when you bought it. Ammo will last a long time, but it won’t last forever; 25 years is probably the limit of its “dependable” shelf life (granted, 50-year-old ammo will usually still work, but it may not be dependable). Keep a notebook that lists “which gun prefers which ammo” if you own more than one gun.

25 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Ana Pauker, communism, France, Franco, history, History for newbies, Hungary, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Marx, Romania, Socrates, Soviet Union, Spain, Spanish Civil War at 4:01 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: British leftists who volunteered to travel to Spain to fight with the “republicans” against General Franco. Note the hammer-and-sickle flag. Yeah, sure, “republicans” they were!).

Notice that the bodies of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Rakosi, Pauker and the rest of the commies have not been moved. Only Franco was moved, in order to “distance” him from his Marxist (oops, I mean republican) “victims” [1]. In other words, it’s just more political trouble being caused by the Left. Note: Franco saved Spain from turning communist (oops, I mean republican) in 1939 by winning the Spanish Civil War. If Spain had fallen to the communists, France — which is next door to Spain — would have been next. Leftists are evil people. (Did you know that, during the Spanish Civil War, the leftists murdered priests and raped/murdered nuns? Yep. Nice people! Franco was a Boy Scout compared to the leftists).



[1] in this case, a “republican” means “a Soviet-backed Marxist trying to bag Spain.” Most of the Soviet advisers in Spain were Jews

25 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, California, demography, demography-as-destiny, Socrates at 10:22 am | Permanent Link

(Granted, talking about this subject is sort of like talking about the Titanic, but still…). This podcast raises good questions about demographics. California and other states changed due to leftists moving into those states (thereby destroying each state they entered). How do you keep the assholes out of a conservative state? How do you keep the big cities from becoming more liberal than the smaller towns and thereby dominating everything politically/economically? [Audio podcast, duration is 34 minutes].

24 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in music, rock music, rock music industry, Socrates at 4:44 pm | Permanent Link

Good rock concert. Yes, the lead singer of the Ramones was a Jew, but the main songwriter (Dee Dee Ramone, real name Douglas Colvin) was a gentile. So it all evens out, doesn’t it? [Video, duration is 26 minutes]

24 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in federal government, federal informants, federal prisons, Matt Hale, Socrates, War On White People, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 1:11 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Matt Hale circa 1996)

Had 48-year-old Illinois attorney Matt F. Hale been an average man, he wouldn’t be in prison today. But since he is a “White supremacist leader,” he is spending 40 years behind bars. And for the same reason, no court will dare to free Hale on appeal. All “White supremacist leaders” belong behind bars, you see.

According to the U.S. government, during a meeting in December 2002, Hale, the leader of a pro-White group then called the World Church of the Creator, ordered his security chief, an FBI informant named Tony Evola, to kill a federal judge named Joan Lefkow. But there’s a big problem with the Hale case. There is no evidence that Hale ordered anyone to commit a murder. None. To the contrary: Hale is heard on audiotape not telling anyone to commit murder. That’s right: You can search the government’s “evidence” against Hale yourself but you’ll find no instance of Hale ordering anyone to commit a violent crime, or any crime.

The federal government’s case against Hale rests almost entirely on Hale saying the following to the FBI informant, a statement which was, again, recorded on audiotape: Hale: “if you wish to, ah, do anything yourself, you can, you know?” That’s 99.99% of the government’s case against Hale. Note that the words “you” and “yourself” refer to Evola, not Hale. In other words, Hale, on the tape, was allowing Evola “if he wished to” to decide on any course of action by himself. Regarding those words, they could mean nearly anything. For example, they could refer to dumping trash on Lefkow’s lawn, sending her angry letters, etc. Those words prove absolutely nothing. As used against Hale, those words are legally worthless – ask any good lawyer [1]. The case against Hale is a giant nothing-burger without any french fries.

