20 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in educated morons, education, intjewlectuals, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, stupid people with big brains at 6:33 pm | Permanent Link

1. Get a Ph.D. in something stupid — like sociology — from Berkeley.
2. Watch Woody Allen movies.
3. Drink (no, sip) white wine.
4. Eat only vegetables.
5. Drive a Volvo.
6. Subscribe to the magazine “Marxism Today.”
7. Call Donald Trump and his supporters “Nazis.”
8. Read 362 ridiculous books written by other intellectuals.
9. When your neighbor asks you if he can borrow a wrench, ask him in all seriousness, “what’s a wrench?”
10. Worship Noam Chomsky.
11. Watch PBS television every day.
12. Name your children “Fidel” and “Che”
13. Join the Peace Corps.
14. Cry when someone reminds you that Hillary Clinton didn’t become president in 2016.
15. Call Ronald Reagan “a fascist who exploded the federal deficit!” (as if liberals really give a flying crap about the deficit).
16. Use these words/phrases every day: democracy, racism, sexism, Trump, extremist, hate, human rights, homeless, equality, equity, gender, fascism, fairness, inclusiveness, diversity, reproductive rights, speak truth to power, tolerance, disadvantaged youth, White privilege, undocumented workers, carbon footprint, economic justice, affordable housing, global warming/climate change.


20 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in feminism, feminism as fraudulent, Feminists, feminization of the West, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, multiculturalism, multiculturalism led by Jews, political correctness, War On White Males, War On White People, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, four horrible ideologies run America: Zionism, Multiculturalism, Leftism and Feminism. (Ironically, or not, all four are Jewish or heavily-Jewish in their origins).

I’ll address each one separately.

Zionism: the Jewish movement to create, nurture and protect the state of Israel. Zionism has been official U.S. policy since September 1975 due to U.S. (and Jewish) diplomat Henry Kissinger’s Sinai II agreement. Kissinger created an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) that was attached to Sinai II — it was a document signed with Israel — that stated that America will do anything that is required to keep Israel safe and sound from that moment forward. It was historically unprecedented. In other words, America will go to war for Israel, and bail out Israel if it needs financial help. Amusingly, or not, there were secret addendums and memorandums attached to the MOU. No, you can’t see them. Only Jews are allowed to see them. The MOU is updated/renewed regularly (i.e., every 10 years; the last time was in 2018). It’s a truly insane agreement. Only fools would agree to such a thing. America and Israel are “joined at the hip” now: USrael. Sadly, many White people are Zionists (most are Christians who say dumb things like, “we must protect Israel because that’s where Jesus was born!” They really believe that!).

Multiculturalism: the idea that America must be multicultural is a new, and dangerous, idea. Why does America need more Blacks and Mexicans? It doesn’t, of course. Trivia: back circa 1960, some Jewish group made a TV commercial that aired during a big sports event (it might have been the World Series, I forget). Anyway, this TV commercial was in “cartoon” format and it lectured White people about how Brown foreigners from strange lands were “vital” to American society. Jews played a big role in the multiculturalization of America.

Leftism: Leftism is largely-Jewish in origin, e.g., the pro-abortion movement (Lawrence Lader, Ruth Proskauer-Smith, Bernard Nathanson) and the pro-homosexual movement (Magnus Hirschfeld, Larry Kramer, Rikki Streicher). Leftists, also called liberals, want the government to control the people from cradle to grave. That of course requires heavy taxation, which is just fine with the leftists. Leftism has been boldly anti-White since 1960. Trivia: I once read an article in which a White leftist wrote: “I don’t want my taxes lowered!” Seriously! That’s what he said. Why? Apparently, he thought that “poor Black people” need his tax dollars or they’ll die. Leftists are crazy. They are. There are two types of leftists: true believers (the majority, who actually believe the leftist propaganda) and posers (the minority; they know leftism is bullshit, but they go along with it anyway, for various reasons: personal, political, financial, even romantic reasons).

