7 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in music, Socrates at 8:54 pm | Permanent Link

This 1949 song is famous and has been recorded by countless famous people. But Johnny Cash’s version, posted here, is probably the best version. [Video].

7 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: “Dr.” Martin Luther King, Jr. in jail — as usual. King stole roughly half of the material in his doctoral thesis, but nonetheless, his Ph.D. in Theology from Boston University has never been revoked. Why not? [1]).

Citizen #1: “So, the people of Kansas City didn’t want a street named after a Black, Marxist pseudo-reverend who instigated riots, plagiarized his doctorate, and slept with White prostitutes.”

Citizen #2: “Yeah, I know! There’s so much racism in Kansas City!”

Citizen #3: “Those rotten White people! MLK was like Jesus for colored folks!”



[1] Further reading: “King’s Doctorate Upheld Despite Plagiarisms” by Larry Gordon, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 11, 1991

7 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', Britain, communism, Cultural Marxism, England, equality, Frankfurt School, Freud, Freudianism, Georg Lukacs, health care, human equality, jewed culture, Jewed health care, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, political correctness, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People at 12:06 pm | Permanent Link

So, in theory, if you make a comment or gesture in a British hospital which is considered to be “sexist” or “racist,” you could be denied health care. (Wait a second: I thought health care was a “human right”? Every leftist says so!). But who decides what is, and isn’t, sexist or racist? The brainwashed, PC hospital staffers do! White people, make no mistake: Cultural Marxism — sometimes called Political Correctness (PC) — is a type of mental illness (i.e., it is the unreasonable, obsessive desire for, and expectation of, human equality in all areas of life. But humans cannot ever be equal. Cultural Marxism is Jewish in origin and is a mixture of Marxism and Freudianism) [1]:

“The abusive behaviour policy covers anyone with mental capacity making: Racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour.” [Webpage].


[1] concerning the roots of Cultural Marxism

6 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Mexican arrogance, Mexican corruption, Mexican leaders, Mexico, Socrates at 3:22 pm | Permanent Link

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador: “As the president of Mexico, I say this: we must continue with our policy of taking bribes…oops, heh, heh…I mean, uhhhh…we must continue with our policy of hugs, not bullets. If you need a hug, I will hug you…hugs will defeat the drug cartels…yes…lots of hugs will defeat the cartels…”

6 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Cohencidences, genocide, genocide by jew, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Japan, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, nationalism, New World Order, NWO, Socrates, Wesley Clark at 2:17 pm | Permanent Link

Globalist Jew #1: “Ethnically pure states like Japan must import immigrants. In the 21st century, there is no place for racial purity anywhere.”

Globalist Jew #2: “Except in Israel!” [1][2].



[1] Israel (a.k.a. Palestine) has gone from being roughly 40% Jewish in 1948 to being roughly 75% Jewish today — in other words, it’s becoming more racially Jewish as the entire world goes the other way and commits suicide-by-immigration (a strange habit which has been sponsored and pushed mostly by…Jews! Must be just a Cohencidence, huh?)

[2] quoting the Jewish, NATO general Wesley Clark in April 1999: “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.” (Granted, he was talking about Europe, not Japan, but his comments can easily apply to Japan as well. The New World Order does not include racially pure states — except Israel, which calls itself “The Jewish State” and its flag features a Jewish symbol only)

5 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Black Cities, black crime, black violence, Socrates at 4:58 pm | Permanent Link

Such as sharks, poisonous snakes, etc. But it’s funny: I didn’t see any negroes listed. Wonder why not? Negroes are very dangerous creatures.

5 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "gay marriage", "gay", homosexual themes, homosexuals, Socrates, War On Normal, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 3:17 pm | Permanent Link

Interestingly, many homosexuals were involved in heterosexual relationships for years before “discovering” that they were really homosexuals. This is telling of the homosexual mindset. They must have been in very deep psychological denial in order to be married to a person of the opposite sex for decades and then, presto!, one day they announce (yes, they must announce it to the whole world) that they are “gay.” This greatly de-legitimizes the queer movement: they don’t seem to know who or what they really are. Queer? Straight? The rock singers David Bowie and Lou Reed went back and forth from queer to straight several times each! Elton John was married to a woman in 1984, but now he’s married to a man. How confusing and sad.

As for “gay marriage,” it cheapens normal marriage. Therefore, it harms normal marriage, and so, because the traditional family unit is the bedrock of Western civilization, “gay marriage” is actually harmful to Western culture. (Such “marriage” should be called “unions” or “partnerships” or similar).

Also interestingly: people who call themselves “bisexuals” (that means “queers who have not fully ‘come out of the closet’ yet”) commit much more domestic violence than normal people. Queers also engage in risky behavior (e.g., taking illegal drugs, driving a car very fast, having unprotected sex [!]) much more often than normal people. Queers are also more likely to be pathological liars and narcissists than normal people, and they crave constant attention from others.

5 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in FBI, First Amendment, free speech, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

“One flyer read “It’s OK to be white” and the other read “Islam is right about women…University officials immediately reported the flyers to Danbury and state police and referred the messages to the FBI office in New Haven, all of whom were investigating who made the flyers on Friday…”

Okay. Which of those flyers are illegal? Any lawyers out there? Which of the flyers will send you to jail? Speech is only illegal if it incites or encourages violence. They’re treating this incident like an actual crime. Here’s hoping that the guy who left the flyers (if he is “caught” and “punished” for his “crime”) finds a good pro bono attorney and files many, many lawsuits.


5 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in counterculture, jewed culture, Jewish radicals, Sixties, Socrates at 11:23 am | Permanent Link

What was I saying about Jews aiding radicals? They always do. In fact, without Jews, leftist and Black radicals would have trouble existing!

“(Huey) Newton in the meantime lived the high life: he hobnobbed with lefty Hollywood celebs, snorted cocaine and hosted various beautiful women in his penthouse in downtown Oakland, paid for by Jewish movie producer Bert Schneider.”

(Recall that I mentioned Schneider about a month ago; he produced and financed the 1969 cult movie “Easy Rider”).


5 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in brown crime, brown culture, Brown Man, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican corruption, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Socrates at 10:48 am | Permanent Link

A case of “mistaken identity” (as some have suggested)? No way. You don’t accidently machine-gun an SUV full of kids. What rotten luck: a great country like America is located next to a toilet called Mexico.