Furthermore, the jury in the Hale trial was only half-White, meaning Hale was not judged by his peers but was judged by people who likely had bad feelings towards him. Also, the jury was allowed by the judge, for some reason, to hear clearly prejudicial information (ironically from Hale himself, on audiotape) about one of Hale’s very violent underlings, World Church of the Creator member Benjamin Smith, who shot two non-Whites and wounded nine others in 1999, but who nonetheless had nothing to do with the Hale/Lefkow case; in fact, Smith was long dead by the time Hale is alleged to have ordered the Lefkow killing; one juror in the Hale case later admitted that Smith’s prior “dirty deed” had “rubbed off” onto Hale! [2]. The government was, at that time, on a nationwide crusade against the World Church of the Creator due almost solely to Smith’s violent actions.

Interestingly, Hale was persecuted by the government even before the Lefkow case: he was denied a law license in Illinois based upon his political/racial beliefs. Of course, had Hale been an antifa, a “transsexual” or a Marxist, a law license would have been quickly presented to him.

Matt Hale is in prison solely because he’s a “White supremacist leader.” On that December day in 2002, the FBI informant went to meet Hale, face to face, on the FBI’s orders, in order to record Hale’s words on audiotape. That fact alone is problematic because the informant could be seen as “fishing for certain comments” from Hale (see below) in order to please the FBI and to seal a criminal case against Hale; the FBI paid the informant $72,000 dollars for his actions against Hale.

The government’s case against Matt Hale is so flimsy, so desperate that it should have been thrown out by a federal appeals court years ago, but it wasn’t because Hale is a “White supremacist leader.” They should all be in prison, you know.


[1] For proper context, here are both sides of that conversation, according to the Chicago Tribune:

“We gonna exterminate the rat?” Evola asked in reference to Lefkow.
“Ah, my position’s always been that…I’m gonna fight within the law and but, ah, that information’s been…provided,” Hale was quoted as replying. “If you wish to, ah, do anything yourself, you can, you know?”
“So that makes it clear,” Hale added.
“Consider it done,” Evola said.
“Good,” Hale replied. (VNN’s note: “Consider it done” can have several meanings, e.g., “consider the matter dropped/finished”).
(From an article titled “Hale Guilty on 4 Counts,”
Chicago Tribune, April 27, 2004)

[2] “One juror said hearing Hale speak on the undercover audiotapes about Smith’s shooting rampage helped convince him that Hale was capable of commissioning a murder.” — ibid.


23 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Africa, black crime, black leaders, black pols, black rule, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, Socrates, South Africa, War On White People at 3:36 pm | Permanent Link

White sailboaters go into a “personal security store” in South Africa to buy some boat protection, but all they are allowed to buy are CO2 pellet guns and pepper spray. No real guns. Yeah, sure! Those toys will keep the negro criminals away — but only for about 15 seconds because the negroes will have stolen, real guns, as usual, just like in Detroit and Chicago. There’s a big lesson here, newbies. Don’t let your White country turn Black. Ever. (It’s funny: You might think that, in third-world areas of the world such as South Africa [which used to be a White-run country until 1994], gun laws would be more lax, since standards of living in general are lax. But no. It’s just the opposite. In the Brown, crazy, lazy, third world, gun laws are more strict. Under negro rule in South Africa, guns are now more regulated, e.g., the Firearms Control Act of 2000; you now need a license for each gun you own, limit is 4. The kicker: licensing depends on the whims of some negro “government official.” He’ll decide if you need, or can even own, a gun. Be thankful for living in the West, White man, where you can still protect yourself with real guns, most of the time anyway).

[Video; duration is 30 minutes].

23 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America's future, America-the-sitcom, Europe, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Leo Pasvolsky, NATO, perpetual war for perpetual peace, Putin, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, war as unnecessary, War On Normal, War! War! War!, World War III, World War Wheeee! at 12:35 pm | Permanent Link

Pentagon official #1: “Surely you realize that, by treating Russia as the ‘perpetual bad guy’ in the world, sooner or later, America will fight a war with Russia, possibly even World War III.”

Pentagon official #2: “I know! Isn’t it great?? Give war a chance, I always say!”

A news article, Oct. 23: “The text of the administration’s Nuclear Posture Review, released last year, specifically cites the importance of dual-capable aircraft (DCA) in Europe and states that a nuclear-armed F-35 is fundamental to deterring Russia.” [Here] [1].