Feminism: “Second-wave feminism” is largely-Jewish in origin, and from 1971 onward it has pushed the idea that men and women are “equal” except for their genitals. In other words, women can do anything that men can do. That is total crap, but it didn’t prevent the feminist movement from flourishing. The godfather (oops, godmother) of feminism was Jewish feminist author Betty Friedan (real name Goldstein; 1921-2006). Today, feminism is a standard feature of America. Women are cops, firemen (oops, I mean “firepersons” er, “firepeople”?), and even U.S. Marines! Semper Cry! (How women got into the USMC is a mystery, since Marines are front-line combat troops. Some very powerful people in DC must have moved Heaven and Earth to install girls into the Corps).

Due to those four ideologies, America is now clown-world. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping know it (and have publicly said so). Even Joe Biden knows it.

19 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Identity politics, jewed culture, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, jewhad, Jewish Question, Jewish World Revolution at 9:23 pm | Permanent Link

A very good point: leftists say, “all humans are equal” but then they say, “leftists are morally superior to rightists.” How can both be true?

And, if Blacks are equal to Asians, why do they need welfare, but Asians don’t? Asians come to America and succeed without welfare. How?

Now, here’s a quote for all time:

“(Jonathan Sacks, Britain’s chief rabbi) said Britain’s politics had been poisoned by the rise of identity politics, as minorities and aggrieved groups jockeyed first for rights, then for special treatment. The process, he said, began with Jews, before being taken up by blacks, women and gays.”

Oy vehh!! Jews! Jews are always the nugget of every problem in the West. Old saying: “scratch a problem, and there’s a Jew underneath it.”


19 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, homeschooling, political correctness at 4:23 pm | Permanent Link

If you have kids, there’s only one solution: homeschool them. It takes only 1 hour per day if done correctly. Stick with only the basics: reading, math, spelling, geography, etc. Get good books and a small blackboard. Contact homeschooling experts if needed. (Also, you must teach by rote: over and over and over. Repeat, repeat, repeat).

“A Catholic school board in Canada will ask students to self-certify their gender identity and provide other private information in a school-wide survey kept hidden from parents. The Waterloo (Ontario) Catholic District School Board (WCDSB), which made headlines for flying an LGBTQ pride flag outside its headquarters last year, announced the launch of its “School Climate Survey” for children in grades 4 through 12 on its website.” (The very idea that a 4-grader has a “gender identity”! Holy crap! Teacher: “Tommy, what’s your gender identity?” Tommy: “Go pound sand, faggot!” Atta boy, Tommy!).

Article: “Catholic school board asks young kids to select gender identity in survey hidden from parents”


19 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, cop-hate, cops at 2:57 pm | Permanent Link

Two especially bad things about cops: 1) they tend to be “yes-men” (“yes, sir! I’ll do it right away, sir, no matter how stupid it is!”) and 2) they have pensions, and they’ll do anything to keep from getting fired and losing those pensions. So, in Canada, when the boss says “crack some trucker skulls” they do. The fact that the orders are unconstitutional and brutal makes no difference. The fact that Justin Trudeau is another Stalin makes no difference. Logic makes no difference.

I’ve met cops who are decent. But I’ve met more who are power-hungry jerks. (One day, years ago, a cop called me a “racist” when I told him that the person who stole my bicycle was Mexican. But he was a Mexican. I saw him!).

“The obvious answer is that many of those who find jobs in law enforcement seek power over others and permission to abuse that power when the opportunity arises.”

Article: “Why are the police we revere doing the tyrants’ bidding?”


18 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

How scared are the global leftists of Donald Trump? So scared that even in Canada they fear Trump and punish people who support him! (Think of it: if this is how they feel about the democratic Trump, just imagine how the leftists would feel about a real fascist coming onto the scene? The leftists would go berserk! What the hell does Trump have to do with Canada? Nothing. He isn’t even president in America anymore! See how it always comes back to Trump? Again and again and again).

