16 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, Obama, Socrates, war, War! War! War!, warmongers, women, women and 'equality', women and bugs, women and emoting, women bosses at 2:37 pm | Permanent Link

“Obama Says Women Are “Indisputably Better” Than Men, And Should Lead Every Country” [Here].

Let me see if I understand this: women — people who scream at the sight of bugs, cry at the drop of a hat, and have “periods before their periods” — are “better” than men? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! (But I’ll give women credit: if they did rule the world, there would be fewer wars — I think).

15 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, socialism, Socrates, taxes, taxing Whitey at 2:30 pm | Permanent Link

One day, my dad came home from work and announced that he had gotten a pay raise. But he didn’t seem all too happy about the raise. When asked why not, he said: “Well, now I’m going to make more money, but, now I’m also in a higher income-tax bracket. So now, I earn more money, but I pay more in taxes. So why did I bother to work hard in order to get a raise that won’t really help us?” Indeed. Progressive federal taxes (both on income and on inheritances) are just Socialist/Marxist bullshit. They need to be ended [1].


[1] Long championed by liberals, the progressive federal income tax was created in 1913 by the 16th Amendment; the progressive federal estate tax was created in 1916; a federal gift tax was created in 1924 to get even more money from White families; the federal tax laws caused massive privacy losses for White citizens; sources for this tax information include the article “Estate Taxes: An Historical Perspective” by Gary Robbins

15 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in climate change, environmentalism, global warming, green Marxism, Socrates at 12:31 pm | Permanent Link

News quote: “(Greta) Thunberg traveled to Turin in an electric car after attending the COP25 climate conference in Madrid, where she had given a speech accusing world governments of “creative PR” over their climate change stances.”[1].

“Fossil fuels are the most common source of electrical energy in Italy, accounting for 72.7% of the total production in 2012.” — Wikipedia. So, in order to charge the battery for the “green” car, Italy burned coal (or possibly natural gas) to make the electricity to charge it! Those are “evil fossil fuels,” ha-ha-ha. Even if you use a still-rare “DC fast-charging” station, there is still some AC electricity involved there. You absolutely cannot escape electricity and the fossil fuels used to create it.


[1] Thunberg is Time magazine’s “Person of the Year”

14 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish power, memes, slogans, slogans for WNs, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 5:30 pm | Permanent Link

This is a great meme to teach newbies about the Jews: the “Jew Coup” (it’s short, it rhymes and it’s true).

14 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, New York, New York Shitty, Socrates, The Big Bagel at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal #1: “Oh, my god! Innocent Afreaking-Amerikwans could be framed for crimes they didn’t commit!”

Liberal #2: “That’s right! My poor, sweet, innocent 12-year-old Afreaking-Amerikwan neighbor, LaShawnicus DeLarricus Quincillius LaKevin Washington-Jones, has been framed 17 times for robbery, 12 times for rape and 9 times for murder! Those evil White people!”


14 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Brown Man, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Germany, guns & goy controllers, guns and gun issues, immigration, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, War On White People at 11:50 am | Permanent Link

Why the new gun laws? Here’s why: because Black and Brown immigrants can’t displace and replace the White people of Germany if the White people are armed.

News quote: “Another facet of the law is a new regulation that would have everyone who owns a gun in Germany be checked every five years, and they will have to justify why they need a gun in the first place.”


14 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Brexit, Britain, elections, England, EU, free trade, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, international Jewry, jewed culture, jewed politics, plutocracy, Socrates, UN, war, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, White philosophy, White thought at 11:04 am | Permanent Link

Global government is madness: Why would people who live in the UK want to be governed by bureaucrats who live in Belgium? Nonetheless, global government has been a trend for decades.

But now, with Boris Johnson winning the election in Britain, maybe there’s hope that global government (which is illegal) is on the way out [1]. Perhaps France and Germany will soon have their own “Brexits.”



[1] Jews (an international, cosmopolitan people) have long been the major advocates for global government, which violates the natural and long-recognized sovereignty of all states. Global government creates unholy alliances that further ugly things — for example, wars, “free trade” and international plutocracy. The stop-Brexit movement has been led by Jews, e.g., George Soros, Alex Chesterman, Lord David Pannick, Will Straw and Lord Peter Mandelson; dishonorable mention: Gina Miller, who has a Jewish husband

13 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', Jewed cities, jewed culture, jewed music, Jewish genetics, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish World Revolution, New York, New York Shitty, Socrates, The Big Bagel, White philosophy, White thought at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

One day, a genealogist informs you that, instead of being White like you thought, you’re actually 100% Jewish. Do you:

A. start singing “Theme from New York, New York” [1].

B. laugh

C. cry

D. Holocaust yourself

(The correct answer, of course, is D).


[1] “Theme from New York, New York” (1977) was written by Jewish songwriters Fred Ebb and John Kander. Trivia: Brooklyn, NYC is, per capita, the most Jewish place in America, although its Jewish population has actually decreased since the 1940s.

12 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in censorship, college, free speech, jewed culture, jewed education system, Socrates, universities, War On White People, White activism, White media, white nationalism at 3:41 pm | Permanent Link

Liberal #1: “Quick!! Call the police! Call the FBI! Call the CIA! Call Congress! Call the UN! Call NATO! Call the Army! Call England! Call France! Call NASA! Call my mom in Berkeley and my other mom at the porno shop!”

Liberal #2: “Why??? What’s wrong???”

Liberal #1: “White people were posting flyers on campus!!!!”

Liberal #2: “Aaaaahhhhh!!! Free speech!! Sweet mother of Marx! Quick! Call the police! Call the FBI! Call the CIA! Call the UN! Call NATO! Call the Army! Call England! Call France! Call the Communist Party! Call NASA! Call my dad in Cuba and my rabbi in Brooklyn!”


12 December, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'transgender', Britain, Derrida, England, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, socialism, Socrates at 2:23 pm | Permanent Link

Allowing a 12-year-old boy to “change” his sex to “female” is felony child abuse. Is anybody going to be arrested for that? As socialism emerges in the West, look for more of this bullshit. (Jeremy Corbyn, a socialist, is the leader of Britain’s Labour Party. One quarter of Britain’s economy is controlled by the government, i.e., many things, such as big industries, have been “nationalized” and if Britain doesn’t “Brexit” the socialist situation will get worse).

News quote: “A 12-year-old, who is one of Britain’s youngest transgender children, has started transitioning after realising she was born in the wrong body aged just three. Though (he) was born male, her mum says she insisted that she was a girl as soon as she could speak.” (“She”?? “Her”?? He hasn’t had “gender re-assignment surgery” yet! How can he be a “she”/”her” already?? What crap this is! You can thank the postmodernists in the Western universities for this type of bullshit. They insist that there are “no absolutes” in the world, no truths, no boundaries, no fixed reference points. “If a person believes he is a she, then he is” they will say; anything goes, no matter how stupid).