[1] “And under this aging NATO today, the U.S. is committed to treat an attack on any one of 28 nations, from Estonia to Montenegro to Romania to Albania, as an attack on the United States. The time is ripe for a strategic review of these war guarantees to fight a nuclear-armed Russia in defense of countries across the length of Europe that few could find on a map.” — Pat Buchanan

23 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'celebrity culture', Alex Linder, America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, celebrities/famous people, Goebbels, jewed culture, mafia, National Socialism, Nazi era, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Socrates at 11:17 am | Permanent Link

Alex already posted this graphic of Goebbels at Kirksville Today, but I wanted to comment on “Part II” so to speak: Goebbels also said that only in America are gangsters treated like celebrities; indeed, citizens used to approach Al Capone in public and ask him questions like, “hey, Al, who do you want to win the election next week?” Capone was treated like a movie star, as was, later on, John Gotti. America has such a “celebrity-worship culture” that anyone can become an icon. (A print artwork by serial killer Charles Manson — i.e., not the original, but a copy of it — can sell for $2,000).

7 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in communism, Cuba, history, History for newbies, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Kennedy family, Marxism, Neocon agenda, neocon ideology, Neocons, Nicaragua, Sandinistas, Socrates, Soviet Union, tikkun olam, Vietnam, Vietnam War, Walt Rostow at 12:58 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish neocon Walt Rostow [1916-2003]).

Who created the Vietnam War? Probably Walt Rostow more than anyone else. He was President Kennedy’s friend and national security advisor, and he was a Jewish neoconservative before anyone knew what a Jewish neoconservative was. He convinced President Kennedy to begin an anti-communist crusade in Southeast Asia (beginning in Laos in 1961) and, to a lesser extent, in Latin America [1]. The Rostow thesis was basically this: “The U.S. could save the entire world from communism as long as the third world strictly followed and obeyed the economic/political ideas of the U.S. and as long as America could ‘nurture’ and ‘grow’ the third world by feeding it capitalism and anti-communism via a huge, steady supply of U.S. aid, including lots of money.” (More tikkun olam, in other words). Put another way, the Rostow thesis was: “if the Soviet Union was going to be the world’s communist mothership, then the U.S. was going to be the world’s anti-communist, freedom mothership.” Of course, that’s not what happened. America lost the Vietnam War to the communists in 1975, and Nicaragua went communist in 1979. Furthermore, the U.S. could have easily ended communism in Cuba if it had really wanted to. Ironically, the Rostow thesis might have worked, if America had been much more ruthless and aggressive. If America had bombed the living shit out of Vietnam, Cuba and Nicaragua, I mean via 24/7 aerial “carpet-bombing,” it might have worked. Maybe. Possibly. Old saying: “never fight a war half-assed.”


[1] “The Eisenhower Doctrine was focused upon providing both military and economic assistance to nations resisting communism in the Middle East, and by increasing the flow of trade from the US into Latin America. The Kennedy Doctrine was based on these same objectives, but was more concerned with the spread of communism and Soviet influence in Latin America following the Cuban revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power under Eisenhower.” — Wikipedia

7 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Civil Rights Act of 1964, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, Lautenberg, Lautenberg Act, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought, women, women and 'equality', women and divorce, women in the military, women in the workforce, Women Politicians at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

Feminism has been permanently installed in America since 1972 [1]. There is no place where women aren’t located. They’re in Congress, on the police departments, in the fire departments, in the military (even in the U.S. Marine Corps!). Feminism is now official doctrine in all of America. Period.

Therefore, I say, women no longer need any special treatment. They no longer need any federal “civil rights” laws, such as Affirmative Action. They no longer need the Lautenberg Act. They no longer need any laws that give them an unnatural advantage or protect them. They no longer need courts to favor them in divorce proceedings. They no longer need any of that.

Feminism cancels all “civil rights” laws for women. If you’re equal, you don’t need special help.


[1] see the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act, which took Title VII of the Jewish-created 1964 Civil Rights Act even further