News quote: “Justin Trudeau’s Justice Minister, David Lametti on Wednesday said that being pro-Trump is a factor that will decide if your bank account is seized or frozen under Trudeau’s Emergency Orders.”


18 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", 'White privilege', 'White supremacist', jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

How many Jewish philosophers does it take to change a lightbulb? Actually, it takes 179.

Trivia: most “Western” philosophers were actually Jewish. You’re surprised, aren’t you? Jews think a lot. About how they can wreck White culture.

“Brandon Scott, who plays the Black academic Baxter Forrest in “Power of Sail,” tries to stop Nichols from hosting Carver at the symposium while citing 20th century philosopher Karl Popper’s “paradox of tolerance.” Popper’s idea is that if a society — in pursuit of tolerance without limits — tolerates the intolerant, the latter will eventually destroy that society.”

“Sir” Karl Popper (1902-1994) was a Jew [1]. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1965. Nobody knows why.



[1] “All of Popper’s grandparents were Jewish, but they were not devout and as part of the cultural assimilation process the Popper family converted to Lutheranism before he was born” — Wikipedia, Feb. 2022.

18 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Big Biden Fiasco, Big Biden Nightmare, election fraud, elections, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, vote fraud, voting at 11:11 am | Permanent Link

Voter #1: “The leftists are going to have to steal the November mid-term elections.

Voter #2: “Why?”

Voter #1: “Do you honestly think that the leftists can win the elections on their own, without theft? Honestly??? After all the crap they have pulled during the Big Biden Nightmare? The 2020 election theft? The Afghanistan pullout fiasco? The supply-chain fiasco? The horrible Covid-19 mandates? Sky-high inflation? Illegal aliens flooding into America? Gas prices doubled? Even leftists aren’t going to vote for the Left.”

The liberals have painted themselves into a corner from which there is no escape. And things will only get worse: Joe Biden will likely be completely senile by July. Then what? Kamala becomes president? Absolutely nobody in DC (or in the rest of America) wants that.

The leftists have only two choices in November: lose the mid-term elections (and we’re talking losing very badly), or try to steal them. Both options suck for the leftists. If they try to steal them, too many people are going to be hip to it since they already stole the 2020 election.

This isn’t a good time for leftists in America. Their “brand” is very unpopular. In fact, it’s likely that the Left will never recover from the Big Biden Nightmare.

17 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Japan, Online movies, World War II at 8:53 pm | Permanent Link

“Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison” (1957); starring Robert Mitchum and Deborah Kerr. If you ignore the usual, standard anti-Japanese WWII propaganda, it’s a good movie. Great characters, great acting. Mitchum is always good.

(Trivia: America and Imperial Japan were friendly for years, until president F.D. Roosevelt decided to “fix” that “problem.” The Americans hung Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo in 1948. His “crime”? Defending Japan against the unjust Western actions against it, e.g., the August 1941 oil and gasoline embargo against Japan, which prevented it from importing oil and gasoline. “Defending yourself against Roosevelt’s global Marxism” was a major crime back then. Had the embargo not occurred, the Pearl Harbor attack never would have happened — indeed, that’s why the embargo happened! Roosevelt needed an excuse to enter WWII in order to 1) help England and 2) lure Germany into declaring war on America, which it did, in Dec. 1941).

[Movie; video, 1 hour, 45 minutes].

17 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, Global Man, globalization, Great Reset, New World Order, NWO, The Great Replacement (TGR), The Great Reset at 3:21 pm | Permanent Link

One more thing about that Great Reset .PDF document: looking at that document, it is easy to think, “these elite, globalist people have so much money and power that they will indeed take over the world.” Wrong. Because there are only 60 of them (the big players, the very top people). But there are 100 million White populists, maybe more, just in the U.S. alone. Add to that number: White people in Canada, Australia, England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Norway and you’ve got at least 250 million White populists, maybe even 300 million. We’ve got the numbers, by a very, very long mile. Never forget that.